View Full Version : Bind in other kunark zones

11-06-2020, 02:04 PM
What was the classic situations as far as binding in kunark dungeons? Did they restrict the ability to bind later or did it launch like that? i seem recall some kind of change going on related to kunark binding (beyond what happened with TD) but i cant remember quite recall what/when it was.

11-06-2020, 04:43 PM
Considering this was part of the reason the keys for various kunark dungeons not being soulbound was not as big of a deal as it seems, I'dthnk there would be more interest in this topic. How does it work on blue currently? what kunark dungeons can you bind in and which not?

11-06-2020, 07:51 PM
IIRC none are bindable. Melee can bind in Cabilis, FV fort, OT outpost, ruins above Kaesora and CoM?