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Old 08-05-2023, 06:49 PM
Vanifac Vanifac is offline

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Default Missing Dialog: Qeynos

Found this site where a player was translating dialog into Japanese back in 99-01. Went through it and noted some that was missing (or just slightly different). Another notable difference is that some of the guards he has listed in NQ are in SQ and vice versa. I didn't hang out long enough to verify if p99 currently has them spawning in both locations.

Guard Imkar says 'Hello Shriast. My name is Imker and I am kind of new at job but I can give you some advice. Be careful here in Qeynos. There are many [dark forces] at work here that is best not disturb.

You say, 'dark forces'

Guard Imkar says 'I really don't know yet. I just know what chills shoot up and down my spine when I pass certain places on my patrol. My mother was a Gypsy and told me I had the Gift of Sense. I think the chills are part of that gift.. Just be careful. Especially near entrances of the aquaducts below the city.
Guard Hewet says 'Well met Shriast, but I must get back to my duties. Stay out of trouble.
Guard Rashik says 'Hello Shriast. my name is Rashik Hiccs and I would like to welcome you to Qeynos of behalf of all of us guards. If you get into trouble, just find one of us and we will help you out.
Guard Vaskif says 'Good night to you Shriast. Beware. We have had reports of the undead prowling about on the plains just north of here. Evil is growing here in Qeynos. I can sense it.
Present but should say the players name instead of 'Sparta'.
Guard Quedal says 'Burp! Heh? Shriast? Nevah hoid o' ya. Beat it. I gots woik ta do.
Guard Corshin says 'Hail Shriast. Guard Corshin Kiniss at your service. You should be careful in Qeynos after dark. We have had several [bodies] wash up under the docks over the past few weeks. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you.

Beren should respond to him but doesn't. Guard Beren says 'Heh. Speak for yourself Corshin. That one looks like a trouble maker to me.
Guard Wenbie says 'Hello Shriast. What bring you to Qeynos? Must be the mighty fine muffins over at [Vollen's Bakery]. I just love those muffins.

You say, 'Vollen's Bakery'

Guard Wenbie says 'Oh it will be easier for us both if I just show you where it is. Follow me. But be quick about it because I have to get back to my patrol.
Supposedly Wenbie should lead you to the bakery?
"(^^; Well, after saying this, he will guide you to the bakery. Muffins are light and cheap food, so Monk is a must-have."
Tyrak does respond in game but he notes a similar but different response.
Player noted:
Guard Tyrak says 'Heh. Me name's Tyrak. Guardin' is what I do. But I likes when I gets to bash faces.

In p99:
Guard Tyrak says, 'Name's Tyrak, and guardin's what i do, I also like it when I get to bash heads, too.'
All guards are apparently supposed to respond to the following prompts.
"All the Guards give the same answer to explain [Antonius Bayle]. So does [ Commander Kane/Kane Bayle] [ Captain Tillin ] [Gnoll/Sarbertooths]."

[Antonius Bayle]
'Antonius Bayle is the ruler of Qeynos. He is such a great man that they renamed this continent after him. He brought Qeynos to the glory it now is. He formed the mightest army on Norrath, the Qeynos Guard. It is through his guidance that we shall protect all nations of Antonica from any evil threat. He does not venture into the city streets often. He is quite busy.
[Commander Kane Bayle]:
'Commander Kane Bayle is the commander of all the Qeynos Guard. He is second only to his brother, Antonius Bayle. His post is within the guard house at the city gates. Mind you, do not bother him, he has a bit of temper.
[Captain Tillin]
'Captain Tillin Brightblade is the commander of the Qeynos City Guard. Extermination of the Sabertooths is his paramount concern. He has recently begun to hire mercenaries to assist in the extermination. If you wish to help out then go and speak with him. He is most often found discussing tactics with Ebon Strongbear at arena.
'What was that you said? You mentioned the Sabertooths of Blackburrow? Those gnolls have caused this city trouble harm for too long. We have yet to force them from Qeynos Hills. I hear rumors of a few merchants who even dare to sell the outland Blackburrow Stout which is brewed by the gnolls. Foolish!! We call upon all citizens to assist in ridding our land of the gnolls. If you wish to join the fight then speak with Captain Tillin.
He also has this line listed for Aerryn, the only note he has for it is "chat". I think possibly Aerryn says this to another guard? Or responds to a guard when they mention Kane or when someone mentions spooky Qeynos things like Erabb.
Guard Aerryn says 'Have you noticed anything strange about Commander Bayle lately? I saw him talking to that trouble-making Irontoe the other day and one night late last week, when I was on patrol, I saw him sneaking into Crow's.
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Old 08-05-2023, 06:50 PM
Vanifac Vanifac is offline

