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Old 01-22-2021, 02:11 PM
Vasarious Vasarious is offline

Join Date: May 2016
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Default Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

I've spent some time thinking about doing something that would be fun for myself and others in our nerd world. With the help of a friend, I ended up putting a little quest together designed for a group or so of people, but as many want to participate are welcome to join. It will span a few continents and hopefully the participants will find the content entertaining. There will be several items involved as rewards as well that we hope go to a good home. The target level range is 50-55 or so, but as I said, any are welcome to take part.

I don't know exactly when I'll be able to run it, but I'd like to do it in the next few days close to prime time so that more people might see it and be interested in participating. I won't announce anything on the forum, I'll prolly just long in and start it but I wanted to post a little heads up so that if people in a populated zone just see some random what looks like babbling in /shout, maybe they'll remember this post and see what it's about instead of a whole zone of people ignoring it.
Old 01-22-2021, 03:39 PM
xdrcfrx xdrcfrx is offline

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this is a pretty cool idea! consider me intrigued!
Old 01-22-2021, 10:39 PM
Evia Evia is offline
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I don't play p99 or eq much anymore, but I have always wanted to do something like this! A custom style fun quest where I give out some legit good items. Sounds like fun! Hopefully it goes well! I'm on vacation atm but if you do this later tomorrow I may be home in time to play and/or help! Stoked to see an awesome community move like this regardless! Good form!

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch

Old 01-24-2021, 04:04 AM
eqtrader99 eqtrader99 is offline
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Seeking a "camerman" to help record and perhaps make a video for this event. Pls PM me if you're interested in helping.
Old 01-24-2021, 10:43 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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I have a 52 necro I could do this on.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
Old 01-25-2021, 05:59 PM
Vasarious Vasarious is offline

Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 97

An update! The quest got run last night. Sorry for the long post but I've written up the whole overview of it here. Skip it if you want, but its so long I don't even know if a tldr will work so I wont even bother. A HUGE thanks to Diikembe for helping set this whole thing up and have it run smoothly. The participants seemed to have a lot of fun with it, so down the road I think we'd be down to do another. It started in the Hole and while it took a few minutes to get started, we got the people to do it. Wonder if the gnomes at zone in that were asked to help regret their decision! I've never posted pictures before so if it messes up, sorry. Also a lot of it was run without me being there because I was getting other stuff set up, so I don't have a ton of pictures of some of the action in a couple places. Maybe one of the guys who did it has a few they could share. We had a volunteer who was going to document it but he got tied up with RL stuff. Maybe next time. Without further ado, incoming a long post:

Part one – The Fate of the Fallen Brother

Location: The Hole

Dooesan shouts, “Help! Someone help me, please! I fear something terrible has happened to my brother! Can anyone please help?!”

It took a few minutes but a few intrepid adventurers chipped in to lend a hand. Enter Charliescene [57 Troubadour], Kilye [59 Outrider], Saarkon [57 Templar], Severnight [53 Cavalier], and Ohhyoumad [55 Preserver].

“Oh thank you, thank you!” says Dooesan. “I’m afraid something has happened to my brother. I’ve been searching everywhere for him. I’d looked all over Erudin and the forest outside but found nothing. Then I went to the market in Erudin he found out he bought rope. Lots of it. I couldn’t imagine what he would be doing with so much rope but then remembered we used to climb the rocks along the coast, and a terrible thought came to me."

“Its always been a fascination of his, this place. Prexus knows why, but ever since we were young, he talked of coming here to explore the secrets of the fallen city. Rumors abound of what is below, and the treasures that may be hidden away, but I’ve never met anyone who’s been here. Then he met the girl. I won’t tell you what I think, but ever since they met, he’s been keen to prove himself to her. Always jumping one step further than he should, and it has come to this!”

Dooesan sighs. “I’ve gotten this far, but this is as far as I can go alone. I was hoping that I could catch him before he did anything rash, but I gather that he has used his rope to lower himself down into the pit. I’m no adventurer, and I dare not go so close to Paineel as that, so here I am. I just managed scrape my way through the rock and almost drown doing so. Please, I would be forever in your debt if you can [help] me find Soeesan.”

Being the heroes they are, our adventurers agree to [help].

