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View Poll Results: When was your first experience with Everquest?
Pre-Kunark (March 1999-April 2000) 4,623 51.27%
Kunark (April 2000-December 2000) 2,280 25.29%
Velious (December 2000-December 2001) 908 10.07%
Luclin or later (December 2001-Present) 683 7.57%
Never played Everquest on live. Project 1999 is your first experience. 523 5.80%
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Old 07-21-2010, 11:42 AM
Schultes Schultes is offline
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I started playing back at launch on my friends brothers computer since i didn't even have 56k modem back then or a computer!!!

By far hands down at the time the most amazing game in existence since no other MMORPG could compare to EQ's Glory!!!

First night i ever played i was crazy lost in Freeport and was wandering around the sewers till i stumbled a pone a necro and was about to be slaughtered, but out of know where a Dwarf Paladin named Barq Rootbeard saved me with layhands and showed me to the gate. After that i was hooked pretty bad especially after i found my Ghoulsbane when it was crazy rare to have.

Played on The Rathe till PoP but The Shadows of Luclin was the real fatal blow for me since trading and dueling was my gimmick and once the East Commons tunnel was taken out by the bazaar the best trades you could get were the ones people put the wrong prices on. Even with the giant arena in the Bazaar everyone was a afk mule anyways.

On The Rathe i was Gadwin Saratoga of the Saratoga brothers. Eaglesblood and I were team duelers and only lost one duel due to drop out. Feel free to say hello to him! I was finally able to get him to start playing again after all this time.

This time around i went with an Enchanter named Spontini. Toss me a message especially if your from The Rathe!! Us Ratheins need to stick together!
Old 07-21-2010, 11:55 AM
Aarone Aarone is offline

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Originally Posted by Kani [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
August 1999 My first 5 minutes went like this: Created a Wood Elf, took a few steps forward and , "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT." The gamma was turned down on my video card settings, so I didn't realize that I was standing like 5 steps from the edge of a platform. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That sounds about right! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Old 07-21-2010, 12:24 PM
Overcast Overcast is offline

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I started playing on the Wife's account Pre-Kunark. As a matter of fact, she told me a new expansion was coming out in about two weeks.

Considering my finances at the time - I thought that I'd just wait on the new expansion to come out and play if they offered a combo pack with the original game + the expansion. They did, so I officially started two days after Kunark was released. Too much patching and emergency downtime right after it was released.

My very first toon was a DE Shadowknight on Vallon Zek - but my friggin' wife was playing a High Elf Cleric, so I re-rolled a Human Warrior... real fun for a new player, lol - and then made a Human Pally so I could heal some. Went with the Human Pally for quite some time.

I bet I had more /played time on that Human Pally than a did my 80 Necro on the Blue server, Cazic-Thule.
Old 07-22-2010, 02:13 AM
Reiker Reiker is offline

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My dad was subscribed to Yahoo! magazine, and they had an article about EverQuest. For some reason the picture of the troll standing around in banded armor captivated me and I got the game shortly after. I want to say this was somewhere around December 99/January 00. My first character was a Human Paladin, I also dicked around with some other chars including a Human Enchanter I really liked playing (I remember putting a little bit of starting points into everything that sounded useful including wisdom). I finally settled on my main, a shaman, shortly after Kunark launched.
Old 07-22-2010, 02:53 AM
RKromwell RKromwell is offline

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I started in Beta. A week or two after I first started they put the weather in. I remember standing on top of a hill in Q-Hills while it was raining. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Raell Kromwell
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:02 AM
gothmonk gothmonk is offline

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pre-Kunark on Solusek Ro.. half-elf ranger, Phyrez. Growing up in Qeynos again has been fun.
Old 07-22-2010, 06:31 PM
Thorfin Thorfin is offline

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im with RKrom on this one. I also played in beta and remember the first day they implemented weather. the first roll of thunder scared the hell out of me! Played straight till little before Luclin came out.
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Old 07-22-2010, 06:40 PM
Dantes Dantes is offline
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Launch day.
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Old 07-23-2010, 10:53 AM
borntorun borntorun is offline
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Beta, Phase 4.

Played until probably two months after Luclin release.
Old 07-23-2010, 11:56 AM
Kelven Kelven is offline

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First time I saw EQ was when I was at my cusin's house and he was beta testing it. At first I didn't know what to think of it. It was such a new concept to me, and the graphics were a bit cheesy.

2 weeks after they launched the first set of servers, I picked up the game and fell in love with it on day 1.

So began the mmo craze, lol.
60sk Kelven -<Divinity>
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