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Old 09-06-2012, 05:59 PM
Sirken Sirken is offline
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Default ASOIAF / Game of Thrones (SPOILERS INSIDE)

*****Game of Thrones Spoilers inside. Do NOT Read unless you have read all 5 books, or do not care about surprises.*****

so been thinking lots of things, looking for others' opinions as well.

Azor Azai = Jon? he'll be reborn by Melisandre, and as such able to battle with the Boltons, now free of his oath.

Ramsays letter to Jon is clearly BS. and most probably sent by Mance Rayder.

How about those meat pies that Lord Manderly served to the Freys [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon Snow (which is why Ned must lie to even Robert when asked and go with the Wylla story) Jon born in 283AL, Lyanna dies in 283AL. however Ashera Dayne and Howland Reed must know the truth. Ashera told Ned to go to the Tower of Joy. and we know Howland Reed was there as well. Ashera "kills" herself so that the baby can both go with Ned, and also, more importantly, Ashera will be said to be the mother so that if Jon has Targaryen features, they can be excused as Dayne features. But Jon looks a lot like Arya, and Arya looks a lot like Lyanna.... and of course.. "Promise me.. Ned.."

Septa Lemore = (i think) Ashera Dayne. which would make a lot more sense if YoungGriff/Aegon was actually her kid, that was secretly swapped with Elia Martells baby (assuming her baby was stillborn)

Lightbringer = the men of the nights watch (or Dawn?)

Strong Robert = Gregor with Robb Starks head (Stark = Strong in German)

jaqen h'ghar = the alchemist (kills pate) = Pate. but WHY does Jaqen H'Ghar want to be in oldtown? Sams Horn?

i was told Tyrion could be a Targaryen, need more info please. (i dont think this is a thing)

Brienne screamed a word.. that word was clearly "sword". which means when she lured Jaime to see the hound, that was probably garbage, and Brienne is probably taking him to see Lady Stoneheart.

Hound is the grave digger on that isle Brienne goes to. he doesnt say the hound is dead, he says the hound is "at rest". he claims he buried the armor and used the helm to mark the grave. the helm is stolen and the wearer reeks havoc, which is then blamed on the hound.

Bloodraven = Brynden Rivers

Bran will never leave that cave. ever. (Jojen needs a fucking blanket) (update: poor jojen)

dragon riders should be, Dany, Aegon, and Jon, as they would all be Targaryens

Rickon is probably in Skagos, we know Bran went worth, so it makes sense Rickon would go the other way.

there MUST ALWAYS be a stark in winterfell. maybe ghosts in winterfell. ie: i think one of the ghosts talks to Theon (or this could be bran using trees?)

Balon Greyjoy i think was murdered by a faceless man, who was probably hired by Euron when he was sailing out east (near Bravos, or Asshai) (maybe Euron also hired them to get him the ice horn so that Euron has both?)

Varys. we know by what he says to Kevan that Varys is going to support Aegons claim. however, we do not know if Aegon is actually a Targaryen, or if the babe was swapped with Ashera Daynes babe or Illyrio's son. i lean towards Aegon being a blackfyre, Illyrio's son by Serra, and Varys' nephew.

and i know lots of theories exist that say Ashera is Jons mother. but imo, thats garbage, as i said earlier, R+L=Jon Snow.

should stannis die, maybe Gendry becomes Lord of the Baratheon Family? (Stannis will be the 1000th commander of the nights watch)

Knight of the Laughing Tree? maybe Lyanna? or Authur Dayne? or Howland Reed? Meera was surprised Bran hadnt heard the story, so most likely it was a stark. (cant be Lyanna due to that booming voice)

Where the fuck is Howland Reed?

