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Old 11-17-2013, 02:24 AM
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Default Classic Spell Effects Project

**LIVE as of Patch v36.**
I'll update as soon as I make more changes.
--November 16, 2014--

Classic Spell Effects Updates: This page will still be updated periodically with improvements for testing.

Download: Classic Spells v0.98 <--- Place Spellsnew.eff, Spellsnew.edd and Actoremittersnew.edd into your EQ directory. Place the SpellEffects folder into your EQ directory and Merge contents with your current SpellEffects folder.*

It's recommended to use these spell effects at 100% opacity and high density to achieve the full classic spell effects experience. Recent updates have decreased the intensity of some effects that may have caused performance issues in the past.

*Always have backup files just in case. Place the files in your EQ directory and overwrite the old spellsnew.eff and spellsnew.edd files. You'll have to restart the game for it to take effect. Don't forget about getting the classic particles into your SpellEffects folder or the spells will not work.

Special thanks to P99's Nilbog and Rogean for the access and trust to work on this project, and to Sirken for featuring me in his famous stream. Also to Hawala, Furinex, and Azxten for their contributions.

Also thank you to Speedz, Robregen, and Secrets for their assistance and allowing me access to their client server at The Al'Kabor Project.

Update Summary:

--November 16, 2014--

-- I went ahead and added a hand effect to the right hand for Clarity and Bard regeneration line. Unfortunately, I can only do one hand at this time so I had omitted it, but I guess it's better than nothing there. The level 39 effects are much more important for the overall effect.

--November 9, 2014--

--Shallow Breath spell line now levels up correctly. There is only one hand that has a ring at level 1. The 2nd ring appears at level 24.

--The CLR/PAL Stun spell line now levels properly and has had many changes to make it appear more classic. There is a new effect that appears at level 24 on the target with larger falling sprites. Smaller sprites are added with a larger radius at level 39. The sound effect for the casting phase of this spell has also been changed to classic. It no longer sounds like a lightning nuke.

--Adjustment the Ward spell lines to appear more classic.

--Bind Affinity spell line now levels up correctly. The level 1 and 24 target effects were swapped. The large radius of ground particles don't show up until level 24.

--November 8, 2014--

--The rain effect for the Necromancer's Leach spell line falls slightly slower and farther and the particles are slightly larger to match classic.

--Improved summoning spell's target effect.

--Enchanter's Animation line now levels up properly at level 24 and 39. Some adjustments were made to the positioning of animations as well as the opacity and density. The particles also appear clearer.

--November 2, 2014--

--Completely redid summoning spells to look closer to classic. It's definitely a much fuller-looking spell.

--October 26, 2014--

--The level 39 caster effect for Selo's doesn't go nearly as far outward.

--Touched up Chant of Battle song line.

--Octoer 14, 2014--

--Adjusted Life Tap effects. The effect is overall less expansive. I adjusted the speed, opacity, size, and density of associated animations and sprites. The effect also levels up like classic. It was only off for the target.

--October 12, 2014--

--Color slant spell line now levels correctly. The large center sprite on the caster now uses a blue and green sprite. The green particles that stun the target go downward. The blue particles rise higher and fade slowly.

--Cannibalize is much more classic. I removed a non classic effect for the lower levels. This makes it a less busy-looking spell. The diameter of the entire effect is much closer to the caster. The opacity and size of many particles have been reduced. The animation and rotation speed is also slower for most particles to match classic.

--October 8, 2014--

--Fire Bolt spell line now levels correctly. The fire is more classic with a higher and thinner column. The level 24 globe around caster is a little smaller and denser. The fire sprites around the target are closer to target and less dense and are now at level 24 instead of 39.

--Ice spell line now levels properly. The caster gets all effects at 24. The column goes a bit higher on the target. The icy particles rotate more slowly and are closer to caster.

--Harmony now levels up properly on the target. The level 1 effect is a large bright single purple sphere. The level 24 effect adds a globe of particles around target. The level 39 effect is at the head and feet. They start out dense and bright and slowly fade as they go downward.