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Posts: 37

Couple of guards I haven't caught yet so unsure of the status on:

Guard Liven says 'Hello there Shriast. Guard Liven at your service. You can walk the streets of Qeynos and feel safe knowing that we guards are here to protect you. Just be careful to not fall in with the [wrong crowd].
You say, 'wrong crowd'
Guard Liven says 'Oh you know.. the Circle. The Circle of Unseen Hands is what they call themselves. They are a bunch of thieves and murderers. Just stay clear of them if you know what is good for you.
Guard Buce says 'Greetings citizen. While I have taken an oath to protect you that does not mean I have to waste my breath talking to you.
Guard Oleph says 'Oh good. Another fine example of why I am growing to hate this city. If Commander Bayle was running things here we would not have to put up with weaklings like you walking our streets.
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Old 08-05-2023, 06:55 PM
Vanifac Vanifac is offline

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Zaen Kalystir
Missing responses to 'do his bidding'

[Tue May 15 23:48:06 2001] You say, 'Hail Zaen Kalystir'
[Tue May 15 23:48:06 2001] Zaen Kalystir says 'Welcome to the Shrine of the Diseased! You will be repaid for your service when your soul crosses the void into Bertoxxulous' waiting arms. Are you available to do His bidding?''
[Tue May 15 23:48:30 2001] You say, 'Yes I am available to do his bidding'
[Tue May 15 23:48:31 2001] Zaen Kalystir says 'That is good. We need you to go and speak with Commander Kane Bayle of the Qeynos Militia. You will find him at the gatehouse. Tell him that the disease is spreading. Now go.
Commander Kane / Kane Bayle
Missing responses to "bloodsaber" and "new information"

Out of era from Elroz

Commander Kane says, 'Bloodsabers!? You must be new. Your shrine serves me well. You shall all be rewarded once I rule. No doubt you have not come to waste the time of the future emperor. Are you seeking [new information]?'

You say, 'new information'

Commander Kane says, 'I have gotten word from Guard McCluskey that the young knights of the Temple of Life and the Hall of Thunder have been holding contests to see who is the fleetest. Every so often, they send a young knight to run the paths of the Plains of Karana and back. Lone young knights are easy targets for experienced Bloodsabers.'
Additional in era mentions of the prompt:
"I think these guys may be part of a Bloodsabre quest. If you talk to Commander Kane when he is in the Bertoxxulous shrine and say "I am a Bloodsabre" he asks you if you are seeking new information. Reply with "What information?" and he will tell you that there are young knights that run the paths of the Karana's and that these are easy targets for an expirienced Bloodsabre. I havent dont this quest yet because i didnt know what lvl the pallies were. If these are them i think ill do a little hunting later. eh heh heh. "
"When you speak with Kane Bayle (in the Bloodsabers guild) and say either, "I am a Bloodsaber." or "The disease is spreading." he will give you Blackburrow Stout. I can't remember which phrase you say, but it's definately one of those two."
Lyris Moonbane - Edit: Oh this is just the guild note turn in message.
Lyris Moonbane says 'So, you wish to walk with the dead, eh? The army of the Plague Bringer is quietly amassing it's diseased soldiers in the shadows and sewers of Norrath. Go to Brother Bruax. He will turn you into something usefull, I hope.
Last edited by Vanifac; 08-05-2023 at 07:20 PM..
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Old 08-05-2023, 10:46 PM
Vanifac Vanifac is offline

Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 37

I have no idea what can be done about it, but I don't think you're supposed to overhear the rogue guild conversations from the Ironforge Estate?
I think Trumpy walks out of the tavern way more often on P99 than he did in live.