Dooesan heaves a sigh of relief. “You have no idea what this means to me. I don’t know that I can repay you, but I will forever be in your debt. If I know Soeesan, he would be looking for something truly impressive to give to her. There is talk of a vault that once housed things one can only imagine. I’m sure that is where he would have gone first. If we are fast, perhaps we can find him before…” he trails off, leaving the rest unsaid.

They correctly guess the vault is the bank and set off. After a few near scrapes and Dooesan getting knocked out a couple times, (it’s hard escorting a walking lvl 1 toon all the way to the bank from zone in. Try it some day. Good thing Saarkon is a 57 cleric with a click stick) they find poor Soeesan’s corpse in the vault. Where was Saarkon when Soeesan needed him most? Alas.

Dooesan stands silently for a moment, regarding his fallen brother. “I suppose I’ve known this would be the end as soon as I learned he was missing. I had half convinced myself that I could save him, but this place…how else could it have ended?”

A sad smile plays across is face. “Look how far he made it, all alone. I knew he was strong…”

The smile fades. “And for what? Slain before he could get whatever he was after.”

He looks at those who helped him. “You’ve done more than I could ever have hoped, but I must ask one last favor of you. Please, [help] me get his body home. I would like to carry him out of here like a proper hero. His name will go down as one of the bravest in all of Erudin.”

Once again, our heroes [help] him make his way to the exit. They arrive. (There are corpses there to prove it.)

Dooesan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. “This was the ring he was going to give the girl. He asked me to keep it safe until their wedding day. That day will never come now, and I can’t help but feel that he would still be here if not for her.”

Anger flashes across his face. “Take this ring to her so that she may know what happened because of her. I will take my brother’s body and see that he has a place to rest for all time. Again, I thank you all. The girl is called Gemrasi. I’m sure you will find her skulking about not far from this place. Farewell to you all.”

They take the ring and find Gemrasi in Paineel, give her the ring and explain what has happened.

Gemrasi takes the ring and looks at it for long moments. A single tear slides down her cheek. She visibly composes herself and looks at the adventurers. “This is indeed a sad day. Soeesan was a very brave and capable man. He was strong, reliable and resourceful. Even so, the Hole is a dangerous place, as you all must well know. He will be missed”

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Gemrasi, and while I did have an affection for Soeesan, I believe he thought our relationship different than it was. I work for an organization, and we are always on the lookout for promising recruits. It didn’t take us long to see that Soeesan displayed extraordinary talents. His loss will affect a great many people.”

She pauses. “Perhaps though, we can turn a tragic loss into a gain. Clearly you are quite formidable in your own right. You have succeeded in recovering Soeesan from the depths of an accursed place. Indeed, you took his brother down to the deeps and back out again! Dooesan is a good man in is own right, but he lacked the abilities of his brother. What you have done is nothing short of incredible."

“I understand the way Dooesan feels. There are events moving along of which he has no knowledge. He lost his brother so it is only natural that he places the blame somewhere. He truly has a good soul, and I hope his Prexus will smile upon him. I will see to it that we do something for his family. It won’t bring Soeesan back, but we will find a way to do right by Soeesan and his memory.”

She holds the ring out. “Please take this. It never really would have truly belonged to me, and if Dooesan doesn’t want it, keep it as your own, you’ve earned it. Indeed, with your skills you could prove to be very valuable to my cause. And I to yours, I should think. Important things are happening rapidly. If you’ve a mind to, I have an urgent mission you could assist with right away. We pay quite handsomely. Let me know if you are [interested].

They are [interested]. Also they receive their first reward: Velium Fire Wedding Ring

“Splendid! I have a colleague who I was going to send Soeesan to, but you will go in his stead. In a far-off land there is a place where two jungles converge. In the place where the jungles meet, seek out a gnome named Sprindle and give him this note. He can explain what needs to be done. It is a dangerous place, so be wary. I wish you luck and hope to see you again one day. Farewell.”

Part 2 – Frogloks in the Mists

Our adventurers correctly guess that they are off to the Emerald Jungle near Trakanon’s Teeth. They find Sprindle near a fallen tree. It looks as though sometime in the past a battle between man (and troll and elf and dwarf, and …) versus dragon has taken place here. Many times. Are many more to come? Only time and socks will tell. In any event, our team locates Sprindle and gives him the note.

