View Full Version : VP is now a GM intervention zone!

03-16-2012, 04:50 PM
VP is supposed to be a non GM intervention zone.
We all understand this.

Thus when TMO was told "Yes, Memblur is not working as intended. Its CHing mobs. Its an exploit. But since its VP we won't interfere" that was taken to be fine. We dealt with it for weeks.


We can show the staff proof the server dynamics are messed up with Pathing - ALL zones are off let alone VP. Regardless of that you decide bad pathing is a reason to dictate where we can and can't pull mobs to in VP?

Was memblur not an exploit? According to Nil it was broken and never meant to be that way - and they're going to fix it. Yet for weeks beforehand VD was allowed to continue to use memblur - but only in VP. Anywhere else would get them banned but VP is VP - a supposedly non intervention zone. So that exploit was just fine by you.

Why do you allow one guild to use a known exploit for weeks on end yet after watching pulls for a little bit you decide that this "Exploit" (server mechanics thanks) is too overpowered and thus our VP pulls need to be GM dictated - who, what, where, when, why and sometimes how!

If you consider it an exploit - talk to the developers. Speak to Nil. Have em fix it - like they did/will do with Memblur. That will stop us from using what you consider an exploit. Instead of taking this same path you took with VD when they used a confirmed exploit for weeks (Its VP! Anything goes! Let the Devs fix it if its an exploit was your attitude) you take it upon yourself to declare bad pathing an exploit, declare where we can and can't pull to and then when people challenge you with logic and rationale you lock the thread.

Welcome to GM moderated VP.

http://www.project1999.org/forums/showt ... post591221

03-16-2012, 05:01 PM
This faggot needs a tissue

03-16-2012, 05:01 PM
This faggot needs a tissue

03-16-2012, 05:04 PM
I am the anon faggot

Im the faggot that plays eq mac because my guild was too terrible to compete against dragons.

hey baub why dont you ask daliant and zilo how much they enjoy thier new home? jjejejeejejeee

03-16-2012, 05:07 PM
VP is a non GM intervention zone as far as raid interference goes.

It doesn't give you a pass for exploiting or for trivializing raid content.

nice try though.

If you think i'm being unfair then please feel free to PM nilbog and/or rogean. and / or myself.

however i can tell you all that sitting here in public hurling insults and being disrespectful just doesn't give me the warm fuzzy feeling of "Gee, you are right"

Sooo quit putting words in my mouth. and re-read what i said. :)

03-16-2012, 05:13 PM
So Amelinda, is it ok to pull a dragon into the picture room, making sure it stays out of walls on the way there, and then pulling it from the picture room to the upper ledge? Or would this still be considered "exploiting" and "trivializing" content??

Also, I'm sure you know this already, but the reason there are never any adds on the pull has everything to do with hide, and nothing to do with where the dragon paths. It could path on top of every mob in the zone and still come single, because the player it is coming for is hidden.

03-16-2012, 05:14 PM
Did IB go emo and goto eqmac? God help anyone on p99 let alone gd eqmac lol

03-16-2012, 05:14 PM
Amelinda, youve made a mistake. Take my word for it.

03-16-2012, 05:15 PM
Did IB go emo and goto eqmac? God help anyone on p99 let alone gd eqmac lol

le yez

they tucked tails and ran. hence my sig

03-16-2012, 05:16 PM
This faggot needs a tissue

03-16-2012, 05:16 PM
LOL Typical P99 response.

Using an officially broken game mechanic to grief is acceptable; finding a work-around isn't.

03-16-2012, 05:17 PM
Exploiting by pulling mobs through walls?

You're one dumb cunt lmao

03-16-2012, 05:19 PM
If you pull it and it stays out of the walls i don't see what the issue would be.

Maybe take extra time and make sure it can't be considered an exploit..

would be worth it to make sure you don't get trained / griefed lol.

Probably would take a bit of practice tho since the pathing in eq can be squirly at times.

