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  1. Rudeness
  2. You Never Say You're Sorry
  3. Pet Peeves
  4. Magic's List of Grievances
  5. How to be good at this game~ KS fail~~
  6. WTS Trueshot longbow
  7. Tumpy Tonic
  8. A Ranger's story...
  9. Rant!!!!!!
  10. The story of the most epic ranger quest in EQ.
  11. What we sow
  12. Dont be a pompous d***
  13. PENOY = stealing EE from Yiam, fun
  14. So, Inglourious Basterds...
  15. rewind
  16. Forced Rotation Isn't Classic
  17. Do you have balls of steel like Grokk?
  18. A simple question
  19. You're a bunch of manchildren
  20. So why shouldn't I?
  21. List of people who troll and who to /ignore
  22. Slander vs Libel
  23. stop bitching
  24. Should Doug..
  25. For Jeremy
  26. Stolen
  27. Expression RANT
  28. Rick Astley - "Never Gonna Give You Up"
  29. Dear you.
  30. boooooooooooooobs
  31. Karsten touched my tralala!
  32. A cartoon for the kids who are bad at spelling!
  33. These boards are dead
  34. Munchkin trying to steal EE camp
  35. a little help if you please =p
  36. could use some advice
  37. a something that is retarded:
  38. Schadenfreude's Law
  39. My farts smell like coffee
  40. a something that is NOT retarded: (nsfw jesus christ nsfw)
  41. Where is Bilge?
  42. What to do on a raid with IB...
  43. Final boss of Everquest
  44. Greenranger freaks out, blatant racism inside.
  45. people talkin crap that have no clue what they are sayin
  46. Irritating Druids....
  47. an idea that'd benefit lots of people
  48. GodFUCK @ Dualcore
  49. Sorry CB
  50. For the love of god. . .
  51. Mystic Knights of the Cobra (NSFW)
  52. Hey, over here!
  53. The Burden of Intellect
  54. trannies vent pokemon RAP
  55. Karsten...
  56. What has happened to these forums?
  57. Allizia gives his thoughts on the new raid system.
  58. when does expansion open?
  59. It said you were offline...
  60. Special ed is that way --->
  61. BUG: Hole zoneline BROKEN!!!
  62. p50 on Evony
  63. To all the goonies
  64. /ooc sucks
  65. iThug: Shads
  66. Thought officers had more class?
  67. I drew u guys a picture
  68. Hasbinbad is a flaming homosexual
  69. Alawen
  70. so i killed maestro of rancor
  71. dose ne1 know why i cant go pok
  72. hey chirst
  73. The great /ooc debate right here right now
  74. a froglok tal shamaaarrrghgh!
  75. Shamelessly stolen...
  76. Pyjin Unwrapped
  77. Those Goddamn CB Orc trains
  78. Pet 50%+ dmg = 90% pet xp.
  79. "****" is now too vulgar for adults in OOC.
  80. Juda = douche
  81. Deer antler PLUS!
  82. Dear Prince Kyrmt...
  83. hey guys i want a cloak of flames
  84. Raid loots, how GMs distribute it
  85. /OOC Trolling
  86. ooc chat and panda balls
  87. GM Decisions!
  88. Enough with this manastone list BS
  89. I just got an email
  90. Rogue support thread
  91. Soulfighter
  93. Stop going AFK in groups.
  94. I'd hate to break your spirits but...
  95. Melee DPS haet
  96. Server rules according to Meew the moron
  97. How Much can you Thumb Your nose at the GM's?
  98. Remove Odus
  99. Who's in the wrong
  100. You have been disconnected....
  101. Why the hyper-nostalgia?
  102. LOL! Classic
  103. reff truewood
  104. Get your manastones while you can.
  105. unlocking good changes to the game.
  106. IB/Trans/Div ENOUGH of this crap
  107. Can we put in Legends server?
  108. FD nerf
  109. DDoS attacks
  110. wtf
  111. I need to give back to the community
  112. people who i don't like
  113. WTF is going on.
  114. i see you otto
  115. taluvill's my pal
  116. What do you call a paladin that can cause cancer?
  117. IB secretly shortens days to gain the edge
  118. P99-CON!
  119. This new spawn timer variance is great...
  120. Power leveling serves for cash should be BANABLE !
  121. Modus
  122. Remove Modus from our fine community!
  123. hey aeolwind
  124. I seriously cannot believe this...
  125. Fight me irl Nilbog and Aeolwind
  126. Abacab's Bristlebane exploits and Adventures
  127. Clean up your corpses
  128. Camps Defined?
  129. would be a great game...