--October 7, 2014--

--All purple spheres that are used in spells like SoW and Selo's now flicker at a slower rate like classic.

--The small purple spheres around targets of Selo's effects have a brighter halo, less dense, and appear and disappear at a slower rate.

--Creeping Crud / Slow spells have had their globes made slightly smaller. The stars are slightly larger and the spheres are smaller, less bright, and less dense.

--October 4, 2014--

--While comparing current effects to a running client with working classic effects I made the following changes:

--Extended length of SoW hand effect to be more consistent with classic. The level 39 target effect at the feet and head are now the same. They move faster, have a sharper curve, and fade more quickly.

--Decreased particle sizes in the healing ring effect around caster.

--Decreased opacity of the orange hand particles in the HP/AC buff effect. Greatly increased the size of the target's blue diamonds while decreasing the density.

--Levitate had several touch ups. The globe's particles blink faster. The entire spell levels up like classic. The vertical ring wasn't classic and I used it to form the second classic ring at the target's feet.

--Creeping Crud's hand effect particles have had their size and distance increased. The globe around caster sparkles faster. All of the target effects sparkle at a faster rate like classic.

--September 22, 2014--

--The hand effect for SoW/Strength buffs is more classic. The effect ends with several smaller sprites instead of being cut off at the largest sprite. It is also less opaque.

--The Sicken line of spell's level 1 caster effect moves slightly slower and curves more around caster. The level 39 target effect on the head moves slower, fades in opacity more quickly, and the particles are slightly larger.

--September 17, 2014--

-- The particles for the the level 39 target effect for Bard Regeneration now fade slightly toward the end of the cone effect.

-- I included an experimental change to the hand effects for buff spells. The particles are not as heavy. This new effect uses new sprite images in order to combine the green and orange particles and allow for a separate blue diamond effect. This forces the orange particles to be included at level 1 and for NPCs. I'm not sure if the improved look and flow of this effect are worth these bugs.

--September 7, 2014--

--Using a classic client to compare, I have altered the opacity, speed, density, and size of the Clarity line and Bard regeneration particles. Overall it should appear softer and have larger waist particles at level 39. I'm still not completely finished with this effect, but I wanted this in asap since it's currently too intense to look classic.

--August 20, 2014--

--Altered the healing effect's hand particles to be larger and flow outward in all directions to match classic.

--May 14, 2014--

--The light blue healing effect rings on the target now move quite a bit faster than the caster's darker blue effect, and the second ring was raised higher to be more at waist level. The rings also don't go as high into the air to be more consistent with classic.

--May 12, 2014--

--The hand particles for Mage bolt and Burst of Fire line appear much more classic. They now consist of a single particle flowing upward rather than several smaller sprites.

--Mez/Harmony line of spells appear more classic, particularly on the target. The effects are a lot less busy. The only falling particles on the target appear around the head at level 39. Added a large sphere on the target at level 1. The falling particles are now a globe of several particles. The particles at the feet are mostly the same. The caster effects have had a few small changes mostly to the sizes of particles.

--April 30, 2014--

--Improved the classic look of lightning AOE spells that use fire particles.

--Centered the Suffocate line of spells and improved the target effects at the head and feet.

--Lessened the width at the end of the green shielding hand particles and increased the width of the orange and blue particles toward the end.

--Fire effects are much simpler and closer to classic. There are now 2 versions. The DD fire spells use a narrow column of large flame particles flowing upward on the target. AOE fire spells use a wider and shorter area of fire particles. AOE fire spells would include the dragon breath effects; therefore, that effect should be much less intense during raiding.

--April 24, 2014--

--Improved hand effects for Root and Haste spells.

--Improved hand effects for Slow/Dot spells.

--Improved level 1 "swarming" effect on the target of Slow/Dot spells.

--Centered Ice nuke effects on ground.

--April 23, 2014--

--Centered Ice spell effects and fixed sizes, density, area, and opacity of associated particles.

--Touched up some Gate/Invis particles. The blue particles are more noticeable and the stream of particles on the target is less bright and dense.

