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Old 07-11-2024, 07:01 PM
Malrubius Malrubius is offline
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Default Friends group -- seeking recommendations

Currently we have a group of 3: Shammy, Ench, Monk. Goals are fun, surviving, amazing dungeon crawls, eventual high level...stuff.

What are opinions on a good 4th class for this group (and why)?
Don't be a Kleat...
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Old 07-11-2024, 07:32 PM
Trexller Trexller is offline

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Sk/pal for the tanking and snap agro
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Old 07-12-2024, 09:42 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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Originally Posted by Malrubius [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Currently we have a group of 3: Shammy, Ench, Monk. Goals are fun, surviving, amazing dungeon crawls, eventual high level...stuff.

What are opinions on a good 4th class for this group (and why)?
Can go a few different ways with this.

The best possible recommendation is for your 4th to just play whatever they think sounds awesome, because in that existing trio you can basically do anything that doesn't require a warrior and cleric. If you stick them on a class they don't enjoy just because some sweatlord here says so, you'll wind up back in a trio.

If your 4th wants to tank, paladin or SK. Warrior is the ultimate end game choice but if you don't have access to raid gear and don't plan on using a cleric, stick with one of the other two tanks. Either PAL/SK will be far more interesting to play. Big edge to paladin here (they can stun the enc pets on charm breaks, HP buff, etc) but SK is totally serviceable if your 4th prefers the vibe.

Necro is the best option if your 4th doesn't want to tank. Their synergy with shaman is insane, as their healing capability is often overlooked. They actually heal more efficiently than shaman until torpor. Anywhere you have undead around they can add in a ton of damage. Corpse summons are always nice if you wind up in a bind. DMF is my favorite spell in the game. Yeah...this one gets my vote for sure...just so much utility greasing this already strong trio.

Bard would be the only other decent choice, but only if your 4th really wants to play a bard. They are only good if piloted by a tryhard, otherwise its garbage. Also a lot of weird overlap with enc / shaman. Enc pet gets no benefit from songs. Don't recommend unless your 4th is dead-set on carpal tunnel.

All the other options are honestly pretty meh. Rogue is garbage because the monk won't hold aggro unless every mob is rooted. Ranger is a shitty tank compared to pal/sk. Mage is fine if your 4th just wants to chill out (or is really, really bad at everquest but still wants to contribute by leveling up a coth bot for your stable of chars). Druid / Wiz / Cleric basically useless here.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
Last edited by Toxigen; 07-12-2024 at 09:54 AM..
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Old 07-15-2024, 07:54 AM
Rimitto Rimitto is offline

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I'm gonna go against the grain here and say cleric.

Entirely because at higher levels, you are going to want a dedicated healer and resser.
Enc/Clr is also the "dream team" in a sense and anything else can be added onto that.

EDIT: Additionally, I think cleric also has the best synergy with that setup.
Enchanter :: Cleric -> can basically do anything.
Shaman :: Cleric -> can regain mana faster and provide more utility, dps, and healing
Monk :: Cleric -> can give the monk extra health and AC to help pull easier.
Cleric :: -> can revive the party when it wipes, superior healing, health buffs, has pacify and depending on race, could perma fear, perma root, or perma booze.
Last edited by Rimitto; 07-15-2024 at 07:59 AM.. Reason: in post.
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:26 AM
PatChapp PatChapp is offline
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Agreed on cleric, will also free up the shaman from healing.
Shaman puller once the monk/enc split a camp and you have every mob come in pre slowed.
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:59 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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Yeah I guess now that I think about it, cleric is def more end-game focused option here.

Necro still good though if your 4th doesn't want to cleric.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 07-15-2024, 10:16 AM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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If you're going into the 50s, and the Monk isn't twinked, you're going to need a tank as well
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