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Old 05-04-2021, 02:08 AM
Byue Byue is offline
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Originally Posted by HalflingSpergand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] at the byue novel

a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.

Glad to see you got your reading dose for the week in 7 sentences.
I know it's hard on the brain.
Information comes in better when Tucker tells you.

Americans, when you tell them an AR-15 should be banned: 4k pages essay.

Americans, when you talk about policy: FUCK THE CUCK LEFT HAHA.

Ignorance is bliss isn't it.

edit: thread about politics, most post have one liners.

We are making progress guys, from the grunts of cavemen 200,000 years ago the the dignified grunts of the average American right winger enjoyer, there is a sight difference!
I don't even know that I don't know.
Last edited by Byue; 05-04-2021 at 02:13 AM..
Old 05-04-2021, 02:18 AM
Danth Danth is offline
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Byue doesn't seem dumb to me, just seems like someone speaking English as a second language, which I assume he is. No shame in being imperfect in that sense, his English is dramatically better than my wholly inadequate grasp of French.

Originally Posted by Byue [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] the basement, listening to the complaint of the gathered council of neighbourhood concerned citizen of all stripes and colour and background and try to enact policy based on lived and shared experience
Yes, actually--minus the basement part. That's effectively how small town politics and town meetings work.


A lot of the one-line responses stem from posters who cruise the forum trying to find "gotcha!" moments or otherwise troll. Add in a political discussion where a lot of folks simply want to yell at the other side rather than try to understand alternative motivations and it isn't a recipe for great public discussion.

Last edited by Danth; 05-04-2021 at 02:22 AM..
Old 05-04-2021, 02:33 AM
FatherSioux FatherSioux is offline

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Byue seems to have a grasp on history but he seems to learn the incorrect lessons from the past. This is a key to success, learning the correct lesson.
Old 05-04-2021, 02:36 AM
Byue Byue is offline
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Originally Posted by Danth [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Byue doesn't seem dumb to me, just seems like someone speaking English as a second language, which I assume he is. No shame in being imperfect in that sense, his English is dramatically better than my wholly inadequate grasp of French.

Yes, actually--minus the basement part. That's effectively how small town politics and town meetings work.

Honest feedback, thank you.
I actually went from my native French to university in English.
I didn't do so bad, English is really easy to learn yet difficult to master, I think.
You also have to understand, I don't always apply myself the same way you would still respect people online who make spelling mistakes and that my sentences can be confusing yet often are grammatically correct and the syntax is fine, just a lot more literary and I'm not trying to be arrogant, I just like bending the rule of languages, whether French or English or Arabic or Spanish. (the languages I speak while some make fun of my English)

I also try to stick to what I know and google my shit.
I feel a lot of hate stems from this perceived anti Americanism because somehow, criticizing america for its flaws rather than continuing to praise, is hate. Generally, if you hate, you don't give a fuck and if you love, you criticize to make better but hey, these guys are like "uber smart" so it's not like I would know.

As for the townhall meeting, this is not grassroot movement, these are townhall meetings. Which are usually shit show because nobody comes prepared.

See leftists meet up, discuss one topic at length with input coming from all angles and background and then send delegate to city meetings day in and day out.

This is not something right wingers do.
much like protesting.
Right wingers are much more inclined to say, "i don't have time to protest, punk I work" as if other people don't also need to work to live.

There obviously are, I'm not an idiot but real grassroot movement, coming from the right are definitely rarer. It's more like think tanks tells the caucus what to do while on the left, the base tells what to do.

Those are general broadstrokes but I am sure we can agree on this.
There is maybe a handful of issues that really unite the right to mobilize, organize, protest while leftists will literally form committees to shit on someone who said something that might have offended someone.
You get the point.

Left = grassroot.
right = astroturf.

What do you think of that?
It's also easy to spot because left wing protest, everyone tries to one up one another with funny slogans on cardboard while right wing protests have neat corporate cardboard premade for them, the base, to pick up at rendez-vous point.

