View Full Version : What ruleset for next server?

pink grapefruit
02-21-2023, 12:06 PM
I think we can all agree that the basic pve ruleset is beyond played out at this point. So if you could choose, what ruleset would you prefer for the next new server?

02-21-2023, 12:12 PM
discord i guess? idk the answer is a different fucking video game, lol. hope this helps.

if your into to pvp, its called eve online, come join us.

02-21-2023, 12:13 PM
I think we can all agree that the basic pve ruleset is beyond played out at this point. So if you could choose, what ruleset would you prefer for the next new server?

Firiona Vie.

Every thing is sold as mq and loot right so we are 1 step away.

pink grapefruit
02-21-2023, 12:27 PM
discord i guess? idk the answer is a different fucking video game, lol. hope this helps.

if your into to pvp, its called eve online, come join us.

i only play games with elves, sorry.

my choice is going to be for a somewhat custom pvp server but based on the SZ teams, so i'm trying to decide if i should vote for SZ or other.

02-21-2023, 12:34 PM
its a spaceship game, roleplay as a elf piloting it. problem solved.

02-21-2023, 12:55 PM
It should be a proper rallos zek pvp server, or a custom teams pvp server both with item loot rallos zek style and RZ style level range.

But if the demons win and it’s not a pvp server it should be FV rules RP server

02-21-2023, 01:02 PM
No raid targets
trivial loot code
Previous raid loot drops randomly from high level targets, all nodrop. ex: a froglok reet tonka guk knight warrior can drop trak loot, if only rarely
enemy corpse timers will be 2 minutes, 30 seconds across the board

pink grapefruit
02-21-2023, 01:21 PM
It should be a proper rallos zek pvp server, or a custom teams pvp server both with item loot rallos zek style and RZ style level range.

But if the demons win and it’s not a pvp server it should be FV rules RP server

So if it were a proper RZ server, would you prefer no weapon slot looting from the start or would you want it to like follow the timeline kinda like green and start out with weapon slot looting?

I totally get the appeal of item loot, but feel like at this point we need to do everything we can to win some bluebies over to the good cause and they would be scared off by it. This is also why teams would likely be best; bluebies are all about feeling safe.

Hard agree about if the demons win. FV ruleset is infinitely more interesting than the basic bitch pve ruleset, particularly if the GMs get serious about enforcing rp. People always remember the server not having no drop, but many forget about the incentives to group with people of similar alignment. I think this honestly went a bit too far with the xp penalties, and much prefer the carrot approach with bonuses instead. This would kinda be like a non-pvp experience similar to what we had on the teams pvp servers with ogres not grouping up with elves.

02-21-2023, 01:24 PM
I think we can all agree that most posters in this thread should be restricted to the red subforums only.

02-21-2023, 01:26 PM
Basic pve ruleset. Pvp sucks!

pink grapefruit
02-21-2023, 01:51 PM
What about a PvP teams server based on the SZ teams, but with neutral team being able to group with evil and good players? And maybe the neutral team itself would be somewhat chaotic, and could even attack each other- for cases where a good/neutral group comes up against an evil/neutral group. Choosing good or evil team would offer more protection in that you could not be attacked by ~1/3 of the playerbase, but neutral team would offer more flexibility in making friends and enemies.

Give good magicians access to the summon corpse spells, and allow necromancers and SKs to worship sol ro. This would give both good and evil teams access to every class with some x-teaming with neutrals.

Play nice policy- yes. No SZ "no rules" nonsense.

02-21-2023, 02:24 PM
SZ teams with an auto balance system (no idea how to implement one).

02-21-2023, 02:27 PM
3 teams is too many grapefruit.

Nilbog custom teams are the only ones with hope. Red v Blue East V West

02-21-2023, 04:34 PM
Roleplay server. Perma ban from the server anyone who tries to make a character with a dumbass, setting-inappropriate name.

02-21-2023, 04:49 PM
discord i guess? idk the answer is a different fucking video game, lol. hope this helps.

if your into to pvp, its called eve online, come join us.

I just wanna say discord was my first choice but as you took it suggested FV instead.

The mischief server DBG did recently was pretty cool too.

02-21-2023, 05:06 PM
Roleplay server. Perma ban from the server anyone who tries to make a character with a dumbass, setting-inappropriate name.

I agree with permaban on dumb names in the RP server

With forum announcement “long John” account banned and deleted all characters from all servers.

So we can all know it was the players fault.

pink grapefruit
02-21-2023, 05:09 PM
I just wanna say discord was my first choice but as you took it suggested FV instead.

The mischief server DBG did recently was pretty cool too.

That was like random loot or something right? I should have included that in the poll but kinda forgot about it :(

See, I don't understand the bluebie opposition to alternate rulesets. If you hate pvp then you hate pvp, but it doesn't mean there aren't potential options out there. Read this and tell me it doesn't sound cooler than basic pve server:

