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Old 01-10-2023, 10:24 PM
Blistig Blistig is offline
Senior Server Guide

Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 3,736
Default Cazic Thule Zone-Wide Call Rule

Hello friends.

This last earthquake, CSR and developers were able to confirm Cazic Thule's zone-wide call has, in fact, been broken. When CT is aggroed by a player, he will hoot and holler causing every single trash mob in the zone to run to his location, and they will continue to do so for as long as he is engaged. For whatever reason, this broke several weeks ago. Trash mobs can delink from this mechanic allowing players to pull and engage The God of Fear all by his lonesome, circumventing a major part of the encounter and why it's so fun and challenging.

Until a fix is implemented, players on Green and Blue will not be allowed to engage and kill CT in this manner. If a raid force chooses to control large kites of trash mobs in preparation of engaging CT with all, or most, of his homies (the most prevalent strategy on Blue), they must immediately bring their kite to the raid's camp if CT's call does not work as intended and delinks the trash mobs.

If there's a few mobs stuck in one of the far corners, that's fine, the point is to engage our favorite brown boy as is intended and not count mobs like it's seconds in a stall petition. Players who try to creatively play the rule meta to this temporary band aid, or ask a million questions in order to find a loophole, will be met with equally creative punishments or restrictions on themselves or their guilds at the sole discretion of staff.
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