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Old 03-04-2016, 03:42 PM
FatMice FatMice is offline
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A wall of text...

Originally Posted by Fifield [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
IThe current raid scene in ToV is absolutely stupid and the leaders of FA and Awakened need to just get along for once and come up with some ground rules that both parties could agree on.
I really would like this publicly addressed. Forget having to be on Sirken's stream. Start using the Raid Discussion thread as it was intended on being used. The faster guild leaders start posting public discussions on how they image the raid scene the faster can come to agreeable or disagreeable scenarios. The important thing is it remains public and understandable for all.

Originally Posted by Daldaen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Mages are an absolutely terrible way to determine FTE. FTE is also an absolutely terrible way to handle a zone that is intended to be crawled and have guards for every mob semi linked to them.

It requires your tracker be 100% attentive for the entire window. Any faltering at all, even for 1 second and you lose the mob. You fizzle, you lose the mob. You swap out trackers, you lose the mob. It's dumb dumb dumb.

I agree with you that this is a simple dumb scenario, but guess what... both guilds are effected by these short comings. Tell me about other raid mobs where CoTHing isn't required and racing is good outside of VP and TOV. VS comes to mind but how many times does it become a train shit show only to have guilds start freaking out. VS has been going for 6 years on this server. The same problems persist. If people are willing to sit in front of a computer so they can get pixels let them.

Originally Posted by Daldaen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The problem I have with some player made agreement is we've been burned on that before. An agreement was made after some QQ about FTEing a second mob while another was engaged. Hokushin was pointed to 2013 era VP rules, and the second mob was dropped. Three weeks later, when Rampage no longer existed, we expected this to be the norm. Naturally when a mob was at 13% we were getting ready to FTE a mob and a guild already engaged in a mob FTEs it, then claims that "agreement" was made with Hokushin only and is now null and void.

These sorts of raid agreements being thrown out After no consultation led to the way things are. Without the server fully enforcing the rule I have minimal faith in their benefit to all guilds involved if on a whim the guilds in an agreement can just throw them to the wind.
So if I am reading this correctly... you are starting to complain that once a guild is no longer raiding or merges with another guild any previous guild agreements are now null and void? I really want this to be clear. Because two weeks ago I guarantee you FA leadership was trying to talk to Awakened about multiple different scenarios where you killed a Dragon Spawn in its own wing and starting placing more Mages than what was understood by a majority of raiders who have been doing TOV for the last 4 months.

I will say this again... if a guild merges or decides they want to stop raiding are you considering all player made agreements to be void? The real problem here is this should be started before you make any assumptions. Also it just comes across against the play nice policy. Guild should be making attempts to work together. There needs to be repercussions if there is no conversation to this and guilds just decided to do what is their best interest without opening discussing this with other guilds.

Originally Posted by Daldaen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Let me be clear. The failure to adhere to these rules is no one guild or individual's fault. It's been a server problem since I started. There are almost no penalties in place for canceling out prior agreements on a whim. Which is why making them a server rule is so crucial.
Couldn't agree more. And frankly in my opinion you are as guilty as the rest of them.

Originally Posted by Daldaen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What I would prefer personally, beyond full repops, removal of binds or some sort of server rotation (all of which don't appear to have any shot in hell at occuring) is this:
  • 1 ranger tracker at Vulak pillar, face track whatever WToV or Dozekar's you want to.
  • All FTEers must be behind the entrance door on spawn to be eligible to FTE. Also for Kael you need to be at WL on the dirt area before it turns to Ice because Kael CotHQuest is equally retarded.
  • SoW or Spirit of Scale allowed, you figure out if the inability to cast is worth extra runspeed.
  • Any class is allowed to FTE. Run up Hide/Sneak rogue, or monks, or DA bomb with a Necro, or hell just send Rangers for the lols.
  • Any number of runners allowed.
  • Anything that happens beyond the wing doorways until FTE goes out is fair game. You want to fire off an AE drake on some hide sneak rogues, go for it. You want to break FD on a few monks by popping AEs, have fun. You wanna leave a rogue hanging way behind waiting for the dust to settle to dance over everyone's corpses and FTE, enjoy yourself. You want to YOLO your way on a defensive warrior back to Cekenar have fun.

But last I heard the concern about foot races was maybe people would set off north mob AEs on purpose to break hides and sneaks. Meh so what, so long as it's happening before FTE goes out, have fun.