Originally Posted by FatherSioux [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Byue seems to have a grasp on history but he seems to learn the incorrect lessons from the past. This is a key to success, learning the correct lesson.
Like this pandemic should teach everyone on earth that a little pygmy in his shit-brick hut living in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere can have a pretty big fucking impct on my life if he decides to live in squalor and eat raw bats because that's all he can afford so maybe, collectively, we should do something about the global poverty and its pervasive effects. We now also know that if you don't have a strong social net, if you are sick, and you need the money, you will go to work sick and infect others so maybe look into that, too yet what we are learning now is that Americans get the vaccines first and this will drastically degrade the situation as this forces the virus to be elft unchecked on most of the world's population in effect creating a first world, and a rest of the world which is what put us in this mess to begin with but hey.

fuck the left.
fuck helping people, we ain't got no money to feed grand-ma but we got money to blow up mohammed, though.
We could both go through the same trial by fire and come out the other side entirely different.
I see the world big and scary and I think to myself, if I help other people, there will be people to help me when I need help.
Right wingers tend to think that if they pile enough money, they can get out of this mess and rise "above" this shit and that other people are out to get them.

Same lived experience, or roughly the same: we look at a complex world that literally wants us dead and we come to different conclusions on how to go about it.
Who's to say my interpretations are wrong? Or yours?
As long as we are honest and base our decisions on facts, it's ok to come to different conclusion but it's wrong to come to different conclusion because I think the world is flat and if you disagree you're an idiot aaaaaaargh!

Like I think Trump's inauguration sucked, you might have liked it but if I said it sucked because it snowed and there was a tornado, you would shrug me off as cray but if I said I didn't like it because it was demoralizing to me, you'll say well I really like it, i think he's wrong. (but not cray, see the difference?)
I don't even know that I don't know.
Last edited by Byue; 05-04-2021 at 02:51 AM..
Old 05-04-2021, 02:44 AM
Danth Danth is offline
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I think you don't see as many "grassroots" movements originate from the right because conservatives are by definition probably more or less okay with things as-is and hence not generally as likely to start such a movement in the first place. This is very evident in how dramatically more effective the present leftist movements (BLM, antifa, etc) are than their disorganized and ineffectual right-wing equivalents. The right likes to say the left sucks at memes, maybe they do, but I think the right sucks at protesting.

I don't for a minute think you hate America. Frustrated by it at times, sure, but not hate. You do seem to have pride in your own nation, which is fair enough. The one time the U.S. tried to invade what later became Canada, it didn't end well for the Americans. Canada has a long history of fighting "above its weight" in international conflicts.

Old 05-04-2021, 02:56 AM
HalflingSpergand HalflingSpergand is offline
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Dear byue, I didnt read it bud i just rolled past it
Old 05-04-2021, 03:00 AM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
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Are these lyrics?
Old 05-04-2021, 03:04 AM
FatherSioux FatherSioux is offline

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Byue continuing to paint his lefties buddies as highly intelligent, moral and all around better in all ways than those on the right. Then he wonders why he's met with disdain.

You cite a feature of the right as if it's a bug. I wonder how many on the left could admit that the left can go too far. I challenge anyone on the left to cite an example and policy that the left has taken too far in the past, any country, any time. Go.
Old 05-04-2021, 03:10 AM
Danth Danth is offline
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Originally Posted by Byue [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
We now also know that if you don't have a strong social net, if you are sick, and you need the money, you will go to work sick and infect others so maybe look into that
If you don't live here you might not realize how thoroughly most of the U.S.--"right" and "left" both--despise any sort of sick or disabled people. I suspect it originates from a warped notion of Protestant work ethic, but whatever the cause, it's very real and deeply ingrained in American culture. If you get sick or hurt, you aren't unfortunate, rather you're just a lazy bum, a worthless drain who has no value. Folks are almost always straight-up punished for missing work due to being hurt or sick. My wife was fired from her job because she got hurt on the job (yes, our attorney informed us that is entirely legal here, somehow). A decade-plus, three back surgeries later, and with her still in constant pain, half her own family wants nothing to do with her anymore because she's "lazy." It sucks, and at any given time there's never enough sick folks to out-vote the healthy, so it keeps on suckin.

Old 05-04-2021, 03:22 AM
Byue Byue is offline
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What you fail to understand, Father is the day Biden took office, nobody on the left was like fuck yeah, 4 years of nice! the way republicans did with Trump.

For us, it's back to this shit stinks, do something about it.
From Stephen Colbert to Seth Meyers to most of the left wing pundits, they already criticized Biden, HARD and will continue to push that, this is how you get accountability.

