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Old 09-12-2014, 06:30 AM
Herp Herp is offline

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Default Any Cliffnotes of what each class gains in Velious?

Is there a thread containing "cliffnotes" of what each class gets that is game-changing from Kunark?

For example,

Druid: POTG, Snaring rooted targets, tracking increased to 100, Bear pet, Nature Touch.

Simple yet precise list anywhere? I know we can see Velious spells already in the Wiki, but I'm talking strictly significant changes in spells, abilities, gameplay.
Last edited by Herp; 09-12-2014 at 06:36 AM..
Old 09-13-2014, 10:33 PM
wycca wycca is offline

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I seem to recall a good thread in general forum a few months ago with this. These are the classes I'm more familiar with -

Druids - you forgot that they get dungeon succors at somepoint instead of outdoor only, although I think that (and the track change) are not immediate.

Wizard - Translocates are the big thing, Dragon/Giant Bane, self-ITU, lvl 44 lure, at some point epic and manaskin stack.

Cleric - Aegolism, lvl 44 HoT, zzzzzz

Monk - Iksar's have no real itemization restrictions, monks have real armor sets now & stuff with much higher ac, weapon itemization from high-end raid mobs improves monk dps relative to most classes
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Old 10-06-2014, 07:00 AM
Corydon Corydon is offline

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Originally Posted by wycca [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Druids - you forgot that they get dungeon succors at somepoint instead of outdoor only, although I think that (and the track change) are not immediate.
Will p99 Velious reproduce the time line of the original EQ or will it be "last state of Velious"? I mean, will for example druids have dungeon succors from the start or will it come at a later point? Would it be worth the trouble for the p99 guys to have multiple patches copying the original Velious time line?

Just asking - I don't know if there's a lore reason behind all this [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Never mind - I found this timeline:
Last edited by Corydon; 10-06-2014 at 07:30 AM..
Old 10-06-2014, 11:14 AM
Ele Ele is offline
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Originally Posted by Corydon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Will p99 Velious reproduce the time line of the original EQ or will it be "last state of Velious"? I mean, will for example druids have dungeon succors from the start or will it come at a later point? Would it be worth the trouble for the p99 guys to have multiple patches copying the original Velious time line?

Just asking - I don't know if there's a lore reason behind all this [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Never mind - I found this timeline:
Most issues will be patched in accordance with the timeline. There is now back-end implementation for era appropriate spell and item variations, once we hit a certain time period beyond release spells/items will update to the era appropriate versions.

A few of things that might be in at launch and outside the proper timeline include Donal's BP (30s cast time rather than 2 weeks of 20s), post-upgrade 2hand weapons, post-ToV/Kael upgrades that happened mid-Velious, Ally level faction vs. warmly, Kromzek/CoV faction armor quests needing ally vs. tormax/yelinak faction armor quests needing only non-kos.
Old 09-15-2014, 05:57 PM
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Monks: Triple Attack at 60, +100hp high AC all/all items, tank extremely well, primals.

Rogues: More 15 damage piercers, aura of battle/primal items.

Clerics: Donal's BP gets nerfed to pointlessness. For a few months, Cleric Velious BPs have Celestial Elixir, cast time gets lengthened, then gets nerfed to Mark of Karn. Like Cobblestone said Aegolism is nice.

Mage: CotH gets nerfed and requires a certain distance in order to effect the aggro wipe portion of the spell. Mages won't be able to self CotH to clear aggro.

Holgresh Elder Beads are nice for monks/necros, but people on blue already recharge stalking probes.

Iksar Warriors/Shadowknights get to wear Velious plate armors.

Paladin: Divine Strength and group heal

Ranger: Call of the Predator

Other Discussions:

Daldaen's Druid post:
Root and Snare stack now -- 1 Month after Velious - 1
Chloroblast + Nature's Touch spells added -- 2 Months after Velious - 1
Track Skill Cap Increased from 50 -> 125 -- 3 Months After Velious - 1
Faydedar + Venril Sathir made triggerable for Epic Quest -- 3 Months after Velious - 1
Venril Sathir made 3 day respawn, VSR faster respawn -- 4 Months after Velious - 1
Foraging when hungry/thirsty makes you automatically get food/water -- 4 Months after Velious - 1
Wind of the North/South can be casted from anywhere + Egress works indoors -- 6 Months after Velious - 1

Best/Worst Class for each expansion discussion:

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Velious class discussion:

Bard: The Good - Gained a haste that was stack-able with Enchanter haste, making Monks and Rogues jizz'm in their pantaloons, that much more over their dps. Also gained an unresistable debuff that lowered resists by a small amount, allowing other support to more easily land their debuffs. Still highly desired in groups due to the large amounts of resists / general stacking buffs they add to a group. Still capable of soloing very well in wide open areas.

