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Old 02-18-2012, 12:57 PM
Amelinda Amelinda is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Default Dear Raiding guilds:

Since the raiding guilds are obviously not taking me seriously I think it's time that I send a message. So I am going to say this here, LOUD and clear and then I am going to sticky it so you can look at it every day. Some of you i'd like to staple this to your forehead and i think you would STILL miss out on some key points.

You, as individuals, need to realize the impact that YOUR behavior has on your guild and ultimately on this server. Stop being so selfish and manipulative and stop perpetuating the bullshit.

Yesterday I had a "Come to Jesus Moment" in Fear. Consider this post your "Come to Jesus" moment or at the very least your wake up call.

This is directed at ALL guilds. This is not just about one guild. because let's face it. ALL of you perpetuate the same level and amount of bullshit at all hours of the day, it just varies in it's intensity depending on which of you are online at the time.

In the past 24 hours:
I suspended a TMO player for tagging dracoliche off of IB/VD's raid. He made the claim that he was just trying for FTE. HE DID NOT HAVE A RAID FORCE IN THE ZONE. Who exactly was he pulling draco to? And am i supposed to believe his raid force was sitting in the middle of fear with all of those other mobs? Did he think that the amygdalans were going to help him kill it or did he plan to fear kite it? No. None of that. It was raid interference and he ate a suspension for it. Had the entire guild been in the zone, the entire GUILD would have been raid suspended. I was happy he was the only player in zone so I didn't have to punish the many for the actions of the one. Interesting fact though: I am fairly sure that the individual who did this was not the owner of that account but instead a different player who has caused MANY problems in the past. I am going to start checking IP addresses to ensure that the correct individual receives the punishment.

Then later, after Cazic Thule died, someone in IB ninja looted the last 2 items off of him. (Cazic skin and a staff). Imagine my surprise when I returned from reconnecting after desyncing and the first tell I get is from an officer of the guild telling me "When we get our loot you can have that loot back". The loot they were referring to was from innoruuk on 1/24 that they have been waiting patiently for (until now) for rectification.

It was a pretty stupid move considering it is the SECOND Time that this guild has held loot hostage after something like this which i see as the equivalent of being terrorists and trying to extort a response by holding the items hostage just because in the past I couldn't move the items.

That isn't the way that things go around here. You don't get to hold things hostage to force the response you desire. The "inmates" do not run this institution. I can move loot now and GONE are the days when you had the luxury of acting with delayed response. I can't log your character in but Nilbog and Rogean both damn sure can and I can always leave your character banned indefinitely until one of them can log in and take the item from you.

Let's clear the air also, shall we?? Your behavior is not what got the result that you wanted. I know it was said in guildchat that that it took a players suspension to get your items and I just want to clear that up. You almost did NOT get those items due to that players actions. SO don't clap him on the back just yet. I was on the fence and considered not moving the shattered emeralds of corruption simply because of the attempt to extort a response.

Unfortunately because of the severity of the actions of the one I am now in the position that I am going to punish the many.

IB will be raid suspended for the next 2 weeks for raid interference that was perpetuated by your guild leadership. Be thankful no one's account is banned. Your raid suspension will end at 12:00am EST March 3rd. You may not engage ANY raid targets such as "boss mobs" (including maestro, inny, cazic and draco) in fear and hate., vox and naggy, talendor, gorenaire, sev, trak, and all 6 dragons in VP.

I do not negotiate with terrorists. I am a friendly person and I am friends with many of you. But I am not the big pushover that you seem to think that I am. I am not going to put up with people perpetuating douchebaggery and breaking MAJOR rules and thinking that you are going to get away with it.

I have ONE more petition in the petitions/exploits forum that I'm going to look at and watch fraps from and then hand out punishment if needed for. After that, we are not looking back anymore. If you had petitions in that weren't handled...i'm sorry. but i'm not going to handle stuff that is 2 months old. It's time to move forward. Quit holding onto stuff from weeks and weeks ago, let it go and move forward. It's in the past and it doesn't matter.

**Update** I have now reviewed the petition in the petition section about inny. There was a very blatant train from a TMO officer caught on fraps earlier this week. Had I had the time to watch that fraps prior to today it would be a very different day indeed.

After watching this fraps I am going to do 3 things.

1. I am going to raid suspend TMO for 1 week and reduce IB's suspension to match. Both guilds are subject to the same suspension that was outlined above as far as limitations go. Neither guild may raid. for the time frame of 1 week. your raid suspensions are over 2-25-12 12:00:01 am (midnight next Saturday) The individual who dropped that huge train of mobs on the raid on 2-15 can expect a 1 week suspension. Your punishment matches IB's punishment from last night now.

2. At this point I expect you BOTH to wipe the slate clean and stop this hatfield & mccoy type eternal feud. You are being pretty damn ridiculous at this point. The playing field is now equal. You will both return to the game next Saturday without fear that I will be taking actions against your guilds as a whole for previous behavior.

3. This will be the LAST time I share something like this on the boards as this is FAR out of the ordinary of how things are handled here. We do have a non-disclosure of account information policy here and that is something I definitely plan to adhere to. However at this point unfortunately I felt a harsh wakeup call was the only way to achieve a change in behavior. I really do honestly care about each of you as individuals and collectively and I want you to enjoy playing here but you won't enjoy playing here if all you can do is argue and bicker and fight. except for some of you :P

*if you want to know the reason for the delay initially with inny then i'll tell you. Initially I didn't have powers, After I got powers I became ill due to medication. My dad was put into the hospital last Saturday and had emergency surgery. I have done VERY little in EQ and definitely haven't summoned items in the past 2 weeks because I didn't want to make a mistake in summoning items. None of this is your business but that has been my life for the past month.*

My apologies to IB & TMO both for not being able to update their guildmotds but my computer was mysteriously turned off and it takes literally an hour before my computer will allow me to log into Everquest. My dad comes home from the hospital today so I don't anticipate being in game very much. If you need to reach me. contact ambrotos who will be more than happy to give me a call/text.
Last edited by Amelinda; 02-18-2012 at 03:34 PM..
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