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12-31-2020, 05:22 PM
Over the last few days I have been after the widely coveted "Idol of the Thorned". This is a very powerful item. Being newish to the Green server I decided to go check out the situation down there.

[Tue Dec 29 16:33:17 2020] You say, 'Hail, Succumb'
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:20 2020] You appear.
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:20 2020] You begin casting Regrowth.
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:26 2020] Succumb says, 'howdy'
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:26 2020] Succumb begins to regenerate.
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:30 2020] You say, 'whats up'
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:39 2020] Succumb says, 'camping stuffs'
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:47 2020] You say, 'coo'
[Tue Dec 29 16:33:55 2020] You say, 'what is the list for here?'
[Tue Dec 29 16:34:36 2020] You are already on a list. You are position 1.
[Tue Dec 29 16:34:37 2020] Succumb tells you, 'list is me + malaize but i think he's offline atm'
[Tue Dec 29 16:34:53 2020] You told Succumb, 'for what the CoS?'
[Tue Dec 29 16:34:57 2020] Succumb tells you, 'both'
[Tue Dec 29 16:35:01 2020] Succumb tells you, 'well all 3 really'
[Tue Dec 29 16:36:41 2020] Succumb tells you, 'want on list?'
[Tue Dec 29 16:37:27 2020] You told Succumb, 'for what item?'
[Tue Dec 29 16:38:56 2020] Succumb tells you, 'up to you'
[Tue Dec 29 16:39:17 2020] You told Succumb, 'well i want the idol of the thorned '
[Tue Dec 29 16:39:48 2020] Succumb tells you, 'cool you're on list for it'
[Tue Dec 29 16:40:11 2020] You told Succumb, 'what is the list?'
[Tue Dec 29 16:40:19 2020] Succumb tells you, 'me, then you'
[Tue Dec 29 16:40:26 2020] Succumb tells you, 'assuming malaize doesn't come back'
[Tue Dec 29 16:40:34 2020] Succumb tells you, 'but he's been offline for a bit'
[Tue Dec 29 16:40:57 2020] You told Succumb, 'so you can camp CoS and the chief at the same time?'
[Tue Dec 29 16:41:02 2020] Succumb tells you, 'yup'
[Tue Dec 29 16:48:22 2020] You told Succumb, 'hmu when ur done i guess'
[Tue Dec 29 16:48:39 2020] Succumb tells you, 'kk'
[Tue Dec 29 16:49:14 2020] You told Succumb, 'CoS and chief being one camp doesn't really make sense to me but i guess it is what it is'
[Tue Dec 29 16:49:52 2020] Succumb tells you, 'yeah that's how it's been since kunark came out, each is its own list, you can be on both. Bodyguard can spawn in chief room, it's all one big cmap'
[Tue Dec 29 16:52:41 2020] You told Succumb, 'add me to both lists'
[Tue Dec 29 16:52:45 2020] Succumb tells you, 'sure thing'

So, essentially people claim 3 huge rooms out of LoS of each-other as their own camp. They fire up a "List" and put themselves at the front of it. This basically goes against every p99 camp ruling I've ever read. It then becomes your job to police them or help farm their items.

Then there was yesterday, the big day, I hopped on the Idol list. There was a group of low 40s at the camp already.

It turns out there eyes must have been larger than their stomach, however, because I returned from afk to find chief and other mobs beating on me in an empty zone.


After this I claimed Chief Rok`Gus' room as my camp.

As the Camp Rules explain, a single player or group can only "own" (prevent other players from taking) a single mob/spawn point outdoors, or a single "camp" (typically a single room) in a dungeon (where "outdoor dungeons" like City of Mist count as dungeons). This is because the server rules emphasize sharing scarce resources as much as possible between two or more players that want those resources.

When the wiped group returned I told them as much and told them they can kill anything below the ramp until I get my "Idol of the Throned" or give up. Seems reasonable and they were fine with it.

Hours and hours went by with me holding the room and various people coming through to clear the bottom part.

