As a quick aside, the vengeful skeletons have been
flagged for July1999, and the questgiver, Thadres Thyme, should be flagged similarly if she hasn't been already. A
detailed map of Halas (copyright '99) doesn't list her in the expected location (McQuaid's Dark Stout) or anywhere else for that matter.
Submited by: Verdandi On: 7/17/1999 10:26:55 PM
I completed the quest at lvl 12 and got half a bar
of exp between the three musicians and the exp from
turning in the book. Two of the musicians were
green and one was white (I think the soloist) but
only two are required, I didn't get anything extra
for turning in all three. The book is Garsen's
Brewing List and is *not* a complete list of brews.
The merchants only offered 4 copper for it, so it
may not be all that useful. The npc to talk to for
the quest in Halas is the new one, Thadres Thyme who
hangs out in or around McQuaid's Bar and Stout.
But be careful, she's not friendly.
There was a
previous issue raised regarding the reward of The Vengeful Musicians quest. It seems the quest should be awarding more than just Garsen's Brewing List.
There is a REAL Brewer's Quest in Halas, which involves killing three named skeletons (Vengeful Lyricist, Soloist, and one other) to get pages to a book that an NPC in a tavern in Halas seeks...when you give her the three pages, she gives you one of a couple different books containing brewing recipes.
There are 3 skeletons wandering everfrost that are about level 10 - 13: vengeful soloist, vengeful composer and vengeful lyricist. They carry pages 74, 75 and 76 of Delius Thymes' Diary. These items are no save, no drop, lore items, so you lose them when you log out. Give the 3 pages to Delius' sister, Thadres, by the well in Halas. You get a tiny bit of experience and one of four tomes listing various brewing recipes. Faction goes up with the corrupt guards of Qeynos and down with the Guards of Qeynos and Merchants of Qeynos when you kill the skeletons.
Ed Wheeler
Jul 27, 1999, 7:00:00 AM
Probably shouldn't post this as they are bound to get nerfed, but I seem to
get fantastic xp for these guys in Everfrost - at lvl 10 they con all around
me (they are lvl 9,10, and 11 I believe) but all 3 are pretty easy to kill -
I lose 1 bubble of health on the toughest one. I must have made about 2
bubbles of xp in no time (seemed like an hour, probably a bit longer) by
smashing these mobs - they seem to respawn almost instantly as well!
Also, having completed the quest to return the pages twice, I now have a
brewing list containing around 20 drink names and a book of secret brewing
recipes! Unfortunately I'm at work so can't post them here!!!
Submited by: Faldyyen On: 12/10/1999 6:31:17 AM
I recently did this quest, and there were no faction hits involved, and I recieved Garsen's Notes, which had recipes I haven't seen in any other books.
Submited by: Hordace On: 1/23/2000 11:03:49 AM
I have actually gotten 3 different books from this quest. I have done it at least 10 times though and never gotten a faction loss from anybody. Anyways, the three books i got were 1.)Garsen's Notes 2.)Garsen's Brewing List 3.)Garsen's Secret Brews.
Submited by: Ratmaster 2000 On: 12/29/1999 2:11:44 AM
okay all I have been working this quest and below is what I know (copied this from my brewing forum post BTW):
Okay since there seems to be no faction adjustments on this quest anymore (done it 12-15 times so far, no faction message ever) Me and a fellow barbarian have been killing the vengeful skeltons full time now. I am an 9th level Shaman and he's a 12th level warrior so only the Soloist is a challenge (they other two, lyricist and composer, are so weak now I do not even waste magic on em').
Anyways, this quest is good XP and will provide you with the best brews of Norrath. So far I have the following books
1)Garsen's brew's List
2)Garsen's Secret Brews
3)Garsen's Notes
The brew list just shows the best brews (in order of triviality) in Norrath, no recipes [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The secret Brews show Ol tujims fierce brew (sp?), hulgarsh, bleeding brain and one other (forgot which)
the notes shows all the low end stuff (bog juice, fish wine, etc.) It also has the much talked about Elven wine and the book SPECIFICALLY calls for Morning DEW, so 1) the recipe is broken since no one seems to find morning dew or 2) Morning dew is a RARE forage (if its a forage at all?)