I'm sure once you've practice a bit can figure out how to pull without it going through walls.

but yah coming at it all wrong.. don't get angry with GM's even if they might be wrong hah

03-16-2012, 05:19 PM
I thought that was a roleplaying thread & was worried the gnomes were going to jump off the ledge after the lizard did. :-(
Or those lizards standing behind the gnomes were going to push them...hmmm....

03-16-2012, 05:23 PM
It doesn't give you a pass for exploiting or for trivializing raid content.

Apply this statement to the use of memblur in VP and the entire issue goes away.

03-16-2012, 05:26 PM
hi baub!

03-16-2012, 05:27 PM
I know children that respond to punishment in such a way.

Retarded child Billy is caught breaking Timmy's toys (exploiting in VP by pulling mobs through walls to the ledge)

Gets spanked by mommy for their obvious wrongdoing.(Amelinda tells them they can't do it anymore.)

Cries, "BUT TIMMY WAS DOING IT TOO AND HE WAS DOING OTHER STUFFS !!!!!!" (Blames VD for something else to try to justify their exploiting)

Grow up.

03-16-2012, 05:31 PM
TMO will trade the ledge in VP for getting rid of memblur taking a mob to full health

03-16-2012, 05:37 PM
I know children that respond to punishment in such a way.

Retarded child Billy is caught breaking Timmy's toys (exploiting in VP by pulling mobs through walls to the ledge)

Gets spanked by mommy for their obvious wrongdoing.(Amelinda tells them they can't do it anymore.)

Cries, "BUT TIMMY WAS DOING IT TOO AND HE WAS DOING OTHER STUFFS !!!!!!" (Blames VD for something else to try to justify their exploiting)

Grow up.

Apparently you have never been in vp nor understand anything about it. The pathing was fucked on live...its even more fucked here. If you pull any mob there is an almost certainty it will path thru a wall

03-16-2012, 05:39 PM
maybe we have to fight dragons on their spawn points now, new rules

03-16-2012, 05:42 PM
Apparently you have never been in vp nor understand anything about it. The pathing was fucked on live...its even more fucked here. If you pull any mob there is an almost certainty it will path thru a wall

Don't bother responding to harrison.. half the people have him ignored... and he is usually just trying to stir up shit anyways.

I may not like TMO but if you can pull without it going through walls I don't see how it would be an exploit.

Should just start doing that than bitching about the way things are.

Complaining isn't going to change the rules.. just play within them...

take a few extra minutes on a pull the walk it around corners and other stuff so it isn't considered an exploit.

03-16-2012, 05:43 PM
We should just chill with the hate

Its not like we cant clear the zone normally and VP is so scrubby they cant stop us with trains/memblur

03-16-2012, 05:47 PM
Don't bother responding to harrison.. half the people have him ignored... and he is usually just trying to stir up shit anyways.

I may not like TMO but if you can pull without it going through walls I don't see how it would be an exploit.

Should just start doing that than bitching about the way things are.

Complaining isn't going to change the rules.. just play within them...

take a few extra minutes on a pull the walk it around corners and other stuff so it isn't considered an exploit.

Dude.....you can't walk hoshkar....anywhere lol

03-16-2012, 05:49 PM
walk / run you know what i mean

if its impossible to pull it though guess you gotta fight where it spawns.

03-16-2012, 06:06 PM
hi baub!

o my! hail!

03-16-2012, 06:19 PM
o my! hail!

You're quickly turning into another Harrison baub. You are better then this leave with your head held high and we will repsect you for it.

03-16-2012, 07:26 PM
there's always something to keep these tmo's mad

03-16-2012, 07:27 PM
You're quickly turning into another Harrison baub. You are better then this leave with your head held high and we will repsect you for it.

p99 drama llamas are too good I don't think I can ever truly leave =(

03-16-2012, 07:27 PM
Hoshkar paths into the painting room anyway, so thats a non issue...

As far as pulling the other dragons from their spawn point to the painting room without them pathing into a wall... it might be difficult but most likely doable.

The question remains though, once the dragon is in the picture room, is it acceptable to have the tank tag it and pull it up onto the ledge?

03-16-2012, 07:32 PM
No, she said no fighting up there, period.

03-16-2012, 07:38 PM
Flunklesnarkin, I wish you would just shut up. Forever.

