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Old 01-04-2025, 10:26 PM
Nitestroke Nitestroke is offline

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Default Warrior epic

Have green scales and maestro. Not sure how this epic goes and if it's multiquested but will for sure pay someone if they can help finish up other parts message me
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Old 01-17-2025, 03:33 AM
Videri Videri is offline
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Hello. It's great that you have the two hardest parts in hand already.

Firstly, please don't attempt any major quest without carefully reading the wiki article with your full attention.

Secondly, you still need four major things:
- a Red Dragon Scales, which drop from Nagafen, Ragefire, Talendor, and Nortlav the Scalekeeper; and are purchasable in EC
- a Ball of Everliving Golem from Fright/Dread/Terror. This is no-drop, but MQable.
- a Spiroc Wingblade from Plane of Sky. This is MQable, but also pretty easy to get and rots often on Island 5. I would recommend joining a guild and attending Plane of Sky. You may also be able to come as a guest to loot your own, but be ready to follow instructions. Sky is weird.
- an Ancient Blade from Queen Velazul Di'Zok in Chardok. This is not MQable (it is put inside the Red Scabbard and combined with the other blade and the two hilts). There is a small number of huge nerds who like to farm the Chardoki king and queen, and they will let people loot the Blade, but they may ask for recompense. I know someone paid 10k for one.

A few other minor errands:
- a Heart of Frost from a goblin wizard in Permafrost. They're low level and you'll crunch them easily.
- a Diamond, a Jacinth, and a Black Sapphire (can just buy these)
- a Giant Sized Monocle from giant patriarchs in the Dreadlands (sometimes for sale in EC, but nobody farms these, so you'll probably have to farm one yourself)

Thirdly: once you get the Red Scabbard, put both blades and both hilts inside it, and click Combine, you will receive the two-handed version of the epic: the Jagged Blade of War. At that point, you can put it back in the Scabbard and click Combine again, yielding the two one-handed versions.

Then, get a mage to summon you a Sword of Runes. Put one Sword of Runes in the Scabbard and click Combine to receive another Jagged Blade of War. Now you possess all three blades. This is not some kind of hack or exploit; it's intended. It allows us to bank the Scabbard (do not destroy it).

Finally, you can put the Red Scabbard in the bank. Make sure to keep it, just in case.

If you read all that, there's no reason you couldn't also read the wiki article.
Last edited by Videri; 01-17-2025 at 03:40 AM..
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Old 01-17-2025, 03:35 AM
Videri Videri is offline
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I am Potatus / Aeleus / Havona in game. Hit me up here or in Castle's Discord for further questions. My guild and I would be glad to assist with a Spiroc Wingblade, at least; and it is possible someone has a golem ball lying around, but I don't want to promise that.
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