It was at this point I was still clearing my room and Patchez <Fires of Heaven> was down below clear the other two rooms.
Then enter Yucun. This guy is a DrogA expert. He claims to have been at this camp for months (omegalul). He could not stand idly by and allow me to camp one room in DrogA so took matters into his own hands. The following video shows my interactions with him and the eventual KS+Ninja loot.


Imgs for those that don't want to watch the video:
https://i.imgur.com/vSUC6Am.jpeg (1)
https://i.imgur.com/XGuzrxE.jpg (2)
https://i.imgur.com/ZqzDFlz.jpg (3)
https://i.imgur.com/PpX17mJ.jpg (4)
https://i.imgur.com/YE7WZyS.jpg (5)
https://i.imgur.com/NUmTfw3.jpg (6)
https://i.imgur.com/JyeZb3K.jpg (7)

continued on second post... (only lets you post 10 images)

12-31-2020, 05:23 PM
https://i.imgur.com/csnlSfM.jpg (8)
https://i.imgur.com/vhVTSFt.jpg (9)
https://i.imgur.com/7NrIZys.jpg (10)
https://i.imgur.com/v5lEpwG.jpg (11)
https://i.imgur.com/Cxun2B9.jpg (12)
https://i.imgur.com/xYPsVoJ.jpg (13)
https://i.imgur.com/WxMhud1.jpg (ks)

I was considering petitioning these guys but ultimately I value the time and energy of our volunteer staff too much! They have their hands full with the raid scene and such between all three servers here. But I did want to share my experience with somebody. I mainly am posting this as a warning to future adventurers of what they might encounter in The Drog'.

What do you guys think? Am I allowed to camp one room in DrogA? Or does this DrogA expert actually get to waltz into my camp create a list and enforce it on the mobs in my camp?

12-31-2020, 05:24 PM
I camp one area in droga often. Most people are cool about it if you claim it.

12-31-2020, 05:32 PM
green attracted all the wow players lol

12-31-2020, 05:36 PM
Seek sunlight.

12-31-2020, 06:03 PM
Fires of Heavens being dicks about camps and stealing mobs?

It's all they ever do. They fly under the radar because ST takes all the heat but the real scumbag guild of the server is FoH without a doubt

They constantly try to bulldog camps and then KS when they don't get their way. They act like manipulative fucks and try to play mind games in tells

Fuck FOH

I don't understand why everyone shits on ST. Yea they are top dog but their interaction with the everyday player is the best. They are always kind. They tip REALLY well when ported. They have clerics pop into zones all the time and rez people for free. They donate nice items for gift giveaways.

Fires Of Heavens on the other hand is a big bag of dicks still trying to relive their glory days from 20 years ago. They are a bunch of snobs. They treat everyone like shit.

Fuck FOH

12-31-2020, 06:06 PM
Yucun isn't in Fire of Heaven, he is unguilded.

12-31-2020, 06:31 PM
Isn’t patchez that dude who got kicked from seal team for being a dick? Sad to see FoH agreed to let him join

12-31-2020, 08:36 PM
Yucun isn't in Fire of Heaven, he is unguilded.

Watch the video

Shaman engages

Patchez sends in pet

Patchez steals kill

Patchez isn't the only member of FOH to pull shit like at camps. The scumbags in this guild do it all the time and treat the general population just trying to enjoy the game like shit

Fuck FOH

01-01-2021, 04:36 AM
A group of FoH were in TD trying to claim all 4 raptor camps the other day; each member was actually announcing a different camp when anyone asked for cc, while their bard swarmed it all.
‘Twas outrageous ! (And honestly couldn’t have even been good exp for them)

01-01-2021, 04:44 AM
Green is trash

01-01-2021, 08:46 AM
Riot players confirmed to be fleeing to green.

01-02-2021, 12:43 AM
You are correct that you can camp that one area in droga and yes, they did kill steal you. However you are a bit naive in not understanding the current climate on Green and the "players" that inhabit it.

That particular camp in Droga attracts the plat farmers like Yucun and Urburtha because it has three drops (Idol of Thorned, Gauntlets of Potence, and pre-nerf Circlet of Shadows) that currently sell for around 10k plat each. If/when Green merges with Blue the pre-nerf CoS will be worth 50k so the payoff is large to sell a few now and mule the rest for later.