* Firiona Vie Server Feature List *
This is a new server, not a split server. There will be no transfers to this server.
Characters will be wiped before the server goes Live.
This is a PvE (Player vs. Environment) server, NOT a PvP (Player vs. Player) server. In other words, it's a standard "blue" server with the same rules and features regarding PvP as the vast majority of our servers. It is not one of the "Zeks".
Auction restricted to city zones: Qeynos, Surefall Glade, Highkeep, Freeport, Rivervale, Erudin, Halas, Neriak, Grobb, Oggok, Greater Faydark, Ak'Anon, Kaladim, Felwithe, Paineel, Cabilis, Kael and Thurgadin.
Beneficial buff spells will not work on characters 20 levels lower than the caster.
Each character will be assigned an "alignment" upon creation. This alignment will be described in brief on the character creation screen (in the same location their Deity is described).
Each character will be able to change their alignment once any time after they reach 10th level if they choose. A character is not required to change alignments, but may do so any time after attaining 10th level. The player will be able to choose from a list of alignments based on their race, class and deity.
A character's alignment will determine whether or not they can group or guild with other characters.
A character's alignment will determine an experience bonus or penalty when grouping with other characters.
A character's alignment will determine if they can cast beneficial spells on other characters (including resurrections).
Language skills will improve only through group chat in the same zone and from /say.
Languages will only improve 1 point each hour and will be capped at level*5+5 skill points.
Common will not exist. A Human language will be added and only made easily available to certain races.
One character per account.
The Trivial Loot Code will be in effect in all zones.
Very few items will be No-Drop. Exceptions will include things such as newbie notes and epic weapons.
Bind Affinity will be restricted for all characters to locations where melee characters can bind on other servers.
/emote will be language specific
All characters will be /roleplay.
/alignment will display the alignment of your character and probably a more detailed description of that alignment.

* Trivial Loot Code *
Briefly, the Trivial Loot Code works like this: If a character kills an NPC and that NPC does not give them experience, then the Trivial Loot Code takes effect. This can happen when either a member of your group is too high in level to receive experience from killing the monster, or when a member of your group is outside of the level range of the group for receiving experience from the kill. If any member of a group does not get experience for a kill, the Trivial Loot Code will take effect. The Trivial Loot Code prevents magical, lore and no-drop items from appearing on the corpse. Normal items and coins will appear on the corpse in all cases as usual.

Here is a ton of information about the alignment system.
Choosing an alignment
With this server we have decided to introduce the idea of alignment into the world of Norrath. This is an idea used in many roleplaying games to help the players and the game master further describe their characters, to express their social and emotional personality in much the same way that we take the time to describe a character's physical appearance.
Because this concept is new to EverQuest, we have written descriptions of each of the nine possible alignments. Each description is an outline of the ideals of these alignment types; characters can, of course, move around within the border of those ideals as they see fit. We encourage you to choose an alignment that suits the personality of your character. A character that is in all ways neutral, but refuses to aid a dark elf or troll because he believes them to be evil, might be neutral good, not neutral.
These are things that often develop as you play your character. When you started out with a new character you may have had certain designs in mind for her. You might have seen her as tolerant of both good and evil, willing to help anyone that needed it. But as she travels and meets people, she might realize that helping evil people has never been a pleasant experience, and that indeed she feels obliged to obey the rules and learns to despise rogues. A character that you thought would be neutral when you created her may end up being neutral good after the two of you experience Norrath a bit.
This is why you will not be able to choose the alignment of your character until you reach 10th level. Instead, your character will be given an alignment when you choose his class, race and deity. That alignment will match the ideals of that character's teachers. If your character starts as an agnostic human warrior, he will have left his training with all the impressions that his teachers gave him about the world. Because the character spent so long under the tutelage of people who insisted that a warrior must follow the middle road and be willing to fight when and where he was needed, he will enter his career as a neutral. But adventuring changes people, and after ten levels of such adventure you will be able to decide your character's alignment, within restrictions determined by that character's race, class and deity. For example, high elves must be good, and will be restricted to good alignment options when they reach tenth level, or at any time thereafter.
This will be the only time that you will be able to make this decision, so choose wisely. Get to know your character before choosing.
Below we have included several documents that might be useful for you to read over before choosing what character to play on this server.
Alignment Descriptions - outlines the general beliefs of characters of each of the possible alignments.
Racial Alignments - outlines the alignment options for each race.
Deity Alignments - outlines the alignment options for characters that follow each of the gods that are available to worship.
Class Alignments - outlines the alignment options for each class.
These last three (racial, deity and class) essentially form a matrix that will determine the alignment options that your character will have, and also have a hand in determining the alignment that your character begins with.

