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Old 08-02-2024, 07:31 PM
Knuckle Knuckle is offline
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Guys My monk is now 56, I am raiding on my 60 but also trying to gear this dude without trying to get BIS in every slot (dkp cost too high). Here is my "really good, but not too DKP expensive" sheet I made, with a priority towards weapons first. Let me know how youd approach this sheet or make any adjustments.

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edit: heres a google drive link

2nd edit:

Anything green with a black border is primary item i will go after. Anything dozekar/quest is at the far right, some quests i am actually working towards(ring war, scout, maybe strength of elements). Doze/Vulak loot are similar buckets of not really trying for it since their so expensive to bid. Items highlighted red are possible secondary bid items maybe not quite as good but might go for it at the right price.

Feel free to edit/comment anything in that google link, its open to edit, I have a backup excel copy on desktop. I am curious if you guys think of better alternatives or other quest items I haven't considered. I also have VP key but nothing popped on my radar(i sorted by highest AC for every slot basically).

Anything that can be MQ'd for around 50k or less I'd consider as well. Money is tight but I think I'll have about 50k once i clear a few more farmed items to the tunel rats.
Im also curious what order of bidding you would go for on these items, or if pretty indifferent just bid when one comes up or sometimes pass for certain slots first. I am definitely gunning for a sleeper key/primal, but i would consider dumping my dkp for a fist of nature as well, as an example.
Last edited by Knuckle; 08-02-2024 at 07:48 PM..
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