  130. Any idea on when Kunark will be added?
  131. Not sure where to post this
  132. Feign Death and Casting Mobs
  133. Experience Penalties FINAL
  134. Since we want this to be as classic as possible!
  135. What druid would...
  136. Camp Jackers- Emil
  137. Camps that Lvl 50 toons "steal"
  138. The Ninjalooter's Back.
  139. Hate tells are cute.
  140. the "I h8 Finalose" thread
  141. One of my favorite Gothic Circle members
  142. Horrible Cleric
  143. Seriously Magicflow?
  144. Lol polished steel dirks
  145. Mistakes of SOE
  146. Why did I make a melee?
  147. Get on my horse lmao (semi nsfw)
  148. Land Sharks
  149. Hot Young Teens *NSFW*
  150. Whose going to get Draco/CT?
  151. Groups
  152. The blasphemous thread
  153. CIVIL WAR!
  154. gahh Hawthorne banned why?
  155. Pics of IB HACKING
  156. The /Shitlist - Players who should be avoided at all costs
  157. Transcendence Guild Leadership
  158. Trans
  159. Inglourious Basterds Guild Leadership
  160. Large Hit Boxes & Irish Car Bombs
  161. QQ Moar plz, nubs
  162. How long?
  163. quote from a pal of mine
  164. QQ vs TT
  165. Secrets! Why are you calling me out?
  166. Do Your Part
  167. Semi-Classic
  168. Krimz and IV
  169. Levitate bob
  170. Juicy Juice
  171. which one of IB was this?
  172. My hat is off to you, Stanley
  173. Server lagging, dropping
  174. Loke and IV
  175. So I was curious to see what vztz's forums say about us
  176. Time zone abbreviations
  177. Juice's Fan Thread
  178. Rant and Flames
  179. rants and flames is better than server chat
  180. for my ol pal tiki:
  181. Otto i've got an ICE CREAM PAINT JOB
  182. Banned
  183. Who patches on a Saturday night?
  184. What class is the best?!
  185. I was so excited to be out of 39
  186. Seems like a real JERK! o0o I <3 drama
  187. raaaaaaaaaage /ex
  188. first GM rant!
  189. Smiley
  190. Powerleveling
  191. i am lol
  192. Requesting unban
  193. Lets ruin the server!
  194. Unban request #2 plz
  195. this is all
  196. Fake Armor-smith
  197. Raid mobs - 30 minute timers, and you. IF YOU RAID, READ IT
  198. I <3 Hasbinbad
  199. @ Pants
  200. dieabacabdie!
  201. Zilo is a troll
  202. P99 Hall of shame?
  204. almost 80 people in fear
  205. Inglourious Basterds - Kill Stealing professionals
  206. The Anatomy of a Forum Troll
  207. How to exploit and get away with it
  208. Finawin Effed My Girlfriend!
  209. My art work
  210. A Solution for the Raid Guilds Currently in Conflict.....
  211. This is what happens when IB exists
  212. guildwar me irl
  213. Rants and Flames.
  214. Firiona Vie Fantasy's-NSFW
  215. ddoSeR
  216. my name is crow
  217. i'm famous on the internet
  220. Sigh
  222. Death to all you Smile face guys!!!!
  223. dude bro, hasbin
  224. temporary permission for transcendence to post
  225. Sadly...
  226. I am here
  227. BIG P00P
  228. You SCUMBAGS are getting exactly what you deserve with the DDOS attacks
  229. DDoS Reason
  230. World's Most Persuasive Smurf
  231. Don't worry, DDoSer...
  232. BIG P33
  233. dude bro, karsten
  234. im not famous in the internet
  235. your thoughts?
  236. I am here, but soon you will not be here
  237. for my good old friend pikler
  238. guys im back
  239. So, have you guys ever heard of that Zilo guy?
  240. Im tired of PEQ
  241. 50% exp bonus....
  242. I want to play fn p1999!!!!
  243. Stop feeding the trolls.
  244. Cleaning Up Our Collective Act
  245. Forum Bigot: Omnimorph
  246. Forum Bigot: Jilena
  247. Forum Troll : Hasbinbad
  248. Forum Bigot: Bhutt
  249. Aeolwind:
  250. Confused Much?