Alignment Descriptions
Neutral (N)
A person of neutral alignment can be very different from another person of the same alignment. For example, a druid might actively defend the center, holding a strong desire that neither good nor evil, order nor discord gain control in the world, for each of them is inherently unbalanced and unnatural. But a warrior of neutral alignment might be unconcerned about such things and simply wish that all those with such strong opinions keep them to themselves. In either case, the neutral character is not strongly allied with the ideas of order or discord, good or evil.
Discordant Neutral (DN)
This is a character of unruly nature. Whether one is in opposition to the tenets of order or just desires to be unconstrained is immaterial. These folk tend to be unmindful of the rules of society, preferring to do what seems correct to them at the moment. This isn't a destructive kind of chaos such as would make a person evil, nor is it a gentle chiding of the rules intended to show where constraints hinder the ability for one to do what is good. Folks of this alignment are most often just unable to understand why others have the right to blanket their lives with rules when those rules can't be accurate for any of the specific situations they find themselves in.
Orderly Neutral (ON)
Characters of this alignment believe foremost that sentient races must have rules to abide by, or they will become lost in uncivilized discord. This does not necessarily make them proselytizers of order. It is just as likely that one of this alignment would hold only themselves to such restrictions. Even so, their belief in the ordering of things is strong and they will often find it challenging to allow discord to work around them. One of this alignment will follow the rules of any society he finds himself in, and will tend to avoid the company of those that hold no rules or laws important.
Neutral Good (NG)
Characters of this alignment believe that being good is more important than being orderly or chaotic. If rules make certain people happy, then they should have such rules. If rules cause others to be troubled, then they should be able to go where such rules do not apply. But neither rules nor a hatred of such rules should be an excuse for a person to be evil. Above all else, being good is what matters. This may only be a personal goal, or it might be something that the character desires for others. In any case, such a person will be unable to abide evil in any form. How they respond to such evil will vary from person to person, but they will never encourage evil and will never aid one that does evil.
Neutral Evil (NE)
Characters of this alignment are uninterested in order or discord. Such disinterest might stem from a lack of concern, or it might spring from disdain. For the most part, a person of this alignment strives primarily to achieve evil ends. Their goals might be personal, or they may wish to impress evil upon others. But evil is in them, and they cannot tolerate goodness. They will never aid a person of goodly demeanor, and depending on their personal desires will either hinder them or shun them.
Orderly Evil (OE)
Characters of this alignment form the heart of many evil societies. Their rules may be cruel, perhaps even frightening, but they are the devices that keep society in line. Evil to the core, these characters understand the power of organization and order, and they know that the way of discord is the way of self-destruction. If you want your dreams to come true, either as a person or as a society, then you must have the strength of order to build on. Structure is what makes evil terrible and mighty. Ambitious orderly evils desire the destruction of all that is good, and often have a plan for making that happen.
Discordant Evil (DE)
Characters of this alignment eschew rules as restrictive to the purpose of evil. They believe that confusion and mayhem are the most effective tools available. They find those of order to be far too constrained by their own rules to be effective. Only those willing to throw off the shackles of order can ever truly be great. Seething chaos is the soil that nourishes true evil. Honor is for fools and paladins, both of which make fine mulch for the garden.
Orderly Good (OG)
Characters of this alignment believe that good is enhanced by order. True peace can only be achieved through the foundation of just rules and true goodness. Discord breeds evil, for those who are unwilling to follow rules most often do so because those rules enforce what is good. Certainly some rules are unjust and should be defied. But such rules are only created by those who are evil at heart. Societies, families, and individuals alike should be willing to do what is right, and to set what is right down as law. Some might be asked to make sacrifices for the good of others. Those unwilling to do so, those who say that rules are too constraining and are unwilling to abide by them because it discomforts them to do so, are selfish. Selfishness often leads to evil. Evil is intolerable.
Discordant Good (DG)
Characters of this alignment believe that being good is an internal measure, not a societal one. Many of the rules that societies create have nothing to do with being good, but are designed to restrict people so that they can't be evil. A fine distinction, to be sure, but how can a rule, written onto a piece of paper or carved into stone by someone days, months or even years prior have any pertinence to an action taking place right now? Stealing is against the rules in many places, but it is not by its very nature evil. It is only the intent of the person doing the stealing that determines the goodness of the act. Stealing money from an evil man and using that money to feed those who have little is a good act, not an evil one. Rules hinder many acts that are indeed good.

