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Old 01-25-2020, 01:42 AM
encopitt encopitt is offline

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Thank you! At least someone gets where I'm coming from. If you call it, its yours.
Don't blast me cause you were in a completely different area camping other mobs.
Old 01-25-2020, 02:04 AM
Danth Danth is offline
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Also matters--defacto, if not dejure--if a guide/GM happens to be online. None on and someone trains you out of a camp? Doesn't matter who's it was or who's right or wrong; you've got no recourse within the rules. Sure you can petition but fat lot of good that does if nobody's there to read it when you need it. Maybe the other person (who trained you) might get suspended later but even if so, a) you'll usually never hear about it, and b) it doesn't help your plans for the day anyway. That's one of the inevitable drawbacks of having volunteer-based management, lots of gaps in coverage. Comes with the territory.


I only very rarely ask for camp checks anymore; I prefer to directly check stuff myself. I'm long since tired of people claiming camps they aren't at, aren't clearing, and may not even ever reach. This happens quite often; I've seen it just this month where a group repeatedly claimed a camp but over the course of more than two hours never actually reached it at all before leaving. Experienced players are well aware that merely claiming a camp in /ooc will drive away a fair portion of the competition who may not be able to check for themselves. On the flip side, plenty of people don't bother responding to camp checks at all or might be AFK between spawn cycles, so quite often you'll clear to a seemingly-open camp just to find someone there anyway. Always best to check directly and be sure if you have the option to do so.

Old 01-25-2020, 03:20 AM
lordpazuzu lordpazuzu is offline

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I've had people bullshit a camp check a few times. They take the opportunity to claim it before they get there so they can keep you from taking it first.
Old 01-25-2020, 03:46 AM
Arshis Arshis is offline

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If your in an indoor dungeon you may claim more than one camp, if someone would like one of your camps, you do have to forfeit one of your camps. However, the player holding the camps can choose which camp they would like to give up. You’ll see this a great deal in guk. It’s good to keep in mind that reason you may be seeing mobs up, because players who are just loot grinding will invis and go from camp to camp in the zone only killing the PH of the named. The key word here PH?

A far as CC’s are concerned, it’s not uncommon for people to not respond right away. People at Kindel in SolA afk for 16 mins at a time and sometimes people just don’t see the CC, they step away for a second and the current chat channel spams it away. One of the big reasons we play EQ is because it is a game you can play and progress on without it requiring your full attention, unlike most modern day MMORPGS that require you to button mash for hours on end.~ So I try to be forgiving in this sense of camp calls.

“a CC, and then recieve responses claiming areas where the person who is calling it isn't present or even visible, with a full compliment of mobs, and then get trained by said individual for taking the camp they claimed, yet were nowhere near, I'm the instigator?”

You have two ways you can go about this...

You can ask him for the camp if he has more than 1 camps he’s gotta give something up.

You go to the camp you catch the PH up take a timestamp (/time) and a screen shot. And even get fancy and type /say “Is anyone here?” Wait 3 mins, and if the PH is still up take another screen shot with the time stamp on it. It should also show that no one has responded to your question in say as well. This is all the proof you will ever need to show a guide/GM should an argument arise.

Now I want to get into the reason I mentioned to wait three mins. When it comes to claiming a camp it states very clearly, they must kill it in a reasonable amount of time. Reasonable is a variable, there is no set amount of time, this part takes judgement. Example: A level 35 druid will clear the ancient crock camp slower than a 35 mage. What matters is their clearing it as fast as they can, they are not lollygagging or wasting time. This goes the same with people who are clearing multi camps mobs in a zone, maybe their a mage and clearing between every camp and have been for the 7 hours. You can’t just run into a camp and take it, takes time for him to clear from spot to spot. You’ll see mages farm in Sol A like this quite a bit. Let's look at the latter, say it’s a Necro whos been just charm killing ph’s in Guk, he just goes invis from camp to camp, there is no reason he can’t kill 4ish mobs across 2 camps in 28 mins. Use your best judgement when you petition and always make or take evidence when you can. When you show you have been a thoughtful player and that you tried to be fair and understanding to other players you’ll never lose an argument. Hope this helps.
Old 01-25-2020, 10:19 AM
Wallicker Wallicker is offline
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I always @CSR in discord then /who all GM Ingame, if you don’t get a response and don’t see one in 10-15 minutes then it’s fair game to train away. It’s the nature of the beast, get good!
Old 01-25-2020, 02:19 PM
encopitt encopitt is offline

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Get good?
How about having respect for the other human being behind the monitor?
No one should have to have a GM trailing them at all times.

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