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Old 08-09-2024, 09:00 AM
Wakanda Wakanda is offline

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Default Tunare didn't really have raid guilds.

I know people will try and tell me this isn't true or that I'm lying, but I lived this experience and know that it's true. Like there are still archived forum posts from the time because they used the forums to keep up with DKP, loot, epic progress, seniority etc.

I'm not saying it would solve a lot of the problems on P99. I don't even raid on P99, but just saw a thread about how someone got in trouble because of a GM enforced raid agreement or something, and it feels surreal to me because my classic EQ experience was basically like.... anyone who wanted to raid could raid, lol.

It didn't matter what guild you were in. I felt like it was more fun because you didn't need an actual raid schedule and could basically just raid whenever you were in the mood. It also felt like there was endless content because if you were an unemployed kid on summer break, you could find a raid somewhere, all hours of the night. When WoW came out I was a little taken aback by how we only raided once a week because I was used to the culture of an MMO being a raid every night.

Just posting some archived threads for all my haters who will say it's fake. -- they publicly tracked epic progress since it wasn't based on your guild. they also tracked dkp for nag/vox publicly, but archive only goes back until 2001. -- they reported all loot since it was public raids. -- random guilds or even guildless people would host these raids, and anyone could join and basically random on things. Sometimes if you only need the last 2 pieces for your set you would get seniority though.

I was never in a guild in classic EQ and got my epic, full plane of hate gear, full plane of growth gear and full skyshrine gear (I always wanted Kael, but its ironic because on P99 a lot of people think Skyshrine armor is better?).
Like IDK.

This was actual classic for me. I remember when Tunare split and some players went to Drinal, they were kind of culture shocked by the Mithaniel Marr players having closed guild-only raids.

Another weird thing about Tunare was that the auction zone was GFAY. Remember hundreds of people being there at all times.

When I started playing on P99 it wasn't a truly classic experience FOR ME because suddenly your guild mattered a lot, and the auction zone is in EC tunnel, lol. It still feels so weird to me when I go to gfay and I'm the only person in the zone.
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Old 08-09-2024, 09:34 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline

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cool story
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Old 08-09-2024, 12:32 PM
Ripqozko Ripqozko is offline
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no one is reading that, hope that helps.
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Old 08-09-2024, 01:44 PM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
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Most people raided as guilds. They used /gu to give directions since Ventrilo wasn’t released until 2002. They also sold in EC for the most part until the Bazaar.
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Old 08-09-2024, 04:15 PM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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That would be a nicer method of raiding compared to the current, assuming some kind of size limitation, based on the people who show up first and setting a minimum number of Clerics. There's no meaningful gameplay that happens with standard PvE raiding, so at least making it more free-form is an upgrade.

I don't like Gfay as the trade hub though. Doesn't make sense for evil characters to be allowed to congregate there, and the EC tunnel is such a perfect spot for a bazaar to exist, both in terms of the landmark and where it's positioned in the game world.
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Old 08-11-2024, 04:38 PM
Ciderpress Ciderpress is offline

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What you're describing sounds like a collectivist nightmare where nobody has any real stake in anything, social relationships don't matter and you wait for your participation trophy that means nothing when you get it.

I agree though it's cool that different cultures just organically emerged on each server like that. I played on Povar- we had trade hubs in Gfay, NFP and the EC tunnel. We also had a fiercely competitive raid scene.
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Old 08-11-2024, 06:07 PM
Duik Duik is offline
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I used roger wilco or team speak in early 2000 with the guild An Sli Amach. What did ventrilo add that TS or wilco didnt to voice comms?
ELON and Southern Armada used the same.
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Old 08-11-2024, 06:37 PM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline

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Weird buttt cool story yeah
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Old 08-11-2024, 08:01 PM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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Originally Posted by Ciderpress [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What you're describing sounds like a collectivist nightmare where nobody has any real stake in anything, social relationships don't matter and you wait for your participation trophy that means nothing when you get it.
There are more social relationships in the system described, since you're constantly surrounded by different people and need to communicate with them. There's more at stake too, since you don't know exactly how good the group of people will be, and since you're more likely to show up to raids that have a drop you want. This incentivizes people to put more effort in at the raid.

The p99 system is what creates participation trophies, while also rewarding unhealthy gameplay. There's nothing meaningful about being in a zerg guild and getting DKP just for showing up while the zerg trivializes the content, and there's nothing skillful about poopsocking and getting rewarded for destroying your sleep schedule to sit a camp non-stop.

Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I used roger wilco or team speak in early 2000 with the guild An Sli Amach. What did ventrilo add that TS or wilco didnt to voice comms?
ELON and Southern Armada used the same.
Highly doubt that. It wasn't possible to switch between Everquest and another program back then; EQ took up the entire screen and couldn't be minimized. So you'd be relying on opening Roger Wilco (TS didn't exist until 2002) and having it never disconnect after opening EQ, which is very dubious. Not to mention the fact that most people didn't have computer microphones back then. Even if your story isn't a fabrication, it's something that was done by less than 1% of players back then. Would have been only a small handful of people within a specific guild, nothing close to how voice chat is used now.
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Old 08-11-2024, 11:31 PM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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I’ve never thought about it before, but dkp on p99 does feel much more like a participation trophy than the open time / coa raids on AB did. The open raids had far more of a party atmosphere than the cog in a finely oiled machine of p99. I enjoyed both though.
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