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Old 01-18-2025, 01:33 AM
dajudge dajudge is offline

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Apologies to whatever class you play, as you're obviously mad at bards.

The complaint you have, exemplifies your ineptitude on full display. There are plenty of mobs in FV, in fact it's an outdoor zone, so you can eat your heart out.

Fact is you're just sweating over the exp and mobs killed by the Bard. Isn't it enough that the GM's have already weighed in favor of you crybabies and dungeons?

GM's have essentially come out and said Bards can't do what their class is capable of in Dungeons, which of my estimation is neglecting what Brad intended for a pure EverQuest Experience. Enjoy that win and stop complaining in outdoor zones ya turd.
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Old 01-18-2025, 03:11 AM
Praxcthius Praxcthius is offline

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What he said. With an extra crybaby thrown in
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Old 01-18-2025, 10:16 AM
Stakorian Stakorian is offline
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Zone disruption. L O L

It's such a cute term, especially in terms of FV, but also in terms of CoM. The actual issue is that a slow key board turning clicker is sitting down to med and killing a few mobs a minute and gaining a level every few days, while another class is skirting death and getting a level an hour. People fume when they see a bard in any zone getting anything.

CoM for example. I've done a lot of this zone, grouping, soloing, swarming, and I have never seen a group on levels 2 and 3. Necro soloing all of level 2? No problem. An enchanter doing it? Whatever. A bard soloing 2 and 3!!!! And!!! 3-4 mobs from Moat!!! How fucking dare that zone disrupting piece of shit!

The only real difference is that the bard's kill area is an unused patch of grass on the north end of arena that I've also never seen a group occupy.

Are you taking arena mobs? Nope. Are you taking mobs that anyone is going after? Nope.

I've been in CoM at 4am and there was one group at stables losing their fucking minds about the 3 mobs the level 2 and 3 mobs pulled in. We might as well just say that CoM has all level 1 as a camp at that point. This group, never starved for mobs, never in danger, never trained, still had the audacity to complain like children over nothing.

"When I turned the corner my frame rate dipped and I couldn't move from all the mobs!"

Anything to complain about. Anything to get upset about.

Velks is a clusterfuck, but CoM is able to be controlled to such a high degree that I have many times performed the pull while no one was at Moat, and no necros or enchanters were trying to do level 2 or 3, with an Arena group, a Temple group, and a Stables group, with zero issues or danger.

People aren't mad over zone disruption, they are irrationally upset at one class having the tools to circumvent the grind. And that makes them clowns. Neutering the ability of a class because of tears is also a decision only made in a circus.

A sad state.
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Old 01-18-2025, 02:19 PM
Ciderpress Ciderpress is offline

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Lol there are lot of other classes in the game to envy but mostly people just hate bards for some reason try again
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Old 01-19-2025, 11:36 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline
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Zone disruption is a legitimate complaint. Back before Velious was released on blue, there would be ramp groups in OT who would complain about bards taking all of the easier mobs and leaving little else to kill. The counterargument was that OT was a bard zone, go somewhere else. With only one expansion, there were fewer zones to relocate to, and yet this rule did not exist. Now there's more real estate than ever, with all expansions released and two PVE servers, plus Quarm. Yet here we are, with repeat offenders ruining the game for everyone else, first the groups who were trying to xp and now the other players of same class who abided by the PnP. No different from the raid scene, the repeat offenders weren't made an example of, so it wouldn't get to this point, where everyone else would have their gameplay orange coned and taped off.

As annoying as it is, this change would be a good fit for the eventual new server and it might not be as bad for green in its current state, depending on the population and availability of PUGs. It encourages bards to group in so many ways, which is what the game was mostly about in classic. But applying the same rule to all servers fails to appreciate their differences. One size does not fit all.

With few exceptions, blue is a ghost town; seasonal events only bring out the twink alts who are so geared to the teeth they 1) don't need to group and 2) will survive zone disruptions more often than not and 3) have a clicky cleric bot parked to rez, like the majority of the server.

It's a shame because blue has become the place to push soloing to its limits, single-playering through the MMO with BiS. Granted, years ago, zone disruption petitions were probably legion even on blue. But now? Press X to doubt.
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Old 01-19-2025, 01:17 PM
Ciderpress Ciderpress is offline

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An important part of the rationale for this change that I think deserves highlighting is that the mere possibility of a bard swarming in CoM actively discourages people from going there in the first place. There aren't gonna be petitions about zone disruption if nobody is in the zone because a bard is there swarming- giving that bard a false impression that it's no big deal and he's not disrupting other players. So I think getting a group into the dungeon to XP in exchange for losing one bard is a fair trade.
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Old 01-19-2025, 02:35 PM
Stakorian Stakorian is offline
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Why would it dissuade anyone? The only viable time to swarm is very early in the morning when no one is around, or when there aren't people soloing the second and third floor camps.



"Moving to Moat." or "Taking cloud stairs." or "Taking 2nd/3rd floor."

Any of those camps get claimed and the swarm is cut off at the knees, which is fine. Just come back when no one else is there. The real issue is often that a single group wants the entire first floor to be their own personal playground. It's ignorance of the actual mobs involved in the swarm, and an irrational loathing for its going on.

Countless times people have shown up and the zone has filled and I just logged until no one was there.

What's the bard going to say? "I'm camping it all." Do other groups say that concerning camps disappearing as the zone fills up?

Misinformation and rampant tear time has led to the current status.

There is a way to social much of the Moat mobs into the swarm, but there is also a way to leave most outside of it if the zone has a group operating on the first floor. It's a very easy pull. One that takes little effort to control, and a reaver that can be managed without issue.

People avoiding a dungeon because a bard is killing mobs they would never pull, in a small section they don't travel, is laughable. Sure, maybe the bard dies, and the mobs return back. At stables that is irrelevant. Same with Temple. Same with Arena as long as the puller doesn't just rush around a corner.

Prime time with many groups and the bard is dick. And all it would take is a single group moving to Moat or a character claiming a camp on the 2nd floor and the pull is not possible. That is when comes the time for a petition. I very much doubt that bards have caused more drama than slower groups of neckbeards bullying their way into camps. But swarming is a vile word to the minds of the meek, and unfortunately the wailing of bad clickers was listened to.

But anyone who avoided going to CoM because a bard was there is just wrong.
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Old 01-19-2025, 03:08 PM
Ciderpress Ciderpress is offline

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No the issue is that the possibility a bard even *might* be in there swarming poisons the well for that zone. I'm not trying to denigrate your skill as a bard, I have swarmed quite a bit and it's super tedious and does take a certain talent, and I'm sure you're the most polite bard the server has ever seen, but it's just a cost\benefit thing in terms of staff resources.
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Old 01-19-2025, 04:55 PM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Why do mobs drop out of the sky at stables when bards are swarming upstairs? I’m not saying bards are causing it, just wondering why and how it happens.
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Old 01-21-2025, 01:31 AM
dajudge dajudge is offline

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Absolutely pathetic. Any move towards making p99 closer to retail/progression server EQ is a step in a real shitty direction. The beauty of p99 has always been classic first, your hurt feelings are disregarded. If someone is being shitty take note of the name and shit list them, that's classic.

Taking away an entire classes ability to exp is never the right answer. Might as well get melody and restrict bards ability entirely from swarming. A real progression-like move.
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