The Bad - Still add no real personal DPS to a group/raid as they did not gain the ability to double attack until in PoP (something I did not remember until research). However, see "The Good" above.

Cleric: The Good - Still the best healers in the game. Also gained the best hit point buff hands down. 1100 hp + AC is something Clerics will be driven to the brink of madness by, due to the mana cost & how many group members will request this buff.

The Bad - No MGB AA for Aegolism.

Druid: The Good - Now more viable in a group due to a new heal they receive. In Velious, Druids really fill their own niche becoming a pseudo Cleric/Wizard combo. They also get a new fantastic buff that also adds mana regeneration. They get a new quick cast, somewhat efficient heal. They also get to summon a bear pet! Disregard the fact that he is useless.

The Bad - Soloing changes a bit for Druids due to the high MR of the typical Velious mob (this will be a very slight if even noticeable change). I had to put SOMETHING here right?

Enchanter: The Good - They get to turn someone into a wearwolf...WITH a lifetap proc! Also get a max mana/mana regen buff. Even more spells to bug the hell out of your local Enchanter for!

The Bad - I had a real life friend who played a 60 Enchanter during Velious, so limited viewpoint here but; still extremely boring to play in a raid. I'm not sure how much their amazing solo capability changes during Velious but I imagine it will be impacted some, even if very slightly.

Magician: The Good - Magicians gain the ability to summon a random NPC monster in the zone as their pet. I remember enjoying this very much, even as a Shaman. It changed things up quite a bit. They also gained a new DD/dot spell. I believe they are still capable of doing some decent solo but don't quote me on this.

The Bad - High MR targets are going to make Magicians pull their hair out. At least if you have your epic, you'll likely out DPS or match the DPS of a Wizard on certain raid targets!

Monk: The Good - Even more uber lewtz (much more friendly to Monks) will drop in Velious, allowing them to take over the role of totally and burly bad ass tank during this expansion (on most bosses). Their DPS will also increase. These guys are simply bad ass during Velious. With the obvious favoritism towards melees that Variant had, the weaponry and gear you will be swimming through may seemingly be endless. Monks easily and justifiably fill 3 roles in a group during Velious; DPS, Tank & Stand There and Look Sexy. If you haven't rolled a Monk alt yet, now is the time to do so.

The Bad: Hmm. I'm struggling for something here. The pain of going through the Coldain ring faction grind/quest? That's all I've got.

Necromancer: The Good - A new mana regen that will allow them to twitch faster than ever before! Also a new pet buff for the spec. Necros can (if a single one is dedicated) seriously pump out the DPS in Velious. On Bristlebane (Arch Overseers) our raid had a dedicated Necro who could compete with Rogues/Monks and still maintain twitching the Clerics/spot healing. Still a strong class during Velious.

The Bad - Necros also have to deal with the woes of high MR mobs in Velious.

Paladin: The Good - Still a solid tank during Velious. One of the favored tanks in groups due to snap aggro / group support. They get a HP buff that stacks with any other HP buff iirc along with a nice group heal (for even more aggro generation).

The Bad - They still suffer from the hybrid EXP penalty, thus we will likely see very few high level Paladins during this expansion as well. They also are not favored as main tanks unless absolutely necessary, during Velious due to Warriors still being the kings of HP/AC.

Ranger: The Good - Nothing really changes much for Rangers iirc, during Velious. I believe I remember seeing them cast an additional buff on a frequent basis that added the chance to proc a DD. They also gained a small bit of utility by gaining a nice group buff that adds +attack.

The Bad - You're still a Ranger (kidding <3).

Rogue: The Good - Still the kings of overall sustained DPS. The plethora of weaponry you get to choose from during this expansion will make you want to steal your grandmas coin-purse. Prepare to see all new, all time highest back-stabs for ridiculous amounts of damage. If you're extremely lucky or if you've got your tongue in-betwixt your guild leaders gluteus-maximus cheeks, or are extremely rich, you may end up with one of the most desired masks leading up to and during this expansion.

The Bad - Still completely reliant on groups / current server population. You will still have nights of sitting in EC /lfg for 6 hours. No, don't even try to solo that green.

Shadow Knights: The Good - In the same boat as Paladin but maybe slightly better off due to their primary snap aggro spell being diseased based. No group heals here but they do get a self buff proc that is a lifetap (iirc also nice for aggro).

The Bad - A lot of your aggro abilities will suffer the same fate of classes that rely primarily on magic based attacks. I don't recall this being a huge issue in groups but I'm trying to avoid leaving this area blank! Also suffer greatly due to the hybrid exp penalty.

