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Old 03-30-2017, 09:16 PM
Somekid123 Somekid123 is offline
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Default New player leveling / exp guide - 2017

New player leveling / exp guide

If you're new to red, welcome! The server has a 50% exp bonus across all zones, with an additional 40% per group member. The pvp range is +/- 4, so if you're level 12, you can attack / be attacked range 8-16. Your armor, bags and whats in the bags cannot be takin from you, only your coin. /ooc is serverwide, we have a handful of trolls but the better hearted people heavily out weigh them.

Down below is a few suggested camps amongst your travels, I broke down the level ranges where the mob will typically continue to give you experience. If you find it too difficult at the time keep in mind you can level somewhere else then go back to the lower level camps, this will also varie on your class.


13ish L-Fay Bandit Camp #14 on the map. They drop bronze weapons that vendor for higher gold amount / 1 plat each, there is good race merchants you can vendor to #10 on the map, no way for you to bank the coin though. For you evil races there is the beta neutral vendor at the Steamfont druid ring - When you zone into Steamfont from L-Fay, hug the right wall you'll run right into her.

15+ Pyzjn - Im not very familiar with this camp or how it works, there is a writeup on the wiki, the stone sells for 1-2k here on red99.

20+ Gargoyles in Ocean of Tears -, Island #7 on the map They drop Gargoyle Eyes that vendor for 9-12ish plat [Depends on your Charisma, and i dont remember exact #]. There is 4 spectres on this island but theyre in the center and dont roam, ignore them and they'll ignore you. These eyes stack so you can farm as much as you want then vendor later, maybe after the camp turns green? From what im told these guys have slightly higher MR then your average mob.

20+ a froglok gaz squire in Upperguk, drops Runed Bone Fork, sells on market for 300-500 plat. #10 on the map.

20+ Paineel Guards, this one is my favorite, ideal for evil races. The evil guards down in Paineel always drop a sword and shield that vendor for 2.5 - 3.5plat each, and up to 3 plat a kill. When you kill them there is no faction hit, just dont let the merchants see you attacking them. Loot up and vendor the sword/shield, then hit the bank right there in town.

You'll need a key to get down into the city, go up to the guards up above and say "Give me da keyz" do not attack the guards up top, theyre green cons but just as tough as freeport entry guards, you want the ones in the city. Some of these guards are up to level 28ish so pick and choose wisely.

If you dont have amiably faction to get a key but at least dubiously/apprehensively to the guards, have a friend make a level 1 erudite to click the elevator and get you down there. At that point if your apprehensively or better you can vendor, if you are dubiously you'll have to be a class that can use sneak in order to sell to a merchant. I did this as a halfling druid, even though the guards were kos, used halfling sneak to sell / trade with the banker, bankers will hate you but nothing you cant invis and trade behind a wall, or harmony.

20 - 25+ Highpass DA Idol, there is multiple orcs that spawn near the zoneline of Kithicor forest. A named [ ] who drops Shiny Brass Idol spawns in place of one of these orcs, if you come across this idol it sells anywhere from 300 on low end, up to 1k on the market. While farming these keep your eye out for some weight reduction bags -

30+ Fishbone Earring / Hadden camp - Click link for small writeup on his camp, earring doesnt always drop but will sell anywhere from 300-800, good camp to bind at as a druid / wizard to check in on from time to time.

30+ Rod of Insidious Glamour - Click the quest, has multiple pieces you need to obtain, hardest mob is a 24 frog and dealing with the level 26ish shadowmen camp, ive seen the frog up with rod in his hand half the time im zoning in, can get about 1k for the rod.

25 - 30+ Highkeep Guards - There is 4 floors of guards here that all drop Fine Steel Swords everytime, there is a Beta-Neutral [As in he likes everyone] merchant that'll buy the swords from you, #13 on the map, merchants name is Once you vendor your swords you can bank your plat with the banker in basement, even if she is scowl / threateningly / dubiously you can still right click her, even as shes attacking you. If you're quick enough bank your plat then kill her.
The guards up on the 4th floor will still give people hitting 40 exp. So if your under level avoid that floor, or exp off the guards til you're capable of killing them.

