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Old 06-22-2020, 03:35 PM
Dolalin Dolalin is offline
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Default Lord Soptyvr in beholder shouldn't spawn until Paineel era

Two sources for this.

1) First Everlore comment on this NPC is March 2000;

2) This thread by a player just after the Paineel patch mentions Soptyvr was new since the patch:

posted February 18, 2000 12:45 AM

I logged my 40th level Paladin in after the patch, wantin' to do some sniffin around for fiery avenger leads. Well, I was travellin through the Beholders maze, and, bein the only one there in the zone, decided to go check for rares down in the throne room. Lo and behold there was an Evil Eye there I'd never seen before - named Lord Soptvyr. I jumped on it - being used to Lord Sviir and Lord Syrkl ... figuring it'd be no problem. Well, the danged pet was slashin me for 60's ... conned the sucker and he was blue! Long story short, I offed him after a decent battle was fought, and he dropped "Lens of Lord Soptvyr", lore/no drop ... any info? Suggestions?
Plus, his lens is for a Paineel quest.
Last edited by Dolalin; 06-22-2020 at 03:38 PM..
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Old 01-17-2023, 03:39 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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What spawned at his location before this time? Anything?
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Old 12-20-2024, 09:41 PM
Passenger Passenger is offline

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I believe it was empty.

Submited by: Lexorin On: 6/24/1999 1:22:38 PM
The map here seems to be a bit incomplete... Its missing the throne room of King Xorbb...
From the Karana zone exit head into the maze take the first right (on the 3 way split) and the the first left..
(Hard to see... the path is on a steep incline). The throne room is a rather lard room with to gorge minos guarding its entrance.
The occasional Chasm/gorge mino wander around the throne. On either side of the throne is an evil eye spawn point.
Mostly these points spawn reguler evil eyes (12th to 15th in level)... But they also Spawn Lord syrkil (on one side) and Lord sviir (on the other side)
The lords are around 20 to 23 in level... Supposedly King Xorbb himself spawns on the throne But I've never seen him (Spent 4 days in that damn room you think I would have)
Supposedly Both lords have to be present and no one can be in the room... Either That or Xorbb doesn't exist... Never could get reliable confirmation...

As a side not The muddites occasionalt drop bars of silver and minor gems...
Submited by: Rathelon On: 8/8/2000 12:59:23 PM
At the temple where the evil eye lords spawn in Beholder, there is a third spawn point on top of the monument, between the two normal spawn points. Dont know the frequency on the spawn, because I've only seen it pop once just the other day, and it wasnt Xorbb it was his placeholder, Lord Sopptyr or something like that. Very strange, because he dropped a lens that looks like a lightstone, which is not the same lens you get from Borxx for the observer staff.
Report from the Maze
By: Yosa
Posted @ Mon, Sep 17th 8:58 AM 2001

Ok so the eyes are messed up. It seems to me that since they Have the eye spawning in the middle now, it is almost inpossible for less than a full group of upper 20's to break this spawn. We tried a couple of time, 3 lvl 21 to 24s. We were able to kill a few eyes, one per attempt before being forced to zone by the Boss Eye.
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Old 12-21-2024, 08:17 AM
Ekco Ekco is offline
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+1 to the empty spawn. spent a lot of time there in classic thinking it was Xorbb's spawn due to rumors like that Lexorin post suggests.

by the time i left that camp i was convinced you had to charm the imp and give him a quest item or it was a 7 day spawn someone was keeping down
Last edited by Ekco; 12-21-2024 at 08:20 AM..
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Old 12-21-2024, 02:47 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Fixed, pending update
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