“Mmm. So Gemrasi sent you, eh? Well, if she trusts you, so will I. Not that I’ve a choice, do I? Listen closely, our time is limited. There are frogmen in this land, not unlike the ones found on Antonica. However, they are much more savage in these jungles. Through skill, misdirection and no small amount of luck, I’ve made it this far, but I’m afraid going any further is beyond my limits. There is a hunter in these jungles that may hold valuable information that I need. There seems to be unrest in the frogloks of this land, as well as Antonica. We need to find out why. Let us journey to the south. It seems that the hunters reside deeper into the teeth of this place. Let me know when you are [ready].”

They are [ready] and all travel to Trakanon’s Teeth.

Sprindle says, “You can find one of the hunters out there I’m sure, but it is teeming with danger. If you can isolate one and perhaps bring it here to kill, it will be easier for me to study. I will wait here.

The group finds and kills a hunter. I think actually while doing so, Severnight got his Sebilis key, so there’s a nice little bonus.

Sprindle purses his lips. “I can’t be certain, as my mastery of their culture is limited at best, but it looks as though there is a certain froglok within their citadel located in the jungle that has information that may be vital to what is going on in their isolated civilization. All I can determine is that there seems to be a prison of some kind in their city. They are training armed combat against their prisoners. Go and seek out this special agent. Keep a sharp eye out for a froglok that is using a weapon that we’ve never seen them wield before. Here, take this bag. It will be useful to carry whatever you may recover from your expedition. Keep the bag and any other treasures you may find, but return to me whatever the special froglok might have. Good luck.”

The second prize is given, a Bag of the Tinkerers. To Sebilis they travel. After working out that they need to go to the iksar jail, they encounter a froglok bok shaman wielding a strange spear. Liberating the spear from the froglok, they hastily return and give it to Sprindle. For inquiring minds, the trophy is a Crafted Velium Spear.

“Was he carrying anything other than the spear?” asks Sprindle.

Whoops, they forgot the oh so important note it was carrying. Fortunately, as Gemrasi has so astutely pointed out previously, our heroes are quite resourceful. Procuring the services of a rogue, they work out a deal for her to silently slip back into the citadel and she is able to recover the note. Turnin take two.

Sprindle examines what he has been given. “Hm, what an odd weapon for a froglok to be carrying. I’ve never seen its like before. Hm… No matter, that is a question for another day. Keep the spear, what is written on the note is what I am interested in.”

He reads what is on the paper. “I can’t make out all of what is written, but this may be worse than what we thought. Hurry you must take this note to Merise. She will know what to make of it better than I. Look for her in Freeport. She spends most of her time in the wizard’s guild.”

Sprindle looks hard at the assembled team. “Take care in that city. It is a corrupt place. Goodbye.”

Part 3 – Royal Rivals

Our heroes arrive in freeport and find Merise and give her the parchment from Sprindle.

Merise takes the note and as she reads her eyebrows climb to the top of her forehead. “I don’t know you, but from what my agents say, you have done magnificent work! However, your tasks are not yet done. The frogloks from Kunark are their own tribes, but still have some affiliation to the ones to the south. Why remains a mystery to me, but there is unrest in their stronghold. A place called Guk. I can’t be certain, but it looks as though the froglok lord may have gone missing. We must investigate this immediately! Tell me when you are [ready] and we will all go together.”

Our band of warriors is clearly [ready] for the next challenge, so off to murky Innothule and the foreboding entrance into the tunnels below.

Merise looks into the tunnels leading down. “Unfortunately, you must go on without me. If things go poorly, I cannot fall here. There are too many other things at stake. If what I have read is true, the shin lord of this place has vanished. Take this bracer for protection."

She has offered a Silver Chitin Wristband.

"Go to the froglok shin lord’s chamber and find whoever is there. Make them talk. If they resist, do what you must. Bring me back what you find.

Upon killing the lord's imposter, they discover an unusual weapon and a note.
They bring back the Di'zok Imperial Katana and remembered the additional note this time.

“It is as I had feared. There has been a shift in the balance of power among the frogloks. For years there has been a tenuous peace between the froglok factions. It looks as though the ghoul lord has made a play and shattered that peace. Through treachery and deception, he has either killed or imprisoned both the froglok lord and the king himself. The effects of this may not be fully understood for years to come."

