View Full Version : Red Guild Discussion

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  1. < Grindcore > looking for future heroes!
  2. Ogre / Evil Race Guild?
  3. <Mutiny> Recruiting skilled PK'ers
  4. Pet Zerg Guild
  5. <Fish Bait> like a baws
  6. Odus Uprising
  8. looking for someone to make a guild....
  9. <Halas Hunks> R99 PVP/Roleplaying Guild
  10. Looking for RP guild
  11. WIPE it and ROLL it
  12. VZTZ Guilds
  13. Introduction and LF Guild
  14. < The Curse >
  16. <Imaginary Friends> Nordic Guild Recruiting
  17. Dominant pvp guild
  18. It ok if we make an anti-erudite guild?
  19. cleric seeks crew!
  20. Paladin lf pvp guild
  21. RNG Looking for Guild
  22. Holocaust
  23. Euro guilds?
  24. any ADers around?
  25. Looking To Start a Evil Race Guild
  26. <Order Of The Black Lotus>
  27. Its Official, I'm Starting <The Curse> , Thanks Sprinkle
  28. old Rallos Zek site
  29. Ocean of Tears - recruiting
  30. the "Uprising" begins Nov. 18
  31. <Spear of the Nation>: mature, bluebie-friendly, anti-griefing guild recruiting
  32. <Forsaken Empire>
  33. <Terran> Crew
  34. <Fish Bait>
  35. <Earthen Brotherhood>
  36. Looking for guild
  37. Big Freez looking for an Allstar Squad!!!
  38. <Flowers of Happiness>The Legendary Undisputed Reigning Undefeated#1PvPGuildofAllTime
  39. Considering R99
  40. The Soft Hands
  41. Near Gfay?
  42. Uprising (Official Thread)
  43. NON ZERG (aka the gay alliance) THREAD
  44. <Rest In Peace>
  45. <Aftermath> looking for members in Faydark
  46. Im Blue
  47. the real sorath for hire ....
  48. <Mercs of Norrath>
  49. <Knights of Knorthern Knorrath>
  50. any European playing guild?
  51. <High Infidelity>
  52. All Your Guilds
  53. RL Group LFGuild
  54. sometimes u take it way to classic
  55. SoN are Heros
  56. 36 clr lf guild
  57. lvl 14 shm looking for a guild
  58. <Los Banditos> Recruitment Open
  59. The Secret PVP Society
  60. Exile , recruiting
  61. <Secrets Admirers> now recruiting all admirers of Secrets
  62. <Duh, Winning>
  63. <Thugz Mansion> Tupac Memorial Guild Recruiting
  64. <Axis> Recruiting
  65. Low Level Guild! The Antonica Militia!
  66. KOS: The Antonica Militia
  67. Newbie Guild: Conservative Party of Norrath
  68. Evil Rp guild?
  69. <Nihilum> - Recruiting Thread
  70. FF
  72. low lvl guilds?
  73. 21 barb shm looking for a guild
  74. LF Guild
  75. <Velocity> - Is your body ready?
  76. Rallos Zek - Legion of Legends
  77. Rules on the Red server?
  78. is this the old pvp server reborn?
  79. <<Brotherhood>>
  80. <Hand of Innoruuk>
  81. We need a new guild.
  82. Lvl 4 rogue LFG
  83. <Prophets>
  84. Lvl 14 wiz LFG
  85. <Whites>
  86. <Brotherhood> guild, new post!
  87. <Redman>
  88. The Chosen Ones
  89. 11 Warrior LFG
  90. Film star Dwarfwick Davis looking for guild
  92. Anew Revolution
  93. chuck and pals
  94. Army of Grobb
  95. Starwars Time
  96. Never see army of grobb.
  97. Please delete this post.. posted it the wrong place
  98. <The Cool Kids> Now recruiting, cool kids.
  99. Seeking Power Leveler Services
  100. <The Swagdaddys>
  101. Halas Heavy Industries
  102. <Vae Victis>, the good guys.
  103. <Brotherhood> needs YOU!
  104. Level 1 Wizard LFGUILD
  105. Blood Coven (Old Rallos Zek style)
  106. <Neriak Chess Club>
  107. <Red Dawn> Recruiting 46+
  108. a new guild
  109. Looking to start on red
  110. <Hamburger Helper> not really recruiting, but thanks for offering.
  111. La Resistance
  112. New pvp guild
  113. <Infinite> Guild recruiting!
  114. <Brethren>
  115. Huggie needs a guild
  116. <Cool Kids> Recruitment Open
  117. Full Retard - Recruiting
  118. Rogue LFGuild
  119. Level 30 Paladin, former VV Seeks Guild
  120. 42 Wizzy LF guild or leveling partner!
