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Old 10-01-2024, 02:17 PM
Ciderpress Ciderpress is offline

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Default How are backstab damage rolls calculated?

I've noticed on my currently level 58 rogue that backstab does one of three things (excluding outright misses):

- Hits for the absolute minimum, which for me is 85 damage. This happens very often. Even with double backstab, I'll get many double 85's. Never an 85 and an 86, or 87, or 88.

- Hits for something in the 100-350 range

- Hits for current max which is like 450ish (also rare but obviously welcomed).

The weird thing is that it almost never hits for 86, 87, 88- IE values close to the minimum. It's either absolute minimum, repeatedly, or some value much higher than that. This seems strange, or at least statistically unlikely.
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Old 10-01-2024, 03:33 PM
Jimjam Jimjam is online now
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Idk. Maybe your bs has a base damage of 66 with a bonus of 19 added between 1 and 20 times depending on a roll off between your attack and the mobs ac?

So you do 85,104, 123, 142, 161, 180, 199, 218, 237, 256, 275, 294, 313, 332, 351, 370, 389, 408, 427 or 446 damage depending on whether the roleoff was in your favour)?

I’m sure the system is more complicated than that but it explains the gist of your observations.

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXII Dung
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Old 10-01-2024, 05:09 PM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

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All I know is that your primary hand weapon's damage impacts how much you backstab for. As a lvl 60 rogue with ~1300 ATK I consistently see backstabs at 120 on raid mobs with a 14/21 primary weapon equipped
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Old 10-01-2024, 05:10 PM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

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Adding some things I found on the wiki:

"Higher skill will increase the damage done by a successful strike, but the final amount is also affected by your backstabbing weapon's damage. The higher the damage the higher the backstab potential. Because of this, it is always a good idea for a Rogue to have the highest possible damage dagger in their primary slot."

Backstab Damage Calculations
Note: This does not appear to be accurate on Blue P99. A low 50s Rogue is capable of backstabbing for over 500.
At level 51, your offense skill is 215, and your backstab skill is 203.

Backstab uses a weapon damage multiplier of: 2 + (Skill * 0.02).

((Offense + (Str up to 200) + (str over 200 / 5)) * WepDmg * Mult) / 100

((215 + 200 + (55 / 5)) * 13 * (2 + (203 * 0.02))) / 100 = 335.6028

If you had, for example, 200 strength:

((215 + 200) * 13 * (2 + (203 * 0.02))) / 100 = 326.93700

Under 200 starts to hurt even more since over 200 has diminishing returns. 150:

((215 + 150) * 13 * (2 + (203 * 0.02))) / 100 = 287.54700

At level 60, your offense skill will be 252, and backstab will be 225. With a 13 damage weapon at max strength:

((252 + 200 + (55 / 5)) * 13 * (2 + (225 * 0.02))) / 100 = 391.23500

With Ragebringer or any other 15 damage weapon:

((252 + 200 + (55 / 5)) * 15 * (2 + (225 * 0.02))) / 100 = 451.42500
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