03-16-2012, 07:39 PM
Flunklesnarkin, I wish you would just shut up. Forever.

I lol'd

How's your wish turning out ;p

03-16-2012, 07:41 PM
Nobody gives a fuck about your scrubby opinions, in case that much wasn't obvious already.

03-16-2012, 07:41 PM
jeremy likes me more than u

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/309734_257362907648125_100001232543584_794330_1282 037533_n.jpg

03-16-2012, 07:42 PM
Jeremy just mad.

Confirmed trainer when we didn't want to exp with him.

03-16-2012, 07:44 PM
People embrace so much ignorance here.

03-16-2012, 07:47 PM
People embrace so much ignorance here.

Yah and crying about people griefing you when you do the same is the epitome of enlightenment.

If you even bothered to read what i was saying I was supporting your spot to camp and suggesting you just pull a different way.

Obviously you are to blinded by nerd rage to have any sort of reading comprehension.

03-16-2012, 07:48 PM
flunkle go back to spamming spiderman images you just look dum rite now

03-16-2012, 07:49 PM
flunkle go back to spamming spiderman images you just look dum rite now

how bout no ;p

03-16-2012, 07:52 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/36968_107467689304315_100001232543584_58797_660967 7_n.jpg

03-16-2012, 07:57 PM
Flunkle I don't read your posts for the most part - I stopped a long time ago. My beef is that you feel compelled to weigh in on every last bit of minutiae on these forums. But please, continue with your derp.

And you've never seen me crying about what happens in the raid game. Why? Because I/we rape faces. I embrace the challenge, unlike people like Harrison and IB who run off the server with some bullshit cop out of an excuse.

03-16-2012, 08:00 PM
So why bother responding to me.. they have an ignore feature for a reason smart guy.

I'd suggest using it if you gonna cry this much over words.

I love the sense of entitlement some people have over pixels... its a game.. get over it.

03-16-2012, 08:01 PM
Same advice for this thread as the other thread I posted in. Stop posting; thread dies. Things go back to the way they were. Trust me, I am a young doctor.

03-16-2012, 08:20 PM
I wish we could just vote people off the forums - it's a matter of principle! I shouldn't have to ignore retards like Flunkle and Harrison and Giegue and Diggles - they should be ousted!

03-16-2012, 08:21 PM
But I will.

03-16-2012, 08:26 PM
This faggot needs a tissue

03-16-2012, 08:29 PM
I wish we could just vote people off the forums - it's a matter of principle! I shouldn't have to ignore retards like Flunkle and Harrison and Giegue and Diggles - they should be ousted!

The video game god has spoken.

Please continue to enlighten us with your fountain of knowledge about how things should be.

03-16-2012, 08:32 PM
I don't see how this is an exploit lol. No matter where you pull anything, it will come single with the pull technique.

If the pathing was fixed, they'd go all the way to picture room then warp up single.

With the pathing the way it is, they go through walls to get there. Still single.

Reason? hide pulling.

Funny how hide pulling is considered an exploit, but membluring to complete heal a mob isn't.

03-17-2012, 03:40 AM
Lol how the hell do you pull singles with hide. I know on live you could pull them with ranged and hide during the flight time but ranged on P1999 is instant so that doesn't work afaik.

I don't remember being able to hide while having aggro unless that was in before I started, which was around velious era... if that is the case then damn I can't wait till 25.

03-17-2012, 04:02 AM
I don't see how this is an exploit lol. No matter where you pull anything, it will come single with the pull technique.

If the pathing was fixed, they'd go all the way to picture room then warp up single.

With the pathing the way it is, they go through walls to get there. Still single.

Reason? hide pulling.

Funny how hide pulling is considered an exploit, but membluring to complete heal a mob isn't.

Do you feel that the developers of either EQ or this server think pulling a single mob with the use of the out of combat skill, hide, is a viable option?

Are there any thought processes going on inside your head, or even your conscience, that are along the lines of, "gee, maybe this wasn't exactly what the developer's of this game had in mind. Maybe, juuust maybe, in fact, we might be fudging the rules, just a bit?" If that hasn't occurred once, to any member of your guild, then I can see how this move by the server staff blindsided you. If anything like that did occur to you, however, then you should have seen this coming.

