Originally Posted by Sadre Spinegnawer
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Two different parts of the game. This clip shows what raiding has come down to in current games. I was doing eq2 until this stupid boss with a light up floor and you had to step on certain colors and I realized: this is only going to get worse. I am likely not dead from a heart attack because of that wise choice. So the baby mode p99 and tlp's fill the void(monster).
That's why everyone is scratching their head about how to make a true sandbox. Because online gaming today, if you like to be competitive, is a room full of people shaving a few months off their life from sheer stress levels. Unless these are all zen masters too.
Raiding in an action-combat MMO is completely different. Check out the run I posted and you'll see the mechanics are mostly move out of cleave/meteors, block/dodge and stuff like that. I guess it's still 'stressful' in its own way as you're going for a no-death speed run but the gameplay is completely different from what I've seen from WoW or FF in terms of heavily choreographed mechanics.