Droga is a dungeon with 20min spawns so there is no real "list" however to retain perpetual control of the camp the Green farmers have created their own rules aka "droga rules" that are not published anywhere nor do they comply with any wiki or play nice guidelines. Now these rules will change at whim depending on which farmer is in zone but since Yucun is the subject of a lot of your correspondence I will relay what he has told me in broken English.

First rule is you have to maintain a list for that camp and update it with anyone who wants on it. So presume the camp is open and you have a couple friends who want to do it, you are required to create a list add outside people to it despite it being your camp. If you do not the camp will be taken from you by higher level players that farm the zone. There are no zone CCs as people do not respect a camp check. To avoid issues everyone just complies and maintains a list for CoS, Idol, and EoE.

The next rule is you are expected to add the plat farmers to your group if they are near the camp. On a couple occasions I have had a group of 3 or 4 looking to help a necro or sk get CoS and in strolls Yucun who proceeds to kill steal spawns because, as he told you, you aren't killing them fast enough which is evidence in his opinion that you can't hold the camp. Thus you have to add them to avoid him or Urburtha from killing and ninjalooting a bodyguard or Chief spawn, so again most people do to avoid drama.

Now the next rule is: even if the farmers are in the group soaking exp & looting, they DO NOT HAVE TO HELP AT ALL unless they are #1. They can and do AFK for hours sitting near your camp in what Yucun calls "safe place" while the non-AFKers do all the work. They can wander to EoE camp and farm that if they want. Yucun will not respond to messages for hours but will state he is never afk for more than 15 minutes so you cannot remove him from the list nor should you kick him from the group or the kill stealing will resume.

Another rule is Yucun and Urburtha are bound in droga so they can never be removed from the list and immediately get the camp if a group wipes because they are always in zone. Even if they cannot see the camp or are afk invis not killing any spawns, the camp becomes theirs in the event of any issue with the current group or #1 as determined by them and as protected by virtue of the rules of the droga "list."

Now this is where the real beauty of the list comes in because like everything in Everquest, RNG is a bitch. You think to yourself there is a chance every 20 mins and sure you could get an idol or CoS quickly but more likely you are in for a 5+ hour loss of your life for an imaginary in game item with marginal benefit late game. If you are doing the camp with a group, people will eventually have to tap out for RL commitments. If you are an appropriate level that the dungeon experience was designed for (40s) it's going to be hard for you to keep up the pace yourself presuming you want to get this over with and not deal with coming back later and waiting through their "list" again. As you proved it is possible to keep up, but dangerous and it will take you awhile. Something could run and cause a train, something could gate requiring you to camp, or worse you could die given that it is a dungeon and it was meant to be challenging.

But you have group mates right? Or at the very least other listers in #2, #3, or #4 position sitting there in the droga zone. Other people there on the list who are decent human beings who would like to see you rewarded for your time and effort spent because you are just there to get the item and then get out vice farming over and over? Sorry noob you have Yucun or Urburtha (or a couple others that I will refrain from specifically naming because these two are the worst IMO) who want to see you wipe so they can take the "list" back over in #1 slot and thereby control the camp. This puts them in first place for all drops and actually provides them with endless support as people will unknowingly show up and ask to be put on their player run list thinking it is legit and will help grind down the spawns for hours allowing the farmers to get the drops again and again and again.

So what does this do? Like you many do not get the drops and learn that the time commitment and frustration is not worth the effort to actually farm it so better to just buy it which keeps the item prices high since a select few control the supply. It's a lot of plat so this helps feed the people who sell plat for RL dollars (probably also the same people) because if all high value items are farmed and controlled, how does anyone legitmately acquire enough plat to participate? In the end you have two options: 1) waste a ridiculous amount of time to fight your way to the top of a BS list and then pray those people won't steal the spawns from you OR 2) overpay those same people for an item you could easily get if it wasn't permanently camped. You are screwed either way.

If you do want to grind for the idol or CoS on green you need to ask people who the farmers are and see if they are online. They are unfortunately always /anon so you won't be able to tell if they are in the zone but rest assured they are or will at least claim to be to ensure they are on the item lists. You best bet is to login when the server population is low so just set your alarm for like 3am or 5am EST multiple days in a row and check the zone. Eventually you'll get the camp for a little while until the trolls start coming back on.

