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Old 01-16-2025, 03:55 PM
Rygar Rygar is offline
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It's funny reading stuff while bug researching. Apparently there was huge consensus that rogues were the worst class, even after evade became a thing. I'm talking into velious here, everyone talking how they can't do damage output good enough because they draw too much agro.

I even remember during classic when everyone was saying enchanter class was broken. "So dumb, our animations cant listen to us and get us killed" and frankly not understanding their spells. I don't think it was until kunark that folks started thinking enchanter was a powerful class to have in a group
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Old 01-16-2025, 05:16 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rygar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's funny reading stuff while bug researching. Apparently there was huge consensus that rogues were the worst class, even after evade became a thing. I'm talking into velious here, everyone talking how they can't do damage output good enough because they draw too much agro.

I even remember during classic when everyone was saying enchanter class was broken. "So dumb, our animations cant listen to us and get us killed" and frankly not understanding their spells. I don't think it was until kunark that folks started thinking enchanter was a powerful class to have in a group
Careful, you're going to set Loramin off if you suggest that Enchanters weren't as good in classic because people simply didn't understand the most efficient way to play the class rather than them being unclassic on P99
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Old 01-16-2025, 06:14 PM
shovelquest shovelquest is offline
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Well funny enough they weren't... [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Old 01-17-2025, 04:21 AM
Wakanda Wakanda is offline

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Originally Posted by Rygar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's funny reading stuff while bug researching. Apparently there was huge consensus that rogues were the worst class, even after evade became a thing. I'm talking into velious here, everyone talking how they can't do damage output good enough because they draw too much agro.

I even remember during classic when everyone was saying enchanter class was broken. "So dumb, our animations cant listen to us and get us killed" and frankly not understanding their spells. I don't think it was until kunark that folks started thinking enchanter was a powerful class to have in a group
I mained a Rogue (and a Monk) in true classic. It's true that I felt ridiculously weak in a lot of aspects. I would regularly get aggro from a mob while running through Dreadlands or Firiona Vie and there was nothing I could do, I just died. Meanwhile my Druid friend who was twenty levels lower than me was solo'ing Hill Giants I could barely scratch and had no problem running away from mobs due to SoW / Snare etc. It felt bad.

But then there were the times where it felt like the most broken OP class in the game. Where I could solo KS entire groups with ease. I was pretty much always in the exp group in every raid. But I remember "helping" groups while LFG by DPS'ing for them and accidentally KS'ing them and getting raged at a lot. I don't remember if it was an accident or not in hind sight. I was an immature kid.

Also from memory, the most OP group I was ever in was a 3 Rogue group in Sebilis. Normally Disco 1 and Disco 2 were separate camps, but our DPS was so high we could do both of them really easy. We weren't really aware of Enchanter charm (although I was aware because I had heard tales of it, but I never witnessed it being reliable enough to be viable for groups).

So IDK. Like right now on P99 Rogues are considered OP, but if you took a new player and made him try to level each class in the game, he may struggle with Rogue the most. A lot of the Rogues you see leveling now either get PL'd, have full twink gear to include fungus tunic etc. But they scale insanely well and are broken at higher level.

I think a big part of why Rogues were so insane too is because we all had our Epics. It was super easy to get. Meanwhile almost none of my non-Rogue friends ever got their epics. I remember having friends who wouldn't level because they needed to be able to do Nagafen and Vox for their epics etc. Meanwhile I was level 60 in full Skyshrine gear getting ready to start a new character.
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Old 01-17-2025, 10:57 AM
onmove_broke onmove_broke is offline

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Originally Posted by Wakanda [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
By harder I didn't necessarily mean grindier. The grind on Pantheon is one of the things that really turns me off right now. It feels like unless I am going to log into the game for a solid 6 hours I might as well just go do something else. So a lot of times I want to play, but realize I can't make any meaningful progress with the amount of time I have available to actually be in the game.

