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Old 12-14-2016, 11:31 AM
Alanus Alanus is offline

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Originally Posted by Lammy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I'm pretty sure your typical Neckbeard has some sort of real life handicap or social disorder. It's an escape, and is most likely why they dedicate their entire lives to the pixel hunt. I know I tried it for a period once on P99. You can do it for a while but you'd have to be quite the exception to maintain a quality real life and keep a solid raid attendance in those guilds. That's why most of them are miserable people who rock their jollies on you not getting their pixels. Just look at the way some of them speak to GMs and other players. It is a sickness though, so you can't really call them bad people.
You nailed it. I used to play on live way too much. It was an escape for me. I had no real life. It was college and EQ. That was it.
Old 12-14-2016, 11:31 AM
paulgiamatti paulgiamatti is offline
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Originally Posted by Lammy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It is a sickness though, so you can't really call them bad people.
That's a little too Zen Buddhist for my blood. You're right, sociopathy is a mental disorder, but under the "you can't really call them bad people" ethos you have to be consistent - if a psychopath murders your best friend, then you can't hold them in contempt either.
Old 12-14-2016, 11:32 AM
Meep Meep is offline

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Originally Posted by Lhancelot [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The problem here is the people running the plat camps non-stop can't help it. Their thirst and greed overrides any sense of moral scruples they should have. It's like some sort of weird pixel addiction/disease.

Also, because others who run the plat camps behave in this way, it seems to create a merry-go-round situation where this behavior is encouraged.

A year ago I went from playing like a true casual, then joining a relatively successful raiding guild to see how it was, plus I thought it would be fun to develop my toon and gear him up. I seen the same type of greedy behavior exhibited by the guild and not just to other guilds.

I witnessed firsthand how greedy many of these dudes are.

One guy literally has at least 5 alts I know of, all geared better than most members mains in the guild mind you, yet this did not stop him from sending me a tell begging me to "buy" an item I won fair and square on a /ran roll when it was determined many of us could use the item for a quest. He wanted the quest item for his alt. Nevermind I had one main, and nevermind his alts were all geared better than my main. Dude had to have this quest piece.

Thing is, a large number of the players in these raid guilds either are blind to it, or simply choose to pretend they don't see this selfish, greedy, nasty behavior. It really appears the majority of them have truly drank the koolaid.

These types of players are the majority in the top tier echelon of raiding and plat farming camps I believe.

Either you act this way, or you get scraps and leftovers. Just how it is here. Sad.

I know many of these same greedy dudes will say, "Yeah but, I put the time in I deserve what I get that's how it works." But, it's not how it works. You can show some sort of decency towards other players, and control your inner greed and desires so others can get some too.

You don't have to be so greedy and so shitty to other players that you simply control a camp whenever you are logged in and can. You can let other people who can't sock a camp or item 24/7 have a chance to do it sometimes, too. This is being a greedy POS if you deliberately hold a camp hostage and do not allow all the hundreds of other players a chance to enjoy a camp, ever.
There was one guy in a guild I was in, and about 18 months ago maybe now he had literally 7-8 characters he'd raid with depending on what the raid was and what we were doing. The DKP system was at the point where everyone would bid the minimum and usually get it, so he'd often have his other characters camped out just in case something was going to rot... he'd get it for the minimum each time.\

Nothing wrong with that you might think... but while it didn't happen to me he'd sometimes ask people in the same class he was playing ahead of time NOT TO BID, like really as if he needed it more but wanted to pay the minimum and no more than that.

What you going to do with 7-8 averagely geared characters? Loser. Gear 1-2 and gear them properly. 1 is best. Stay focused.
Old 12-14-2016, 12:35 PM
Rang Rang is offline

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Originally Posted by Pokesan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
do not interfere with infinite kiting of quest mobs being sold for RMT

-the staff
Old 12-14-2016, 01:06 PM
Kagey Kagey is offline

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Originally Posted by Leiker [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
All good advice and this should be bare minimum for anyone attempting scout. You dont NEED to be able to bind to know the correct spot to stand on. Just use /loc and geographical markers to determine heading and make sure you have your trade windows aligned correctly. Again though, wont help you when up against a macro-clicker.