Crying foul of another guild's abuse of the game's rules doesn't help your situation, it only makes you look like willing partner's in a "who's gonna rat who out first" game. Be the better guild! What's more important, your integrity or your pride? Honestly, take some time to think about how you are going to respond to posts like this - as a guild - before you knee-jerk reaction your way into looking even worse to someone with as little importance as me on this server.

I'm responding to these posts and this situation in the hopes that you guys do have a mature, reasoned, logical and rational epicenter to your guild. I hope my posts can alter your future reactions/responses/actions - whatever. If that's not the case, I expect the flaming to begin soon.

I hope for the former, and not the latter!

03-17-2012, 04:11 AM
Maybe they do it using the built in macro features.

I haven't tried pulling eq yet but could look something like this

Go to actions page

click on abilities tab.. set ability 1 and ability 2 to range attack and hide

Then go to the social tab and make a macro

/doability 1 (maybe say ranged attack)
/pause 1 (the pause timer is in .1 second intervals.. ie /pause 10 would be 1 second)
/doability 2 (say this could be the ability hide)

Thats what i would imagine it would be like.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun playing around with macros for pulling once i finish leveling up cleric.

But yah.. you could tie sense heading or begging into your attack macros to skill that up as well dps folks.

With a range attack / hide macro like that maybe it is possible to pull before the arrow reaches the target.. might not be instant like everybody thinks.. just quicker than most folks can click.. .1 sec is pretty fast.

03-17-2012, 05:21 AM
I wish we could just vote people off the forums - it's a matter of principle! I shouldn't have to ignore retards like Flunkle and Harrison and Giegue and Diggles - they should be ousted!

I shouldn't have to read your necro'd threads.

03-17-2012, 08:23 AM
Lol how the hell do you pull singles with hide. I know on live you could pull them with ranged and hide during the flight time but ranged on P1999 is instant so that doesn't work afaik.

I don't remember being able to hide while having aggro unless that was in before I started, which was around velious era... if that is the case then damn I can't wait till 25.

It's not just hide. It's a combination of hide and Call of the Hero.

Call of the Hero (CoH) summons you and resets the aggro.
So basically, you just land a DoT on a target. You FD. You Hide. You get CoHed. You stand up with hide active. The mob with the DoT on him will then come at you. All the other roamers won't social aggro you because you are still hidden.

03-17-2012, 11:48 AM
All the other roamers won't social aggro you because you are still hidden.

Pretty sure it didn't work like this in Live, during the Classic/Kunark/Velious era at least. IIRC, a mob who was aggro passed its hate list to nearby KOS mobs within social aggro radius. There was no "well, can I see the person on the hate list?" check first.

03-17-2012, 12:12 PM
Pretty sure it didn't work like this in Live, during the Classic/Kunark/Velious era at least. IIRC, a mob who was aggro passed its hate list to nearby KOS mobs within social aggro radius. There was no "well, can I see the person on the hate list?" check first.

This didn't work on live, you're right.

Exploiting again I see, TMO.

Loly Taa
03-17-2012, 12:28 PM
Harrison, I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what constitutes a "pathing exploit"

A pathing exploit isn't shit going through walls. In fact, this behavior is intentional. Things path through walls as a last ditch attempt to path to a player if the node-based pathway is too long or not easily accessible.

A "pathing exploit" is when you take advantage of the game's pathing to avoid this behaviour, and thusly prevent the mob from getting to you or attacking you.

A good example of this would be the pathing in Trakanon's lair, running over the water to delay the juggs because there are no pathing nodes in the water or on the opposite ledges, this unfairly delays the juggs from reaching the player in a reasonable amount of time. This is a pathing exploit.

I don't expect you to see reason in this, because you're not a reasonable person. The fact stands if we were doing something wrong, we would've been punished for it. Not only is there nothing wrong with what we were doing at that ledge, but no other guild in the assumed history of EQ ever had to use that spot (No one really ever the same reasons we did. Memblur didn't Complete Heal mobs on live.) So it was a brand new situation, now that we have been informed that the server admins do not appreciate us using that spot, we'll gleefully comply with their request.