35-40+ 1 Charge gate potions to Cazic-Thule and 5 charge 4 slot dispell wands. The wand -, The Pot - The mob who drops the pot:, The mob who drops the wand: - The whole zone is a 22min respawn, its popular for 50+ people to gate in clear the mobs then check back later. The potions are about 500-800 on the market, wands about the same, maybe 1k each. They are both the more common drop then rare. Not going to explain how to get to them, zone is a maze i'd have to show you.

The place holders can be a cleric, and if your doing this while mobs are within exp range, you will get adds at both camp, a bit dangerous but its an option if you wanna scout out something different, plenty of see invis in the zone too.

35+ Minotaur Hero [ Hero Bracers ] This guy can spawn after killing any of the minos inside the cave. Loot his no drop bracer, head over to Qeynos and turn them into - If you read the quest there is some dialog inbetween looting the no drop piece and turning it into the warrior guild leader, bypass the middle and just turn it directly in. On live amiably faction was required, here on P99 its not [ Maybe it will be now if a dev reads this [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] ]. The bracer sells anywhere from 300 - 500p.

35 - 40+ Most people are familiar with these from classic days, we got ourselves some hill giants and spectres!

Hill giants in Rathe Mountains - / They have a decent amount of hps but drop up to 45 plat, once you stock up a little you can run over to this merchant -, he likes good and evil. Buy whatever gem of your choice to leave in your bags and continue your farm, in the event you die no one will take your treasures! Afterwards head towards a safe bank, vendor the gems and put it away or keep a few on you and sell them to merchants as you buy stuff off them.

Spectres, there is 3 locations you can find these guys, i suggest skipping the Qeynos sewers, longer spawn time, not as much room and you cannot sow indoors. The scythes vendor for 11 plat each, if you do the camp in Oasis you can vendor the scythe to gypses who like all races right near the camp.

40+ South Ro Jboots Ring - Keep your eye out on the EQ /time, at 9PM there is 10% chance [from what im told, i dont know exact % but ive seen it] an ancient cyclops will spawn. This requires 0 clearing of mobs, its literally pop in at 9PM, check for AC. The ring sells MQ for 3-4k range, 3-3.5k being more common. I would expect to run into some druid / wizards who like to zone in an EQ hour or two early.

50+ Seafurys Most know this camp by 50+, not going to go into a lot of details. Ocean of Tears seafury mobs. Over a dozen spawn on a specific island, usually has people in the 50-60 range there, pvp and hitt n miss, they drop lots of valuable gems you vendor.


30+ Instant clickie Invis vs. Animals ring, anywhere from 5-8k range, havent seen these auctioned in a very long time, demand is out there. Looks like someone posted a walk through on the wiki thank god, its a lot to explain, ill let you research it yourself. Watchout for that iksar guard that roams the area, he'll steal your kill, then kill you! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

35+ Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring / Market value 2500 - 3500 range, demand is quite high atm-, drops off of, Ive done this camp myself, seen it drop in 1 hour, gave up after 7 hours it can be horrible or quite rewarding. The named can spawn in any place of the goblins throughout the zone. Popular place for clearing is #1 on the map -, it ruins with 30+ goblins, all about 12 minute respawn, more then 1 of him can be up.

35+ Bracer of the Hidden - Ive seen this drop in an hour, ive gone all day and never came across it. It can be a horrible camp, if you manage to come across this you'll grab 9 - 10k for it. I do recommend you go after this camp in your mid 40's where its a bit easier to keep these down, that and you'll be avoiding the 50+ that enjoy farming it.


40+ Off to Tower of Frozen Shadow, up to the second floor. Each floor requires a key to progress up, luckly for you, you just wanna get up to the second floor. In order to do that clear the first floor in hopes of spawning, he can trigger instantly after something dies. If not wait for repops and hope for to spawn. Both these guys end with getting a key, once you have that key click up to second floor.

On this floor is a bunch of undead erudites, they have no pets but are either wizards / shadow knights [Who harm touch] / enchanters. Be ready to get the hell dispelled out of you and blown up if your not very high or decent on resists. For every one you kill there is a chance you will trigger - Click the link, check out the Student's Homework, market value about 3k - 5k. Also checkout the Teachers Syllabus, i'd say 6k-8k range.

