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View Full Version : Why these people are so pissed off.

02-05-2019, 05:39 PM
Other than the obvious greed involved, the guilds and their members so opposed to this rotation idea have a problem.

It's not that hard. They'd like you to think that ToV is this mystical place that only the "best" players can go and kill the content. They are, of course, a pack of liars.

It's the raid scene itself that makes killing in ToV hard. First is the ridiculous idea that only a few players are skilled enough, their own players mind you, to go inside North ToV. Apparently their own people suck so bad they have to sit them at the zone line and spoon-feed them dragons.

It's not entirely true, of course. FTE rules require them to have massive guilds so that at any given time they can muster enough zergs to win the race. I have no doubt that, Aftermath, for instance, given the lack of urgency of an FTE race could crawl ToV and do it quite flawlessly, but the rules say that's impossible.

To put it in a bit of perspective, raiding guilds during this time frame on live had 5K tanks. That is, a tank with 5000 hps was considered one of the best on the server. 5000 is the really low-end for doing any serious Velious content today. I hear numbers exceeding 1400 AC as well with the best geared on P99 where hitting 1200 was crazy good on live. I know several people in my guild who wouldn't start a new twink with less than a full set of Kael armor. It is kind of ridiculous. Put another way, my level 54 cleric easily has as much mana, and far more AC and hit points than my level 60 cleric did on live at this point, or at least when Velious was released.

All this is to say that there are at least 10 guilds on this server that, given a chance, can kill most, if not all, of the content in ToV. Yes, they do have to learn how to do it. And yes, if you are now raiding with these guilds and your character isn't level 60 you should, and probably will, get left out in the cold.

The problem these people have, and hey, they may not even realize it, though I think they do, is that it's not that hard. These days every strat for every dragon has long been established. If it was done 20 years ago with 30-40 level 60s geared as they were it can easily be done today. Crawling ToV is a bit of a lost art I suppose and some guilds will just continue to pull to the zone line and not teach their members the classic skills.

For those in guilds that are so maniacally opposed to it, try this. When your turn comes, take 5-7 groups of your level 60 players, open the door, and head into North ToV. You'll find something there that you've never found on P99.

You have fun in ToV for the first time.

02-05-2019, 05:43 PM
tl; dr: Braknar is the best

02-05-2019, 05:43 PM
open the door, and head into North ToV. You'll find something there that you've never found on P99.

You have fun in ToV for the first time.

I dunno man, plenty of guild have found that wyvern train without GM enforced rotations.

02-05-2019, 05:50 PM
Imagine you played WoW back in the day when raiding was cool. Now imagine you were good enough to kill Illidan, but the Glaives just aren't dropping for you, nor the shield.
Now picture that in the middle of that content instead of a 7 day raid lock, the server was hotfixed and you now have a two month raid lock out.

I don't raid on this server but I'd be pretty fucking pissed if that happened to me back in the day. I'll agree that the nature of it was pure greed that brought this about. I feel there are better approaches to this, 3 guilds are allowed in ToV this week, three the next week, three the next. Obviously divide the guilds based on level of shit socking capabilities (Because really nothing about EQ raiding is mechanically hard). This could have been divided up a lot of ways, but I feel the way it was approached was more of a punishment than a compromise.

02-05-2019, 05:51 PM
You keep comparing live to here like the content is the same.

Every single mob here does between 50-500% more damage, has 0-500% more regen, and mostly have AE’s that for all intents and purposes are unresistable.

AE’s on this server were tuned when we could all have 355 resists, they still landed obnoxiously too often. Now we have 255, do the math.

02-05-2019, 05:51 PM
So your saying your guild could crawl ToV and clear it by yourselves then?

02-05-2019, 05:52 PM
For those in guilds that are so maniacally opposed to it, try this. When your turn comes, take 5-7 groups of your level 60 players, open the door, and head into North ToV. You'll find something there that you've never found on P99.

You have fun in ToV for the first time.

Oh sorry, am I having fun the wrong way? Thankful for you to be around to let me know.

02-05-2019, 06:55 PM
So your saying your guild could crawl ToV and clear it by yourselves then?

It remains to be seen, yes? We think we can, and that's what's important. Only one way to find out.

Are we going to waltz through it and destroy everything on sight? HAH! No, we are going to wipe, then wipe again, then again and again. After three days maybe we kill four, maybe seven, maybe all of them. Ten weeks later we do a little better if that's when we can try it again. Like I said, we don't need to gear up for this, but we're lucky if we don't have someone racing us to Vindi at this point. These are learned skills (especially for the leaders) and we don't get a lot of practice.

I didn't mean to suggest it was a cake walk, but the guilds that don't race can learn it given the opportunity.

02-05-2019, 06:57 PM
Running as fast as you can to get a mob sounds like the olympics not everquest