View Full Version : Game Mechanics: Guild Officer Promotion

11-03-2019, 12:43 AM
Hello, I am the leader of a guild on green. There is currently no way that I can find to promote a member of my guild to officer. I figured I should report it. I believe it is a bug.

11-03-2019, 01:54 AM
"/guildinvite o" with the person targeted should work.

11-03-2019, 11:59 AM
Does that work for current members?

11-03-2019, 12:35 PM
Yes. As the above poster said, you have to target the person and /guildinvite o. The wiki says it’s /guildinvite o Name, but that doesn’t work.

If you’re reading this, Loramin, I haven’t made a Wiki account. I will.