Racial Alignments
Each of the races of Norrath has a society, and that is where they learn how to behave themselves (or, for some, how to misbehave). Below are very brief descriptions of the alignment tendencies of each race. The alignments available to characters of each race are listed in parentheses after the description. The most common alignments will appear first, with those after each successive dash being less common than those previous.
These isolationists tend toward neutrality and slightly toward goodness. They also tend to be orderly, primarily because the most commonly worshipped deity in Halas is the Tribunal. However, they are a wild people in a wild land, and not a few of them feel constrained by rules and follow the ways of discord. For the most part their society honors bravery and skill over trickery and greed, and desires of power or other evil thoughts are channeled and controlled by the overwhelming need to prove themselves to their people. (N/NG/ON - OG/DG/DN)
Dark Elves
Driven primarily by the hatred that created them, dark elves are strongly evil. Their society is orderly (as order is the only thing that keeps their society stable), but in some the urge for evil is unrestrained by the rules of their society. There are discordant elements among the dark elves, primarily among those of the necromantic arts. Upward movement in the society of Neriak requires great cunning and self-control, however, and it is rare that those who do not posses orderly minds gain power in those circles. But dark elves are driven by all kinds of hatred- wild, flaring, dangerous hatred as well as cold, seething, dangerous hatred. (OE/NE - DE )
As sturdy of mind as they are of body, dwarves tend strongly toward order. Moved more by the smooth strength of steel and the beauty of precious stones, they are rarely motivated by the temptations of good or evil. However, through a long and occasionally strained relationship with the high and wood elves, and from continuous battle with the evil of the goblins, they will stray toward goodness rather than evil, if indeed they stray at all. The dwarven society prides itself on its honor, steadfastness in times of trouble, and its loyalty to its kin. (ON - N/NG)
Erudites are a people of two societies. The first was founded by Erud himself and still hold his strong beliefs at its core. Meticulous might be a good way to describe these folk. Their lives are ever bent toward discoveries of the mind. Their society reflects this. They are generally peaceful and orderly, and have become even more dedicated to the ideals of peace and order since their civil war gave a face to those among them who were dedicated to evil.
The heretics of Paineel are just as orderly and meticulous as their estranged cousins in Erudin. Where the Erudites see order as a device that allows people the freedom to be good, the heretics see it as a tool that gives strength to their evil. They are no less organized in their daily lives than the people of Erudin are, but the goals of their society involve powers of dark necromancy and evil, rather than the enlightenment of good and kindness.
It isn't unreasonable to envision these two societies as distillations of the two faces of order. Both have a tendency to be harsh in their adherence to order, as they have very real evidence of what can happen when one strays from the path of good/evil. Erudites (ON/OG/NG), Heretics (OE - NE)
Gnomes run the gamut, being as likely to follow one path as any other. They are, however, unlikely to follow the strict life of order. They tend to be an unstructured people, and their amazing skill and detailed work seems to come from an inherent understanding of things, rather than any strict organizational skills. The rising influence of Bertoxxulous in Ak'Anon is considered by some among other races as evidence of the disorganization of the gnomes. There exists an odd truce between the worshippers of the gods of the gnomes, almost as if they are too busy or absentminded to take notice of the potential conflict that exists within the cavern walls of their clockwork city. (N/DN/NG/NE/DG/DE)
Half Elves
Being born of humans and wood elves, and having a tendency to be independent of either society in any case, half elves can be of any alignment. They tend to fall into professions and forms of worship that suit their dispositions rather than conform to the needs of any society. It is possible to find half elves as members of almost any religion. In this fashion they take after their human parents. (ANY)
These little folk tend to be kindly and warm, outgoing and inquisitive. While some are less friendly and some are more orderly than is most common, on the whole they are a pleasant people. While some will take up duties and keep at them tenaciously, this is stubbornness rather than orderliness. Unfettered and gregarious, these folk tend to chafe at rules they don't understand. Sure, it's wrong to hurt people, but everyone knows that, so why do you have to make a rule that says you can't? Despite what is often seen as rashness by some of the more stoic races of Norrath, halflings are never swayed to evil. (DG/NG/DN/N)
High Elf
These children of Tunare embody her sense of order and goodness. They are a people of high values and great light. While some might be slightly less lawful or marginally less good than others, high elves are incapable of evil and chaos. This does not make them immune to errors in judgment, and it is not uncommon for them to appear haughty and even rude due to their strong sense of self-worth. As a society, they value actions over words, though they do not take words lightly. They value the good hearts of their cousins, the wood elves, but find their flightiness disconcerting. (OG - ON/NG)
Diversity is their strength as well as their weakness. Humans can be of any alignment, and much like their half elven kin, they tend to take up professions that suit their desires. Those who feel a need for structure in their lives will often settle in the cities they have built on Antonica. But it is just as likely that you will meet a lawless human brigand on the road as a pleasant human cleric. With a human you can never know what to expect until you get to know the individual. (ANY)
Even though their empire has fallen, the Iksar are still an orderly society. Evil to the core, there is very little variance from the path of order and evil among the Iksar of Cabilis. Those who are too disorderly are exiled into the wilderness of Kunark, where most find only death. Those who are too weak are often killed trying to prove their strength. Their single-minded acceptance of Fear has given their society its strength, and has given them the reputation as a terrible and dangerous people. (OE - NE)
Perhaps at the height of their society (if you believe such rumors), ogres were the epitome of order and the strength of evil. But these days they are just too stupid to have much need for laws. Somewhat mellower than their green-skinned neighbors, ogres tend to be just evil, as chaos and law require more work. Their society decays as their attentiveness to their old ways slowly fades. They can't be anything other than evil, but they can be motivated to be orderly or discordant, depending on how frequently they were dropped as children and on what part of their body they landed. (NE - DE/OE)
Trolls are more motivated to destruction than ogres. They are, in fact, a people bent on destruction and tend to be both discordant and evil. There is no reason to believe that trolls as a people ever had a society to speak of. They are ruled by the strongest among them and their society shifts with the latest battle, rarely fixating on a long-term goal. Their ferocity is their strength, serving them well enough in the place of rules. They are never other than evil, though some are less disorderly than the rest. (DE - NE)
Wood Elves
As the high elves are an orderly folk, the wood elves are wild. They tend to be chaotic and willful. They represent all that is untamed in the forest and in their beloved Mother of All. They are at heart a loving people, though they do stray, some becoming more wild than good. They are never evil, however, no matter the consternation they may cause their high elven cousins. Their society is built on respect more than on a sense of order. It is only reasonable to take the advice of one's betters, but that does not mean that one is constrained to obey that advice as if it were the only path. (DG/DN - N/NG)