from the way these three books are laid out I believe there MUST BE one last brew book, because the brew's list shows Vodka, brandy, Halfling Stouters and Halas Heaters, but neither of the other two books talks about them (and some of the high end brews require the Vodka brew), so I will keep up my vengeful killing spree till I either stop gaining XP, or I obtain that last book [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
BTW, the frequency is:
Garsen's secret brews, Garsen's list, Garsen's notes
I have like 6 brews, but only 2 or 3 lists (and only tonight obtained Notes, so this is hardest so far unless one more exists, which will make that one the rarest), the others I either gave away or sold. If anyone wants one and you are on Rodcet Nife in the Halas/Everfrost area give my character Gilador (I believe thats the right name?, was a random one which I changed a bit?) a tell. Since it requires my killing vengefuls, I will charge for it (unless you have some nice foraged items or some bears skins or silk to trade [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] ) Hope this info is useful
9th Level Barbarian Shaman
Rodcet Nife
P.S. to the fellow asking about Dwarven Ale, I have some bad news. The brew is not listed anywhere in the three books [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] sorry
This comment describes a unique means of getting the additional books:
Jun 22, 2000, 7:00:00 AM
Some info for ya .. tho NOT exactly what you are looking for
Do the quest ..
#1st time .. she gives you a book that LISTS Brews .. not recipes
#2nd time .. do the quest .. give her all 3 pages AND the 1st book
Storyline book .. and some recipes
#3rd time .. do the quest and give her book 2
More storyline and harder recipes
4th time I got book 1 again ...DOH
The only route I havent tried is getting all 3 books at once and giving it
too her .. Thats 12 more quest completetions.. no thanks .. Master brewer
and Halas Heaters arent <I believe> in the game .. standard Verant stupid ..
this is programmer error .. this is Database/bookkeeper error
If anyone DOES the quest and gets a 4th book .. lemme know plz!
While this account sounds interesting, I didn't find any other information to corroborate it. Perhaps this person got lucky and happened to receive the books in order? The rest of the comments suggest the quest could award any 1 of the 3 books upon turning in Delius Thyme's pages.
Lucy has entries for Garsen's Brewing List plus the two actual recipe books, Garsen's Notes and Garsen's Secret Brews. Allakhazam has book text for
Garsen's Notes and
Garsen's Secret Brews.
The recipes contained within the two recipe books constituted a sizeable expansion to the number of brewable drinks in-game.
(thanks to Draed on Rathe)
In order of difficulty:
GNOLLISH SPIRITS [Gnomish Spirits]
FIERCE YADDA YADDA [Ol'Tujim's Fierce Brew]
The above list corresponds to drink names contained in Garsen's Brewing List. The first bold block corresponds to the recipes found in Garsen's Notes, the second bold block to the recipes found in Garsen's Secret Brews. As we can see, a few recipes were left to be discovered by players.
The vodka recipe was found by at least Sept1999:
Sep 8, 1999, 7:00:00 AM
Ok I have made it to 30 in brewing by making mead, now what do I make? I
would like some break down on when to start on the next thing to make also
if some one has some recipes it would be nice I have the following recipes
Not sure if they all work Tell me if they are wrong and what skill points
you had when you were making them.
Ale=barley+malt+water+a cask
Bleeding Brain=Vodka+spice+shotglass+Firebeetle Eye
Bog Juice=snake skin+water+bottle
Elven wine=morning dew+foraged berries+wineyeast+bottle
Ol'Tujim'sFierce Brew=Barley+hops+yeast+malt+cask
Tumpy Tonic=kiolaNut+water Not sure on this one
Vodka=Water+vegetable+2 shortbeers+bottle
However, the three remaining drinks ended up being implemented later.
Halfling Stouter in June2000:
June 02: Halflings and brewers rejoice - a new brewing recipe has been added for the "halfling stouter" (Well, I oopsed and the recipe wasn't visible for a few days. It's up now, and I've sampled the brew to be sure it works.)
June 10th
- Added the Halfling stouter in the recipe page
A July2000 Allakhazam capture notes the recent addition:
*NEW* Halfling Stouter = Vodka + Spice + Shotglass + Berries (foraged)
Brandy and Halas Heater in Sept2000:
September 5th
- Added the recipe for the Halas heater (posted on the EQ trade board, thanks to Azariel Du'Starwolf for the info)
September 25th
- Added recipe for a new drink: Brandy!
- (See entries: September 2, 2000 and September 11, 2000)
Jan2000 capture of Servants of Mystery's brewing recipes and this
Mar2000 capture of EQTraders' brewing recipes match the above timeline. Brandy, Halfling Stouters, and Halas Heaters are not yet listed.
Proposed Changes
- Flag Thadres Thyme for July1999 if necessary
- Adjust 'The Vengeful Musicians' quest to award Garsen's additional brewing books
- Flag the
bolded drinks above + Vodka combines for July1999
- Flag Halfling Stouter combine for June2000
- Flag Brandy and Halas Heater combines for Sept2000