Without a doubt, a lot of people do get scout in a legitimate way and its not hard if there is no macro-clicker present. Lots of people who come to scout to do the turnin have no clue about what to do. You can even trick clueless people into standing at the wrong spot, quite hilarious. Doesnt change anything that has been said about macro-clickers.
Debating with you is like debating God with a Christian.
You view is if a macro clicker is there no one will beat him. And if someone else actually does win, it's cause the macro clicker isn't there.
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Old 12-14-2016, 01:23 PM
Dreenk317 Dreenk317 is offline
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Originally Posted by Kagey [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Debating with you is like debating God with a Christian.
You view is if a macro clicker is there no one will beat him. And if someone else actually does win, it's cause the macro clicker isn't there.
His view is more of "if I didn't win it's because a macro clicker was there". Why can't someone just be first? Why can't people accept that someone might have beat them without cheating?
Old 12-14-2016, 01:41 PM
Lammy Lammy is offline
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I believe they're referencing the ones that win time and time again.
Old 12-14-2016, 01:47 PM
Leiker Leiker is offline

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Originally Posted by Dreenk317 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
His view is more of "if I didn't win it's because a macro clicker was there". Why can't someone just be first? Why can't people accept that someone might have beat them without cheating?
Nice strawman, but this is not what I am saying at all.
Please see Lammys comment above.

I never said that macro-clickers are present at every scout. All I am saying is that macro clicking gives an unfair advantage and that it should be sanctioned, nothing more, nothing less. Its like having a 100m race with one guy starting 30m ahead of the other guy. It does not mean that the first guy cannot win, just that the second guy has a significant advantage.

The fact that you can beat a macro clicker does not mean that it does not give an unfair advantage.
[Leiker - 60 Enchanter]
Last edited by Leiker; 12-14-2016 at 02:10 PM..
Old 12-14-2016, 02:52 PM
Thugnuts Thugnuts is offline

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Originally Posted by Lhancelot [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The problem here is the people running the plat camps non-stop can't help it. Their thirst and greed overrides any sense of moral scruples they should have. It's like some sort of weird pixel addiction/disease.
We are certainly dealing with some unhealthy individuals on this server, but there's another form of addiction that many folks here are feeding: $3 USD for 1K on the shitlord RMT market.

When you've got someone with access to ten different max level epic'd characters on six different accounts, who are in or have been in the top raiding guild or guilds for years on end, you're talking about someone who already has access to all the content in the game. Every zone. Every item. They can have any of it.

So why are they farming cash camps, MQ's, and generally cockblocking scruffy newbs who've only been here for a year? $3 USD for 1,000 plat. All day, everyday on multiple websites.

What does that add up to for people who are banging out hundreds of thousands of plat each month? Rent, weed money, the co-pay on their benzos, etc.

Been going on here since the Kunark era when one guild took over pretty much all the endgame content. Heaps of top-end gear that only they had regular, ongoing access to was being RMT'd for a mint on a daily basis... for years.

Most of those folks are still here playing today, and still doing the same thing. Only the guild names and the mule names change. It works like this:

Scumlord sells 50,000 plat for $150 USD to some random schmuck who is locked out of content, but really really wants the Spergy Axe of Sundering.

Scumlord then sells schmuck the Spergy Axe of Sundering MQ in the game for 50,000 plat. Totally legit, just farming MQ's dontcha know?

Scumlord then takes that same 50,000 plat and sells it again for another $150 to a totally different schmuck, who is locked out of content, but really really wants the Illustrious Robe of Incontinence.

Rinse and repeat.
Old 12-14-2016, 02:59 PM
Alanus Alanus is offline

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Originally Posted by Thugnuts [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
We are certainly dealing with some unhealthy individuals on this server, but there's another form of addiction that many folks here are feeding: $3 USD for 1K on the shitlord RMT market.

When you've got someone with access to ten different max level epic'd characters on six different accounts, who are in or have been in the top raiding guild or guilds for years on end, you're talking about someone who already has access to all the content in the game. Every zone. Every item. They can have any of it.

So why are they farming cash camps, MQ's, and generally cockblocking scruffy newbs who've only been here for a year? $3 USD for 1,000 plat. All day, everyday on multiple websites.

What does that add up to for people who are banging out hundreds of thousands of plat each month? Rent, weed money, the co-pay on their benzos, etc.

Been going on here since the Kunark era when one guild took over pretty much all the endgame content. Heaps of top-end gear that only they had regular, ongoing access to was being RMT'd for a mint on a daily basis... for years.

Most of those folks are still here playing today, and still doing the same thing. Only the guild names and the mule names change. It works like this:

Scumlord sells 50,000 plat for $150 USD to some random schmuck who is locked out of content, but really really wants the Spergy Axe of Sundering.

Scumlord then sells schmuck the Spergy Axe of Sundering MQ in the game for 50,000 plat. Totally legit, just farming MQ's dontcha know?

Scumlord then takes that same 50,000 plat and sells it again for another $150 to a totally different schmuck, who is locked out of content, but really really wants the Illustrious Robe of Incontinence.

Rinse and repeat.
I would imagine it'd be easy to catch RMTers. Just set up some code to flag when high amounts of plat get traded for almost nothing. Then investigate them (i.e. check if it was a legit reason, such as transfer or loot rights or whatever, versus RMT)
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