Loly Taa
03-17-2012, 12:30 PM
Pretty sure it didn't work like this in Live, during the Classic/Kunark/Velious era at least. IIRC, a mob who was aggro passed its hate list to nearby KOS mobs within social aggro radius. There was no "well, can I see the person on the hate list?" check first.

and Yendor, you have abso-fuckingloutely no clue whawt you're talking about.

03-17-2012, 12:30 PM
I know what pathing exploits are. I submitted them to the gms all the time. I even showed the devs some of them when I found them by accident.

Don't talk down to me you fucking noobshit retard.

03-17-2012, 12:41 PM
harrison you seem like a cool, level-headed, intelligent person. want to be my friend? we can hang out and sit on the couch surfing the p99 RnF section together

03-17-2012, 12:42 PM
Guys, you can't win an argument with Harrison.

Long live Durison and all the hours of sleep he made you miss.

03-17-2012, 12:43 PM
I wish we could just vote people off the forums - it's a matter of principle! I shouldn't have to ignore retards like Flunkle and Harrison and Giegue and Diggles - they should be ousted!

I haven't said anything negative towards you or your guild (nor do I have anything bad to say about them) in this thread, yet you insist on acting childish and immature. I guarantee if people could be voted off the forums you'd be one of the first to go, Jerome.

03-17-2012, 12:51 PM
and Yendor, you have abso-fuckingloutely no clue whawt you're talking about.

Right, because if it DID work that way, Sony/Verant would have been COMPLETELY okay with a mechanic that trivialized raid encounters by allowing anyone to pull a single mob without adds from anywhere in the zone to anywhere in the zone. /eyeroll

03-17-2012, 12:55 PM
Right, because if it DID work that way, Sony/Verant would have been COMPLETELY okay with a mechanic that trivialized raid encounters by allowing anyone to pull a single mob without adds from anywhere in the zone to anywhere in the zone. /eyeroll

Would they of been ok with memblur resetting dragons to full health?

03-17-2012, 12:57 PM
Memblur put mobs back into super high regen mode and would regen a LOT by the time it stopped. This is just an accelerated version of that.

Don't try to point your fingers when you're using one exploit to another exploit. It doesn't work like that.

03-17-2012, 01:07 PM
Would they of been ok with memblur resetting dragons to full health?

You guys ever thank Qados for opening that can of worms yet?

03-17-2012, 01:09 PM
You guys ever thank Qados for opening that can of worms yet?

Yes we kicked him from the guild.

You can stop now and we will let you kill more then 2 mobs per week.

03-17-2012, 01:50 PM
Yes we kicked him from the guild.

You can stop now and we will let you kill more then 2 mobs per week.

this is lies.

And Yendor is as bad as Harrison on commenting about shit he doesn't have a clue about.

03-17-2012, 02:12 PM
And Yendor is as bad as Harrison on commenting about shit he doesn't have a clue about.


"If this Inviser is Ranger, Druid (Necro with circlet, SK with circlet) they will be able to agro DM and stay invis on the run back. Then you just wander back invis, careful to move the DM away from Assists. ((Head to nearest Zonewall, and keep him on the wall))"

(i.e. if invis prevents social aggro, why would we need to be careful to move the DM away from assists?)


"Before the change rangers use to be able to HA something, and then invis themselves ( or, not be kos aka iksar mask in kurns ) and run a mob to anywhere in any zone without getting any social aggro. This is supposedly fixed now."

(i.e. SoE doesn't want you to run a mob anywhere in any zone without getting any social aggro)


"if you aggro the first mob (1) in the line, he will ask for help, 2nd mob (2) in the line will help, BUT mob (2) will not ask for help to mob (3). Otherwise, there would be chain reaction aggro, you will get all mobs to (bazillion).

Test it, go to a zone with no see invisers and packed mobs with social aggro, locate a little group of mobs, mezz one (from a distance), invis, then run (making sure the train doesnt come too close to you, i.e. aggro range). Now run your train in all the mobs you can see, no one will assist."