Class Alignments
Travelers, arbiters, tale-spinners, lore masters and often heroes, bards have many personalities. While it is not uncommon for any given bard to have several personalities all his own, as a group they are as diverse as the gods they follow. (ANY)
A cleric is often the pinnacle of his society. Spiritual leader, often lore master for the tales of a society or of the god that they worship. Only those whose souls are most closely bound to their deity will become clerics, and so they have alignments restricted by that of their deity and of their race. (ANY)
A druid fights for the balance. Not content to be a bystander in the battles that often occur between factions both religious and racial, a druid might actively defend a forest from the ravages of good or evil alike. (N)
Enchanters are often known for their ability to disguise themselves and to cloud the minds of others. There is a tendency, therefore, for such a person to understand other races and to at least study them somewhat. (ANY)
Elemental mastery and the power over the servants of the elements are not preclusive to any attitude. The only true requirement for this profession is a strong will and perhaps an equally strong ego. (ANY)
In order to be able to control one's body to the degree that a monk is capable, one must first control the mind. Monks must be orderly to follow the path that leads only along the razor's edge. (ON/OG/OE)
The desire to raise and manipulate the corpses of the dead is an unpleasant one at best. Most societies make rules against such activities, as disturbing the dead can have accursed consequences. Necromancers, therefore, are always evil and they rarely concern themselves with order. (DE - NE/OE)
Paladins are the heroic knights of legend. They are the epitome of their people and their gods. This means that they must be goodly, and are most often orderly, but can be neutral good. (OG - NG)
Rangers are the warriors of nature. They shy away from no duty that calls them to the service of their god. They share many of the beliefs of the druids, though their methods may vary. A ranger cannot be evil and tend indeed to be neutral, as do druids. But they are closer to paladins in this regard; they are more closely tied to the desires of their deity than to the balance of things. (N/DN - DG/NG - OG/ON)
Rogues are just that, rogues. They find rules amusing things, obstacles at worst, toys at best. A rogue may not be orderly. They, in fact, tend to be discordant. (DN/N - DG/DE/NG/NE)
Often seen as the counterpoint to the paladin, and justifiably so, shadowknights are knights of legend, too, though of the dark sort. A shadowknight must be evil, and tends to be orderly or discordant in resonance with their deity and society. (OE/DE)
Much like clerics, shamans are the spiritual leaders of their people. Those who are most like unto their deity will be called to be shamans. (ANY)
The warrior is as varied in personality as the battles he fights. They tend to be less extreme, for those of highly religious nature tend to become paladins and shadowknights, but this does not mean that a warrior can't be just as righteous as any paladin. (ANY)
Theirs is only the desire for knowledge and power. Their intent for that knowledge and power is dependent only on their character. (ANY)

Deity Alignments
Followers of no specific god, these characters are not restricted to any particular alignment, though they do tend to be neutral. (ANY)
Bertoxxulous - The God of Disease and Decay.
A seditious and unpleasant creeping comes to mind when thoughts turn to Bertoxxulous. It is often thought that without this god things might never fall into chaos and age. His followers are never good, nor are they orderly. (DE - NE)
Brell Serilis
A complicated god to define, Brell Serilis's most prominent worshippers are, of course, the dwarves of Kaladim. However, if the rumors are indeed true, he is the creator of many races, both good and evil, orderly and discordant. Regardless of the truth of the matter, many evil races do indeed worship Brell. However, the belief that he created such creatures is not held among most races of Norrath. In fact, the fundaments of his worship among most societies posit that he is not evil, but a lover of creation in its purest form. He is worshiped as a non-evil deity, and is most often considered an orderly being. Modern worship of him follows that course. (N/ON - NG/OG - DN/DG)
Cazic-Thule - God of Fear.
Mindless terror is his goal; Order and discord are irrelevant to this god, and he cares only to spread paralyzing fear. As long as the result is terror, the cause or method is of little consequence. How his followers choose to inspire fear is up to them. His followers must be evil. (NE - DE/OE)
Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane - God of Thieves.
His followers accept only one tenet: Laws are something to be ridiculed. As his following among the dark elves might indicate, he is not necessarily only a god of fun and tricks. While each society will have a slightly different understanding of his nature, none of his followers can be orderly. (DN - DG/N/DE/NE/NG)
Innoruuk - God of Hate.
His primary place of worship lies deep within Neriak, but his power is universal and touches everyone at some point in their lives. He has followers among many people of Norrath. His followers must be evil. (OE - NE/DE)
Karana - God of Storms.
His essence is the torrential rain and fury of the storm, the discord of the storm and the goodness of the nourishing rain. His followers can't be evil or orderly. (N/DN/NG - DG)
Erollisi Marr - Goddess of Love.
Her designs are in direct opposition to those of the god of Hate. It might indeed be true that her influence is as far reaching as Innoruuk's, and that even the darkest heart can be touched by Love. Her followers must be good. (NG/DG/OG)
Mithaniel Marr - God of Righteousness and Truth.
Mithaniel Marr is a more dedicated force for goodness than his sister, Erollisi. Order and goodness are within his realm, and his sword arm defends both. His followers must be good and cannot be discordant. (OG - NG)
Prexus - God of the Oceans.
Prexus is most often worshipped by those who sail the seas. For many, such worship is not just a desire to avoid his wrath while at sea. Prexus despises Bertoxxulous and calls Rodcet Nife ally. His followers can not be evil, but you will find as many who love the seas for their wild waves as for their calm on a clear night. (N/NG/OG/DG/DN/ON)
Quellious - Goddess of Peace and Harmony.
As seekers of inner peace, followers of Quellious can never be discordant or evil, and are most commonly both orderly and good. (OG - N/NG/ON)
Rallos Zek - God of War and Battle lust.
While there are indeed good and just reasons to do battle, those are not the only reasons. Rallos worshippers are those who love battle for any cause, and reason. They can never be good, though some are not as evil as others. (DE/NE/OE - N/DN/ON)
Rodcet Nife - Prime Healer.
Only those of good heart can follow the god of healing. Whether they choose the path of order or discord is not important, as long as they heal the hurts and destroy the disease of the world as they travel that path. (NG/OG/DG)
Solusek Ro - God of Fire.
Fire is, by its very nature, a discordant element. Often the followers of Solusek Ro worship him as a destructive force, a power of chaos and ruin. But not all of those who follow the Burning Prince see him that way, and some even see fire as a cleansing thing. His followers can't be orderly and tend not to be good. (DN/DE - N/NE - DG/NG)
Tribunal - God(s) of Justice.
Justice is by no means the same thing as the truth and valor of Mithaniel Marr. For followers of the Tribunal, order is the primary concern. Some followers of the Tribunal believe that justice cannot exist without a measure of concern for those it affects, but it is argued (often and at great length) by most followers that this is a tainting of justice, not a tempering of it. Followers are almost always orderly, and some are good. (ON- OG - N)
Tunare - Mother of All.
It is said that Tunare created the elves, who in time became the orderly high elves and the more discordant wood elves. Her power is that of growth and life, encompassing both order and discord as forces of nature. Her followers can be of any non-evil alignment. (N/NG/OG/DG/ON/DN)
Virtually unknown in Norrath, only bards know much of Veeshan's mythology and are still willing to worship her. She is believed to be the mother of all dragons and dragon kin. Otherwise, the lore about the nature of her worship is all but lost. Her followers interpreted what little they know about her and, perhaps as much through ignorance as through truth, have created a path of worship to her that eschews order, discord, good and evil in equally. (N)

