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Old 01-17-2025, 07:34 AM
Nedala Nedala is online now
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Default Iksar Necro / Ench Duo - where?

Hello There

So after a fear years i wanna start fresh on green (played on blue before). We are thinking a Iksar Necro / Ench duo. We both dont have any chars yet on the server so we will be naked/noobish.


Whats the best way to play together early game? Where should we settle ourselves/meet up? Also which race makes most sense for this duo as ench? My friend will play the necro and afaik iksar is the best race for it - so which race should i choose ?

Thanks in advance
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Old 01-17-2025, 08:02 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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A druid or wizard can pick up the iksar from Field of Bone, which isn’t far from the Emerald Jungle port destinations. Alternatively the enchanter could be delivered there and bound outside Kaesora (for some reason this area is bindable).

It may be better to leave kunark though, as there are plenty of levelling areas with a full suit of enc and nec spells for sale. If in Kunark the enc will have to lean heavily on scrolls shared with necromancers/shaman or rely on having a porter deliver their spells to them.

Commonlands stands out as a good area as west freeport zoneline is a safe bind for the necromancer and there are lots of nec/enc guild options nearby. The delivery of redwine to the neriak library will get the iksar into the dark elf guard and vendor good books. Furthermore, there are trading and buffing options available in the common lands and plenty of nearby xp zones.
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Old 01-17-2025, 08:49 AM
Nedala Nedala is online now
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thanks for your answer. we would prefer not to play in kunark i think.

so if i understand you correct, the redwine thing, is a faction quest that the iksar would need to do in order to be able to enter neriak ?
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:16 AM
Treefall Treefall is offline

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Originally Posted by Nedala [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
thanks for your answer. we would prefer not to play in kunark i think.

so if i understand you correct, the redwine thing, is a faction quest that the iksar would need to do in order to be able to enter neriak ?
Kunark now that it is empty literally has super smooth progression with FoB => kurns and then decide stay or move out.

Since you won't need to instant break pets due to losing xp, I'd say go HE for the CHA. Early on root, get agro with your pet, and let the pets kill everything non-stop.

Switch to charming late teens?

With an ench and necro you can literally break any dungeon into single pulls, so you have no restriction on where you go, but it would be hard to beat xp/hour of snare/fear/pet attack esp with rogue charm pet

The gear you need to get good cha is cheap, necro can be naked, so save money for goblin rings since it will serve some purpose still though not as vital.

Fun duo though!
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:21 AM
Goregasmic Goregasmic is offline

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Yes. The ench could just buy the necro spells but then it doesn't solve the banking problem until you faction a city or get FD(?) but even then it remains a little tricky for low levels I think.

The ench could bank in kunark but it is a loooong walk, you'll need invis and you won't have access to sub 50 spells. Either way someone will have it rough for a while.
Last edited by Goregasmic; 01-17-2025 at 11:24 AM..
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Old 01-17-2025, 10:04 PM
Swish Swish is offline
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Originally Posted by Goregasmic [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yes. The ench could just buy the necro spells but then it doesn't solve the banking problem until you faction a city or get FD(?) but even then it remains a little tricky for low levels I think.

The ench could bank in kunark but it is a loooong walk, you'll need invis and you won't have access to sub 50 spells. Either way someone will have it rough for a while.
With invis and a wall for "no line of sight" you can bank in a lot of places (ench level 4, necro level 8)...just don't forget to invis in / bank / and definitely invis again before you move [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] <3
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:58 PM
Goregasmic Goregasmic is offline

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I know people do it in OT but I'm not sure it is possible in cabilis. Iksar illusion quest is not really doable before lvl 30 or so.

I brain farted he could just use DE illusion and bank in OT. I'm max kos so I don't bother going there but he wouldn't be. FV would be doable but a fair bit of stuff sees invis so you'd have to be extra careful. Still no ench spells though. Its tough being poor as an ench so he won't really be able to stuff his bank with spells before leaving for kunark.

Overall I feel like the old world would be the least hassle for that pair.

Oh and OP, your race doesnt matter as ench, just play what you want but make sure you pick agnostic diety. Some religions will still make you KOS under some illusions while you're good everywhere with agnostic if you didn't ruin faction. Also, dump all your starter points in CHA and you're set.
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Old 01-18-2025, 12:34 PM
Nedala Nedala is online now
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Thanks everyone for your tips. We will have to figure it out. guess whoever hits 12 first moves to the other one.

Started my ench named "Kylevra" now - if anyone wanna give us a hand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Old 01-19-2025, 06:23 AM
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Side-Question (dont wanna open a new thread for it) - whats the go to map tool these days? I think i used zilz when i played last, is that still recomennded?
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Old 01-19-2025, 09:55 AM
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Note sure why i can't edit my last reply: Just wanted to add, i rerolled named "Yuval" now, bc i wasnt happy with my name.
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