“While frogloks are prickly at the best of times, the ghoul lord is truly evil. He must be stopped. He cannot be allowed to marshal the combined forces of the froglok nation both on Antonica and Kunark. Are you [ready for instructions]?

What a silly question, of course they are [ready for instructions]! In the famous words of Mills Lane: Lets get it on!

"You must go and kill the ghoul lord. I’m sure he will have kept a trophy from his deeds. Relieve his corpse of this trophy and march on the king’s court. The entirety of it has been corrupted. Lay waste to the ghoul lord’s usurper puppet there and his retinue. I will have someone meet you when the deed is done. Should you succeed, the froglok nation, and Antonica itself will have you to thank.”

Down into the dank tunnels of Upper Guk they go, traversing the slippery halls and perilous wooden bridges far above the stagnant water below. They make their way to the Ruins of Old Guk and battle their way to the ghoul lord’s lair. He is not alone, and a mighty struggle ensues. Scraped, bloodied and bruised, our heroes manage to achieve victory and recover a vital item: The Crown of Froglok Kings. This cements the truth of what has happened. Proof of the ghoul lord’s guilt. Now it is time to finish what seems to have started so long ago.

Onward to the king’s sacred halls. Another titanic battle ensues. The full weight of the ursurper’s court is prepared and resists with all of their might. When the dust finally settles, our five brave warriors remain standing. The false king’s corpse lay at their feet. From out of the shadows steps a figure.

Savyy says, “Well done! You’ve helped start the healing of a terrible wound in one of the great nations of Norrath. For years the ghoul lord has coveted the king’s domain, and he almost succeeded in his plan if not for your assistance. The froglok people and world will be eternally grateful whether or not they ever learn what took place here. Please give me the crown of froglok kings so that I may restore it to the rightful heir. In return, you will receive something worth far more than its weight in gold.

Upon the return of the crown, our team of adventurers receives a Cloak of Flames.

Savyy says, “Until we meet again, thank you and fare thee well.

The end

If you made it this far, I hope it was worth the read. A lot of time, effort and money(pp) went into this. Some of the storyline, especially certain parts had to be altered on the fly because of groups camping certain places but hopefully it makes sense enough. I can't say enough about our participants. Without them, it would have been a colossal waste of time, and they were great sports throughout the entire event. I hope for future events we may do we have as good of people join in. Hopefully more as well! I would also like to congratulate the winners on their items. PS, did you see the rolls in that last pic? WTF

Kilye: Di'zok Imperial Katana; Velium Fire Wedding Ring; Crafted Velium Spear
Ohhyoumad: Silver Chitin Wristband
Severnight: Bag of the Tinkerers
Saarkon: Cloak of Flames

After the show:

Until next time...
Old 01-25-2021, 09:31 PM
Evia Evia is offline
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Originally Posted by Vasarious [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
An update! The quest got run last night. Sorry for the long post but I've written up the whole overview of it here. Skip it if you want, but its so long I don't even know if a tldr will work so I wont even bother. A HUGE thanks to Diikembe for helping set this whole thing up and have it run smoothly. The participants seemed to have a lot of fun with it, so down the road I think we'd be down to do another. It started in the Hole and while it took a few minutes to get started, we got the people to do it. Wonder if the gnomes at zone in that were asked to help regret their decision! I've never posted pictures before so if it messes up, sorry. Also a lot of it was run without me being there because I was getting other stuff set up, so I don't have a ton of pictures of some of the action in a couple places. Maybe one of the guys who did it has a few they could share. We had a volunteer who was going to document it but he got tied up with RL stuff. Maybe next time. Without further ado, incoming a long post:

Part one – The Fate of the Fallen Brother

Location: The Hole

Dooesan shouts, “Help! Someone help me, please! I fear something terrible has happened to my brother! Can anyone please help?!”

It took a few minutes but a few intrepid adventurers chipped in to lend a hand. Enter Charliescene [57 Troubadour], Kilye [59 Outrider], Saarkon [57 Templar], Severnight [53 Cavalier], and Ohhyoumad [55 Preserver].

“Oh thank you, thank you!” says Dooesan. “I’m afraid something has happened to my brother. I’ve been searching everywhere for him. I’d looked all over Erudin and the forest outside but found nothing. Then I went to the market in Erudin he found out he bought rope. Lots of it. I couldn’t imagine what he would be doing with so much rope but then remembered we used to climb the rocks along the coast, and a terrible thought came to me."

