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Old 09-03-2011, 11:45 PM
Bubbles Bubbles is offline
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Default Let's seriously just put everyone in time out.

Originally Posted by Kruel [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Why would a GM want access to TRs private members forum? Seems like he has a personal vendetta to them. I would like to know what PLAYERS he spoke to that got him this access, because we can be absolutely sure it wasnt TR since he is using the info to tin foil hat TR. This guy has anger issues (see the chatlogs that he let leak, because we know Nilbog didnt leak them).
Since you've screamed this in about 10 threads now, i'll just ask you this once: why is it when TMO is accused of something, they welcome any inquiry, yet whenever TR is accused of crossing a street wrong, the wagons are circled and the whole server comes crashing down?

I'm hardly a fan of TMO, or an enemy of TR. But i mean, come on now. You can't really accuse him of anything besides protecting the integrity of the server and keeping appearances 100% legit. Did he invade your private forums? Yep. Can argue tactics, but there's 0 he gains personally from it. It's far easier to understand his desire to prevent stupidity than go piecemeal through everything Xzerion has done for the past year.

Was Xzer up to something? Who really knows, who cares. It's stupid to keep up appearances and have a dev in a top tier raiding guild. It's just tailor-made for RnF fodder. The biggest tragedy is people like Nil and Co. don't get to enjoy their creation. And now add Xzer to that list.

And yes, now that Xzer has stepped down everyone will find something else to complain about. People will continue to complain as long as their is both a platform in RnF to complain about everything, until either a Red server is made so virgins can wage their holy war, or everything on p99 raid-wise is instanced so everyone can go out and get jobs and the guides and staff can actually get work done and focus on helping the people with real problems that aren't self-inflicted.

The high-end of this server is a cesspool of people who only get erections when they deprive others from pixels, who rage everytime something doesnt go their way, and are, in every sense of the word, a complete *detriment* to this project. Yeah, it's actually a project, in case some of you actually forgot. It's not your personal pixelated playground.

Oh sure, instancing isn't classic. Well neither is the silliness that happens anytime a raid target spawns on this server. On live if some bard or monk was frolicking merrily around the firewall in fear wiener-blocking a dracho or CT from another guild, the second guild would take their pullers, grab the rest of the zone and wipe Guild A's campground off the face of the planet. And no GM would show up or care. The planes were dangerous places, and people either played nice or policed themselves.. On blue servers, no less.. All the rule lawyering and GM involvement just boils down to a never ending supply of 'bluebie griefing' (tm) magically called 'classic tactics'. BS. Instance it, free up the staff to work on the project and the real playerbase, and let the uberguilds hang out in EC Tunnel and compare what "their" raid mob dropped that day. Everyone wins, except those so desperately clinging to the idea of raiding to griefand measure their E-peens.

Let's lead normal lives people. Enough of this nonsense.

Option B would be to just keep raid targets despawned for a month. The only way to make children behave is to completely take their toys away. We're down 2 people that gave their heart and soul to this project. It's been a bad week, to put it mildly.
Bubbles HatesMelees, Cleric
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Originally Posted by Uthgaard View Post
Most of the people with bad experiences with me hang out in R&F, shocking, looks like I'm doing something right.
Old 09-04-2011, 12:04 AM
Harrison Harrison is offline

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Well said and agree completely.
Old 09-04-2011, 12:13 AM
ElanoraBryght ElanoraBryght is offline

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Originally Posted by Bubbles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Option B would be to just keep raid targets despawned for a month. The only way to make children behave is to completely take their toys away. We're down 2 people that gave their heart and soul to this project. It's been a bad week, to put it mildly.
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Old 09-04-2011, 12:28 AM
Tamiah2011 Tamiah2011 is offline

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Originally Posted by Bubbles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Since you've screamed this in about 10 threads now, i'll just ask you this once: why is it when TMO is accused of something, they welcome any inquiry, yet whenever TR is accused of crossing a street wrong, the wagons are circled and the whole server comes crashing down?

I'm hardly a fan of TMO, or an enemy of TR. But i mean, come on now. You can't really accuse him of anything besides protecting the integrity of the server and keeping appearances 100% legit. Did he invade your private forums? Yep. Can argue tactics, but there's 0 he gains personally from it. It's far easier to understand his desire to prevent stupidity than go piecemeal through everything Xzerion has done for the past year.