--Removed resizing particles from Illusion spells. The hand effects begin at a solid opacity, but overall the particles are not as opaque.

--April 21, 2014--

--Centered ground effects for Fire Fist spell line. The particles also float just above ground and cover a larger radius than before. Removed resizing fire particles around the waist and ground effects.

--SoW spell line particles have been adjusted to be less bright around the waist and the hand particles now end with smaller sprites with a rounded edge. Removed resizing particles from the effect. The waist, head, and ground particles last about 1 second longer than before. The ground effect begins closer to the target's feet.

--April 13, 2014--

-- Lighting Shock is more classic. The level 39 effect particles no longer change sizes during the cast and are a little closer to the caster. The globe effect on the target is smaller and has smaller particles with higher density. The "blast" effect should be sharper, and the triangular edges of the effect should end just outside the globe.

--April 11, 2014--

-- Added 2 newly discovered classic effects at the end of portal spells. The ending will now have a brief, wide ring of stars at the waist and feet. There will also be a larger radius of purple spheres.

-- Centered the ground effects for the Sicken line of spells.

--April 7, 2014--

-- Wind/Harvest Spells are much improved. Changed the size, density, opacity, and locations of various animations to look as classic as possible.

--April 6, 2014--

-- Centered all Bind Affinity/Cancel magic effects. The target's waist particles now flow upward instead of downward like classic. The ground effect is slightly wider. The globe is slightly less dense. Most of the particles are less bright. The caster effect is now lower and at an angle like classic.

-- Mesmerize effects are slightly less bright and dense. All effects are also centered. Removed resizing particles from some of the animations.

-- Centered the ground effect for Leach spells.

-- Centered poison rain spells.

--April 3, 3014--

-- Bard Anthem song effects are now centered on all characters. The level 1 globe effect is slightly smaller and less dense to appear more classic.

-- Bard Damage song effects are now centered. The level 24 casting effect now stays with the Bard while moving and the level 39 fire particles are more transparent to match classic.

-- Levitate spells are now centered to the character. The level 24 effect at the feet now has a smaller radius while the level 39 effect around the waist is wider and higher to match classic.

-- Lightning AoE spell effects are now centered on caster and target.

--March 31, 2014--

-- Added a new classic effect to end of portal spells. It is a large ring of stars that surround the caster's area at the end of the cast encompassing the general area of the affected group.

-- Fixed a new bug where small races did not take well to the new centered effects. The effects are now attached to a new location where resizing scales appropriately.

-- Bind affinity effects are now centered on target.

-- Lifetap's level 39 effect on the target was too high and has been brought down to about waist level.

--March 30, 2014--

-- The ground level shared spell effects for the following spells are now aligned and centered to the character. (No more spinning and noticing misalignment.) They will also no longer move up and down when running.

Healing, Selo's Accelerando, Clarity, Bard Regeneration, Spirit of Wolf, Root, Haste, Immolate, Fire Effects, Blind, Summon, and Color Slant.

-- Healing effects now have a level 39 globe effect on the caster as per classic. For now, I had to remove the second ring from the waist up to achieve this extra effect. I have the ground ring floating upward faster and higher to compensate and make the effect still look as complete as possible. The healing effects are also now all centered on the cast The opacity has also been reduced for some of the particles to match classic and appear softer.

-- Removed the center star on Bard Regeneration and Clarity spells because it produced too much ghosting. The spinning particle effect originates closer to the center and goes there twice before disappearing to better match the classic effect. The effect has been replaced by the cone effect at the feet, which is classic, but was taken out to try out the center star effect. The very top of the cone should be visible at ground level and most of it will be hidden unless on a steep incline.

-- Improved the classic "explosion" for combusting fire spell effects. The explosion effect is more centered on the caster, larger, and completes the animation before disappearing. Previously most of it was hidden underground and it had too many images stacked for any details to be seen. The outward blast of fire particles no longer resize and is compensated by shortening the distance of the effect to appear more classic.