WARNING: Mages / Necros, if you come here with intentions of farming, the enchanter erudites will charm your pet! A friend of mine on his 52 necro came here and they managed to land a charm on it, so maybe stick to root rotting, or sending in that earth pet and blowing it up super quick.

40 - 45+ Great Divide shardwurm cave. In here are multiple wurms, 3-4 different types. Wiki doesnt show them dropping any spells, but i'd say every 1 out of 10ish you kill a 50-55 range Velious spell will drop, most have lost there value by now. I'd say most are about 100-200 a pop, rarely up to 500, with the exception of: < /> The spell is a box that pop's up castable on yourself or others, it last for 5 minutes and is a Yes / No go back to bind, instantly gets the person running around with it out the zone, very desired in pvp, especially solo wizards roaming around hunting people. The single TL will go 1k - 2k a scroll, the group i'd say no less then 1k, can try pushing for up to 2k. The demand fluxuates on these but people are always leveling gank wizards to harasse players, so dont sell cheap!

50+ To continue off the above paragraph you will come across in the cave a Shardwurm Matriarch. She is a level 45 wurm that is a cleric, expect the nuke and expect the heal. Best part is she has no place holder [Yes this is classic, dont worry about losing it!] and is only a 12 minute respawn just as the rest of the wurm cave is. I've killed her multiple times and she drops 0 - 3 spells at a time, this is where you hope to come across some TL scrolls.

While you farm her you'll come across some goodies, 2 weapons that are tradable and a nice no drop bracer, instead of rambling ill simply link her loot table and you check it out... I dont know what the Whip / Piercer would sell for, if anything they'll make nice alt / friend weapons.

P.S. The bracer / whip / piercer are quite common.

50+ A Suit of Sentient Armor, your going to want a healthy mana pool for this if you plan on quad kiting, otherwise a great root rot / charm camp.

They drop a pretty cool looking suit of SK armor, some of the items have Int / MR on them, you could try selling individually for whatever someone will offer [Really not a set price] or farm up a full suit and sell. I know a few druids who have farmed up suits and they'll get 1.5k - 3k a set, just depends on the market at the time.
On top of it, they drop Velious gems - - Some gems are a lot more common then others, average gem i'd say is 300 - 500 each. There is a couple that you can push 800 - 1500 each, depends how antcy the buyer is. When your in a top raiding guild and have a major upgrade sitting in your backpack but not the gems to finish it, your not going to let a lil extra plat stop you.

The ones off the top of my mind worth more then others is Crushed Coral -, people love to complete the plate helm for the custom graphic, ive seen them go for 1k easy. Along with for Priest Boots, ive sold a few in the 800 - 1500 range. The rest of the gems fluxate quite a bit, you figure out the current market and what you can gain out of it, these mobs do not drop the breastplate gems.

50+ Wyverns in Cobalt Scar - They drop Arctiv Wyvern Hides which tailorers will use to make shaman armor, they typically sell 25-50p a pop when there is demand, not a whole lot of people after the hides, theyre more on the common side and rather farm them themselves, or have a friend do it. These guys also drop the gems that the sentient armos up above do, minus the breastplates. Once again read the sentient section for my opinion on value of gems.

50+ Othmir camp in Cobolt Scar, ideally a druid camp due to needing harmony / lull. -

There is 3 camps of othmirs on cobolt scar, multiple ones at each camp. Some have merchants, some have shamans, 1 has a 60 shaman in the camp, this is where you'll want to harmony, keep in mind harmony is unresistable, AoE and last a good 2-3 minutes so you have plenty of time.

Once you harmony the camp you can tag out 4 specific othmir warriors, they crusty armor - Specific pieces dont have set prices, i'd imagine you can get 1500-3000 for a full suit to someone whos specificly looking, ill let you figure out how to go about selling them. The hides they drop are popular with people insane enough to level tailoring, i would ask any less then 100 each. They also drop Velious gems just as the 2 above suggested camps do, read suit of sentient armor for my opinion on value of gems., no they do not drop breastplate gems.

50+ Wakening Lands Options

Geonids - not to be confused with the lower level ones in Crystal caverns. These guys drop Velious gems, read suit of sentient armor for my opinion on the pricing. On top of dropping Velious quest armor gems, they also rarely drop Blue Diamonds [1.5k] / Diamonds [500-800] / Jacinth [300-350] and Black Sapphires [300-500]. These guys got a good amount of hps, would be a pain in the butt to quad kite, i suggest coming with a partner to kill.