Was Xzer up to something? Who really knows, who cares. It's stupid to keep up appearances and have a dev in a top tier raiding guild. It's just tailor-made for RnF fodder. The biggest tragedy is people like Nil and Co. don't get to enjoy their creation. And now add Xzer to that list.

And yes, now that Xzer has stepped down everyone will find something else to complain about. People will continue to complain as long as their is both a platform in RnF to complain about everything, until either a Red server is made so virgins can wage their holy war, or everything on p99 raid-wise is instanced so everyone can go out and get jobs and the guides and staff can actually get work done and focus on helping the people with real problems that aren't self-inflicted.

The high-end of this server is a cesspool of people who only get erections when they deprive others from pixels, who rage everytime something doesnt go their way, and are, in every sense of the word, a complete *detriment* to this project. Yeah, it's actually a project, in case some of you actually forgot. It's not your personal pixelated playground.

Oh sure, instancing isn't classic. Well neither is the silliness that happens anytime a raid target spawns on this server. On live if some bard or monk was frolicking merrily around the firewall in fear wiener-blocking a dracho or CT from another guild, the second guild would take their pullers, grab the rest of the zone and wipe Guild A's campground off the face of the planet. And no GM would show up or care. The planes were dangerous places, and people either played nice or policed themselves.. On blue servers, no less.. All the rule lawyering and GM involvement just boils down to a never ending supply of 'bluebie griefing' (tm) magically called 'classic tactics'. BS. Instance it, free up the staff to work on the project and the real playerbase, and let the uberguilds hang out in EC Tunnel and compare what "their" raid mob dropped that day. Everyone wins, except those so desperately clinging to the idea of raiding to griefand measure their E-peens.

Let's lead normal lives people. Enough of this nonsense.

Option B would be to just keep raid targets despawned for a month. The only way to make children behave is to completely take their toys away. We're down 2 people that gave their heart and soul to this project. It's been a bad week, to put it mildly.

Really put everyone in time out that hacked server??? What about the players that go banned for lesser issues? What was there time out perma-ban?
Old 09-04-2011, 01:25 AM
Roanoke Roanoke is offline

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Originally Posted by Tamiah2011 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Really put everyone in time out that hacked server??? What about the players that go banned for lesser issues? What was there time out perma-ban?
Did you even read the original post?
Old 09-04-2011, 01:34 AM
Diggles Diggles is offline

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Originally Posted by Roanoke [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Did you even read the original post?
We're talking about Tamiah. Him/her being able to type is a miracle in itself
Old 09-04-2011, 01:36 AM
Dirt McGirt Dirt McGirt is offline

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Originally Posted by Bubbles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Since you've screamed this in about 10 threads now, i'll just ask you this once: why is it when TMO is accused of something, they welcome any inquiry, yet whenever TR is accused of crossing a street wrong, the wagons are circled and the whole server comes crashing down?

I'm hardly a fan of TMO, or an enemy of TR. But i mean, come on now. You can't really accuse him of anything besides protecting the integrity of the server and keeping appearances 100% legit. Did he invade your private forums? Yep. Can argue tactics, but there's 0 he gains personally from it. It's far easier to understand his desire to prevent stupidity than go piecemeal through everything Xzerion has done for the past year.
Interesting point.

Was Xzer up to something? Who really knows, who cares. It's stupid to keep up appearances and have a dev in a top tier raiding guild. It's just tailor-made for RnF fodder. The biggest tragedy is people like Nil and Co. don't get to enjoy their creation. And now add Xzer to that list.

And yes, now that Xzer has stepped down everyone will find something else to complain about. People will continue to complain as long as their is both a platform in RnF to complain about everything, until either a Red server is made so virgins can wage their holy war, or everything on p99 raid-wise is instanced so everyone can go out and get jobs and the guides and staff can actually get work done and focus on helping the people with real problems that aren't self-inflicted.

The high-end of this server is a cesspool of people who only get erections when they deprive others from pixels, who rage everytime something doesnt go their way, and are, in every sense of the word, a complete *detriment* to this project. Yeah, it's actually a project, in case some of you actually forgot. It's not your personal pixelated playground.