“Its always been a fascination of his, this place. Prexus knows why, but ever since we were young, he talked of coming here to explore the secrets of the fallen city. Rumors abound of what is below, and the treasures that may be hidden away, but I’ve never met anyone who’s been here. Then he met the girl. I won’t tell you what I think, but ever since they met, he’s been keen to prove himself to her. Always jumping one step further than he should, and it has come to this!”

Dooesan sighs. “I’ve gotten this far, but this is as far as I can go alone. I was hoping that I could catch him before he did anything rash, but I gather that he has used his rope to lower himself down into the pit. I’m no adventurer, and I dare not go so close to Paineel as that, so here I am. I just managed scrape my way through the rock and almost drown doing so. Please, I would be forever in your debt if you can [help] me find Soeesan.”

Being the heroes they are, our adventurers agree to [help].

Dooesan heaves a sigh of relief. “You have no idea what this means to me. I don’t know that I can repay you, but I will forever be in your debt. If I know Soeesan, he would be looking for something truly impressive to give to her. There is talk of a vault that once housed things one can only imagine. I’m sure that is where he would have gone first. If we are fast, perhaps we can find him before…” he trails off, leaving the rest unsaid.

They correctly guess the vault is the bank and set off. After a few near scrapes and Dooesan getting knocked out a couple times, (it’s hard escorting a walking lvl 1 toon all the way to the bank from zone in. Try it some day. Good thing Saarkon is a 57 cleric with a click stick) they find poor Soeesan’s corpse in the vault. Where was Saarkon when Soeesan needed him most? Alas.

Dooesan stands silently for a moment, regarding his fallen brother. “I suppose I’ve known this would be the end as soon as I learned he was missing. I had half convinced myself that I could save him, but this place…how else could it have ended?”

A sad smile plays across is face. “Look how far he made it, all alone. I knew he was strong…”

The smile fades. “And for what? Slain before he could get whatever he was after.”

He looks at those who helped him. “You’ve done more than I could ever have hoped, but I must ask one last favor of you. Please, [help] me get his body home. I would like to carry him out of here like a proper hero. His name will go down as one of the bravest in all of Erudin.”

Once again, our heroes [help] him make his way to the exit. They arrive. (There are corpses there to prove it.)

Dooesan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. “This was the ring he was going to give the girl. He asked me to keep it safe until their wedding day. That day will never come now, and I can’t help but feel that he would still be here if not for her.”

Anger flashes across his face. “Take this ring to her so that she may know what happened because of her. I will take my brother’s body and see that he has a place to rest for all time. Again, I thank you all. The girl is called Gemrasi. I’m sure you will find her skulking about not far from this place. Farewell to you all.”

They take the ring and find Gemrasi in Paineel, give her the ring and explain what has happened.

Gemrasi takes the ring and looks at it for long moments. A single tear slides down her cheek. She visibly composes herself and looks at the adventurers. “This is indeed a sad day. Soeesan was a very brave and capable man. He was strong, reliable and resourceful. Even so, the Hole is a dangerous place, as you all must well know. He will be missed”

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Gemrasi, and while I did have an affection for Soeesan, I believe he thought our relationship different than it was. I work for an organization, and we are always on the lookout for promising recruits. It didn’t take us long to see that Soeesan displayed extraordinary talents. His loss will affect a great many people.”

She pauses. “Perhaps though, we can turn a tragic loss into a gain. Clearly you are quite formidable in your own right. You have succeeded in recovering Soeesan from the depths of an accursed place. Indeed, you took his brother down to the deeps and back out again! Dooesan is a good man in is own right, but he lacked the abilities of his brother. What you have done is nothing short of incredible."

“I understand the way Dooesan feels. There are events moving along of which he has no knowledge. He lost his brother so it is only natural that he places the blame somewhere. He truly has a good soul, and I hope his Prexus will smile upon him. I will see to it that we do something for his family. It won’t bring Soeesan back, but we will find a way to do right by Soeesan and his memory.”

She holds the ring out. “Please take this. It never really would have truly belonged to me, and if Dooesan doesn’t want it, keep it as your own, you’ve earned it. Indeed, with your skills you could prove to be very valuable to my cause. And I to yours, I should think. Important things are happening rapidly. If you’ve a mind to, I have an urgent mission you could assist with right away. We pay quite handsomely. Let me know if you are [interested].

