View Full Version : Kalayia Woodwhisper in L.Fay

05-06-2021, 09:45 AM
Anyone have RECENT experience with seeing her, or ideas on potential triggers, PHers, etc.?

A couple months ago, while leveling an alt at the Nybright sisters, I remember her running right by camp, with some regularity. I know I saw her several times over the course of a week or two. (took me that long there, being only an occasional alt)

Now that I'm looking for her, recent searches have yet to yield any results. I've read the wiki, plenty of times. The reported spawn point is very near the orc camp (#9 on map) Those LOC coordinates lie outside of the indicated pathing route, and makes me wonder as to the validity of the spawn LOC, the pathing route, or both.

I've been running the path, each direction, and killing any and every listed PHer (and others not listed) that I laid eyes on, wehther or not they were 'on the path', tangent to the path, static, or otherwise, even expanding my route to encompass a larger swath of land, and regularly covering the area in the center of said path as well.

With first hand knowledge of seeing her pathing near/north of the Sisters camp (and aligning with at least that portion of the indicated route on the wiki) I parked myself there and killed every possible PHer between the point I remember seeing her pathing, and the indicated spawn point... again still nothing.

I understand the principles of a rare spawn; one with 4-5 PHers, and a 22min spawn time. It just seems like I would have run into her by now, with the amount of time I've recently invested. I suppose this is more of a rant than an actual request for insight... Being cursed by the rng gods atm and looking to vent!

Thanks in advance for any insight or ideas any of you may be able to share.

05-06-2021, 09:59 AM
I used the information from this thread: https://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?t=333155

I stayed near the spawn spot they had listed (-720, +1690) and just killed anything that came near it until I got the ph popping at that spot and then it took about 2 hrs to get Kalayia to spawn

05-06-2021, 10:14 AM
Awesome! Thanks for that assistance. I don't know how I missed that thread...
Next session I'll use your approach with a renewed sense of satisfaction, and anticipation.

05-10-2021, 07:20 AM
I used the information from this thread: https://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?t=333155

I stayed near the spawn spot they had listed (-720, +1690) and just killed anything that came near it until I got the ph popping at that spot and then it took about 2 hrs to get Kalayia to spawn

Can Confirm:
I used this tactic; I sat just east of the spawn point loc (-720/1690), faced W/SW, and killed basically everything that pathed anywhere near that vicinity, except that little brownie guy, as I knew he was on a different spawn cycle.
After awhile I was able to notice a mob 'pop' at the point, and immediately begin pathing northward. After killing this mob, I started the timer. Killed those mobs (faerie maiden/pixie prankster/fae drake... never saw a single giant spider, even though this was listed as possible PH) for awhile, and just shy of the 3 hour mark, finally got Kalayia.

Thanks to above poster for the assist.

05-10-2021, 07:25 AM
I did this pretty recently. Took me a while to get her to spawn. I just parked myself in the ditch by the sisters camp, with a good book, and would kill the mobs that pathed headed south down that ditch. Took just under 30 minutes for the placeholders to respawn and path to that point.