Oh sure, instancing isn't classic. Well neither is the silliness that happens anytime a raid target spawns on this server. On live if some bard or monk was frolicking merrily around the firewall in fear wiener-blocking a dracho or CT from another guild, the second guild would take their pullers, grab the rest of the zone and wipe Guild A's campground off the face of the planet. And no GM would show up or care. The planes were dangerous places, and people either played nice or policed themselves.. On blue servers, no less.. All the rule lawyering and GM involvement just boils down to a never ending supply of 'bluebie griefing' (tm) magically called 'classic tactics'. BS. Instance it, free up the staff to work on the project and the real playerbase, and let the uberguilds hang out in EC Tunnel and compare what "their" raid mob dropped that day. Everyone wins, except those so desperately clinging to the idea of raiding to griefand measure their E-peens.
Wow what an insight!

Let's lead normal lives people. Enough of this nonsense.

Option B would be to just keep raid targets despawned for a month. The only way to make children behave is to completely take their toys away. We're down 2 people that gave their heart and soul to this project. It's been a bad week, to put it mildly.

really good job dude you captured the essence of the problem
Old 09-04-2011, 01:29 AM
Zigfreed Zigfreed is offline

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Nicely typed.
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Old 09-04-2011, 01:48 AM
aresprophet aresprophet is offline

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The loss of Uthgaard really pisses me off. Xz being both a dev and a player in a top-tier raiding guild never really felt right but since I don't raid (and won't) I never cared that much. I just want classic EQ, devoid of as much bullshit as possible. The more people making that happen the better, even if it compromises the so-called "integrity" of the raiding scene -- which of course has none since it's a FFA fuckfest, and that has little to do with dev shenanigans. On live, EMarr had a raiding rotation with pickup-raid slots and everyone got along with that, no poopsocking required (my abuse of one of those pickup slots was a server legend for a while but I digress). Salty's ill-fated attempt to "hoop it" and bypass the raiding guilds is this server's best hope for a viable raiding scene, and you have know idea how ill it makes me to say that.

As a casual player all I really knew about Uthgaard was that he did not tolerate bullshit and he had over 5000 posts in this forum. If that's not commitment to the playerbase I don't know what is. His absence here will be profoundly felt.

Like Bubbles I suspect that a substantial amount of the hardcore players here are mostly pursuing the denying of others' having fun rather than their own enjoyment, and the dev response to this isn't satisfying to those of us who really just want to have fun on this server.

I don't want dev infighting, raid-guild raging, or fear of alienating a chunk of the playerbase to kill off this server. I put a lot of time into my characters here without any expectation of reward, because I play here for the sheer fun of it. I lump all my characters on to 1 account because I would never sell a one of them. I have 2 (soon to be 3) characters with maxed blacksmithing and that's a special kind of hell to go through. Don't let that go to waste over a bunch of adults who need to start acting their age.

PS Bubbles I see your necro is still using the surname I suggested like a year and a half ago, nice!
Old 09-04-2011, 02:50 AM
Dirt McGirt Dirt McGirt is offline

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Originally Posted by aresprophet [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The loss of Uthgaard really pisses me off. Xz being both a dev and a player in a top-tier raiding guild never really felt right but since I don't raid (and won't) I never cared that much. I just want classic EQ, devoid of as much bullshit as possible. The more people making that happen the better, even if it compromises the so-called "integrity" of the raiding scene -- which of course has none since it's a FFA fuckfest, and that has little to do with dev shenanigans. On live, EMarr had a raiding rotation with pickup-raid slots and everyone got along with that, no poopsocking required (my abuse of one of those pickup slots was a server legend for a while but I digress). Salty's ill-fated attempt to "hoop it" and bypass the raiding guilds is this server's best hope for a viable raiding scene, and you have know idea how ill it makes me to say that.

As a casual player all I really knew about Uthgaard was that he did not tolerate bullshit and he had over 5000 posts in this forum. If that's not commitment to the playerbase I don't know what is. His absence here will be profoundly felt.

Like Bubbles I suspect that a substantial amount of the hardcore players here are mostly pursuing the denying of others' having fun rather than their own enjoyment, and the dev response to this isn't satisfying to those of us who really just want to have fun on this server.

I don't want dev infighting, raid-guild raging, or fear of alienating a chunk of the playerbase to kill off this server. I put a lot of time into my characters here without any expectation of reward, because I play here for the sheer fun of it. I lump all my characters on to 1 account because I would never sell a one of them. I have 2 (soon to be 3) characters with maxed blacksmithing and that's a special kind of hell to go through. Don't let that go to waste over a bunch of adults who need to start acting their age.

PS Bubbles I see your necro is still using the
surname I suggested like a year and a half ago, nice!
ive highlighted the parts that will be on the test
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