With EQ I always felt like 2-3 hours in the game was rewarding even if it was only spent traveling or trying to auction items.
You could always shake things up a bit by moving things around to break up what people know about zones. Re-populate a zone like Black Burrow to be way harder with a new loot table or shake up Upper and Lower guk a bit.

Or just do self found if you want a harder challenge or play a harder class. Otherwise there is not much you can do aside from making mobs damage sponges or make them cast more.
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Old 01-17-2025, 03:52 PM
Sadre Spinegnawer Sadre Spinegnawer is offline
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No one knows sit aggro sorrow like an enchanter. You can be not doing a thing. No malice in your heart. Don't matter. You're an enchanter and you're sitting.
go go go
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Old 01-17-2025, 03:54 PM
NopeNopeNopeNope NopeNopeNopeNope is offline
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It can’t be stated enough that the biggest factor in difficulty between now and vanilla in just about any game is the evolved meta, not the character’s performance

Just look at WoW classic vs vanilla. Characters are still the exact same in function but molten core which used to take vanilla guilds between 3-5 hours has been done in like 20 minutes or something crazy with an optimal comp in classic

And onyxia that used to regularly wipe 40 man vanilla raids was done with like 5 people? Lol sorry 3 people, looked it up. Takes a long time but it’s doable

Meta is infinitely more impacting than possible character function changes
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Old 01-18-2025, 04:51 PM
Sadre Spinegnawer Sadre Spinegnawer is offline
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Originally Posted by NopeNopeNopeNope [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It can’t be stated enough that the biggest factor in difficulty between now and vanilla in just about any game is the evolved meta, not the character’s performance

Just look at WoW classic vs vanilla. Characters are still the exact same in function but molten core which used to take vanilla guilds between 3-5 hours has been done in like 20 minutes or something crazy with an optimal comp in classic

And onyxia that used to regularly wipe 40 man vanilla raids was done with like 5 people? Lol sorry 3 people, looked it up. Takes a long time but it’s doable

Meta is infinitely more impacting than possible character function changes
That's why the only way forward is some kind of ray that mem wipes you. Like from the MiB movies, or, the spells.

It's not just that game's meta, it's the entire meta experience of playing an online computer game. It all has to go.

I still can't get over people expect you to want to hear their voice while you are enjoying playing a game. That kills my immersion immediately. "Don't move past me," said the man who sounds like goatboy.

Type. Type allows you to at least pretend the people you are playing with are likeable people, somewhere, deep down inside. Chat makes it too clear to pretend: I'm spending time with goatboy.

Furthermore, language servers. This is why? To ruin the chaos?

Gans fuck you up ~la
go go go
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Old 01-18-2025, 07:54 PM
nyclin nyclin is offline
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Originally Posted by Rygar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's funny reading stuff while bug researching. Apparently there was huge consensus that rogues were the worst class, even after evade became a thing. I'm talking into velious here, everyone talking how they can't do damage output good enough because they draw too much agro.

I even remember during classic when everyone was saying enchanter class was broken. "So dumb, our animations cant listen to us and get us killed" and frankly not understanding their spells. I don't think it was until kunark that folks started thinking enchanter was a powerful class to have in a group
mained a rogue for a long time on live, and I have fond memories of shooting the shit in sebilis ooc while being completely ignored for groups in favor of warriors, monks, and SK

during classic, pre-evade, it was so much worse.. rogue was literally dead last in group priority most of the time, people would happily take a SK or PAL over me

tarew marr had it better than most because Zato and Vaslin (Safehouse admins) both played there, and it was still pretty rough
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Old 01-19-2025, 02:04 AM
Reiwa Reiwa is offline
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Originally Posted by nyclin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
mained a rogue for a long time on live, and I have fond memories of shooting the shit in sebilis ooc while being completely ignored for groups in favor of warriors, monks, and SK

during classic, pre-evade, it was so much worse.. rogue was literally dead last in group priority most of the time, people would happily take a SK or PAL over me

tarew marr had it better than most because Zato and Vaslin (Safehouse admins) both played there, and it was still pretty rough
You say classic but describe a kunark zone.

Who was evade?
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