They are [interested]. Also they receive their first reward: Velium Fire Wedding Ring

“Splendid! I have a colleague who I was going to send Soeesan to, but you will go in his stead. In a far-off land there is a place where two jungles converge. In the place where the jungles meet, seek out a gnome named Sprindle and give him this note. He can explain what needs to be done. It is a dangerous place, so be wary. I wish you luck and hope to see you again one day. Farewell.”

Part 2 – Frogloks in the Mists

Our adventurers correctly guess that they are off to the Emerald Jungle near Trakanon’s Teeth. They find Sprindle near a fallen tree. It looks as though sometime in the past a battle between man (and troll and elf and dwarf, and …) versus dragon has taken place here. Many times. Are many more to come? Only time and socks will tell. In any event, our team locates Sprindle and gives him the note.

“Mmm. So Gemrasi sent you, eh? Well, if she trusts you, so will I. Not that I’ve a choice, do I? Listen closely, our time is limited. There are frogmen in this land, not unlike the ones found on Antonica. However, they are much more savage in these jungles. Through skill, misdirection and no small amount of luck, I’ve made it this far, but I’m afraid going any further is beyond my limits. There is a hunter in these jungles that may hold valuable information that I need. There seems to be unrest in the frogloks of this land, as well as Antonica. We need to find out why. Let us journey to the south. It seems that the hunters reside deeper into the teeth of this place. Let me know when you are [ready].”

They are [ready] and all travel to Trakanon’s Teeth.

Sprindle says, “You can find one of the hunters out there I’m sure, but it is teeming with danger. If you can isolate one and perhaps bring it here to kill, it will be easier for me to study. I will wait here.

The group finds and kills a hunter. I think actually while doing so, Severnight got his Sebilis key, so there’s a nice little bonus.

Sprindle purses his lips. “I can’t be certain, as my mastery of their culture is limited at best, but it looks as though there is a certain froglok within their citadel located in the jungle that has information that may be vital to what is going on in their isolated civilization. All I can determine is that there seems to be a prison of some kind in their city. They are training armed combat against their prisoners. Go and seek out this special agent. Keep a sharp eye out for a froglok that is using a weapon that we’ve never seen them wield before. Here, take this bag. It will be useful to carry whatever you may recover from your expedition. Keep the bag and any other treasures you may find, but return to me whatever the special froglok might have. Good luck.”

The second prize is given, a Bag of the Tinkerers. To Sebilis they travel. After working out that they need to go to the iksar jail, they encounter a froglok bok shaman wielding a strange spear. Liberating the spear from the froglok, they hastily return and give it to Sprindle. For inquiring minds, the trophy is a Crafted Velium Spear.

“Was he carrying anything other than the spear?” asks Sprindle.

Whoops, they forgot the oh so important note it was carrying. Fortunately, as Gemrasi has so astutely pointed out previously, our heroes are quite resourceful. Procuring the services of a rogue, they work out a deal for her to silently slip back into the citadel and she is able to recover the note. Turnin take two.

Sprindle examines what he has been given. “Hm, what an odd weapon for a froglok to be carrying. I’ve never seen its like before. Hm… No matter, that is a question for another day. Keep the spear, what is written on the note is what I am interested in.”

He reads what is on the paper. “I can’t make out all of what is written, but this may be worse than what we thought. Hurry you must take this note to Merise. She will know what to make of it better than I. Look for her in Freeport. She spends most of her time in the wizard’s guild.”

Sprindle looks hard at the assembled team. “Take care in that city. It is a corrupt place. Goodbye.”

Part 3 – Royal Rivals

Our heroes arrive in freeport and find Merise and give her the parchment from Sprindle.

Merise takes the note and as she reads her eyebrows climb to the top of her forehead. “I don’t know you, but from what my agents say, you have done magnificent work! However, your tasks are not yet done. The frogloks from Kunark are their own tribes, but still have some affiliation to the ones to the south. Why remains a mystery to me, but there is unrest in their stronghold. A place called Guk. I can’t be certain, but it looks as though the froglok lord may have gone missing. We must investigate this immediately! Tell me when you are [ready] and we will all go together.”

