View Full Version : Nexii's Erotic Adventures: New Rules

10-20-2018, 07:44 PM
Nexii's Bedroom

“What's wrong?” Auspex asked. The younger male drow sat behind Nexii on her bed. He could sense her discomfort from the turned-back position of her ears.

“I saw...a vision.” Nexii's eyes blinked and her eyelids fluttered.

“Hopefully of us intimating together...take this given moment my jabbress...”

“Don't call me that yet. I haven't sensed your soul. I haven't taken you as my own.” Nexii flinched away from Auspex. She half-turned around to see his disappointment. “Despite what you might feel, I don't hesitate out of fear of the other priestesses' envy. I felt a great disturbance in Norrath. As if hundreds of casuals suddenly cried out in joy and were suddenly rewarded. I fear something terrible has happened.”

Auspex brazenly pursued the cleric against her reservations. He inched forward on the bed and placed his hands on her bare shoulders. “I can only see the near future. Tell me, what is it like? To dream of greater horrors to be?”

“I fear for us all. I saw Unbrella at the <Law Offices of Norrath> in the First Circle. He was re-writing the raiding rules against his will. Something about casuals having 20 minutes to kill raid targets without outside interference.” Nexii had to try hard to remember the past. It had been so long since she had been in Rustle. So long since lock out raiding had been a thing. So long since she had felt a glimmer of freedom.

“And why does this disturb you so? Won't <Aftermath> hate the casuals for taking their pixels? And <Tempest> to some extent?” Auspex inquired. He did not understand Nexii's dilemma. “Surely as a cleric, you want to see less suffering of all? Fewer conflicts and such.”

“You're young still.” Nexii turned and looked into Auspex's crystal blue eyes. They twinkled with a sort of new naiveness in the ways of Innoruuk. “Stay awhile and listen. It's never really been about pixels. It's about power. Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. It's about tearing our enemies to pieces and putting them back together as part of <Aftermath>. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we were creating in Innoruuk's image? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the high elves imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which would grow not less but more merciless as it refined itself. Progress in our world was progress towards more pain. The Koada'Dal claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours was founded upon hatred. In our world there was to be no emotions except hate, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we were to destroy, everything. Already we were breaking down the habits of thought which survived from before the last raid rule changes. We cut the links between GM and player, and between guild and guild, and between officer and member. No one dared trust a GM or officer or fellow guild member any longer. But in the future there would be no guilds and no friends. Players would be taken from their friends at 60, as one takes eggs from a hen. Guild tags were to be eradicated. A quake was to be an annual formality like the renewal of a stack of rations. We were to abolish the petition. Our lawyers were working upon it now. There was to be no loyalty, except loyalty towards Innoruuk. There would be only hate, especially the hate of Innoruuk. There would be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There would be no love, no forum posting, no mercy. When we were omnipotent we would have no more need of mercy. There would be no distinction between casual and neckbeard. There would be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of progression. All competing pleasures were to be destroyed. But always -- do not forget this, Auspex -- always there would be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there would be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future of raiding, imagine a boot stamping on a casual face -- forever.”

Auspex sat still and silent in awe. He was stunned by the totality of her convictions. After blinking several times he found the courage to speak. “And this is what your heart desired to share with Sirken.” After saying these words, he found them to be more of a true statement than yet another question. He was starting to understand. Something was wrong with Sirken. “So you think he went soft? Maybe he loved you more than you thought.” Auspex rubbed Nexii's shoulders tenderly. She was not tense, but he felt her body temperature burning warm, as if fired up by the fuel of Innoruuk's hate.

“It doesn't matter now. It's set in motion. This is just the first step towards the end times.” Nexii sighed. “More omens will reveal as the days progress.”

“Does this have anything to do with the lack of earthquakes?” Auspex wondered aloud.

“I'm not sure yet. All I know is that giving the casuals a break is not going to end well. Only through law and hate can the order of the world be kept.” Nexii pondered whether the shadow knight was worth her time. With Sirken it had always been so obvious how to proceed.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit Norrath. The Prophecy, 5:5.” Auspex said with a flat affect.

Nexii perked upright at Auspex's unexpected words. “It seems I underestimated you. You are familiar with that obscure text.”

“Poisonous beliefs. I suppose we kept it in the Library as more of a warning.”

“I'm very impressed for knight as young as yourself.” Nexii grinned at Auspex.

“Allow me to impress you in other ways. You are much too focused on what you cannot control.” Auspex promised and cautioned. He took her hands in his own, sensing that she would not react negatively before he did so.

“Well we can all use more 'experience'. Fill my bar with pixels then Aussie. Show me you're worthy to leave this room alive.” Nexii threatened. She traced her sharp nails over his neck to make her point. Once the point was made, she grabbed him about the neck and forced his face down between her legs.

Auspex felt a stirring in his soul. Nexii scared him and he felt it deep in his heart. She had a vision for the world that went far beyond any priestesses that he had played with so far. Her feelings were beyond good and evil. Most priestesses were simply self interested whereas she was truly something else. She wanted the entire world to suffer for her. And not for any reason other than for suffering itself. Would he, too, suffer if he submitted to her will? And did he really have any choice in it? He closed his eyes and reached out for her slit with his dexterous tongue. If there was one skill he had maxed out it was tonguing. To do it right required patience, anticipation and bravery.