It's all part of that P99 experience. Welcome to Green!

01-02-2021, 01:20 AM
is there like a list website you pathetic losers use to organize the item camping? what is he referring to with the list?

01-02-2021, 01:48 AM
You are correct that you can camp that one area in droga and yes, they did kill steal you. However you are a bit naive in not understanding the current climate on Green and the "players" that inhabit it.

That particular camp in Droga attracts the plat farmers like Yucun and Urburtha because it has three drops (Idol of Thorned, Gauntlets of Potence, and pre-nerf Circlet of Shadows) that currently sell for around 10k plat each. If/when Green merges with Blue the pre-nerf CoS will be worth 50k so the payoff is large to sell a few now and mule the rest for later.

Droga is a dungeon with 20min spawns so there is no real "list" however to retain perpetual control of the camp the Green farmers have created their own rules aka "droga rules" that are not published anywhere nor do they comply with any wiki or play nice guidelines. Now these rules will change at whim depending on which farmer is in zone but since Yucun is the subject of a lot of your correspondence I will relay what he has told me in broken English.

First rule is you have to maintain a list for that camp and update it with anyone who wants on it. So presume the camp is open and you have a couple friends who want to do it, you are required to create a list add outside people to it despite it being your camp. If you do not the camp will be taken from you by higher level players that farm the zone. There are no zone CCs as people do not respect a camp check. To avoid issues everyone just complies and maintains a list for CoS, Idol, and EoE.

The next rule is you are expected to add the plat farmers to your group if they are near the camp. On a couple occasions I have had a group of 3 or 4 looking to help a necro or sk get CoS and in strolls Yucun who proceeds to kill steal spawns because, as he told you, you aren't killing them fast enough which is evidence in his opinion that you can't hold the camp. Thus you have to add them to avoid him or Urburtha from killing and ninjalooting a bodyguard or Chief spawn, so again most people do to avoid drama.

Now the next rule is: even if the farmers are in the group soaking exp & looting, they DO NOT HAVE TO HELP AT ALL unless they are #1. They can and do AFK for hours sitting near your camp in what Yucun calls "safe place" while the non-AFKers do all the work. They can wander to EoE camp and farm that if they want. Yucun will not respond to messages for hours but will state he is never afk for more than 15 minutes so you cannot remove him from the list nor should you kick him from the group or the kill stealing will resume.

Another rule is Yucun and Urburtha are bound in droga so they can never be removed from the list and immediately get the camp if a group wipes because they are always in zone. Even if they cannot see the camp or are afk invis not killing any spawns, the camp becomes theirs in the event of any issue with the current group or #1 as determined by them and as protected by virtue of the rules of the droga "list."

Now this is where the real beauty of the list comes in because like everything in Everquest, RNG is a bitch. You think to yourself there is a chance every 20 mins and sure you could get an idol or CoS quickly but more likely you are in for a 5+ hour loss of your life for an imaginary in game item with marginal benefit late game. If you are doing the camp with a group, people will eventually have to tap out for RL commitments. If you are an appropriate level that the dungeon experience was designed for (40s) it's going to be hard for you to keep up the pace yourself presuming you want to get this over with and not deal with coming back later and waiting through their "list" again. As you proved it is possible to keep up, but dangerous and it will take you awhile. Something could run and cause a train, something could gate requiring you to camp, or worse you could die given that it is a dungeon and it was meant to be challenging.

But you have group mates right? Or at the very least other listers in #2, #3, or #4 position sitting there in the droga zone. Other people there on the list who are decent human beings who would like to see you rewarded for your time and effort spent because you are just there to get the item and then get out vice farming over and over? Sorry noob you have Yucun or Urburtha (or a couple others that I will refrain from specifically naming because these two are the worst IMO) who want to see you wipe so they can take the "list" back over in #1 slot and thereby control the camp. This puts them in first place for all drops and actually provides them with endless support as people will unknowingly show up and ask to be put on their player run list thinking it is legit and will help grind down the spawns for hours allowing the farmers to get the drops again and again and again.

