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Old 02-06-2016, 02:53 AM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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Default <Archers Vow> The Journey Continues!

Hey everyone! This is Rosen Windstep! Leader of the Archers Vow!

A while ago I posted about my Archers Vow and the journey I'm on to become the greatest archer in Norrath! So here I will post about the continued journey...and invite along any other rangers brave enough to join me.

Be warned though, it won't be easy! In fact, it will be frustrating sometimes as you learn new techniques and work to become stronger.

The thing is you would be surprised how strong archery is. Basically, if you can keep away from can kill it.

A good example of that is how I soloed a sand giant at level 20.

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So, if you think you have what it takes, let me know and take the Archers Vow also! I don't expect the guild to ever grow that large....but a small elite team of archers could change the world....forever!!!!
Old 02-06-2016, 03:14 AM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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Today was a big day for me! Once I had reached level 30 in Kunark....I decided it was time to begin my great hunt for the legendary Bow of the Huntsmen!! My trusty Rain Caller had been with me a long time (ever since I went on the epic adventure at level 20), but I knew if I was to become a great archer....I needed to keep working to get even stronger bows.

So, I contacted a druid in Firiona Vie to take me to the icey lands of Velious! He said that would be fine, and told me where to meet him.

Eventually I ran there and as I got close, I saw a little halfling run past me....with pirates after him!!!! It was the druid!! And he had friends!! ((The bad kind)) I had arrived just in time, the halfling was over half dead!

I rooted 2 of them, and he rooted another, and quickly he teleported us away....the hunt had begun!!

When I landed in Velious I was so excited I began tracking right away for the elusive Vluudeen (I hadn't even bound!). I had tried to contact people in the area for days to see if they had seen him, but no one ever had.... it was a rare wurm indeed!

So I was doubly surprised when as I looked around....I saw his tracks!!!! Finding his tracks upon landing was nothing short of fate!!! Fate wanting me to find Vluudeen!!

I knew I had a big fight ahead of me....but lucky for me there was an ogre wandering around at the time, and he agreed to help. Though even with his help, it wouldn't be enough.

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So I tried to find more help and sent a message to the dwarf city nearby. A druid replied he would be up for the hunt....and so our team had been made!!

When we got to the entrance of the cave though, the elder wurms seemed to have known of our plans and were patrolling everywhere. Luckily I knew how to hide myself, and so we snuck in.

Inside the cave it wasn't long until we saw was Vluudeen! The greatest wurm of them all!!!!

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As the ogre and druid were trying to figure out how to approach him, I took charge and shot him with an arrow! I was taking this fight outside!!!

They ran after me and the fight began proper! At first it seemed as though we were losing...the ogre was getting hurt too much! But it quickly turned around as we got comfortable and vluudeen began to weaken! Ultimately, defeated!!!!

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I took the tail and waved goodbye to my new adventuring friends, without their help it would have taken me hours to fight him alone!!

But....then it dawned on me....the most dangerous part was next....I had to travel to the giants city, but I had a feeling giants didn't like elves too much.

At the giant city I tried to scout a bit to see who had asked for the tail, but I couldn't find him....assuming he was behind two guards that I couldn't get past.

Eventually I met a monk who offered to help. It was my double lucky day!! So together we ran deep into the city to look.

We checked where my tracking had lead me before, but it was a dead end. Something was strange....

Eventually we figured it out though, he was hiding!! Hiding behind a giant pit filled with wolves!! And worse....even more guards we couldn't get past!!

But the monk bravely stepped up and offered to act as a decoy for me to sneak past. Time was limited, so we agreed.

It worked flawlessly, he distracted the guards and I ran past! Quickly I gave the giant his wurm tail and received the mythical Bow of the Huntsmen!!! My journey was a success!!!

After that, it was just a matter of sneaking out....but I knew nothing could stop me now that I was an even stronger archer than ever before!!!!
Old 02-06-2016, 04:42 AM
eadric eadric is offline

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That is quite an adventure to undertake at level 30! I am impressed with your enthusiasm and tenacity.

I was in Kael, along with half of the world's population, when you zoned in, and I saw your <Archers Vow> guild, and thought to myself, "at last, a guild where I can feel at home with kindred spirits, and a perfect chance to escape the depravity of my current dark elf mercenary guild!" Then you made a derogatory comment towards a half elf standing near me, and my hopes were shattered. Half Elves are people too, you know, and we have feelings just like you pure blood Elves.

I wish you good journeys fellow ranger. Anything that doesn't summon can indeed be killed with a bow, if you have enough patience.

Eadras, ranger of Karana
Old 02-06-2016, 02:37 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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Originally Posted by eadric [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Then you made a derogatory comment towards a half elf standing near me, and my hopes were shattered.
The half elf started it!!
Old 02-07-2016, 01:25 AM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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Well, today was a big day for Archers Vow!! Our reputation is growing rapidly as word spreads of the guild of elite archers training to protect Norrath!! In fact, we even recruited a new member today!!

But just growing in numbers isn't enough...which is why I also went another another quest!

This time, for the legendary "Fleeting Quiver"! Since, what good is having a great bow if you don't have a great quiver to match it?

Buying something like that outright wasn't really possible for me, so instead I went out collecting the pieces and hoped I could find someone to sew them together for me.