Our band of warriors is clearly [ready] for the next challenge, so off to murky Innothule and the foreboding entrance into the tunnels below.

Merise looks into the tunnels leading down. “Unfortunately, you must go on without me. If things go poorly, I cannot fall here. There are too many other things at stake. If what I have read is true, the shin lord of this place has vanished. Take this bracer for protection."

She has offered a Silver Chitin Wristband.

"Go to the froglok shin lord’s chamber and find whoever is there. Make them talk. If they resist, do what you must. Bring me back what you find.

Upon killing the lord's imposter, they discover an unusual weapon and a note.
They bring back the Di'zok Imperial Katana and remembered the additional note this time.

“It is as I had feared. There has been a shift in the balance of power among the frogloks. For years there has been a tenuous peace between the froglok factions. It looks as though the ghoul lord has made a play and shattered that peace. Through treachery and deception, he has either killed or imprisoned both the froglok lord and the king himself. The effects of this may not be fully understood for years to come."

“While frogloks are prickly at the best of times, the ghoul lord is truly evil. He must be stopped. He cannot be allowed to marshal the combined forces of the froglok nation both on Antonica and Kunark. Are you [ready for instructions]?

What a silly question, of course they are [ready for instructions]! In the famous words of Mills Lane: Lets get it on!

"You must go and kill the ghoul lord. I’m sure he will have kept a trophy from his deeds. Relieve his corpse of this trophy and march on the king’s court. The entirety of it has been corrupted. Lay waste to the ghoul lord’s usurper puppet there and his retinue. I will have someone meet you when the deed is done. Should you succeed, the froglok nation, and Antonica itself will have you to thank.”

Down into the dank tunnels of Upper Guk they go, traversing the slippery halls and perilous wooden bridges far above the stagnant water below. They make their way to the Ruins of Old Guk and battle their way to the ghoul lord’s lair. He is not alone, and a mighty struggle ensues. Scraped, bloodied and bruised, our heroes manage to achieve victory and recover a vital item: The Crown of Froglok Kings. This cements the truth of what has happened. Proof of the ghoul lord’s guilt. Now it is time to finish what seems to have started so long ago.

Onward to the king’s sacred halls. Another titanic battle ensues. The full weight of the ursurper’s court is prepared and resists with all of their might. When the dust finally settles, our five brave warriors remain standing. The false king’s corpse lay at their feet. From out of the shadows steps a figure.

Savyy says, “Well done! You’ve helped start the healing of a terrible wound in one of the great nations of Norrath. For years the ghoul lord has coveted the king’s domain, and he almost succeeded in his plan if not for your assistance. The froglok people and world will be eternally grateful whether or not they ever learn what took place here. Please give me the crown of froglok kings so that I may restore it to the rightful heir. In return, you will receive something worth far more than its weight in gold.

Upon the return of the crown, our team of adventurers receives a Cloak of Flames.

Savyy says, “Until we meet again, thank you and fare thee well.

The end

If you made it this far, I hope it was worth the read. A lot of time, effort and money(pp) went into this. Some of the storyline, especially certain parts had to be altered on the fly because of groups camping certain places but hopefully it makes sense enough. I can't say enough about our participants. Without them, it would have been a colossal waste of time, and they were great sports throughout the entire event. I hope for future events we may do we have as good of people join in. Hopefully more as well! I would also like to congratulate the winners on their items. PS, did you see the rolls in that last pic? WTF

Kilye: Di'zok Imperial Katana; Velium Fire Wedding Ring; Crafted Velium Spear
Ohhyoumad: Silver Chitin Wristband
Severnight: Bag of the Tinkerers
Saarkon: Cloak of Flames

After the show:

Until next time...

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch

Old 01-26-2021, 01:45 AM
fierkin fierkin is offline
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Posts: 3

I was one of the lucky ones who participated. These guys did a great job putting it together. Doing a quest that you can't just look up on the wiki with unknown rewards definitely adds a level of fun that can be hard to find. I'm certain everyone who participated felt it was well worth their time in both fun factor and reward.

If they decide to put together another of these, and you have the opportunity to join up, I highly recommend it.
Old 01-26-2021, 03:45 AM
Harvest Harvest is offline

Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 235

This is amazing. Well done for putting this together
Old 01-26-2021, 03:26 PM
Xulia Xulia is offline

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Awesome work and very inspiring!
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