So what does this do? Like you many do not get the drops and learn that the time commitment and frustration is not worth the effort to actually farm it so better to just buy it which keeps the item prices high since a select few control the supply. It's a lot of plat so this helps feed the people who sell plat for RL dollars (probably also the same people) because if all high value items are farmed and controlled, how does anyone legitmately acquire enough plat to participate? In the end you have two options: 1) waste a ridiculous amount of time to fight your way to the top of a BS list and then pray those people won't steal the spawns from you OR 2) overpay those same people for an item you could easily get if it wasn't permanently camped. You are screwed either way.

If you do want to grind for the idol or CoS on green you need to ask people who the farmers are and see if they are online. They are unfortunately always /anon so you won't be able to tell if they are in the zone but rest assured they are or will at least claim to be to ensure they are on the item lists. You best bet is to login when the server population is low so just set your alarm for like 3am or 5am EST multiple days in a row and check the zone. Eventually you'll get the camp for a little while until the trolls start coming back on.

It's all part of that P99 experience. Welcome to Green!

This is all nonsense if you just want to stand on the chief/ph an kill him for idol/cos there isn't a damm thing yucah can do about it list or not if you have that one/three mobs, and can kill them before they respawn

01-02-2021, 02:26 AM
Watch the video

Shaman engages

Patchez sends in pet

Patchez steals kill

Patchez isn't the only member of FOH to pull shit like at camps. The scumbags in this guild do it all the time and treat the general population just trying to enjoy the game like shit

Fuck FOH

yucan was the one who got the kill buddy

theres good people and shitters in every guild, condemning an entire guild just because someone in foh made you cry over pixels is immature and silly.

01-02-2021, 03:00 AM
It's so funny to see Green server going through the exact same trials and tribulations that blue went through. If there's ever a doubt that you're on the same trajectory as blue look no further than this.

I hope you're sincerely having fun though. Working your way through Vanilla->Kunark->Velious is an awesome experience.

01-02-2021, 01:56 PM
youare weak

01-02-2021, 03:34 PM
youare weak

Not gonna lie that stung a bit. Still not totally over it.

01-02-2021, 04:57 PM
youare weak

01-02-2021, 05:20 PM
yucan was the one who got the kill buddy

theres good people and shitters in every guild, condemning an entire guild just because someone in foh made you cry over pixels is immature and silly.

Clearly you didn't watch the video

Literally 10 seconds after the PATCHEZ stole the mob





01-02-2021, 05:27 PM
The entire guild should be banned for blatant harassment. This is a failure of governance. Where is an officer to speak to and condemn the actions of the guild's membership? Will a GM enforce this flagrant violation of the PNP or are we accepting that Green is now a lawless wasteland akin to Kevin Costner's 1995 film Waterworld?

01-02-2021, 06:11 PM
didnt read a single post in this thread LOL

01-02-2021, 06:38 PM
didnt read a single post in this thread LOL

Me either but I replied a few times lol.

01-03-2021, 02:34 AM
You are correct that you can camp that one area in droga and yes, they did kill steal you. However you are a bit naive in not understanding the current climate on Green and the "players" that inhabit it.

That particular camp in Droga attracts the plat farmers like Yucun and Urburtha because it has three drops (Idol of Thorned, Gauntlets of Potence, and pre-nerf Circlet of Shadows) that currently sell for around 10k plat each. If/when Green merges with Blue the pre-nerf CoS will be worth 50k so the payoff is large to sell a few now and mule the rest for later.

Droga is a dungeon with 20min spawns so there is no real "list" however to retain perpetual control of the camp the Green farmers have created their own rules aka "droga rules" that are not published anywhere nor do they comply with any wiki or play nice guidelines. Now these rules will change at whim depending on which farmer is in zone but since Yucun is the subject of a lot of your correspondence I will relay what he has told me in broken English.

First rule is you have to maintain a list for that camp and update it with anyone who wants on it. So presume the camp is open and you have a couple friends who want to do it, you are required to create a list add outside people to it despite it being your camp. If you do not the camp will be taken from you by higher level players that farm the zone. There are no zone CCs as people do not respect a camp check. To avoid issues everyone just complies and maintains a list for CoS, Idol, and EoE.