02-21-2023, 06:03 PM
Roleplay server. Perma ban from the server anyone who tries to make a character with a dumbass, setting-inappropriate name.

Iportyou Forplat type names are the worst

02-21-2023, 07:49 PM
If the FV ruleset includes the disgusting abomination that is "free trade," I wouldn't touch the server with a ten-foot pole.

Were that to happen, prepare for the most toxic, greedy, cannibalistic server environment ever known to man.

Remember all those times you got a decent item for cheap on a raid? Forget about that ever happening again. Under the free trade ruleset, any piece of raid loot is incredibly valuable because it can be sold in EC. Think of every item the way you do Boots of the Storm and Mithril Helmet. It will no longer be possible to ever get anything for less than top greed-bid prices, so all raiders will be paying prime DKP for anything and everything, meaning nobody gets more than one thing per month or thereabouts. A third of all raiders will raid just for the sake of lining their pockets in EC.

And nothing outside of raids is worth anything whatsoever because the market is suddenly inundated with raid loot. Not in a raid guild? Nothing you camp is worth shit. And prepare for a tidal wave of RMT drama as the stakes and potential rewards from RMT, ninja-looting, scamming, and otherwise fucking people over have just increased fifty-fold. Previously, there was kind of a limit to the value of money. Eventually you'd just get to the point where there was no more shit to buy. That will no longer be the case.

Looting a big item will feel like nothing. Tons of people will have simply bought it in EC, so owning it doesn't mean anything. There's no prestige to gear anymore as it ceases to be a sign of content you've conquered and just becomes a sign of your net worth. Someone with five million plat will be able to buy a full suit of BIS gear. And there will be people who do so.

And they will have to do some shady-ass shit to get that five million plat. It will tear guilds apart.

02-21-2023, 08:15 PM
Mischief loot. Remove charm except short duration.
Fix ranger AC

02-21-2023, 08:30 PM
Also FV rules would be exceptionally good idea for trade items.

02-21-2023, 08:58 PM
FV-PVP Itemloot :)

02-21-2023, 09:44 PM
Reverse FV where everything except for tradeskill ingredients, tradeskill products and vendor bought items become no drop.

Economy based on banded armour and combine weapons as brad intended.

02-21-2023, 09:52 PM
Other: Hardcore mode PvE Roleplay

02-21-2023, 10:03 PM
Definitely a FV style server. My favorite thing about the server though would be almost impossible to implement. I loved that it was only one character per account. It forced people to really focus on one character, and while maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, I think it added a serious community element to the server. I’d also like it to be like early days FV with no common tongue etc.

I just don’t see how that would be possible to establish with a free account creation. I guess they could somehow make accounts tied to your VPN, but even then, there are so many work arounds to VPN restrictions.

02-21-2023, 11:51 PM
I’d also like it to be like early days FV with no common tongue etc.

Jesus Christ was that a real thing? I missed out.

WTB Time Machine

02-21-2023, 11:58 PM
Jesus Christ was that a real thing? I missed out.

WTB Time Machine

Yep! When the server first launched it was very “hardcore roleplay”. Many of the elements that made it that way were changed later, such as evils being unable to group with non-evils. The lack of common tongue was really only interesting initially, as people set up language exchange groups to get everyone caught up to speed, but it was pretty neat the first couple months or so.

02-22-2023, 12:40 AM
Yep! When the server first launched it was very “hardcore roleplay”. Many of the elements that made it that way were changed later, such as evils being unable to group with non-evils. The lack of common tongue was really only interesting initially, as people set up language exchange groups to get everyone caught up to speed, but it was pretty neat the first couple months or so.

Curioser and curioser!

Do evils and others start out with cursory skills in their allies tongues?

It would be custom, but it would be very cool to have a limited language set.

pink grapefruit
02-22-2023, 12:57 AM
The language part is the part I like the least here. When the server first came out you could only increase a language by 1 point every hour which seems very lame. I guess maybe it would be fun to get creative with the emotes in game, but what really makes EQ great is how social it all is.

It was so disappointing going from EQ to WoW in 2004 and not being able to talk to my pvp targets. So much roleplay happens between people of opposing factions; why would you ever want to limit that social interaction?

