View Full Version : Game Mechanics: Can't regen mana after casting pet

10-18-2021, 03:25 AM
I have a level 35 troll shaman that is extremely well twinked. I have run into this bug both times I've cast a pet. Both times were in Unrest.

When I cast a pet, I go down to zero mana (even if I was full mana) and the game acts like it does when you have no drink (even though I have plenty), I can't regen mana.

If I try to reclaim my pet, it gives me zero mana back. It's terrible because you can't gate or anything at that point.

I have tried logging out to char selection, I've tried logging completely out, I've tried rebooting my computer and recycling my modem and it's still bugged.

The only thing I've found so far that "fixed it" was to either die (either by mob or duel).

10-18-2021, 05:57 AM
It stopped after about 1/2 hour on it's own. Then about 3 hours later without casting a pet it started again. I've never had this happen on live, blue, red or green before.

10-21-2021, 02:04 AM
So I believe I've found the culprit. The spell "Fury" atk buff drains mana for 10-15 minutes. My question though is how is that supposed to work? It drains all your mana very quickly and even reclaiming pet or spamming a manastone won't give you any mana back. Not sure if it's because it's going past 0 to a negative number or if that part is bugged.

10-21-2021, 06:56 AM
Fury had a 39-55/tick mana drain from launch until the Jan 9th, 2001 patch, when the mana drain was replaced with a Dex buff.

So yes it should drain your mana pretty fast. But the good news is, around Velious release, it stops, or at least it should.

If Green is in or past January 2001 era and Fury is still draining mana, that may be an era spell bug for Telin to fix :)

10-21-2021, 05:45 PM
Thanks for the info Dolain!

We are several months into Velious so it should be looked at as we're in Feb 2001 or beyond.

I would also think that you should stop at 0 mana but it seems to build up a negative balance. So if you have no mana, reclaim pet (+350 mana in my case for 34 Shaman pet), you still have zero mana. It should give you 350 mana and then it drains to zero over 10 tics correct? Same thing with manastone, you can click it down to no life and not receive any mana.

So it sounds like it's broken but should have been replaced anyway.

Telin? :)

10-22-2021, 04:57 AM
If the mana drain is resulting in negative mana, that's probably a code bug that would need some coding help to fix, so Telin couldn't do it on his own I don't think. Just to set expectations.