The next rule is you are expected to add the plat farmers to your group if they are near the camp. On a couple occasions I have had a group of 3 or 4 looking to help a necro or sk get CoS and in strolls Yucun who proceeds to kill steal spawns because, as he told you, you aren't killing them fast enough which is evidence in his opinion that you can't hold the camp. Thus you have to add them to avoid him or Urburtha from killing and ninjalooting a bodyguard or Chief spawn, so again most people do to avoid drama.

Now the next rule is: even if the farmers are in the group soaking exp & looting, they DO NOT HAVE TO HELP AT ALL unless they are #1. They can and do AFK for hours sitting near your camp in what Yucun calls "safe place" while the non-AFKers do all the work. They can wander to EoE camp and farm that if they want. Yucun will not respond to messages for hours but will state he is never afk for more than 15 minutes so you cannot remove him from the list nor should you kick him from the group or the kill stealing will resume.

Another rule is Yucun and Urburtha are bound in droga so they can never be removed from the list and immediately get the camp if a group wipes because they are always in zone. Even if they cannot see the camp or are afk invis not killing any spawns, the camp becomes theirs in the event of any issue with the current group or #1 as determined by them and as protected by virtue of the rules of the droga "list."

Now this is where the real beauty of the list comes in because like everything in Everquest, RNG is a bitch. You think to yourself there is a chance every 20 mins and sure you could get an idol or CoS quickly but more likely you are in for a 5+ hour loss of your life for an imaginary in game item with marginal benefit late game. If you are doing the camp with a group, people will eventually have to tap out for RL commitments. If you are an appropriate level that the dungeon experience was designed for (40s) it's going to be hard for you to keep up the pace yourself presuming you want to get this over with and not deal with coming back later and waiting through their "list" again. As you proved it is possible to keep up, but dangerous and it will take you awhile. Something could run and cause a train, something could gate requiring you to camp, or worse you could die given that it is a dungeon and it was meant to be challenging.

But you have group mates right? Or at the very least other listers in #2, #3, or #4 position sitting there in the droga zone. Other people there on the list who are decent human beings who would like to see you rewarded for your time and effort spent because you are just there to get the item and then get out vice farming over and over? Sorry noob you have Yucun or Urburtha (or a couple others that I will refrain from specifically naming because these two are the worst IMO) who want to see you wipe so they can take the "list" back over in #1 slot and thereby control the camp. This puts them in first place for all drops and actually provides them with endless support as people will unknowingly show up and ask to be put on their player run list thinking it is legit and will help grind down the spawns for hours allowing the farmers to get the drops again and again and again.

So what does this do? Like you many do not get the drops and learn that the time commitment and frustration is not worth the effort to actually farm it so better to just buy it which keeps the item prices high since a select few control the supply. It's a lot of plat so this helps feed the people who sell plat for RL dollars (probably also the same people) because if all high value items are farmed and controlled, how does anyone legitmately acquire enough plat to participate? In the end you have two options: 1) waste a ridiculous amount of time to fight your way to the top of a BS list and then pray those people won't steal the spawns from you OR 2) overpay those same people for an item you could easily get if it wasn't permanently camped. You are screwed either way.

If you do want to grind for the idol or CoS on green you need to ask people who the farmers are and see if they are online. They are unfortunately always /anon so you won't be able to tell if they are in the zone but rest assured they are or will at least claim to be to ensure they are on the item lists. You best bet is to login when the server population is low so just set your alarm for like 3am or 5am EST multiple days in a row and check the zone. Eventually you'll get the camp for a little while until the trolls start coming back on.

It's all part of that P99 experience. Welcome to Green!


01-03-2021, 06:28 AM
I just dont get why this scum always gets away with their sh*t. It was def. a KS

01-03-2021, 09:31 AM
This thread makes me glad I've never set foot in this camp on Green. Also, Idol of the Thorned is meh. I'd rather have a Runed Bone Fork or Medicine Totem / Thex Mallet in my ranged slot.