(i.e. if the train does get within aggro range of you, it will become direct aggro and then have the ability to "call for help", regardless of you being invis ... so when you initially aggro a mob and circlet pull or DoT/COTH/Invis pull, it is still aggro and should still be calling for help, creating social aggro)


"AA invis is very handy for pulling thru non-social aggro mobs. I never actually tested if boneguards and scarecrows had social aggro."

(i.e. if you are invis and pull through social aggro mobs, then AA invis is not very handy... the implication is that those social aggro mobs will still aggro from the mob you have direct aggro on)

So, would a necro/SK care to post this evidence in Bugs to get social aggro vs. invis working properly, or shall I?

03-17-2012, 02:15 PM

"If this Inviser is Ranger, Druid (Necro with circlet, SK with circlet) they will be able to agro DM and stay invis on the run back. Then you just wander back invis, careful to move the DM away from Assists. ((Head to nearest Zonewall, and keep him on the wall))"

(i.e. if invis prevents social aggro, why would we need to be careful to move the DM away from assists?)


"Before the change rangers use to be able to HA something, and then invis themselves ( or, not be kos aka iksar mask in kurns ) and run a mob to anywhere in any zone without getting any social aggro. This is supposedly fixed now."

(i.e. SoE doesn't want you to run a mob anywhere in any zone without getting any social aggro)


"if you aggro the first mob (1) in the line, he will ask for help, 2nd mob (2) in the line will help, BUT mob (2) will not ask for help to mob (3). Otherwise, there would be chain reaction aggro, you will get all mobs to (bazillion).

Test it, go to a zone with no see invisers and packed mobs with social aggro, locate a little group of mobs, mezz one (from a distance), invis, then run (making sure the train doesnt come too close to you, i.e. aggro range). Now run your train in all the mobs you can see, no one will assist."

(i.e. if the train does get within aggro range of you, it will become direct aggro and then have the ability to "call for help", regardless of you being invis ... so when you initially aggro a mob and circlet pull or DoT/COTH/Invis pull, it is still aggro and should still be calling for help, creating social aggro)


"AA invis is very handy for pulling thru non-social aggro mobs. I never actually tested if boneguards and scarecrows had social aggro."

(i.e. if you are invis and pull through social aggro mobs, then AA invis is not very handy... the implication is that those social aggro mobs will still aggro from the mob you have direct aggro on)

So, would a necro/SK care to post this evidence in Bugs to get social aggro vs. invis working properly, or shall I?

Do you like showing how big of an idiot you are?

03-17-2012, 02:15 PM

"If this Inviser is Ranger, Druid (Necro with circlet, SK with circlet) they will be able to agro DM and stay invis on the run back. Then you just wander back invis, careful to move the DM away from Assists. ((Head to nearest Zonewall, and keep him on the wall))"

(i.e. if invis prevents social aggro, why would we need to be careful to move the DM away from assists?)


"Before the change rangers use to be able to HA something, and then invis themselves ( or, not be kos aka iksar mask in kurns ) and run a mob to anywhere in any zone without getting any social aggro. This is supposedly fixed now."

(i.e. SoE doesn't want you to run a mob anywhere in any zone without getting any social aggro)


"if you aggro the first mob (1) in the line, he will ask for help, 2nd mob (2) in the line will help, BUT mob (2) will not ask for help to mob (3). Otherwise, there would be chain reaction aggro, you will get all mobs to (bazillion).

Test it, go to a zone with no see invisers and packed mobs with social aggro, locate a little group of mobs, mezz one (from a distance), invis, then run (making sure the train doesnt come too close to you, i.e. aggro range). Now run your train in all the mobs you can see, no one will assist."

(i.e. if the train does get within aggro range of you, it will become direct aggro and then have the ability to "call for help", regardless of you being invis ... so when you initially aggro a mob and circlet pull or DoT/COTH/Invis pull, it is still aggro and should still be calling for help, creating social aggro)


"AA invis is very handy for pulling thru non-social aggro mobs. I never actually tested if boneguards and scarecrows had social aggro."

