View Full Version : Anyone got a class census for Green & Teal now?

11-05-2019, 01:59 PM
Would like to see what the two servers are like for classes.

Will help people who do not like to play popular classes or like to play in demand classes decide what to play and which server is best for them

Tecmos Deception
11-05-2019, 02:16 PM
Yeah, I was curious what the class splits would be on the two, but I have been too lazy to start boxing yet to check the / count all ______

11-05-2019, 09:53 PM
It's hard to say because people still have time to decide whether to stay on green or move to teal server. What is true today might change in a weeks time. But the population so far has remained about a 3 to 1 ratio green to teal. So if you are a class in demand like a tank or melee dps then Green is good. If you are a class that is struggling to find a group spot then teal has far less competition and might be a good choice.

As a Cleric main I moved to teal because there are too many clerics/druids on Green and we are all fighting for a handful of group spots. I think it was Sunday night where there was four clerics around 5-7 in gfay all looking for a group (myself included). And none of us were getting invites because all gfay groups already had healers apparently.

11-06-2019, 12:15 AM
I've been playing Teal since Sunday's launch off and on at various times.
This is from Tuesday Nov. 5 @ 11 pm EST. approx. 800 on server:

Enchanter 100
Druid 89
Necro 81
Shaman 77
Mage 65
Cleric 54
Bard 39
Warrior 35
Monk 34
Wizard 33
Shadow Knight 31
Rogue 29
Paladin 23
Ranger 19

The above basically reflects Green's distribution.
I have noticed though in the off hours on Teal, the necro population is highest followed by druid then about the same as above. Lots of solo players on Teal (probably future farming alts) and very low melee population. I just re-rolled to a warrior for zits and giggles. I never played an ogre warrior before. I'm curious how will it go. Feerrott is sort of like Toxx forest except with better noises.

11-06-2019, 01:33 AM
Just did my own on Green cus some of the stuff people are posting looks fishy.

Keep in mind this is a snap shot of a time.


da fuq with google sheets not remembering where you sources are for formulas when you move or sort data.