View Full Version : Pathing Cazic-Thule Charmed Pets Pathing

11-17-2019, 04:03 PM
Several issues with pathing in CT as always but maybe some new ones too! The worst offender is when fighting things in the pits/ planks the way mobs warp into the planks and or water causing you to "not be able to see your target from here" even though they are standing on you, hitting you and casting on you. This happens in most dungeons it seems like, mobs stuck in the walls or floors etc.

The next thing that hurts the most is pet pathing. When trying to fight gators in the water at the bottom of the well the gators would teleport to the top of the ladders with the two lizards before returning to the water to attack the rooted gator that was 10 feet directly in front of it. It doesn't seem to matter where you position anything. Next up is when sending a charmed pet at either the named Cenobite or Avatar of Fear it will go up the ramp into the single spawn room behind the door regardless how far away from that spot you are. It seems like there is a specific bug related to these two spawns because when sicking the pet on other mobs in the camp there was never an issue. Really shitty to find this out when fighting the AoF and the pet just instantly disappears and runs back with 2 more mobs when the AoF was ON TOP OF THE PET!

11-17-2019, 04:18 PM
The pathing issue like you said happen in most dungeons

Seen this strange behavior of pet not attacking a rooted mob until it goes a round about way, in upper guk with the various croc pools especialy the 3 way one near the river leading to ancient croc camp.