  121. <Handicap> - Recruiting *Newbie Guild*
  122. A Sanctuary from the trolls and the drama.
  123. Any of the early VV guys still around?
  124. Azrael recruitment
  125. 60 necromancer looking for pals, Immersion Level: Midnight
  126. <Curse These Metal Hands>
  127. (SNIPERS) New Raiding Guild
  128. Armin, looking for guild.
  129. Dentists vs. Force
  130. New players in need of a new guild
  131. <Scholio Pipo> Recruitment Thread
  132. Fish Bait
  133. For Great Justice!
  134. <Azraelihum>
  135. < Force >
  136. The Infamous Fentanyl Returning
  137. <Serenity>
  138. < Fair Fighters > Official Recruitment Thread
  139. <Dentists>
  140. <Blacks> What happened?
  141. <BLACKS>
  142. Nature's Fury
  143. Azrael
  144. <Nihilum> Were SK's are garbage
  145. <Coloreds>
  146. <Heresy>
  147. somebody start a newb guild
  148. <Bless These Wooden Legs>
  149. <The Mighty Ducks>
  150. PVP Talks tonight decide Red99 fate
  151. <TBD> Trials Open For Team99
  152. Elven Royal Guard
  153. <Black Crown>
  154. <Illiliililll>
  155. <Human Retribution>
  156. <The Chain Gang>
  157. <Dentists>
  158. <Neriak Strip Club>
  159. Playing my part
  160. <Charles Bronson>
  161. Old RZ player LFG
  162. \ 0 /
  163. Azrael cleric recruitment
  164. Newbie Guild in the Works
  165. <Legion of Levelers>
  166. Azrael
  167. <Rebel Alliance>
  168. Suggestion
  169. Red Dawn Relaunch
  170. Azrael has moved from guild launch, new site
  171. <Knights Who Say Ni> Red Extension
  172. < Free Twainz > is recruiting
  173. Red Dawn Recruiting
  174. <Nizzar's Royal Guard>
  175. < Other People's Pixels >
  176. Adda Wong looking for guild
  177. <Bluebie Dawn>
  178. Wolfpack
  179. The mighty ducks
  180. <Mountain Dew: Code Red>
  181. Azrael Recruiting Thread: A Shadow Has Descended Over Norrath
  182. <I Urinate Whilst on my Throne>
  184. Death Wish 5: The Face of Death
  185. The <Fay Nobility>
  186. what happened to this guild?
  187. Fellowship of the Illuminated
  188. Azrael loot policy and cleric recruitment
  189. Barkley and Pippen's shut up and slam clam city
  190. <Forum Quest> now recruiting!
  191. <Uprising> Leveling Guild
  192. Red Dawn Guild Bank + Goodie DKP Raffle
  193. Top PVP Guild < Azrael > LF more qualified candidates.
  194. <Tepid Peppermint Wonderland>
  195. Azrael #1 PVP Oriented Raid Guild - Looking For Quality Players @ Velious
  196. The Mighty Ducks are back
  197. <Genocidal Tendencies> Casual Red Guild
  198. <Well Adjusted> Recruiting All 20+
  199. <Itty Bitty Tittie Commitee> LFM
  200. All: Hail the NRO
  201. <Uprising> The Legal Alternative
  202. Mercenary
  203. new to red
  204. LFG and help with Black Dire
  205. <Toxic>
  206. EQ experience part 2 - End game choices?
  207. Unrestricted Free Agent seeking guild.
  208. Nihilum VS Azrael
  209. <Hokuten> is recruiting!
  210. <Dentists>
  211. < Non Factors >
  212. <Criminals> Now Recruiting!
  213. <Juggalo Championship Wrestling> now recruiting
  214. <Gay Blades> is recruiting!
  215. <The Mighty Ducks>
  216. <Kids Garden> is now recruiting
  217. 57 SK or 52 ROGUE LFGUILD
  218. Mafia recruitment thread (Euro pvp guild)
  219. <Red Crescent>
  221. <Fish Bait> is now Recruiting
  222. <Second Sons>
  223. New to Red Looking to join a guild
  224. <Top Jew> now recruiting!
  225. <Killer`s Paradise> is currently recruiting RED MEMBERS
  226. Pitcain islands police is now recruiting!
  227. <Empire> now recruiting.
  228. 50 cleric lfg guild
  229. Praetorian Guard
  230. Ghostbusters - Anti-pk newb protection squad recruiting
  231. Guild Scene ?
  232. lv 40 enc looking for guild with plenty of potential duo'ers
  233. Therapists recruiting
  234. <Rap Game Bill Cosby>
  235. Entertaining Guild Invites within
  236. <Firegiants>
  237. crooting bards
  238. <Circle of Trust> the most Premium RED99 GUILD EVER
  239. <Nomsanto Industries Red> - Project 1999 Red's Premiere Baking Guild
  240. Looking for a Guild
  241. looking for a guild
  242. <Fresh> is changing the server!
  243. God's Work is officially recruiting
  244. Suave
  245. <none shall pass>
  246. 15 necro looking for guild
  247. I am starting a guild.
  248. <Cool and Normal> is recruiting!
  249. <Naked and Afraid>
  250. New To Server LFG