Black Panther / Haze Panther's - / There is 15ish panthers that roam around Wakening Lands, they all can be a placeholder for the Haze. Black Panther hides you can sell for 50 - 100p each if demand is there, I was paying 100 each at one time but will likely go down to 50 each, im finding theyre not that rare or too difficult to farm. The haze panther are rare spawns, and even more rarely drop Haze Panther Hides, here is a list of Velious tailoring options, showing what the Black / Haze can make -

The Haze hides are quite rare and always in demand, a few of the rogue pieces that can be made from it ive seen sold / buying @ 10-12k, thats of course if you find someone with high enough tailoring skill to make them and be successful, keep in mind most velious tailoring is 352 trivial while 250 is max skill. From a couple people ive spoke to with 250 tailoring, theyre successful about 1 out of 3 combines for the haze armor, all the more reason value is so high.

In order to make Black Panther / Haze Panther armor, you need Yew Leaf -, theyre foraged in Wakening Lands. Ive seen them sold anywhere from 100 - 250 a piece, i'd say more common price is 100 - 150 on the higher end, i'll personally pay 125p each if you ever see Andain online, if you can find someone that'll pay more go for it.

Basic Wis / Int / Resist gear

20+ Testament of Vaneer -, 10 wis / mana book for cleric/druid/shamans [sorry evils, cant do without factioning]. Kill 1 mob that is a 7 hour respawn in HHP, do a mini quest in Qeynos and your done. When fighting the mob in HHP watchout for the smuggler roamers, they will assist him.

25+ Reclusive ghoul magus, 3 wis/int helm and + 25 mana gloves for int casters.

25+ Hamed Grarr, drops a resist ring with mana as his rare, and a 2 wis / int / 10 mana headband.

30+ an unrest knight, +10 Mr shoulders, 4 wis tunic for shamans / clerics - - I suggest 30+ if not a bit higher, he has 2 guards that are wizards and he harm touches, quite the bit of burst damage unless you have lull / harmony.

30-35+ for the following 3 camps:

An Ancient Croc - Gater Arms / Legs AC Camp - - Wisdom legs and Int caster arms.

Chief Goonda - Wis Bracers / Int Earrings in West Karana - Int earrings, wisdom bracers, mana/hp necklace, etc. He is a shaman and has a pet, has nasty poison dots so becareful. He has low level guards around him, some are warriors some are shamans, the shaman ones rarely drop loot that are on his table so you'll definately wanna keep them down.

Rathyl and his reincarnation - First version drops a weight reduction bag, when he dies his skelly version instantly spawns into who can drop + 15 mana / 7 MR arms, great int / wis caster piece.

Jboots are a must have, refer to 40+ section of Old World for details.

Come 50+ you'll want to start carrying Crystallized Pumice with you [ ] its a 2 slot dispel castable on yourself or your enemy. You'll also want to invest into 2 instant click items, Bracer of the Hidden, Jboots, Shrunken Goblinskull Earring as listed above, there is also a spyglass made by players that goes for about 100 plat.

Also checkout Crimson Potion [ ] click it before fighting an enchanter, it does 1 damage every 6 seconds to break there mez that might land on you.
Last edited by Cylock; 03-30-2017 at 11:04 PM..
Old 03-30-2017, 09:22 PM
Cylock Cylock is offline
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Very nice informative post for new players!

Need more helpful people like this on the Red99!

As Sirken would say ...

Your humble servant,

Cylock the Halfing Slayer
Old 03-30-2017, 09:25 PM
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Sticky this.
Old 03-30-2017, 09:34 PM
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Thanks andain now will know where to log toons brotha (if they ever come).
Old 03-30-2017, 10:15 PM
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By the end of the year I should have 23k
Old 03-31-2017, 04:11 AM
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pras it

good effort
Old 03-31-2017, 04:18 AM
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Old 03-31-2017, 08:13 AM
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Awesome man!
Old 03-31-2017, 08:21 AM
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Printed this out and will begin highlighting when I should be working - classic and pras Andain
Old 03-31-2017, 12:16 PM
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