View Full Version : Kittens who say Meow

03-28-2017, 04:16 PM
Got 7day suspention on trash mob. Zirrisk 59 necro from Kittens who say meow petitioned me over FTE on West commonlands A hill giant. Can we get real here people. He tells me he whishes my guild would disband and that we never learn. This is like a couple lvl 30' fighting over a skeleton. Just because you have some vendetta against someones guild it isnt right to get someone a 7day over a non named low lvl mob that you rooted, I didnt even see you in frame. Save GM's/petitions and everyone else time for something more serious. If we were talking hadden or some other named mob i could almost understand not some randomspawn trash mob who dropped a few silver. You didnt even have the nuts to try and get my attention before the mob was dead you just wanted to petition on someone so took the oppertunity. Youre petty. :eek: see you in 7, get rekt

03-28-2017, 04:18 PM
KSing is bad, m'kay.

03-28-2017, 04:55 PM
if you read this u need to adjust something about your life pronto

03-28-2017, 05:09 PM
litterally the nicest guild I have ever run across. to even make a thread about them in RnF is a joke in and of itself. I want to make an alt just to join them and bask in all the wondrous kitten meme's they have going on

03-28-2017, 05:18 PM
"When you don’t have enough Guides, the existing Guides are left holding the bag and have to deal with an overwhelming and crushing workload of processing complex petitions which include IP exemptions which take up a considerable amount of time and effort to facilitate. This systemic dysfunction leads to burnout and resentment. The end result is that the players suffer and the reputation of all the good staff members at P1999 who have to somehow exist and tolerate this mess also suffers...

The volunteers are caught in the middle having to deal with an excessive workload of difficult and time consuming petitions coming from players "


No one has time or patience for petty BS petitionquesting. My only pont. Lvl60 - /petiton somone killed my greenie trash mob. --'And i made no attempt to get that persons attention so i could run to the teacher

I understand rules are in place for a reason, i can understand kill stealing is bad - So is petitionquesting nonsense like killing a green by a couple 50+s on a tunnel run .

this is the nonsense everyone has been raging about the past couple weeks

If you have some sort of issue try and hash it out dont petition it, thats weak

03-28-2017, 05:27 PM
sick meltdown

03-28-2017, 05:33 PM
OP: makes RnF thread about someone, proceeds to call them petty

They are scumbags, though

03-28-2017, 05:34 PM
Thanks, i needed it. Long live RnF

03-28-2017, 05:36 PM
If it wasnt for RnF i'd have to call my mom and cry to her like Zirrisk does when someone kills his noname greenie

03-28-2017, 07:40 PM
"When you don’t have enough Guides, the existing Guides are left holding the bag and have to deal with an overwhelming and crushing workload of processing complex petitions which include IP exemptions which take up a considerable amount of time and effort to facilitate. This systemic dysfunction leads to burnout and resentment. The end result is that the players suffer and the reputation of all the good staff members at P1999 who have to somehow exist and tolerate this mess also suffers...

The volunteers are caught in the middle having to deal with an excessive workload of difficult and time consuming petitions coming from players "

I would totally have done guiding on this server, help reduce the problems, except they are forced to work under Sirken, and that's just not acceptable.

Should they ever finally want to replace him, though...

03-28-2017, 09:08 PM
Mistle, I dont even know what you're saying really, so, ok.

All i know is i'd rather be slaying dragons and here i am on a 7day because some Crushbone raiding Kitten with their underwear in a bunch would rather play petitionquest over some super greenie mob by offscreen rooting it and watching me kill it without saying anything and as soon as its dead Pm me "I had FTE, you trash "guildname" never learn i hope you all get disbanded" then petitions on me. It obviously had nothing to do with the mob or else he would have tried to get my attention while i was killing it he just wanted someone to petition, saw the oppertunity, and that is totally weak in my book. Now entire weeks rotation for me is shot, i guess i'll just have to watch my back more careful around Kitten members because for some killing orcs and petitionquesting over a single no name greenie to get someone suspended because of their tag is "content".

I got trolled hard, i admit, and i guess lesson learned.

Dear nerds,
Get your kicks from pix, not tricks.

See you all in 7

03-28-2017, 09:12 PM
Deletion is liberation.

