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Old 03-27-2013, 09:54 AM
kenzar kenzar is offline

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Originally Posted by maverixdamighty [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
i'm not stating that falkun. People are saying this happened this way on live and i'm merely stating it may have happened that way on some servers but it sure as heck did not on my server and i'm sure many others. I've already agreed something like daimadoshi's initial request was something I think would work where certain mobs are left up every "x" time period and the guilds that aren't getting the mobs currently can work out their own arrangements on how to address those or go FFA on them etc. I'm not dictating anything and already said i don't have any say in FE's decision I am just adamantly against "enforced rotations" and think it is a carebear attitude. I think people expecting to just be given priority mob spawns are being naive for those top tier mobs you either earn them or you don't.
No one said that is the way it happened on all live servers. Stop straw manning for your own benefit.
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Old 03-27-2013, 09:57 AM
kenzar kenzar is offline

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Originally Posted by maverixdamighty [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
you have three options: become a moderator, use the ignore function, or deal with it.

I've already offered a feasible solution that would do what the OP was trying to have implemented, but people like you have come along requesting outlandish requests, which if they haven't already will kill a thread like this. You don't come to the table asking for some mobs then transition it into all mobs or a full "enforced rotation." Get real.
Opinion noted. Anything constructive to add? Also lol at your false dichotmy, u are on a roll with the fallacies.
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Old 03-27-2013, 09:58 AM
Ravager Ravager is offline
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It's a free server on a video game you probably torrented. You're not 'earning' anything. You mass recruit and zerg mobs down. I've had plenty of opportunity to join TMO when they were on the gravy train to get my free pixels, but I didn't, because I think it's a stupid and unrewarding way to play the game and I don't like to shit on other people to get something I want. Call me a carebear.
Old 03-27-2013, 09:59 AM
Thulack Thulack is offline
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Originally Posted by falkun [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Mav, you and I are usually on the same side, but here we have to disagree. Not that "enforced rotations" are the answer, but flatly stating "we did it this way, everyone else should too" instead of working towards compromising is not the path forward. There is another guild that says, "our way or the highway," I'm sure you've heard of them. If you don't like the topic of this thread, you've said your piece and the thread acknowledges your point of view. I've got nothing to add to the thread, I'm tired of having this same argument again and again and knowing its going nowhere.
It's not just the guild but the people who run the server too that say this.
Old 03-27-2013, 09:59 AM
maverixdamighty maverixdamighty is offline

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Originally Posted by kenzar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Opinion noted. Anything constructive to add? Also lol at your false dichotmy, u are on a roll with the fallacies.
anything realistic to add? haven't seen anything from you yet.
Old 03-27-2013, 11:59 AM
radditsu radditsu is offline
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Gm enforced rotations are not going to happen. Big dog Sirken shouldn't have to continually say so. Rogean shouldn't continually have to say so. I personally like rotations. I grew up on a big rotation server. But the reality is that the developers and people in charge will not do so, it would take resources that these people just do not have. They aren't being paid 10 bucks an hour to log in a computer at a warehouse somewhere to do this. They are not independently wealthy. They most likely have a 9 to 5 like the rest of us.

Most, if not all programming changes (simulated patch days, fte shout) MAY happen, but you should not count on it, the limited time and effort the developers have, is most likely going to Velious. You are not going to demand, and receive, anything from them. 2 Week simulated repops , a shortened variance window, and keep the randomly extended spawn at the end of windows would be a fantastic way to distribute mobs, and promote competition, and cut down on the spawn camping. I think the random extension is a stroke of genius. However i think that random spawn timers on...say NTOV will be a disaster. Who want's to go up there everyday for one dragon if it pops?

However, all of these are programming changes, and difficult to just "make happen". They have tested some parts of these changes to some mixed results. There are like 3 guys, who in their free time, recreate an entire world of shit for you to do. I've looked at PEQ code and other stuff recently and its....immense. It's frankly amazing. Ok so developer wank over...

So what can you do? Work with people. EQ mac has that shit right(sorry Lron). They will work with each other to carve cancers out. That does not mean that everybody needs to be sunshine and lollipops. I was/is/am ground floor FE, I joined them because, i saw a need for the offensive. I absolutely loved being in BDA, most of the people were amazing. Never saw any problems from any other guild.

I see a bunch of people frothing at the mouth to work together. I couldn't see that potential go to waste. I had to at least try break a strangle hold on the top.

A great deal of the ground level members of FE were willing to do what it takes to at least attempt to change a culture.

Do you think most of them care about Maestro, or an Inny? Or losing a Kunark dragon?
Most of us had a boot on our neck for months to YEARS before.

For the TLDR crowd: Work with each other to change the culture, don't expect the EQ gods to hear your pleas.

