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Old 09-05-2024, 07:51 PM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
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Originally Posted by Troxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

And when the bard screws up the kite and dies just know the train is coming after you next!
Or when the bard decides to be a dick and zone because someone tagged off the kite. Seen this cause massive mayhem with a black reaver attached to it in CoM lol
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Old 09-06-2024, 05:30 PM
Ciderpress Ciderpress is offline

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Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I believe if it's over 25 mobs you're allowed to pull off their kite aren't you?

Also not sure how you would know they were using an add on. It's pretty easy to run in perfect circles to keep the mobs bunched up. Ever quad kited?
To be fair, bards do seem to always be running in perfect circles in a way druids and wizards do not. It literally looks like they're just holding down forward and right\left the entire time.

Also sidebar: running in a circle is not the best way to bunch up a quad, because the four mobs come from random directions based on where you pulled them from. Better to run backward and angle\strafe as necessary to get the farthest out ones closer to the rest.
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Old 09-08-2024, 11:50 AM
BigChief BigChief is offline

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I died twice in 59 levels, both times from going LD from a Bard swarm passing by.... F Bard swarms
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Old 09-08-2024, 12:34 PM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
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Originally Posted by Toxigen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
just pull mobs off the kite, problem solved
btw, this is not safe advice. recently did this in city of mist, a bard was swarming the entirety of 2nd, 3rd, moat and arena - while there were two groups at temples / stables starving for mobs.

I pulled a few off the bard kite, the bard petitioned. GM arrived and told me it was actually me who was acting against the PnP because i was disrupting his swarm.

lol Project 1999 in the year 2024
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Old 09-08-2024, 12:49 PM
loramin loramin is offline
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Originally Posted by zelld52 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
btw, this is not safe advice. recently did this in city of mist, a bard was swarming the entirety of 2nd, 3rd, moat and arena - while there were two groups at temples / stables starving for mobs.

I pulled a few off the bard kite, the bard petitioned. GM arrived and told me it was actually me who was acting against the PnP because i was disrupting his swarm.

lol Project 1999 in the year 2024
This is just sad if true. How does that make the game better or more classic? Is there any evidence of GMs protecting bard swarms on live?

If players are competing for mobs, no single player deserves a GM-enforced guarantee of 5+ mobs. They should be able to do 25 to their heart's content ... until (like everything else here) others want to share ... at which point they should have to share.

For everything else a single player only gets a GM-enforced monopoly on a single spawn point ... but the moment you agro a mobs it makes sense to change that from 1 to 25?

Plus, RP-wise, if you see a guy being chased by a bunch of mobs, it's nuts that you can't "help him out".

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Old 09-08-2024, 01:06 PM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
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I will search my logs for the GM interaction - but the response was something along the lines of

"If you suspect zone disruption, petition the player - otherwise leave them be."

This confused the hell out of me - because the bard was swarming approx 70 mobs at a time in a well-populated zone - swarming almost 3x as many as a PBAE song can hit.

But, as the CSR pointed out to me - if someone has a mob engaged you should leave it alone - petition for a GM to come rescue you - and when they do nothing about it - log off in disgust and defeat.
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Old 09-08-2024, 01:07 PM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
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Originally Posted by zelld52 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I will search my logs for the GM interaction - but the response was something along the lines of

"If you suspect zone disruption, petition the player - otherwise leave them be."

This confused the hell out of me - because the bard was swarming approx 70 mobs at a time in a well-populated zone - swarming almost 3x as many as a PBAE song can hit.

But, as the CSR pointed out to me - if someone has a mob engaged you should leave it alone - petition for a GM to come resolve it (and when they do nothing about it - log off in disgust and defeat.)
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Old 09-08-2024, 01:09 PM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
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[Wed Aug 07 08:31:08 2024] CSR -> Me: Next time you have a camp dispute, don't take the matter into your own hands. Petition

meant to add that in the quote. forgot you cant edit RnF lol
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Old 09-09-2024, 02:49 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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I'd still just pull mobs off anyway. The average swarming Bard isn't going to petition over a couple of mobs because it's not worth their time. They might complain to you but they're not gonna petition and wait around for hours over a couple mobs being pulled off massive swarms.

Plus some of the time they know what they are doing is zone disruption (pulling multiple camps worth of mobs so there's nothing for the groups camping them to exp on, for example) they're not running fraps and they're not going to petition.
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Old 09-09-2024, 03:07 PM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline

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Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I'd still just pull mobs off anyway. The average swarming Bard isn't going to petition over a couple of mobs because it's not worth their time. They might complain to you but they're not gonna petition and wait around for hours over a couple mobs being pulled off massive swarms.

Plus some of the time they know what they are doing is zone disruption (pulling multiple camps worth of mobs so there's nothing for the groups camping them to exp on, for example) they're not running fraps and they're not going to petition.
exactly this

also, its not like we're advocating for you to go looking for bard swarms and rip them off

but if a bard rolls through your stuff and is being annoying, absolutely rip that shit
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