“I'm glad you agree to see it my way. Not that I want a doormat, but you know how it is. I don't want to be betrayed again.” Nexii seethed. The mere thought that her prospective suitor could betray her as so many friends and ex-interests had before enraged her. “No matter. If he does, I will kill him myself.” Nexii thought to herself. The cruel thought was interrupted by a wave of pleasure as she felt him lick around her outer lips. It was done in such a way that aroused and yet left her longing for just a little more.

Auspex had the advantage now, and he knew it. With his sense of divining premonition he could cheat at his given task. He knew how Nexii may react to his every move seconds before she ever would. Multiple possibilities ran through his mind as he lashed his tongue along her outer sex. One became clear to him and he followed it. In his tongue went, eliciting a surprised 'Oooo!' which answered his choice. Ironic, he figured to himself. The priestess was so consumed with avoiding fate and yet he was ensuring the most likely fates would be played out. The fate where he would bring her ever closer to orgasm. What being or force decided that fate was beyond his understanding, but he had never doubted it. Always trusting his visions had given him outcomes undreamed of for one so recently graduated as himself. He pleased them without failure and had been well rewarded with power and money.

“Yea...fuck yea Aus! Just like that...more...” Nexii pleaded. He was so fucking good. It hardly seemed fair. How could a mere male be so talented? Especially a shadow knight. They were supposed to be useless. Ineffective. Nearly worthless. But this one was somehow better than any female she had ever been with. Heck, any male or female she had ever been with. She shivered as she felt his tongue probe deeper. She squirmed as he found her sensitive spot within seconds. “Inno...you...lucky...bastard.” She tried not to laugh as he hit that G-spot without any training at all. But she could not hold back. She giggled and panted as if she was young again. As if it was the first time again. As if she was a newbie again. It was all so exhilarating and so reminiscent. Nostalgic. She moaned from both the intense physical sensations and warm mental memories.

Auspex knew he had her. And that by doing this, she would also have him. He did not relent. She was something special that he had to know more of. It was time. Time to show his best. He took a breath and then unleashed a FLURRY of tongue licks on Nexii's clitoris. The outcome was exactly as he expected. His hands were on her thighs to steady her legs as she shook in orgasm above him.

“Ahh...ahh...ahh!” Nexii wailed. She squeezed her thighs about his face as she orgasmed over and over. Flurry after flurry caused orgasm after orgasm. It lasted what seemed an eternity yet did not dull in pleasure. Her legs gave way and loosened their grasp, much to Auspex's relief. Suffocation as a reward would have hardly been justice. The drow cleric sighed and smiled in pleasure. “Yea, that's way better than the quake we missed.” Nexii paused to catch her breath and laid on her side. “Xi'hum.” Nexii added to state he was now her pet.

“Valsharess.” Auspex replied with relief. She had accepted him as hers and hers alone. The priestess rotation would come to an end at his peril. And how the GMs might react was another concern. But somehow, he felt she would be worth it. Somehow things would work out. They always did for him.

10-20-2018, 07:51 PM
I'm floating in a bath of my own hot cum

10-20-2018, 08:18 PM
moving to tldr

10-20-2018, 10:37 PM
filing under bbobbbo

10-21-2018, 07:04 AM
Nice story. I liked the part where he your and then he you while you him. In all honesty, these stories are the, ahem, literary equivalent to the fan art where they make all the characters gay, which, lets be real, is kinda the case here.



10-21-2018, 07:34 AM
Nice story. I liked the part where he your and then he you while you him. In all honesty, these stories are the, ahem, literary equivalent to the fan art where they make all the characters gay, which, lets be real, is kinda the case here.

Remind me again why you're still here? When you're supposedly doing all this stuff in RL instead of forumquesting and playing P99? You have no friends on the server except maybe Orna. You have no hope of ever raiding here again because you're a sociopath. Even if Rustle 2.0 ever became a thing the core would never take you in.

Anyways this is my last reply to you. It seems you weren't aware I had already blocked you on Discord, P99 forums, etc. Please try to act like a normal human being and don't stalk me like Lulz. Never to talk to me again, thanks

10-21-2018, 07:49 AM
Is that another diagnosis? You should stick to things you’re good at like cyber raping unwilling people in your storys whilst dressed like an anthropomorphic cat.

10-21-2018, 09:47 AM
Oh. Here’s a fun question. How many people do you think you’re friends with here? Anyone from you speak to outside of EQ about things more personal than aego please? Or wow we sure did beat Tempest again at racing for dragons. Anyone? Because you left Rustle chat because you got tired of the people you talked to for being too negative. I would imagine you don’t speak to anyone.

You know, devaluing people like that and suddenly torching relationships could be a sign of borderline personality disorder. You should get that checked out.

10-21-2018, 09:50 AM

10-21-2018, 10:58 AM
I skipped down to the last 4 paragraphs

10-21-2018, 11:41 AM
I read this at church. The Bible is less boring, no offense. Also, wasn’t turned on. L2tits

10-21-2018, 12:11 PM
I read this at church. The Bible is less boring, no offense. Also, wasn’t turned on. L2tits

You mean mosque.

10-21-2018, 12:57 PM
You mean mosque.

Went to church with my daughter and son in law

Why are you so angry dude? Inshallah, the kratom will give you peace

10-21-2018, 01:11 PM
Went to church with my daughter and son in law

Why are you so angry dude? Inshallah, the kratom will give you peace

You went to mosque with your son in law.

Your daughter had to use a different entrance.

10-21-2018, 01:58 PM
Probably the best one yet

10-21-2018, 02:13 PM
Probably the best one yet