Man did Trump gets softball interviews and while obviously, he left criticized him, who on the right did? John McCain, the true American hero turned real political. (I actually preferred him to Obama because standing up against your entire prty and telling bush to fuck himself with his torture takes a lot of guts and this shows he is real with his ideas and I like that)

So like yeah, tons of left leaning policies sucked and didn't end up doing what they set out to do. This is what I been trying to say.
Real leftists complain all the time and even if you did this amazing thing that no one thought you could do, they would say cool then immediately fuck you up because there's more to do.

You don't realize that.
I know you want me to say commies are bad but to me, communism means workers owns the means of production and I haven't really seen that but if you want me to say that one child's policy is great, I won't or if you want me to say that communism killed people through a famine, ok sure but this means people who die of starvation, thirst or curable diseases are killed by capitalism and don't do the tally you might end up knowing which system kills more people.

(I'm not a commie either)

How about you, care to talk about right wing-o-sphere, nazism, famines, coups, economic policies displacing millions, economic policies killing millions. homeland policy of building walls which leads to deaths.

P.S: I know nazis have the word socialist, in their name. Don't be a fucking fool, they'Re as socialist as the people's republic of china is controleld by the people or the free democratic republic of congo is actually free and democratic. Grow up.

I don't think we're generally more intelligent, on the left.
I keep saying more educated.
Which is known, and it makes sense since intellectualism isn't valued on the right, education neither. So we know more about possible solutions and about what the fuck is going on but it doesn't imbue us with magical abilities, we are still human.

I do believe an educated person is usually smarter than a non educated but not smarter like brain smart, more like, aware of what is going on but that always depend on the field studied, right? And it's broadstrokes.

As individuals, we're roughly smart the same in our western countries but some people harness the power of their thought better and are more articulate and are nuanced but again, I never said smarter because this goes against my intrinsic belief that all of us are created equals.

What we give to the world is not the same.
But we are equals.
Whether you can bench 5 lbs or 500lbs, what matter is the efforts, real efforts.

Not more moral, or better but with more heart, and more courage perhaps?
Like the world is pretty fucking shitty and it takes like 3 minutes of being alive to feel that shit and whoever thus defends the statu quo is obviously not a friend of humanity. Left wingers are ike, this monopoly guy is ruining our lives let's take control of our destiny back!
Right wingers are generally like, you know, if we charge people a fee to sue their own bank account, we could give rich people more money because fuck this guy, take his twenty and give it to this rich dude! Or like this monopoly guy is struggling, like everyone who rents his houses but instead of helping the many, we will help the one.

You can hardly disagree with that, in principle.
Now in practice...

Originally Posted by Danth [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you don't live here you might not realize how thoroughly most of the U.S.--"right" and "left" both--despise any sort of sick or disabled people. I suspect it originates from a warped notion of Protestant work ethic, but whatever the cause, it's very real and deeply ingrained in American culture. If you get sick or hurt, you aren't unfortunate, rather you're just a lazy bum, a worthless drain who has no value. Folks are almost always straight-up punished for missing work due to being hurt or sick. My wife was fired from her job because she got hurt on the job (yes, our attorney informed us that is entirely legal here, somehow). A decade-plus, three back surgeries later, and with her still in constant pain, half her own family wants nothing to do with her anymore because she's "lazy." It sucks, and at any given time there's never enough sick folks to out-vote the healthy, so it keeps on suckin.

This is really bad. American culture is a lot about work, almost like it will set you free.
When a people glorify money, you can't be surprised that working becomes life.

What I like about being French is the culture of I work to live, not the other ay around.
I much rather spend time at the park reading in the shades of a tree feeling the wind in my hair than work more than 40H a week (which is a lie, I am a cook and routinely work 80H+) and I believe whoever disagrees lacks culture and only has work to turn to.

Because at work, you have a function and you don't have to think much.
It has its purposes.

But the American people need to realize they are getting exploited by these corporations and turn to hobbies, loved one, one another, instead of working their live away.
Can you imagine we just voted a law that your employer cannot call you or send you email after your work hours.
Fuck right off with this work pressure.

I get it though Danth and I felt it when I lived in the US.
Whenever the French side of me came out, people thought I was lazy but also, strangely, loved that vibe of living truly.
I don't even know that I don't know.
Last edited by Byue; 05-04-2021 at 03:33 AM..
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