01-03-2021, 11:07 AM
I just want to point out the blatantly obvious here:

I was considering petitioning these guys but ultimately I value the time and energy of our volunteer staff too much!

Instead, he writes a double post with logs, cropped screenshots, ongoing commentary and a poll. Instead of petitioning and getting some action, and getting a record that these guys are dicks so there can be some history for the GM's, there is a R&F post that no one gives a shit about:

didnt read a single post in this thread LOL

Then we have someone write a long ass story how these guys have been dicks to people for months or whatever.

I would like to congratulate the OP for continuing to keep toxic players around to bother even more people and create more CSR problems down the road for everyone in his desire to quickly share his giant outrage with the 18 people here who couldn't care less. Let us continue to spare the time and energy of our volunteer staff!


01-03-2021, 11:16 AM
consider blue

01-03-2021, 11:36 AM
Ho boi ! I'm glad Green exist so it drain all those wonderful players away from Blue !

Wall O Lead
01-03-2021, 12:06 PM
Ummm, are you obligated some how to participate in this "list"? Are these lists GM enforced... If not, really don't see an issue.

01-03-2021, 03:10 PM
green is full of a bunch of fucking weirdos, man

if you see someone in a "raid guild" on green, it's a pretty safe bet they're weird as fuck.

it takes a certain personality type to buy into that shit

01-04-2021, 07:46 PM
You don't to create nor administer any "lists" on Blue..

Piss off Green.

01-04-2021, 07:55 PM
You don't to create nor administer any "lists" on Blue..

Piss off Green.

How long have you been waiting in these bread lines?

It isn't too late to get out there and make something of yourself Champ. Look the mob in his eyes and claim your pixels like a man.

01-04-2021, 07:56 PM
I'm pretty sure the bread line is the lists...

01-04-2021, 07:59 PM
I'm pretty sure the bread line is the lists...

Perhaps I misinterpreted your comment wrong. I read it as "go back to blue".

01-04-2021, 08:11 PM
Droga isn't FTE lol, he can't just steal your mob(s) if your killing them before they respawn doesn't matter how slow you kill, I'd petition if he Ksed, better yet get some video capture going so the gms can perma ban him for obvious shitty behavior

01-04-2021, 08:48 PM
All you got to do is remember that you should be able to kill guys who are super mean.

01-04-2021, 09:10 PM
All you got to do is remember that you should be able to kill guys who are super mean.

red is a cult

01-04-2021, 11:07 PM
Nah, there aren't enough red players to qualify as a cult. It's just a circle jerk.

01-05-2021, 09:25 AM
yucan was the one who got the kill buddy

theres good people and shitters in every guild, condemning an entire guild just because someone in foh made you cry over pixels is immature and silly.

Are you blind ? Yucan did not get the kill it was looted by the other guy.

01-06-2021, 01:19 AM
You are correct that you can camp that one area in droga and yes, they did kill steal you. However you are a bit naive in not understanding the current climate on Green and the "players" that inhabit it.

That particular camp in Droga attracts the plat farmers like Yucun and Urburtha because it has three drops (Idol of Thorned, Gauntlets of Potence, and pre-nerf Circlet of Shadows) that currently sell for around 10k plat each. If/when Green merges with Blue the pre-nerf CoS will be worth 50k so the payoff is large to sell a few now and mule the rest for later.

Droga is a dungeon with 20min spawns so there is no real "list" however to retain perpetual control of the camp the Green farmers have created their own rules aka "droga rules" that are not published anywhere nor do they comply with any wiki or play nice guidelines. Now these rules will change at whim depending on which farmer is in zone but since Yucun is the subject of a lot of your correspondence I will relay what he has told me in broken English.

First rule is you have to maintain a list for that camp and update it with anyone who wants on it. So presume the camp is open and you have a couple friends who want to do it, you are required to create a list add outside people to it despite it being your camp. If you do not the camp will be taken from you by higher level players that farm the zone. There are no zone CCs as people do not respect a camp check. To avoid issues everyone just complies and maintains a list for CoS, Idol, and EoE.

