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Old 01-12-2025, 12:36 AM
Vertiggo Vertiggo is offline

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Default Necro rotation

Hey guys, 46 necro here.

I don't have any real problems but just wondering what everyone's mem'd spells look like at this level and how your rotations work for fear kiting and groups
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Old 01-14-2025, 04:47 AM
Swish Swish is offline
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Fear kiting...

* 1. Lifetap
2. Darkness
3. Fear
4. Scourge / Venom of the Snake
5. Asystole
* 6. Root
* 7. Feign Death
* 8. Gate / Harmshield

2, 3, 4, 5 at the start of every engage...

* = These never move for me.

For groups the dots really don't get a look in as things tend to die too fast so they get replaced with Twitching (whoever asks), a nuke, and a heal over time to help the healers or a dot heal for me.

If there's no enchanter maybe switch the nuke for screaming terror to help with CC, and if you've got enchanter experience and are in KC etc your group will love you if you keep something charmed... maybe from 52 onwards.
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