View Full Version : Various enchanter-related, non-classic bugs

02-27-2020, 04:27 AM
1. memory blur is supposed to work on your own and other players pets. It's a non offensive spell that does not cause aggro, so i'm not sure how it ended up being flagged non-pet. It also was castable on other players(though obviously that does nothing).

2. Pets who no longer have a master who have their hate list wiped should instantly kill themselves.

3. i've lost several lore armor items when i gave them to charm pets. Perhaps this is connected to the "torch bug" that makes the corpses unlootable? When it has happened though some of the other items i gave were still lootable. And I've only had this happen with lore items.

4. Humpty dumpty dance related to sitting down/standing up while you have rune protection and you are attacked with enough damage to break the rune at the same time. Not sure how to explain this but your character sometimes gets locked into some king of several second stun because the game thinks you are spamming sit/stand up or something along those lines is my guess. You often end up essentially stunned and taking max damage for several seconds which could easily kill an enchanter with a DWing pet. I'm not sure what is causing it for sure but it is certainly not classic behavior.

5. AoE mez should be able to be used to clear aggro on a pet + its master. If you spam it should eventually wipe the hate on both master and pet but on p99 as far as I can tell it never does. One of them will always stay aggro as far as I've seen on green, though i haven't spent a long time testing it to see if I've just had really fluky bad luck so far.

02-27-2020, 08:06 AM
sounds right to me, but...inb4 'you got proofs?'

02-27-2020, 08:28 AM
4. Humpty dumpty dance related to sitting down/standing up while you have rune protection and you are attacked with enough damage to break the rune at the same time.

Literally never happened to me and I played enchanter a lot.

5. AoE mez should be able to be used to clear aggro on a pet + its master. If you spam it should eventually wipe the hate on both master and pet but on p99 as far as I can tell it never does. One of them will always stay assist your target and aggro as far as I've seen on green, though i haven't spent a long time testing it to see if I've just had really fluky bad luck so far.

If you calm the mobs first, it will work as you described. If the mobs aren't calmed, don't forget that mezzing a mob aggroes it, sends an assist "wave" around it, then maybe blurs it. Mobs who aren't calmed and are in assist range will aggro on you (while being mezzed) and attack you as soon as mez breaks.

The more uncalmed mobs you are trying to AE mez, the (exponentially) less chance there is that it will succesfully blur them all. Anything but a blur success on all mobs means it will reaggro everything again through the assist "wave" of the mez.
Basically with 3 or more mobs, you'd need to calm them (or most of them) first.

With two mobs it can work reasonably often, esp. if they aren't too high level.

TLDR: AE calm / Blanket a couple times and you're gtg.

02-27-2020, 08:47 AM
Yeah, but is that classic? That's the point, I think.
I've experienced the humpty dance before...although not on green. I wager it's some kind of client-related deal. I've not seen it on TAKP personally.

02-27-2020, 08:55 AM
but I thought no one charmed pets on classic lul

02-27-2020, 01:16 PM
I've never understood this guy's bug reports. He comes on the forums and goes "this thing is currently X bu it should be Y and that's a fact" but never provides any evidence to back up his claims so nothing is ever done.

Why waste the time writing the post until you have evidence for what you're saying?

02-27-2020, 01:28 PM
I miss the bug that allows your charmed pet to share your faction so you can get npcs to assist it. P99 doesnt have that one, but it does have a bug that allows you to cause two npcs to fight each other without one being charmed, which is handy to clear certain areas easier. I'm trying not to spread that one around because its quite devious but it only works close to zone lines. Though you do need a charm type spell to prime it, its not actually a bug with charm.. More accurately a bug with how mobs behave when body aggroed

02-27-2020, 03:26 PM
I've never understood this guy's bug reports. He comes on the forums and goes "this thing is currently X bu it should be Y and that's a fact" but never provides any evidence to back up his claims so nothing is ever done.

Why waste the time writing the post until you have evidence for what you're saying?

I don't plan to spend time chasing this down, and you can easily verify several of the things I posted without even having to find "hard evidence" since the clearly are not intended, not to mention it's impossible to prove a negative. others appear to be inconsistent with game mechanics: AoE mez should wipe all aggro on everything at the very same time, and mem blur is flagged as a beneficial spell but for some unknown reason cant be cast on pets. Pets currently die immediately after you charm their masters. Why? Because they have no master and have no hate list. Same reason they are supposed to immediately die in other instances when the exact same thing occurs.

Even with good evidence there no certainty anything will change on p99, like when I showed that the current charisma parameters are being done incorrectly. Each class was supposed to have a sliding scale of effectiveness for charisma, but on P99 non-enchanters get a huge boon for charming since charisma isn't even required for them.

A better question is why you waste your time always trying to write passive-aggressive trash posts regarding my posts on here. No one cares what you think here.

02-27-2020, 05:30 PM
but I thought no one charmed pets on classic lul

Alot of thins non happened in classic for leack of knoledge and mitologie, like people asking pets steal exp on groups, forcing pet classes to dimiss pets to join a group.

There are a important factor wen people analize 1999 gameplay, and compare to the today gameplay, this game have 0 releases info about mechanics, and people teorized and discovered in correct and wrong ways, i lived in 1999 situation of a enchanter explaining why charm a mob to generate dps are nice, and majority of people explained him his teories about how are bad why pet steal exp and cleric waste mana to heal people wen charm breaks, and how this stop the pulls why cleric are oom. "Teoriquest"
Today in 2020 there are still discussion on how thinks works, and people still sure do thinks wrong in some ways why still is not all discovered, like the true haste cap, or de minimum delay of a weapon cap.

02-27-2020, 06:53 PM
but I thought no one charmed pets on classic lul

It was usually used as CC mechanic back then.