(i.e. if you are invis and pull through social aggro mobs, then AA invis is not very handy... the implication is that those social aggro mobs will still aggro from the mob you have direct aggro on)

So, would a necro/SK care to post this evidence in Bugs to get social aggro vs. invis working properly, or shall I?

How can you be this slow? Your evidence is AA abilities... luclin encounters and a post dated 2009?

Are you really this dim-witted?

Lulz Sect
03-17-2012, 02:17 PM

Lulz Sect
03-17-2012, 02:18 PM

03-17-2012, 02:35 PM
How can you be this slow? Your evidence is AA abilities... luclin encounters and a post dated 2009?

Are you really this dim-witted?

Find the patch message where they said "Social aggro now checks against invis status", indicating a change to trivialize pulling for raid zones/encounters was uncharacteristically put into place.

I'm not surprised TMO is quick to defend their pull method for VP, nor should anyone else be.

03-17-2012, 02:46 PM
Find the patch message where they said "Social aggro now checks against invis status", indicating a change to trivialize pulling for raid zones/encounters was uncharacteristically put into place.

I'm not surprised TMO is quick to defend their pull method for VP, nor should anyone else be.

The earliest patch notes i found on those links was 2006...... unless there is something that pertains to classic EQ keep trying.

03-17-2012, 02:48 PM
That is irrelevant for the most part.

You guys are exploiting a bug in the mechanics on EQemu by pulling the way you are.

03-17-2012, 02:54 PM
The earliest patch notes i found on those links was 2006...... unless there is something that pertains to classic EQ keep trying.

No, I'm saying, go search the entire patch notes archive history for your supposed change where SoE benevolently and uncharacteristically made pulling raid encounters/zones easier by adding a invis check upon social aggro prior to the excerpts I've posted.

When a direct aggro mob calls for help (i.e. a VP named), on Live it passed its hate list to social aggro mobs who are also KOS (i.e. wurms and racnars). However, to note, mobs who are social aggro couldn't "call for help", only the direct aggro mob. Not sure if this piece works correctly on P99 either.

You are making things up and grasping at straws to hold onto your DoT/COTH/Invis no social aggro pull tactics in VP.

03-17-2012, 02:55 PM
Find the patch message where they said "Social aggro now checks against invis status", indicating a change to trivialize pulling for raid zones/encounters was uncharacteristically put into place.

I'm not surprised TMO is quick to defend their pull method for VP, nor should anyone else be.

it's not just our pulling method in VP.

What you are talking about, effects the entire server. The pulling method is very similar to pulling methods used for tons of other places.

I also remember a few people saying they pulled the dragons in classic in a similar fashion as how we currently pull them.

It's not exactly like ours, but the methods are similar. If you change the way it works for one, you change it for all.

03-17-2012, 02:58 PM
it's not just our pulling method in VP.

What you are talking about, effects the entire server. The pulling method is very similar to pulling methods used for tons of other places.

I also remember a few people saying they pulled the dragons in classic in a similar fashion as how we currently pull them.

It's not exactly like ours, but the methods are similar. If you change the way it works for one, you change it for all.

I fully understand that.

03-17-2012, 03:00 PM
Find the patch message where they said "Social aggro now checks against invis status", indicating a change to trivialize pulling for raid zones/encounters was uncharacteristically put into place.

I'm not surprised TMO is quick to defend their pull method for VP, nor should anyone else be.

I'm not surprised Yendor's a retard and thought membluring wasn't an exploit.

True story.

03-17-2012, 03:01 PM

You guys are nearing Red99's level of stupidity in responses when caught cheating.

03-17-2012, 03:02 PM
You are making things up and grasping at straws

I think this summed up your post succinctly.

03-17-2012, 03:05 PM
No, I'm saying, go search the entire patch notes archive history for your supposed change where SoE benevolently and uncharacteristically made pulling raid encounters/zones easier by adding a invis check upon social aggro prior to the excerpts I've posted.

When a direct aggro mob calls for help (i.e. a VP named), on Live it passed its hate list to social aggro mobs who are also KOS (i.e. wurms and racnars). However, to note, mobs who are social aggro couldn't "call for help", only the direct aggro mob. Not sure if this piece works correctly on P99 either.

