View Full Version : erudite SKs at launch ?

09-26-2019, 04:36 PM

I really want to make a erudite SK and planning on it, would really want a word of the devs if i should change my mind..

Thanks :)

09-26-2019, 04:39 PM
As an aspiring Erudite Cleric of Cazic-Thule, I am also waiting with bated breath. Some thoughts:
• If you can stand it, you could make another character instead to level up and farm some plat and gear for your Eru SK and then create him/her when it is possible. He'll then level up faster and more efficiently. Then you'll still have the first character to use for whatever. If there is someone you trust to log in your character, you could make a druid (or shaman or ench or whatever) and have them log into it and PL your Eru SK.
• I am thinking of going Human cleric of Innoruuk instead, if they start at least Dubious to Paineel. That reminds me, I need to check.

09-26-2019, 05:07 PM
Either Rogean or Nilbog just the past couple days stated that they're still deciding on how to proceed w/ the launch-state of Paineel.

(IIRC it was a time-related thing - ie they might not be able to complete the programming to properly remove it in time)