View Full Version : Kasuna / Sxzy

02-05-2019, 02:36 PM
Disrespectful training duo. They have done this numerous occasions --> They don't say sorry. They don't care if you camping somewhere. They don't respect other players. I asked them to call their train please and instead of saying sorry, they digress into lies about other people training them and all sorts of other blabber. A simple my bad would of been suffice.

I won't be returning to this thread, so you two can spew all the fiction you want to try and mask your faults and provide some sort of hilarious reason why you can't say sorry. All sxzy does is spew profanity at people (feftard) and the other just makes crap of you training them several times to justify itself. -Below is fact / i'm sure others have endured your rudeness