It's not so bad because it's something you can work on and improve over time and eventually be able to talk to the bad guys. The 1 singular skill point per hour is what gets me.

regardless, even with this one lame thing it would be a more interesting experience. hard agree with the people saying ban people with non-rp names btw. this has gotten so out of hand on p99 :(

02-22-2023, 01:31 AM
The language part is the part I like the least here. When the server first came out you could only increase a language by 1 point every hour which seems very lame. I guess maybe it would be fun to get creative with the emotes in game, but what really makes EQ great is how social it all is.

It was so disappointing going from EQ to WoW in 2004 and not being able to talk to my pvp targets. So much roleplay happens between people of opposing factions; why would you ever want to limit that social interaction?

It's not so bad because it's something you can work on and improve over time and eventually be able to talk to the bad guys. The 1 singular skill point per hour is what gets me.

regardless, even with this one lame thing it would be a more interesting experience. hard agree with the people saying ban people with non-rp names btw. this has gotten so out of hand on p99 :(

You can get more skillups you just have to zone(or camp?) to see them.

An ogre should only be able to speak to and be understood by darks. Ogres are dumb.

02-22-2023, 02:29 AM
basic are for pink panthere....

02-22-2023, 08:06 AM
How about the Legends server ruleset? Where we force the GMs to actually do GM events

02-22-2023, 10:47 AM
I’d actually really like a Firiona Vie style server.

02-22-2023, 11:07 AM
Rallos Zek rules are far more interresting. At least, some challenge and less problems about claiming camps or not.

02-22-2023, 12:14 PM
racial pvp lol

Encroaching Death
02-22-2023, 12:19 PM
racial pvp lol

Humans vs All

02-22-2023, 12:27 PM
Rallos Zek rules are far more interresting. At least, some challenge and less problems about claiming camps or not.

Completely disagree. RZ style is thrown around as this magical cure all for camp disputes, but it really isn’t.

The pvp range is, understandably, tiny. Sure, it ensures ‘fair’ 1v1s, but it also means many times you won’t be able to solve disputes with pvp. Groups often have a wider spread of levels and it leaves players unable to effectively contribute against aggressors / non sharers in their dispute.

The logical conclusion is completely open pvp, with nonteam or level restrictions. The closest server to this was discord.

Discord was effective at keeping pvp relevant with the mix of accelerated xp, permadeath, lack of expansion bloat and the 1 month lifetime of the server combined with lack of range to pvp. It was the only true pvp server.

pink grapefruit
02-22-2023, 12:40 PM
racial pvp lol

it's a lot of fun when it's elves vs. dwarves. stop being a gross mean person.

Completely disagree. RZ style is thrown around as this magical cure all for camp disputes, but it really isn’t.

The pvp range is, understandably, tiny. Sure, it ensures ‘fair’ 1v1s, but it also means many times you won’t be able to solve disputes with pvp. Groups often have a wider spread of levels and it leaves players unable to effectively contribute against aggressors / non sharers in their dispute.

The logical conclusion is completely open pvp, with nonteam or level restrictions. The closest server to this was discord.

Discord was effective at keeping pvp relevant with the mix of accelerated xp, permadeath, lack of expansion bloat and the 1 month lifetime of the server combined with lack of range to pvp. It was the only true pvp server.

the actual RZ server was so interesting to me. it was never my main server but i had characters there and played a tiny bit. the item loot and actual risk of losing worthwhile gear from pvp made it, from my perspective, an anti-pvp server. like most of the serious players identified themselves as "anti-PKs" and they did what they could to come to non-pvp solutions in most instances.

seeing what people did on the various servers when given more ways to interact with each other is what made me fall in love with pvp tbh.

02-22-2023, 12:43 PM
also 2/10 no bush/towers option

02-23-2023, 10:00 AM

02-23-2023, 06:56 PM

· Bind Affinity will be restricted for all characters to locations where melee characters can bind on other servers.

Wow never realized this. Interesting gameplay changes here. No locket binds at ToV would be really annoying.

02-23-2023, 07:26 PM
Wow never realized this. Interesting gameplay changes here. No locket binds at ToV would be really awesome.


02-23-2023, 08:30 PM
Wow never realized this. Interesting gameplay changes here. No locket binds at ToV would be really annoying.

Firepot room never becomes a thing either.

· Auction restricted to city zones: Qeynos, Surefall Glade, Highkeep, Freeport, Rivervale, Erudin, Halas, Neriak, Grobb, Oggok, Greater Faydark, Ak'Anon, Kaladim, Felwithe, Paineel, Cabilis, Kael and Thurgadin.

And no EC tunnel.

02-24-2023, 12:28 AM
I played on FV and it was awesome!

I was in a role-playing dwarf guild ( they allowed gnomes in too since they needed casters )

We were supposed to always remain in-character in guild chat:



^ the guild had a link to some webpage: I do remember using 'dinnae' when chatting


FV was also great for the hardcore raiding guilds - most items were *not* 'no-drop'

I sometimes helped out a raiding tank: ogre warrior named 'Rhan Away', he said
he payed 200k plat for *each* armor slot: chest, back etc

he would farm wall of slaughter day after day - he wanted me to backstab to speed things up


One character per account => yup, Kringle lvl 70 rogue , maxed out poison-making, pick locks etc

when I quit playing eq, I gave all my gear to the guild and they gave them to someone else

02-24-2023, 12:48 AM

(see below)


02-24-2023, 01:27 AM
Make everything no drop unless killed in pvp combat, then it’s random auto loot and it becomes tradeable one more time after the loot.