-- Drastically reduced the burning fire effects for combusting fire spells, project/invoke lightning spell line, and the Fiery Avenger. The particles are much less dense and are slightly larger throughout the effect to compensate and appear more classic. The number of fire particles on the target have been greatly reduced. This should greatly improve performance for those who'd like to play with opacity and density at higher levels when raiding or kiting.

--March 13, 2014--

-- Added lighter blue particles in addition to the darker blue particles to the Color Slant effect on the ground. This was missing in order to be consistent with the original effect that had 2 shades of blue particles.

-- Improved classic life draw effect. There should be slightly more space between the caster and the particles during the cast. The level 24 effect on the target is wider and includes more particles floating upward. The sound effect for the end of the effect is now classic.

-- Removed underwater bubble animations from the game since they were not classic.

-- Color Slant spell line looks much different after the cast. I found some old videos that better helped me recreate how it used to look (and sound). Added a new orange burst effect around the caster for level 24. Added new green particles to the ground that show up at level 1 and appear at different areas than the blue particles that get added at level 39. The level 39 blue particles on the ground last about twice as long as all other particles.

-- Reduced particle sizes of summoning spells.

-- Root/Haste spell line for the target is more classic. Recreated a subtle level 24 classic animation of tiny particles falling from the target. The level 1 effect is duplicated at waist and the feet as per classic. The level 39 orange particles are slightly smaller and less dense.

--March 8, 2014--

-- Decreased opacity of green shielding hand particles slightly.

-- Increased opacity of Ice's target effect and decreased particle size. The level 39 effect (stars) will last 1 second before fading away. The caster particles at the feet are less dense.

-- Summoning spells received a lot of treatment. Removed non-classic animation from casting phase of summoning spells. Removed resizing particles from the spell. Increased density and decreased opacity of spell. Lowered the height of the effect. Currently limited on adding the level 1 classic animations which would be transparent green diamonds from the hands. For now it'll just be the level 24 effect so you'll see something.

-- Leach: Decreased opacity of purple swirls slightly. Decreased density of the falling particle effect slightly. Increased height of falling particles slightly. Increased opacity and density of the small blue stars around caster and all initial casting animations will show up at level 1.

-- Enchanter Choking line of spells now has classic hand particles. The hand effects will be a clean circle of small fire particles. Increased opacity, decreased size, and decreased the starting distance of the level 39 caster particles. Decreased size, opacity, and time of the level 39 particle effect to better align with classic.

-- Increased opacity and density of portal spells slightly. Added a new effect to center of caster with additional blue stars like classic. Discovered a missing animation at the end of the cast I'll add soon.

-- Removed and replaced the level 39 Magic DOT/Slow spell effect with a more classic animation. It will be a fast swirl of small particles on the target. This effect will appear at level 1. The previous level 1 effect has been moved to level 24 and the level 24 effect to level 39. The purple spheres are also closer to the target. The centered sphere is more centered on the target's waist.

-- Illusion spells have 2 new classic animations on the target. The new level 1 effect is an outward burst of green globes. The previous level 39 effect now appears at level 24 appropriately since there is now a new level 39 effect to replace it. The highest level effect consists of numerous semitransparent globes around the target.

-- Selo's song effects now show all purple particles for 3 seconds. The white particle effects will now last twice as long.

-- Shaman's Sicken spell line should now level up correctly. The level 24 and level 1 effect have been swapped. This will cause NPCs who cast this spell to have a more complex animation.

-- When Immolate/Mage DS spells land, the large sprite will appear much softer and transparent.

--March 6, 2014--

-- Fire/Immolate line of spells now have a more classic appearance. The level 39 effect around the caster now moves more evenly toward the caster's center and slowly fade. The level 1 particles at the target's feet is less orange and more detailed with yellow edges.

-- SoW/Strength-- Changed the level 1 non-classic animation where particles spin below the waist around the caster to behave more like classic. The particles do not resize, and only last a couple seconds. The level 24 target effect now lasts about half as long as the other effects.

-- Bard Regeneration-- The level 39 cone effect has slightly larger particles to match classic. The level 1 target effect below the waist comes outward farther from the character similar to classic. Reduced the centered star's opacity to appear softer.