Shamans: The Good - Druids, you get to SUMMON a bear, Shamans get to turn into one! A self regen/wisdom buff that stacks with everything. Shamans also get a single target buff that not only applies their hit-point & strength buffs but their dexterity buff as well. This opens 2 extra slots for additional buffs which should benefit overall raid composition buff wise. Shamans, like Enchanters, typically maintain their solo capability (one of the few classes with the ability to solo wurms, so I've been told). They also get a new avatar that does not require a component. Time to make some Monks/Rogues you total abiding slaves *at least until they get primal weaponry*. IIRC, Shamans during Velious took on specific debuffing roles. One would be in charge of MALO, another of SLOW, etc. Obviously, one of these roles should and can be filled by a Magician to allow at least one Shaman 100% dedicated to raid healing (this may be the case on P99 now, my raid experience here is very limited, however, it's much more pertinent during Velious with raid bosses not being capped at 32k...). I remember being considered the 2nd best healing class in Velious, even over Druids with their new heal, due to the overall sustain that a Shaman still maintains during Velious (much higher throughput due to Canni).

The Bad - Also facing the MR woes during Velious. No diseased based slow introduced during Velious. Still the slow kings due to their slow reducing attack speed by an additional 5% over their Enchanter counterparts...if you can get it to land, that is.

Warrior: The Good - Still the undisputed MT of major raid targets. Highest hit-points, highest AC. Fairly obvious here. Also have a nice array of weapons to choose from that help close the gap on threat generation (nice procs) while simultaneously boosting your DPS (see AoW) whereas currently, to maintain good threat, you generally have shit dps (proc reliant).

The Bad - Unless in a top raiding guild (and geared...), groups will still value Paladins/SK's over you, as a tank.

Wizard: The Good - Lure spells are introduced to help you combat the insane MR of raid targets in Velious. Wizards maintain their specialty role of burning targets at 30% or so, being unmatched in DPS those last percentages of a raid mobs health. I recall Wizards being the raid heroes during some of the Velious era boss fights because of their ability to pull off a last second burnout to kill the raid mob with 8-10 people still standing. In a group setting, Ice Spear of Solist is simply amazing due to it's mana/damage ratio. Wizards, in my opinion, gain a great deal of grouping utility in Velious due to obtaining this one spell. You get translocate spells! Prepare to be bombarded with tells for people asking to be translocated. Also be prepared to pocket the tip money too! No more zoning over with your compatriots to bring them to the zones of their desire. Simply point at them and POOF, off they go.

The Bad - Outside of lure spells, Wizards are hit extremely hard in Velious. Get used to the fact (if you're not already) that a large percentage of your nukes will be resisted, in most cases, outright resisted. Also be prepared to spend an additional 5 minutes medding (on top of the 15 minutes already) to reach a full mana bar from OOM. With the newly introduced caster equipment, your mana pool should be huge and thus your time spent sitting will be even more huge, to compensate!
Old 09-20-2014, 05:16 AM
Psykes Psykes is offline

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Originally Posted by Ele [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Clerics: Donal's BP gets nerfed to pointlessness. For a few months, Cleric Velious BPs have Celestial Elixir, cast time gets lengthened, then gets nerfed to Mark of Karn. Like Cobblestone said Aegolism is nice.
Pointless? Donals still comes in handy when your at end of a chain and oom and can spot heal
Old 09-20-2014, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Psykes [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Pointless? Donals still comes in handy when your at end of a chain and oom and can spot heal
Beyond a random ch every 7.5 minutes that requires a buff slot with a 30 second lead time that only one cleric can cast per person, yeah pretty pointless.

IMO better off with the CE bp, if it even gets implemented, an apothic staff, or just medding/modding. Especially since we aren't able to take advantage of med ticks while clicks are casting.
Old 09-15-2014, 07:08 PM
Daldaen Daldaen is offline
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A lot of melee skill caps are increased. Knights get better defense, Rangers get better offense/weaponry etc.

Hybrid discs and new spells are huge also in the 1-month in patch.
Old 09-16-2014, 04:10 PM
arsenalpow arsenalpow is offline
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I don't believe many of those monk weapons will see upgrades. Gharns first version sucked didn't it? Also I don't believe triple attack was live at velious launch.
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The first thing you gotta' realize, brother, is this right here is the future of wrestling. You can call this the New World Order of Wrestling.
Old 09-16-2014, 04:23 PM
pharmakos pharmakos is offline
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that "the good the bad and the ugly" quote makes it sound like hybrids are going to keep their EXP penalty. immediately ignored the rest of it after reading the paladin bit.
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