Found more in "Vaslin Slickfinger's Everquest Compendium"

Missing? I don't think he'd say this if he was stationary near Mezzt, I haven't caught him pathing yet. Right now he says the basic "abide no troublemakers" line.
Guard Cyrillian says 'I wonder how much I could get for the tongue of
a blithering fool..leave before I decide to find out for myself.'
Guard Forbly says 'Ahoy Vaslin! My name is Forbly Taxx. My father was
a sailor and we settled here in Qeynos. I love the sea air. I don't
know why anyone would ever want to leave.
On p99:
Guard Forbly says, 'Hail, citizen! Watch yourself whilst you're within these city walls, the Qeynosian Guard will abide no troublemakers.'
Couple corrections:
Guard Liven should be Guard Liben in my OP. I haven't seen him to confirm his dialog.
Guard Wenbies dialog works in game.

This seems to be overheard at the front gate some times. Not sure if it's whoever is standing guard or just a wandering guard. Mentioned this except Guard Aerryn says it then.
Guard Ginton says 'Have you noticed anything strange about Commander
Bayle lately? I saw him talking to that trouble-making Irontoe the
other day and one night late last week, when I was on patrol, I saw
him sneaking into Crow's.

Guard Hezlan says 'It isn't safe to be asking those kinds of
questions. I just mind my business and do my job. You would too, if
you knew what was good for you.
I don't remember ever seeing this one. I'll check my longer logs when I get home.
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Old 08-06-2023, 02:34 PM
Elroz Elroz is offline

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that guard cyrillian line is insufficient faction response, this is how i put it on takp, the faction value is true value, so 50 faction is halfway between indifferent and amiable :

if(e.message:findi("hail")) then
if(e.other:GetFactionValue(e.self) >= 50) then -- requires mid indifferent
e.self:Say("Hey, " .. e.other:GetCleanName() .. ". Heh, heh. Keep up the good work. Commander Bayle needs all the patriots he can get. He says the time is near, now that the Shrine of Bertoxxulous in the aqueducts is complete.");
elseif(e.other:GetFactionValue(e.self) >= 0) then
e.self:Say("You need to prove your dedication to our cause before I can discuss such matters with you.");
e.self:Say(eq.ChooseRandom("I didn't know Slime could speak common. Go back to the sewer before I lose my temper.","Is that your BREATH, or did something die in here? Now go away!","I wonder how much I could get for the tongue of a blithering fool? Leave before I decide to find out for myself."));
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Old 08-06-2023, 02:49 PM
Elroz Elroz is offline

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Posts: 81

i missed the line about antonius, tillin, and gnolls for takp, added that in! Here's a full list of the generic responses I've got in qeynos from guards :