Once that turns into a cluster of 15 monks at the zoneline at all times maybe people will come back to the drawing boards and consider perhaps devoting 6+ people to tracking each mob isn't worth it when the split on mobs is 50/50 anyways and rotations may be the way to go after all.
Based on how you have been FTE'ing the last two weeks; you're the guild that seemingly wants 6 mages/trackers in West, 30 mages/trackers in North and 2 Mages/Trackers in East. Also saying "Anything that happens beyond the wing doorways until FTE goes out is fair game." just has to be dumbest string of words I have ever read in a player attempt agreement.

Quite sure this was the agreement between FA/Rampage:

Originally Posted by Fifield [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
--2 mages per wing. This makes you have to pick and prioritize your mobs
But since you broke this during the last two weeks you clearly don't agree.

Originally Posted by Udabut [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Current Raid scene in TOV is "Classic". I can remember pulling every named dragon to the Entrance or Exit. What's the problem?
For the last time: This server does it's best to emulate a live "classic" server. This server is being played as 15 year old content being pushed to the limit with current game mechanics and played at a high level. Drop the classic bullshit.

Originally Posted by Elmarnieh [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Just rotated it weekly. No mages, no tracking, no bs wasting time to play a game.
Increase drop rate and spawn rate and you might be on to something, however we know that won't happen. I don't need to go into the details on why this really won't ever happen. Also all the bullshit of who broke the previous rotation, etc. etc. doesn't even matter; the numbers just don't support a rotation in ToV.

Originally Posted by Fifield [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
good god all they would talk about is chipolte
This will set your ass on fire.

Originally Posted by -Catherin- [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Taken always said they would move to the bleeding edge when we were ready to do so. We were (and are still) a guild that caters to the casual as well as the hardcore so that isn't something that just happens immediately. It takes work.

Also it is important to add that when we were actually ready for it, the FAT alliance wouldn't allow us to participate in NTOV with them. And we still had to shoulder the majority of your tracking. So fuck you [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

You can't blame us for going with Rampage who actually offered us something fair. We worked so well together which resulted in the <Awakened> guild you now see.

Whats funny is you guys always shit on us for having to share loot. Looks like you are now what you shit on and we are a single top guild.

FA has nobody else to blame but themselves for what happened. QQ more about it.
If you believe this you ate Chipolte for dinner and you're ass is on fire. I think you caught shit because you guys didn't communicate well with FA. Rushing on a KT engage. Leaving a CT track without notifying other guilds. Because you guys where seemingly more casual then, you guys really didn't show up to other raids with your larger numbers than you do now. And be honest, correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that is really boils down to you and your members just not liking Detoxx and old TMO members because how they treated you guys during the heart of Kunark.

I don't think anyone is blaming you for making Awakened or stepping away from the FAT alliance.

The majority of the members in Forsaken really enjoy the competition. And yes, you have competed well during the last two weeks.

Originally Posted by -Catherin- [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you can't understand how this was a planned character assignation from Hokushin. toward Detoxx and Hoku decided to leave the server then just fuck it all. Do I like reading messages from my guild leader like this? Simply put; No. I don't like any of you thinking my guild leader really is this obnoxious loathing individual; don't mix up passion and drive with unfiltered indignation. From what everyone can perceive Hoku and Detoxx never got along; only difference is Hoku made it everyone's business to hate on Detoxx. Maybe in the Unbrella/Detoxx/Hokushin menage a trois someone got the smaller stick. I don't know; but I am getting sick and tired of past history effecting so many players on this server. Let alone one who fucked the entire server by Awakening the Sleeper.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
100% down for this. Whoever kills Sontalak gets TOV for the weekend.

Anyway, all I see is Fifield slowly realizing FA's 'we ran Rampage off the server because we are this amazing competitive force' narrative is pure spin. You guys had no problem trying to burn out Rampage with this mage idiocy, expecting that history would repeat and you guys would get a year of uncontested TOV the way TMO got a year of uncontested VP after Kunark. Instead you got two weeks: awakened is already the number one guild on the server, scoring over 50% in TOV and killing Tunare/AOW from 100%.

I don't see us making any player agreements, either. FA has a long history of being very . . . creative . . . with player agreements, e.g. Nalken and shadowstep. I personally would vote for a rotation in TOV, but on our side I kind of have to wonder if your alliance will just fall apart in another month or two of this.

What you should be doing is trying to get everyone from the four major guilds together to agree on a repop system. Something like 1/3 of all raid mobs, spread equally across all zones simultaneously respawn 5x per weeek at a random time weighted towards North America > Europe > Asia with some sort of anti parkout system where everyone has to start from a 'rally zone' and no Kael/TOV binds sounds super fun.
Exactly who is creating the mage idiocy? See my comment above. But rotation will not work without an increased drop rate or spawn rate. Also your post smells of bullshit and not best-in-slot. I really want to know the numbers. How many Ex-Rampagers are in Takens new guild?