The next rule is you are expected to add the plat farmers to your group if they are near the camp. On a couple occasions I have had a group of 3 or 4 looking to help a necro or sk get CoS and in strolls Yucun who proceeds to kill steal spawns because, as he told you, you aren't killing them fast enough which is evidence in his opinion that you can't hold the camp. Thus you have to add them to avoid him or Urburtha from killing and ninjalooting a bodyguard or Chief spawn, so again most people do to avoid drama.

Now the next rule is: even if the farmers are in the group soaking exp & looting, they DO NOT HAVE TO HELP AT ALL unless they are #1. They can and do AFK for hours sitting near your camp in what Yucun calls "safe place" while the non-AFKers do all the work. They can wander to EoE camp and farm that if they want. Yucun will not respond to messages for hours but will state he is never afk for more than 15 minutes so you cannot remove him from the list nor should you kick him from the group or the kill stealing will resume.

Another rule is Yucun and Urburtha are bound in droga so they can never be removed from the list and immediately get the camp if a group wipes because they are always in zone. Even if they cannot see the camp or are afk invis not killing any spawns, the camp becomes theirs in the event of any issue with the current group or #1 as determined by them and as protected by virtue of the rules of the droga "list."

Now this is where the real beauty of the list comes in because like everything in Everquest, RNG is a bitch. You think to yourself there is a chance every 20 mins and sure you could get an idol or CoS quickly but more likely you are in for a 5+ hour loss of your life for an imaginary in game item with marginal benefit late game. If you are doing the camp with a group, people will eventually have to tap out for RL commitments. If you are an appropriate level that the dungeon experience was designed for (40s) it's going to be hard for you to keep up the pace yourself presuming you want to get this over with and not deal with coming back later and waiting through their "list" again. As you proved it is possible to keep up, but dangerous and it will take you awhile. Something could run and cause a train, something could gate requiring you to camp, or worse you could die given that it is a dungeon and it was meant to be challenging.

But you have group mates right? Or at the very least other listers in #2, #3, or #4 position sitting there in the droga zone. Other people there on the list who are decent human beings who would like to see you rewarded for your time and effort spent because you are just there to get the item and then get out vice farming over and over? Sorry noob you have Yucun or Urburtha (or a couple others that I will refrain from specifically naming because these two are the worst IMO) who want to see you wipe so they can take the "list" back over in #1 slot and thereby control the camp. This puts them in first place for all drops and actually provides them with endless support as people will unknowingly show up and ask to be put on their player run list thinking it is legit and will help grind down the spawns for hours allowing the farmers to get the drops again and again and again.

So what does this do? Like you many do not get the drops and learn that the time commitment and frustration is not worth the effort to actually farm it so better to just buy it which keeps the item prices high since a select few control the supply. It's a lot of plat so this helps feed the people who sell plat for RL dollars (probably also the same people) because if all high value items are farmed and controlled, how does anyone legitmately acquire enough plat to participate? In the end you have two options: 1) waste a ridiculous amount of time to fight your way to the top of a BS list and then pray those people won't steal the spawns from you OR 2) overpay those same people for an item you could easily get if it wasn't permanently camped. You are screwed either way.

If you do want to grind for the idol or CoS on green you need to ask people who the farmers are and see if they are online. They are unfortunately always /anon so you won't be able to tell if they are in the zone but rest assured they are or will at least claim to be to ensure they are on the item lists. You best bet is to login when the server population is low so just set your alarm for like 3am or 5am EST multiple days in a row and check the zone. Eventually you'll get the camp for a little while until the trolls start coming back on.

It's all part of that P99 experience. Welcome to Green!

jesus this is pure POETRY, so true

01-06-2021, 10:26 AM
I got my pre-nerf CoS for DKP when a dude who was quitting graciously donated all his no drop items to the guild.

Consider blue.

01-06-2021, 12:10 PM
Judging by the poll, Yucun and Urburtha have cast their votes!

01-06-2021, 04:56 PM
unless the gms have specifically mentioned something for that camp the only rules that matter are the server rules. Sometimes players will set simple rules in place for a camp and its up to others to keep that rule going if they want when the camp gets handed down, but there is no obligation to do so unless the gms make a ruling on it.

It also sounds like you didn't petition this, which is your own fault.