elseif(e.message:findi("weapon")) then
e.self:Say("This city has been blessed with the craftsmanship of the Ironforges. Their weapons are supreme. Their shop can be found near the Temple of Life in North Qeynos. You may also try the local warrior guild.");
elseif(e.message:findi("order of the three")) then
e.self:Say("The Order of Three consists of the three positive circles of the arcane known as magic, enchantment and wizardry. This guild keeps very busy in its hall near the arena. All in Qeynos respect their powers.");
elseif(e.message:findi("monk guild")) then
e.self:Say("In North Qeynos sits the house of the Silent Fist Clan. These monks are welcome in Qeynos and often assist in training the Qeynos Guard in hand to hand combat.");
elseif(e.message:findi("bank")) then
e.self:Say("Qeynos Hold in South Qeynos is just across from the arena. You know, over the bridge behind Firepride's.");
elseif(e.message:findi("port") or e.message:findi("dock")) then
e.self:Say("The port of Qeynos is located in South Qeynos. From here one may catch the ship to Erudin.");
elseif(e.message:findi("kane")) then
e.self:Say("Commander Kane Bayle is the commander of all the Qeynos Guard. He is second only to his brother, Antonius Bayle. His post is in the guard house at the city gates. Mind you, do not bother him, he has a bit of a temper.");
elseif(e.message:findi("circle.* unseen hand")) then
e.self:Say("The Circle of the Unseen Hand? I have heard nothing of them. Are they some sort of performing magic troupe?");
elseif(e.message:findi("paladin guild") or e.message:findi("cleric guild")) then
e.self:Say("Within Qeynos are the Knights of Thunder and the Priests of Life. Both of these orders consist of clerics and paladins and are respected by all. The Hall of Thunder lies in South Qeynos and the Temple of Life is in North Qeynos.");
elseif(e.message:findi("necromancer guild") or e.message:findi("shadowknight guild")) then
e.self:Say("What gibberish are you spouting? There is not, nor will there ever be, such an organization as that within a hundred miles of Qeynos, not with the Qeynos Guard on patrol. Next you will be inquiring of a rogue guild! Really!");
elseif(e.message:findi("ranger guild") or e.message:findi("druid guild")) then
e.self:Say("I believe you shall find the Protectors of the Pine and Jaggedpine Treefolk in the hollow of Surefall Glade.");
elseif(e.message:findi("jaggedpine treefolk")) then
e.self:Say("In Surefall Glade there are druids called the Jaggedpine Treefolk. These men and women often assist our army during times of war.");
elseif(e.message:findi("linarius")) then
e.self:Say("The Qeynos Tower Guards of the hills and plains are commanded by Captain Linarius Graffe. He often has much to report. He is posted in a keep which spans a river. I believe it is in the northern Plains of Karana.");
elseif(e.message:findi("north qeynos")) then
e.self:Say("The passages to North Qeynos can be found near the bard's guild or next to the Clock of Ak'Anon.");
elseif(e.message:findi("inn") or e.message:findi("rest")) then
e.self:Say("If you need a place to rest, I highly recommend the Lion's Mane Inn and Tavern. Poor adventurers all huddle together in one of the backrooms of Fish's.");
elseif(e.message:findi("antonius")) then
e.self:Say("Antonius Bayle is the ruler of Qeynos. He is such a great man that they renamed this continent after him. He brought Qeynos to the glory it now is. He formed the mightest army on Norrath, the Qeynos Guard. It is through his guidance that we shall protect all nations of Antonica from any evil threat. He does not venture into the city streets often. He is quite busy.");
elseif(e.message:findi("tillin")) then
e.self:Say("Captain Tillin Brightblade is the commander of the Qeynos City Guard. Extermination of the Sabertooths is his paramount concern. He has recently begun to hire mercenaries to assist in the extermination. If you wish to help out then go and speak with him. He is most often found discussing tactics with Ebon Strongbear at arena.");
elseif(e.message:findi("saber") or e.message:findi("gnoll") or e.message:findi("blackburrow"))then
e.self:Say("What was that you said? You mentioned the Sabertooths of Blackburrow? Those gnolls have caused this city trouble harm for too long. We have yet to force them from Qeynos Hills. I hear rumors of a few merchants who even dare to sell the outland Blackburrow Stout which is brewed by the gnolls. Foolish!! We call upon all citizens to assist in ridding our land of the gnolls. If you wish to join the fight then speak with Captain Tillin.");
Last edited by Elroz; 08-06-2023 at 02:53 PM..
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Old 08-08-2023, 05:00 AM
Vanifac Vanifac is offline

Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 37

I should have added onto your old thread! Glad to have helped TAKP as well! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Some more from Niera Farbreeze in Surefall

[Mon Aug 07 22:03:20 2023] You say, 'Hail, Niera Farbreeze'
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:22 2023] You say, 'tune'
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:23 2023] Niera Farbreeze says, 'Ohh. Just a little song my mother taught me when I was young. It speaks of the earth, the sky, and the sparkling stars above, [always there].'
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:24 2023] You say, 'always there'
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:24 2023] Niera Farbreeze says, 'Aye, always there. Like this small bag I wear around my neck. The last gift of my dying mother. It holds a fine dust, a dust she collected during her short life, that she believed brought her luck. It's [speckled], flecked as the night sky is with stars.'

On P99 she does not respond to either of these:
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:26 2023] You say, 'speckled'
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:26 2023] Niera Farbreeze says, 'I've had this little bit of dust, all I have of my mother, for many years now. It's the only reminder I have of her. She said it was special, magical, a warmth to help me through the nights. Even if my life were in the balance, I would have a hard time [giving it up].'
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:30 2023] You say, 'giving it up'
[Mon Aug 07 22:03:30 2023] Niera Farbreeze stares at you with a flame in her eye. 'Did you hear everything I just told you? There is no way I will let go of this pouch. You find me another reminder and maybe I'll let it go. Not until then. Good luck doing that. Last anyone saw my mother she was exploring the blasted wastes of the newly discovered lands.'

Lots of pages out there with references to the speckled response at least:
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