View Full Version : Time zone abbreviations

03-24-2010, 05:13 PM
K guys. EST does not stand for EaSTern. It stands for Eastern Standard Time. We are now in EDT, Eastern Daylight Time.

You know, it's fine. I actually originally assumed while I was growing up and learning about life that EST stood for EaSTern time. Cuz it even SOUNDS like east! But then I asked, "why is it CST? why PST? and what is this.. EDT I see sometimes?"

Then I explored the possible options; one of which is NOT "derp, I dunno." There HAD to be a reason.

What could the others mean? CST doesn't mean CeSTral. so what could it be? Think. What do they have in common, what changes, and why? They have the S, then the S changes to D. So that "S" must stand for standard, which changes to daylight. Then bam, you got your "T" - Central Standard WHAT? Time.

So now let's move this baby over to eastern. If CST means Central Standard Time, and which changes to CDT, and some abbreviation "EDT" exists, we have set up our parallel for comparison. EDT obviously means Eastern Daylight Time. And, parallel, EST means Eastern Standard Time.

Kablam, we have dispelled the idiocy that is EST means eastern time.

03-24-2010, 05:24 PM
You're correct.

But colloquially, EST just means eastern time. I often forgetfully refer to the time as x EST even though it's turned over to daylight time. Automatically referring to it as EDT during DST just hasn't reached the queue in my head of things to auto-correct.

I've got the effect/affect thing down. I've long since conquered the you're/your difference. I don't call rogues "rouges". I'll add this to my list.

Anyway, unless you're one of the 14 hillbillies in Indiana who doesn't change, it really doesn't matter. And, for the record, I once lived in that part of Indiana.

03-24-2010, 05:31 PM
hehe you are totally right I'm just bored. I call it est too sometimes. My thing is just that just cuz people do it doesn't make it right. I try to catch myself immediately and correct it though. Tis the path to perfection. What sparked it was someone just asked what time it was est, and a billion people responded with the correct edt time. but yeah good stuff. effect/affect thing kills me as well =p

03-24-2010, 05:38 PM
Who was saying EST means eastern time? lmao

me fail english? thats unposible!

03-24-2010, 05:43 PM
ektar, you sound... mad?

03-24-2010, 05:50 PM
ektar, you sound... mad?

I'm mad can I troll

03-24-2010, 07:00 PM
I'll show you mad zithax. get under my poop!

03-24-2010, 08:58 PM
This might be more appropriate for off-topic, methinks.

03-24-2010, 09:31 PM
sorry, it's both a rant and a flame.