No legacy items

Random GM events for special things awarded in an objective fashion (duel, race, random dice roll)

Or just regular rz rules maybe

02-24-2023, 09:09 PM
Firepot room never becomes a thing either.

And no EC tunnel.

I always thought it would be good to restrict /auction (and honestly /shout and /ooc) to the range of /yell

A Knight
02-24-2023, 09:31 PM

Everquest Remade. Like what they did with Zelda Ocarina of Time. Remake all the dungeons, so no one knows where anything is.

I haven't explored all of BlackBurrow, but it seems like they could add more mobs. I'd add a giant pit to a basement, with easy blues 13-15 skeletons. But two 18 red skeletons, in the back. That are mostly avoidable, but can sometimes aggro.

One day, I'm going to run out of the limit, of new Everquest ideas I'm allowed to say. Because people will get sick of hearing it. But hopefully this one is ok. :D

02-27-2023, 02:02 PM
People who keep thinking a PvP server is happening before PvE are the absolute bottom of the barrel for intelligence as far as the EQ community goes.

pink grapefruit
02-27-2023, 02:08 PM
People who keep thinking a PvP server is happening before PvE are the absolute bottom of the barrel for intelligence as far as the EQ community goes.

i thought bluebies would understand how fairness and taking turns is supposed to work. last server was green and it was a pve server, which obviously means that next it is time again for another pvp server.

fair is fair <3

02-27-2023, 02:16 PM
still think race pvp is the way to go

may as well make it like RL at this point

02-27-2023, 08:51 PM
at min legacy items should all be no drop... i would love to see every rare item become no drop with the added bonus that drop rates increase. NPC corpses need to decay quickly though.

I love the idea of 1 character slot per account, I'm an alt-aholic so that'd force me to focus for once... would be awesome if devs could program it so leveling to 60 unlocks a second character slot and so on.

03-01-2023, 10:29 PM
at min legacy items should all be no drop... i would love to see every rare item become no drop with the added bonus that drop rates increase. NPC corpses need to decay quickly though.

I love the idea of 1 character slot per account, I'm an alt-aholic so that'd force me to focus for once... would be awesome if devs could program it so leveling to 60 unlocks a second character slot and so on.

I agree but for TLP, level 50 on original opens up another slot and 60 on Kunark/Velious opens the magic trinity slot.

03-02-2023, 07:40 PM
Normal pve rulesets if you want next server to be alive after 1 month.
Anything pvp if you want a dead server after 1 month.

Also if you want "insert random ruleset that i think is super cool" , you should really consider go play EQlive instead of p99...

A Knight
03-02-2023, 10:39 PM
I really wish I could play EQ live. (Even though I think classic is better.) I got banned a long time ago, because I thought that I could be living in a real reality. And it turned out that reality wasn't real. It was a fake world. But I don't know if that reality is connected to this one.

I figured I could just make a new account under a false name and e-mail. But still a little paranoid about that for some reason.

pink grapefruit
03-02-2023, 11:00 PM
I really wish I could play EQ live. (Even though I think classic is better.) I got banned a long time ago, because I thought that I could be living in a real reality. And it turned out that reality wasn't real. It was a fake world. But I don't know if that reality is connected to this one.

I figured I could just make a new account under a false name and e-mail. But still a little paranoid about that for some reason.

Have you seen a psychiatrist recently?

03-02-2023, 11:21 PM
I really wish I could play EQ live. (Even though I think classic is better.) I got banned a long time ago, because I thought that I could be living in a real reality. And it turned out that reality wasn't real. It was a fake world. But I don't know if that reality is connected to this one.

I figured I could just make a new account under a false name and e-mail. But still a little paranoid about that for some reason.

That’s very interesting post pls tell more

03-03-2023, 12:54 PM
I do respect Pink_grapefruit.(for being passionate bout pvp and red) But this is green server. Take the PVP talk to where it belongs which is red. 99% of peeps on green don't care about pvp(mainly bc pvp is such an after thought from orginal EQ devs).

A Knight
03-03-2023, 02:29 PM
I have to see a Psychiatrist but I don't trust them. Everything in this world is too fake, for anyone to be real.

I have believed, I have been tortured by a secret society, because they want to force me to start Armageddon.

So, what would you do? If a secret society was torturing you, to make you start Armageddon? You would start small. But eventually you would have to go to the level of, *Insert thing in the history of Japan here*.

So about 10 years ago on live, I was depressed and I said that it sucks being Schizophrenic. Someone told me to stop feeling sorry for myself, or something like that. I got upset and told him, I have already *Insert thing that has happened in the history of Japan here*. To where the president should have showed up at my door the next day. But I'm in a fake reality so it all magically faded away.

I figured you would all know this by now.

It's really annoying being tortured against my will, and everyone just thinks I'm a bad person.

A Knight
03-03-2023, 03:44 PM
It happened again recently. With the FBI and me saying I was North Korean. And it all magically faded away. Because no one is real.

The FBI hung up on me twice. (It probably wasn't the real FBI.)

03-03-2023, 03:55 PM
The pvp folks come here to post cause no one looks red section of message board. That should give them a clue that a new pvp server is a terrible idea.

03-03-2023, 04:29 PM
For PvP either Nilbog teams for the people who want teams or proper rallos zek for best server long term.

For pve definitely an RP server.

03-04-2023, 05:55 AM
My favorite language from the early EQ experience was Giant Tongue. I was a little sad when that was removed.