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View Poll Results: When was your first experience with Everquest?
Pre-Kunark (March 1999-April 2000) 4,623 51.27%
Kunark (April 2000-December 2000) 2,280 25.29%
Velious (December 2000-December 2001) 908 10.07%
Luclin or later (December 2001-Present) 683 7.57%
Never played Everquest on live. Project 1999 is your first experience. 523 5.80%
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Old 11-19-2017, 04:19 PM
Shanarias Shanarias is offline
Large Bat

Join Date: May 2015
Location: Florida, USA
Posts: 13

I remember playing just before Kunark came out, and like some others, the fact that everyone else was a real person like me just blew my mind. I rolled a Human Cleric, but it was lower than it should have been on Wis, and it took a very long time to level up to 50, whereupon (as I recall) it got easier to obtain +Wis items to make me a better Cleric.

I eventually found myself in a Guild called Wolves of Xev (on Xev) and had some fantastic adventures with some really good players all the way up through PoP, where it started getting too weird for me, and I bailed out of EQ. Did not like EQ2 AT ALL, and considered it a waste of money.

The hardest I ever laughed in EQ was on Luclin in Paludal Caverns, and while sitting WAY up on a ledge, I saw some one with an incredibly enormous train behind them Yelling Train! Train! Train! over and over. Good times.
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