Old 03-27-2013, 12:01 PM
Llodd Llodd is offline

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Originally Posted by Sirken [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
ah well, you're wrong. we arent gods. i never meant to imply that we were the gods. we are watchers that try to keep order amongst the chaos. personally i think the raid scene will still get worse before it gets better. if i was any guild besides TMO/FE, i have a pretty solid way to take their mobs, not all of them, not even close. but snatch a few traks and see what happens. and before any QQs about how impossible it is to steal trak, take a moment to stfu and think out side the box for a few minutes. its much much easier than most of you realize.

and my personal opinion on rotations has no bearing on the situation. personally i think they are retarded, unrewarding, and essentially free handouts, but its also not up to me to decide. everybody enjoys different things. you might really enjoy something i think to be dumb, and vice versa. neither of us is right or wrong for our thinking, we do what makes us happy.

but as it stands right now, the staff will absolutely not dictate to the players how the raid scene will work between guilds, and that includes forcing a rotation.

that being said, just as we wont force a rotation on the guilds, if the guilds did work out a rotation, the staff would not get in the way.
I realise you don't like the implication that you are gods, but that is what you are or rather their disciples that enforce gods (rog/nil's server) rules. After all who else with the flip of a switch can destroy it's very existence.

I think you also misunderstand what I and some others are saying here. Personally i completely agree that any rotation has to be unilaterally agreed amongst the players, but what we are suggesting is that the peasants get that chance every month, 2 months, 3 months or whatever is most reasonable to the top guilds to take on some of the raid targets that they would otherwise not be able to see without joining a massive guild that requires batphone/efficient mobilisation.

Top guilds still maintain their virtual monopoly/competition which unfortunately seems to be what they want.

How is this idea not something the server staff can see as anything but a positive one?
Old 03-27-2013, 12:38 PM
falkun falkun is offline
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Originally Posted by radditsu [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For the TLDR crowd: Work with each other to change the culture, don't expect the EQ gods to hear your pleas.
This. It doesn't matter how much content there is, the culture is what brings us back to classic Everquest.
Old 03-27-2013, 01:05 PM
kotton05 kotton05 is offline

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Originally Posted by falkun [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This. It doesn't matter how much content there is, the culture is what brings us back to classic Everquest.
Very true, I also think if a guild focus' on fay/tal/sev good chance you can get with the current vp war/trak at FE's main target, the other dragons may get slept on for one reason or another. Sirken said he knows a way to sneak kills in. So there must be a way, prolly doesnt come with some sleepless hours but i have seen BDA/DIV both out there for sev, which is more than most guilds and the more you try the higher chances youll get the kill.
Old 03-27-2013, 01:45 PM
Hailto Hailto is offline
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Originally Posted by Vianna [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I came to this server because it was advertised as a classic server. I started a cleric because it is what I first played on live. All the way through as I was leveling in gfay, crushbone,unrest,and mistmoore the game was a pretty good representation of what I remembered and it was fun to play just like I remembered. I worked hard with several close guildies to grow Full Circle so we could simply get into planes and start getting people geared.... A lot of non-selfish people worked their tails off to get us there too. Still I was having the time of my life playing the game again I enjoyed .. I mean it was truly a joy to finally break through fear and hate with low numbers and start gearing up. We grew fast after that. Numbers swelled and before we knew it we had a player base of really skilled players for the most part who knew their classes well. We were excited at the prospects.....

That is where the classic experience stopped. Huge Variance windows .....Non-stop tracking of mobs....Bat-phones bringing forth zerg forces flooding the zones we were in when mobs spawned....It was like a butchered representation of what everquest was like to me and a lot of others. There was no shot to get a mob unless you did 1 or 2 things...... Do what they are doing or wait till a mob was late in window and sit there at it. We personally are a casual guild so there just was never gonna be enough people that wanted to spend their time on a tracker for the 5 or 6 hours they get to play and not be guaranteed of seeing the mob they are tracking... when they would rather be doing something fun with their time. So we chose the former route. We watched windows of mobs and started seeing which ones we had the force to kill and we took people to them. The next patch that came out took that option away with extended windows.

So now we are back to the point of trying to compete for mobs people need for their epics with casual players. A few months ago we were discussing shortening variance and having simulated patches. Instead we have a possible longer variance on raid mobs with no further discussion on simulated patch days. It makes you stop to ask yourself why are we intentionally going in a direction in the raid scene that alienates most of your server population from it ? I would be all for a rotation with any guild honestly. For just about any mob. Just to have fun attempting them again. I know there can't be a full sense of success for anyone when it turns into an FTE contest. It wasn't for me when I was there and we got Inny. It just leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

I think I am with Splorf on this one. The most fun I have in EQ and ever had in EQ was raiding with the bare minimum and seeing if you could get it done. There is no challenge to the game when you send 40 people at a mob to zerg it to death. It gets the loot fast sure, but I read TMO say they enjoyed raiding to raid.... Not for the loot in another thread. Does TMO or FE honestly enjoy having 30 people from each side zerging a mob to death that lives a grand total of 10 seconds and poses no challenge at all ? I dunno I guess I am different, I enjoy games for the challenge they represent. There simply is no challenge besides a race on this server if you want to compete and you have to be ready to race 24 hours a day. So I support the OP in their endeavor.... Simply because it moves away from Alienating the largest part of the server.
The whole challenge IS the competition, anyone can figure out how to kill Trakanon after the game has been out 13 years. I love Full Circle and i had a great time with you guys, but you have to realize there is no solution to make everyone happy, unless we just want to instance every encounter.
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