So, I left Velious and traveled to Karana to begin hunting. When I got there, things seemed a The miasma, sure, but more was the naked adventurers running around in a line rambling about hunting werewolves.

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They seemed pretty happy about it all....but still, I couldn't imagine it was going to end well for them (even if a gnome was leading the group).

Anyhow, I waved goodbye and began hunting.

First I tackled getting the griffon feathers....but I quickly discovered the diseased fog had done more than make me had diseased the creatures of Karana!!

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After hunting a few of them I found the feather I was looking for, even if they managed to rub their disease off on me. Thankfully nothing life threatening!

Then it was on to finding the rare lion pelt....

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It took forever killing lions before I was able to slay one without ruining the skin! But sacrifices had to be made, I regret nothing.

Overall, I stayed in Karana way too long. Diseases, itching, rashes....I don't know what is going on, but I always heard the plains were nice than that. Not that it is any of my business though, that is the territory of Qeynos. As long as they don't come near Kelethin things should be fine. Those humans, they ruined their own lands they won't ruin ours!!

After Karana I traveled to Butcherblock to look for eggs. It was nice to be away from the humans for a while. Nothing too eventful happened....practiced my magic some, foraged around, saved a few dwarves. You know, the norm for an archer like myself.

Anyhow, with my skin and feather and eggs, I headed back to Velious! I had heard that was where I could find the quiver pattern I needed (it was a lie, a house of lies).

When I got there though, I noticed a lot of adventurers sitting around. My elvish senses were tingling.... sitting in ice water and on snow? That is pretty something had to be happening!!

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It didn't take long before I found out the giants had brought an army to Thurgadin!!!!!!!

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Quivers could wait! My bow was needed!!!!!!!!! So I enlisted myself with the dwarvish archers and the war began!! They were good, but nothing compared to elvish archers.

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We killed so many giants, I had shot probably thousands in the knees!

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But they kept coming, there was no end to them......

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We tried everything we could to push them back.....the dwarves were so brave, so brave.

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But in the end the giants broke through, there was nothing more I could do. Before I realized it, giants had entered Thurgadin and slaughtered the dwarves! ((How the giants got through the tiny halls I'll never know...but don't underestimate them!))

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Luckily, word must have gotten out about the giant rampage! Because before long, reinforcements had arrived and the city was taken back.

((Continued in next post))
Last edited by Ivory; 02-07-2016 at 01:27 AM..
Old 02-07-2016, 01:25 AM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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I tried to put the war out of my mind as I got back to my task. And as I was gathering the last pieces for my quiver, I met another elf that had come after news of the dwarves slaughter. Not only that, but he was a master tailor!! This was fate!!!!

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He took my pieces and in no time assembled them into a work of art! (For a fee, of course -wink-) A quiver that could last me a lifetime!!

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I think I'll stay around Thurgadin hunting for a while....they just don't seem prepared enough to keep themselves safe.
Old 02-07-2016, 01:41 AM
Vilkata Vilkata is offline
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Fleeting Quiver brought to you by Vilkata Industries. LLC. We in no way condone the mistreatment of animals. All pelts were obtained by gently stroking their hides..... with a knife.
Old 02-07-2016, 04:01 AM
eadric eadric is offline

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Congratulations on your Fleeting Quiver. It's truly an indispensable tool that every ranger should have.

Thanks for helping us in our attempt to fend off the giants as well. We were just so outnumbered [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] RIP brave dwarves.
Old 02-10-2016, 05:04 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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Well, a couple more rangers have joined the <Archers Vow> ready to begin their journey towards becoming an elite archer!

But, an even better sign of our success happened today....when I met "The Green Iksar".

You see, I was hunting outside of Firiona Vie when I met an Iksar necromancer. We both were fighting back the pirates and drolvarg along the shore...and I had seen him for a couple days there.

The thing is, as time went on I saw him beginning to take notice of my archery. He saw how I never needed to rest very much...and how I could kill enemies even yellow to me without much trouble....and how fast creatures would fall to my arrows!

And so we continued like that...hunting within sight of each other....

Until suddenly I heard him call for help!! He had been ambushed by too many pirates!! The thing is....I was busy with my own drolvarg....but I knew what I had to do!!!!

I snapped into action and began covering the battlefield with unmatched speed! Arrows being notched and let loose in a blur! As I ran I paused only for moments to summon snaring roots around 1...2...3 of the creatures. Of course, still finding time to draw and fire as I went.

And the Iksar? He laid there helpless until I had managed to control the situation, too hurt to risk showing them he was still alive....but finally rejoining the battle with his own magic.

In the end, we were victorious!! But something had changed....he began to look at me in awe...perhaps glimpsing the power of an archer for the first time?

So we chatted, and he confessed his jealousy! Yes, for the first time in Norrathian history....a necromancer was made jealous of a rangers individual might!!

Moments later a new half elf ranger was born....a new young-ling ready to walk the path of an archer? Time will tell.

One by one the world will know the might of archers again!! <Archers Vow> will lead the re-awakening!!
Last edited by Ivory; 02-10-2016 at 05:08 PM..
Old 02-11-2016, 07:59 PM
Vilkata Vilkata is offline
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