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Old 01-17-2025, 10:11 AM
Jabober Jabober is offline

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Default Monk or Shaman epic?

Hello pro pixel players, question for anyone who’s leveled a Monk AND Shaman to 60.

So, I have a 52 Monk and 53 Shaman that I’ve been wanting to level to 60, if I were to buy the epic for either of these guys, (I believe both are about 70k pp?) who would be more “fun” to finish the grind with?

I know the term fun is extremely subjective, but as far as qol for the grind, free clicky haste, or free clicky splurt essentially opens up a lot from what I’m told.
Overall, the Monk is more enjoyable to play (for me) Shaman gets boring in longer sessions, but I’ve never had epics on any of my toons.

As far as when I’m 60, who’s more capable of soloing fun content, decent plat farm etc.? I’d have torpor on shaman as well. Both are decently geared, monk is more geared but both will have access to fungi.

Any thoughts, advice, feedback, suggestions?

I’m not in a particular hurry to ding, so it’ll be a slower grind. This being said, when I am playing, being able to have less down time and faster kill speed would be dope. I’ll probably do 30% grouping and 70% soloing.

Thanks guys [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Old 01-17-2025, 10:14 AM
Andyman1022 Andyman1022 is offline

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Both epics help the leveling grind immensely for both classes, but I vote shaman. You are able to do soooo much more with that free 1400-1500 dmg. You can root rot multiples, you can rot a single with just the epic, and spam JBB while its ticking down. You become way more mana efficient when you get epic on shaman. Also on blue, you should be able to purchase a full shaman epic MQ from Riot for 40k (including the final fight), all you have to do is max true spirit faction.
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:33 AM
red_demonman red_demonman is offline

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I have leveled both to max. More fun for the grind is definitely monk, assuming you went lizard + fungi you should be able to solo with epic fists a lot of places and you will kill mobs a lot faster than your shaman would be able to. You'll also be able to get into camps via monk flop that your shaman won't be able to get to as easy.

Max level shaman can do more stuff but keep in mind you will kill things slow.

Monk can do a lot but becomes more gear dependent at max level.
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:57 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Shaman epic requires less clicks per hour.
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Old 01-17-2025, 12:32 PM
danknug danknug is offline

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Id say monk for the grind to 60 is more fun unless you really enjoy trying to manage root and dot multiple mobs at a time over and over. Shaman definitely more capable for soloing tough mobs at 60 though. If shaman is any race but iksar you could skip the epic grinding to 60 and get a jbb and slow tank that would be my preferred method for xping.
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Old 01-17-2025, 05:14 PM
Jabober Jabober is offline

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Appreciate the info guys! Shaman is ikky
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Old 01-17-2025, 05:15 PM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
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If you want both classes eventually at 60, sham first. You can do gem camps like geonids after the fairy’s and goos green out.

Who knows? Might end up with enough plat at 60 to get the monk epic. Prices are only going to drop further on either.
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Old 01-17-2025, 05:21 PM
Jabober Jabober is offline

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Originally Posted by Snaggles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you want both classes eventually at 60, sham first. You can do gem camps like geonids after the fairy’s and goos green out.

Who knows? Might end up with enough plat at 60 to get the monk epic. Prices are only going to drop further on either.
Not a bad plan! My Druid and Necro, plus monk farming guards have paid for most of my items. I currently have enough saved up for both epics and torpor, depending on what I can buy the stuff for.
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Old 01-18-2025, 01:47 AM
Salaryman Salaryman is offline
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you should reroll on RED99
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Old 01-20-2025, 04:01 AM
Pint Pint is offline
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I root rotted two shamans to 60 with epic and found it to be a lot of fun but there is some real autism involved with enjoying that grind. Monk with fungi and epic is also fun but not as consistent as shaman solo grinding
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