03-28-2017, 09:28 PM
It is the prayer of my innermost being to realize my
supreme identity in the liberated play of consciousness,
the Vast Expanse.
Now is the moment, HERE is the place of Liberation.
- Alex Grey

03-28-2017, 09:36 PM
im high as fuck -terrance mcphillip

03-28-2017, 09:53 PM
Sick meltdown, consider red instead. you can just kill the loser on the spot.

I mean come on, kittens who say meow? what self respecting elf is gonna hustle under that guild tag. Just asking to be bullied.

03-28-2017, 09:57 PM

03-28-2017, 10:20 PM

I second that notion :D

03-28-2017, 10:32 PM
Phenyo, thought about it sometimes. Might kill myself

03-28-2017, 10:54 PM
Hey bigjerry do you put your bottom tag line as "I'm gay in real life" then comment in RnF hoping somone comments on it and gets forum ban for RL flame?

03-28-2017, 11:06 PM
no i just want ppl to understand me

03-28-2017, 11:09 PM
Awe... Now I understand your first comment

03-28-2017, 11:15 PM

03-29-2017, 06:58 AM
Sorry to hear your KS'ing didn't work out.

03-29-2017, 07:25 AM

03-29-2017, 09:09 AM
I was happily soloing the undead thing in neriak at lvl 9, when a lvl 4 tried to take my mobs

I say "tried" because after 2 mobs he died

Miss red a lot but blue player stupidity / greed makes up for part of it.

Nearly made lvl 10 without incidents!

03-29-2017, 09:47 AM
you gotta be a pretty committed repeat offender to get 7 days for a hill giant

03-29-2017, 10:58 AM
@cult just an assumption of yours. You know what they say about assumptions right? Youre just speculating about shit you dont know or have facts to back up. thats what they say about assumptions.

@derpcake . . . Your name, haha. I tried red for a very short time when i first joined p99 years ago and spent more time on CR than actually playing the game due to griefing, maybe things have changed a little over the years, i switched to blue because when i have time to play i enjoy to entertain myself with content instead of worrying about a 12 rogue with blood points and a fungi greifing me for weeks on ende, i dont have tine like i used to.

. I also heard there is a bit of a curve and if you can tough out the hazing then it gets better once you start to make some friends. I would like to try again sometime it could be a lot of fun, i watch some streams online where a bunch of people are going at it thats pretty interesting. All my pixles are on blue though and starting over sounds dredge.

There are some real ks's out there and there are also people who nut off on lawyerquesting and petitioning people, this is the first incident ive had since i joined the server in 2012 and the guy knew exactly what he was doing and got me good. If it was about the Mob i killed he would have said something. It wasnt it was about drama on the raid scene and him seeing the oppertunity to skirt me and flex the rule book in his favor for greifs sake, kudos to him.

I see it tossed around a lot and i have to agree somewhat, the server has changed never in all my times have I been banned for an accadental kill just for its sake, if the guy wamted the kill or the loot all he had to do was ask, he didbt he just sat there knowing he got FTE with a root.

i dont knkw if he knew i didnt even see him, and let me kill it so he could petition me . after i killed it and he PMed me about FTE i even said sorry i didnt see your text then he just lays into me bout my guild affiliation. Silly nerds. Jokes on him ill be back in 6 days . and we'll both still be middle aged losers playing EQ but he will be a shitty person to boot at best

03-29-2017, 11:20 AM
The nerd rage is strong here.


03-29-2017, 11:22 AM
im starting to think jerry isn't really gay. he didn't like the butt i sent him.

03-29-2017, 11:53 AM
@ aaezil Moar Pixels!!!!!!!

@Pokesan #jerrygate I know what youre saying.. I seen a post from 2016 where jerry insinuates "poking" a female.. Jerrygate is real.. Im not saying that jerry isnt gay im just saying ive never seen him inside a man, and he doesnt like Pokesans butt pix. You do the math

03-29-2017, 12:11 PM
im so alpha a heterosexual that i like turning bois 2 girls. girls arent girl enough

03-29-2017, 12:13 PM
thats real talk tho I think I might be a heterosexual who go brainwashed by zog into a sinful lifestyle. this isn't even a troll i hate gay porn but i love bois in real life what gives??