Two sources for this.
1) First Everlore comment on this NPC is March 2000;
2) This thread by a player just after the Paineel patch mentions Soptyvr was new since the patch:
posted February 18, 2000 12:45 AM
I logged my 40th level Paladin in after the patch, wantin' to do some sniffin around for fiery avenger leads. Well, I was travellin through the Beholders maze, and, bein the only one there in the zone, decided to go check for rares down in the throne room. Lo and behold there was an Evil Eye there I'd never seen before - named Lord Soptvyr. I jumped on it - being used to Lord Sviir and Lord Syrkl ... figuring it'd be no problem. Well, the danged pet was slashin me for 60's ... conned the sucker and he was blue! Long story short, I offed him after a decent battle was fought, and he dropped "Lens of Lord Soptvyr", lore/no drop ... any info? Suggestions?
Plus, his lens is for a Paineel quest.