You are making things up and grasping at straws to hold onto your DoT/COTH/Invis no social aggro pull tactics in VP.

also, that's not our pull tactic.

03-17-2012, 03:06 PM
Do you like showing how big of an idiot you are?

Takes one to know one.

03-17-2012, 03:06 PM
Takes one to know one.

I know you are but what am I?

03-17-2012, 03:07 PM
It's ok Stealin. I don't think you're an idiot <3

03-17-2012, 03:15 PM
No point asking them to explain the pull tactic

TMO swore a blood oath to a secret sect of Buddist monks in the Himilayas never to reveal the video game secrets they learned there.

You'll just have to play around for 30 minutes to figure out how they do it on your own >_>

Can't be that hard to test out pull tactics hah.

03-17-2012, 03:25 PM
It's ok Stealin. I don't think you're an idiot <3

haha thanks :)

03-17-2012, 05:15 PM
You are making things up and grasping at straws to hold onto your DoT/COTH/Invis no social aggro pull tactics in VP.

atleast we have pull tactics.

True story.

03-17-2012, 05:41 PM
The fact that gm's are allowing this memblur stuff to go on but punish people for a work around is just poor decision making. One guild shouldn't have to cheat to avoid another cheat. Something needs to be done about all of this and the fact that it hasn't happened is just embarrassing. and before HURDUR TMO DURP DURP. I wouldn't care which guild is doing what bad thing. poor behavior on anyones part should not be acceptable.

but since I'm in tmo I'm sure I'm mentally retarded, and don't want to just play a damn game.

03-17-2012, 06:04 PM
This faggot needs a tissue

03-17-2012, 08:58 PM
but since I'm in tmo I'm sure I'm mentally retarded.

03-17-2012, 09:04 PM
hyuck hyuck hyuck

03-18-2012, 02:58 AM
Would they of been ok with memblur resetting dragons to full health?

ever hear of 2 wrongs don't make a right? just because VD goes out and murders someone does it give you the right to go steal from someone??

03-18-2012, 03:47 AM
ever hear of 2 wrongs don't make a right? just because VD goes out and murders someone does it give you the right to go steal from someone??

just because 364 other people cheated didnt mean you had to, too, you know.

03-19-2012, 02:51 AM
just because 364 other people cheated didnt mean you had to, too, you know.

this shit is seriously getting old... time for a new attack strat

Oh yea u still eat shit and ur breath still smells like shit...

their had to get that in their also... i know its getting old but hey we attacking each other why not right??

03-19-2012, 02:59 AM
wow, cheater is fuckin mad lol lol

03-19-2012, 03:00 AM
nope not mad.. this keepin me awake at work....

03-19-2012, 03:18 AM
i am mad and i cheated

03-19-2012, 03:19 AM
i starred in 2 girls one cup!

03-19-2012, 03:21 AM
wow, so mad, you should calm down and get off the forums, didn't you say you were at work?

03-19-2012, 03:25 AM
did that hit another nerve? i detect a bit of hostility in your post.....


03-19-2012, 03:30 AM
wow, so mad, you should calm down and get off the forums, didn't you say you were at work?

03-19-2012, 03:42 AM
yep must have if all you can do is quote yourself... u sir are pathetic... im done with this silly game enjoy ur soft serve

oh and yea yea we all know im a cheater yea we all heard it a thousand times spewing from ur shit smelling mouth.


oh and let me save you the trouble diggs my man

im a cheater

03-19-2012, 03:45 AM
well at least you admitted it. :o

03-19-2012, 08:33 AM
yep must have if all you can do is quote yourself... u sir are pathetic... im done with this silly game enjoy ur soft serve

oh and yea yea we all know im a cheater yea we all heard it a thousand times spewing from ur shit smelling mouth.


oh and let me save you the trouble diggs my man

Fucking cheater

03-19-2012, 01:19 PM
but since I'm in tmo I'm sure I'm mentally retarded, and don't want to just play a damn game.

Life is a comedy.