-- Blinding Spells-- Removed a non-classic animation from level 24. Replaced it with a classic animation that will appear at the feet at level 24. The level 39 target effect has slightly smaller particles and forms a slightly larger globe around the target. You should be able to now see through the effect on most targets similar to classic.

--March 3, 2014--

-- Touched up the Immolate/Mage DS Spell line to appear more classic. The opacity and sizes of some particles were reduced and the waist effect should appear less orange and have a more textured look.

-- Blinding spells now have a classic sound effect for the initial cast. It should now sound more aggressive.

--March 2, 2014--

-- Blinding spell effects have an additional lower level effect on the target.

-- Reduced the density and size of the target effect for Harvest and Wind spells. There are 3 separate effects that will be added at levels 24 and 39.

-- Lowered the centered purple sphere slightly for casters of Portal spells to match classic's position.

-- Removed an AOE lightning effect at the target's feet that was hidden in the fire animation and therefore wasn't necessary to recreate the classic fire effect. This may help reduce lag when striking multiple enemies.

-- Bard Restoration target effects will only last half as long as the level 39+ cone effect. This is classic and will improve visibility when grouped with Bards. The level 39+ cone effect is slightly narrower to match classic.

-- Bard Anthem/War target effects will only last half as long as the level 24+ ground effect. This is classic and will improve visibility when grouped with Bards. Increased the size and reduced density and radius of the level 39+ target effect to better match classic.

-- Reduced duration of some Bard AOE/Discord effects. The outward ring effects at feet and waist will last the longest.

--February 27, 2014--


-- Fixed Drake fire breath effect to appear from the Drake's mouth. It was previously appearing at the neck due to an adjustment made for larger fire-breathing NPC models.

-- Increased opacity slightly of the blue diamonds for the shielding effect on the target. Previously it was difficult to see them in bright environments. (Particularly in snowy zones)

Last edited by Telin; 01-13-2015 at 10:12 PM..
Old 11-17-2013, 01:00 PM
applesauce25r624 applesauce25r624 is offline
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hell yeah. thank you for continuing to put in work [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Old 11-17-2013, 01:49 PM
Pringles Pringles is offline
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This is awesome, well done.
Old 11-17-2013, 06:21 PM
Vibe Vibe is offline

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DOPE son.
Old 11-17-2013, 06:49 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Excellent work.
Old 11-19-2013, 09:00 AM
falkun falkun is offline
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Originally Posted by nilbog [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Excellent work.
The patch notes (currently V30) contain a spellsnew.eff, and Telin's patch also contains a spellsnew.eff. Do you incorporate Telin's updates into official P99 patch releases or will players have to overwrite the P99 patch files with Telin's files every new P99 patch?
Old 01-02-2014, 10:43 AM
Rhambuk Rhambuk is offline
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Originally Posted by nilbog [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Excellent work.
You know you've done good when the man himself compliments you.
Originally Posted by Haynar View Post
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Oh yea .... Piss Off.

Old 11-17-2013, 07:15 PM
Kautin Kautin is offline

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Very nice!

Just a side note, do the blue sparkles not come out of the hands while being casted? I remember a picture that you posted of your druid casting with blue sparkles coming out as well.
Kautin Kaio'Ken <Grandmaster>
Old 11-17-2013, 07:22 PM
Telin Telin is offline

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Originally Posted by Kautin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Very nice!

Just a side note, do the blue sparkles not come out of the hands while being casted? I remember a picture that you posted of your druid casting with blue sparkles coming out as well.
Not as of yet. Unfortunately I'm limited to 4 effects during the cast. Each hand requires a separate code. I will try to figure out how to add another effect with it working later on. If it turns out to be impossible, I may be able to combine an effect so that blue and orange will come out from the hands at the same time. That would kind of throw off the progression waiting for the blue diamonds for the target at 39. That's only a few levels though.

I'm currently working on the see invisible spell. I was able to get the eye particles that were showing up above the head down to eye level.
Old 11-17-2013, 08:02 PM
planeofdreams planeofdreams is offline

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This is cool, thanks for the sound effects.
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