Originally Posted by Ella`Ella [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
With Keg and Hoku no longer leading the opposition to Forsaken; it's a chance to start anew, no?
Perhaps if Awakened doesn't want to deal with Detoxx they should consider talking to Pint... or anyone for that matter. Word on the street is they are still trying to figure out /tell or /reply.

Originally Posted by arsenalpow [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I dunno, we got a strong dose of Detoxx berging out at Draco the other day. Doesn't seem like he's changing for the better.
That's because you didn't pull Draco directly to camp. You had agro jump from the FTE to the Kiter back to the FTEr. The above "FTE is all that matters" will result with same shit storm surrounding Lodi right now.

Originally Posted by FatMice [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Golden Eye 2v2: Slappers only + Big heads + License to kill; winner gets Vulak.
G Meters d'Funk <Good Guys>
B Zoole <Indignation/Forsaken/Aftermath> (retired)
Last edited by FatMice; 03-04-2016 at 03:48 PM.. Reason: Not a few things.
Old 03-04-2016, 03:46 PM
Erati Erati is offline
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I love when "a few things" means txt wall

just say heres many things!
Eratani / Cleratani / Eratou / Stabatani / Flopatani / Eratii
Old 03-04-2016, 03:46 PM
khanable khanable is offline
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If changing the raid rules to be more casual doesn't work out for OP he could always resort to training the fuck out of the opposing guild to buy his guild more time.
hello i'm cucumbers
Old 03-04-2016, 03:47 PM
Elmarnieh Elmarnieh is offline

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Originally Posted by Gimp [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
As long as CoTHquest exists, no guild will "dominate" NToV. Each mob is essentially a coin flip on first cast, which is gay as hell.
That assumes some GM enforcement of the rules.

I do not see that being the case currently.
Old 03-04-2016, 03:48 PM
FatMice FatMice is offline
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Originally Posted by Erati [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I love when "a few things" means txt wall

just say heres many things!
I edited it.
G Meters d'Funk <Good Guys>
B Zoole <Indignation/Forsaken/Aftermath> (retired)
Old 03-04-2016, 03:50 PM
Elmarnieh Elmarnieh is offline

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At the end of the day the only things I am positive on are that I am adorable and that the labor theory of value is a load of bunk.
Old 03-04-2016, 03:51 PM
FatMice FatMice is offline
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Originally Posted by khanable [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If changing the raid rules to be more casual doesn't work out for OP he could always resort to training the fuck out of the opposing guild to buy his guild more time.
If you uploaded the FRAPs of this and provided a link and contacted Detoxx I am sure he would have conceded. But if you tell Detoxx, hey we have just got trained and don't provide FRAPs or say, "we don't have to show you anything" you just won't get the results you are looking for.
G Meters d'Funk <Good Guys>
B Zoole <Indignation/Forsaken/Aftermath> (retired)
Old 03-04-2016, 03:55 PM
MavstabYoudead MavstabYoudead is offline
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Originally Posted by Spyder73 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
<Asgard> is and will always be the best guild on the server regardless of whether they raid or not.

<Awakend> is just the next latest incarnation in a long list of crap guild mergers that essentially involve the same group of neck-beards. Call it FE, IB, A-Team, Rampage, TMO, its all the same, and it ends the same every time as well.
personally never had a bad interaction with an asgard in game, but every alliance i've been in with them they've brought the least to the table.

still remember cr'ing this guild on my paladin in plane of fear after wipes early on.
Old 03-04-2016, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Man0warr [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There is ~5-6 NToV capable guilds/alliances on this server
1. Take every raiding character belonging to those guilds and permabind them in ToV.
2. Restrict their ability to zone out.
3. Leave them there for six months.

That way, they can still have their shitfest with each other 24 hours a day, only it'll be contained to one zone and won't trickle down onto the rest of us.

At the end of six months, those left standing can emerge from ToV with their fancy pixels and we can all be impressed. Ohhh wow, your 16 hour coth ducking sessions and 4am batphones earned you the Spergy Blade of Sundering! OMG. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Old 03-04-2016, 04:00 PM
kjs86z kjs86z is offline

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4 am batphone?


You sickos put off life to wake up for a phone call at 4 am on a weekday to get pixels?

Holy shit. What have I gotten myself into?
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