View Full Version : Harrison promoted to Pizza Delivery Boy

Kimm Bare|y
01-15-2015, 08:17 AM

01-15-2015, 09:56 AM
Harrison is a neat cutter for life. He needs it to feed his rage about his fat cuckolded wife.

01-15-2015, 04:11 PM
Well I'm a high flyin slicer and it takes 6 customers to back me up
I can chop a pound of pig up before u count to three
Whoa-oh, king of the deli that's me.
Whoa-oh, king of the deli that's me.

Kimm Bare|y
01-15-2015, 04:14 PM

01-15-2015, 06:53 PM
8050+ comments on a Liveleak vid... that's going some!

01-15-2015, 07:00 PM
For anyone interested, the company receiving the pizza was F&R Auto Sales.

This is their Yelp page reviews... (http://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/f-and-r-auto-sales-westport) (hohoho)

Went to this dealership. I was hot warm ready to be eaten until these people opened the box. I saw this fat black guy sweating and slobbering. Sweat started to drip on me and he reached down with his Cheetos covered fingers and grabbed half of me in one swoop.

The next was this ugly girl she was reaching down to grab a piece of me i heard her say how much she wanted to kick a guy in the ass. As she lifted me up their was this blad white guy on the phone screaming about 5 bucks i guess he hasnt been selling a lot of cars lately.

I hope everyone of these low life piece of shitss lose they're jobs... Especially the fat,Bald, hungry dark hippo looking motherfucker, and the wicked witch with the Gargamel nose from Wizard Of Oz... All them... I hope you have something bad coming.

Really bad.!! You deserve it, you low form of life.!!! What you did was intentional... And now the world has seen it...so we will see who has a foot up who's ass here really shortly... My respects to the delivery man for handling himself lime a gentleman.!! Its tuff enough already finding jobs...but no one should have to degrade or belittle anyone the way these low class people have done.!! I can't say enough but I will say this... KARMA bitches.!!!!

For more info please see you tube video on F&R auto sales...

01-17-2015, 12:33 AM

01-17-2015, 12:43 AM
that Yelp page is full of so much humor, it's funny.

01-17-2015, 12:57 AM
Thank you swish yelp page provided some laughs

01-17-2015, 01:06 AM
All I could think of when I saw that video yesterday was:

Don't fuck with people that handle your food. (http://youtu.be/RvVdIg-sTo4?t=2m14s)

01-17-2015, 01:13 AM

01-17-2015, 01:32 AM
Thank you swish yelp page provided some laughs

It's like Amazon reviews but better, I wouldn't be surprised if they rename their company after this :D

The driver's gofundme page (https://www.gofundme.com/xx9js/) has him at $25,785... not bad!