Coldhands = not the old night king, not benjen stark. who else is missing?

and then that brings us to Baelish. personally, i wouldnt be surprised if Baelish wins the whole game. Robyn Arryn will die soon. the only other Arryn (Harrold Hardyng) will be married to sansa to lock down Winterfell and the North as well as the Vale of Arryn and Eyrie. not sure how he plans to take the south, unless Jofferys wedding was not the only plans made by The queen of thorns and Baelish. maybe her family rules the south, while baelish rules the north.... at least until the dragons show up anyway. (nevermind, im convinced that Sansa will bring about the end of Baelish)


feel free to agree, disagree, flame, or add your own thoughts ideas [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Last edited by Sirken; 05-06-2015 at 05:25 AM..
Old 09-07-2012, 11:34 PM
Rain1 Rain1 is offline

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I'll respond with what I think (it seems we generally agree on most plots Sirken)

I'm not sold on that Jon = Azor Azai, but I feel strongly that Jon is not dead. Either he survives the stabbings (somehow) or he is reborn through the powers of Melisandre , or she arrives in time to heal him. One of the three.

Fuck Ramsay, he is a bastard himself. But he has proven to be a liar/deceiver, so the letter is most likely bogus.

R+L= Jon I agree with. Lots of evidence throughout the books (like you listed), plus the Ned "flashbacks/nightmares" whatever you want to call them in book 1. It was his beloved sister after all. He is always hearing the screams/living with his secret.
Dunno what I think of Septa Lemore...but seems a plausible situation.

Lightbringer(s) = men of Night's Watch (agree)

Strong Robert = Gregor. Yes, reanimated through twisted powers. 7 ft tall, broad as an ox, etc. It's his dead body, just concealed behind armor I think. (agree)

Jaqen H'ghar = I actually have no real conspiracy theories on this...he is either there of his own free will (doing who knows what, just Faceless Man business?), or he has a mission for the free cities (throw the realm into chaos?). I'm not sure.

Tyrion is a Lion Lannister I think. (Tywin said he killed his wife during childbirth due to his mutant form). However, I really love Tyrion’s plot line, not just because he murder’s Tywin! I think he will be the bridge that secures Lannister to Targaryn to Stark.

Brienne is assuredly taking him to Cat, aka Lady Stoneheart. I know she has a crush on Jaime, but her ideals of duty are greater than her infatuation.

Bloodraven = Brynden Rivers (agree)

Bran will never leave that cave. I agree. He is paralyzed from the waist down, and his predecessor in the job was bound to the throne, unable to move. It would be a perfect fit for one such as him, given his seer powers as well.

Dragons riders should be Daenarys/Aegon/Jon = (agreed)

Rickon I think will be in Winterfell…who else could be? Bran will be bound north of Winterfell in that cave, holding back evil magic’s, and that only leaves Rickon.

It would not surprise me if Balon died at the hands of a faceless man. Euron is reported in the books to be strange, and have many connections throughout the other lands, such as Braavos and the other Far East Cities.

Varys is my favorite character, because I feel like he knows what Baelish aspires to know, and I hate Baelish. We shall see.

Knight of the Laughing Tree = Lyanna to me. She looks like Arya, a tomboy who has already defeated boys older than her. Not to mention, Lyanna (referred to as the “she-wolf”) only did this when the antagonists were braggadocio’s, picking on Howland Reed. She saved him, and a fighter entered the ranks days later, being slight of stature, wearing mis-matched armor, and wearing a laughing Heart Tree (the heart tree being the sign of the north gods)…

Meh, Coldhands might be Benjen, which would explain why he protected/guided the Stark children.

Fuck Baelish

As for the future? I think the Targaryen’s will regain control, and team with Melisandre’s Red God to purify/destroy the far north with its undead. It is George R.R. Martin though, so it would not surprise me if everyone died…
Old 09-09-2012, 03:16 AM
Sirken Sirken is offline
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i like.

Azor Azai as jon is surely a stretch, but not impossible? He’s not technically dead. We know he warg’d into Ghost (his wolf) because of the prologue. We HOPE Melisandre can resurrect the same way Thoros did for Beric and Cat.

Gregor = Frankenstein

Jaqen = I feel his story is somehow important.

Any chance Syrio was a faceless man? I have a rule that says a person is not dead until I see a body. And I never saw Syrio’s body.

Bran = “you will never walk again Bran, but you will fly” simply ravens?

Rickon = We know Davos was sent by Manderly to get Rickon. And we know Rickon is not currently in Winterfell, because the Boltons, the freys, the Manderly’s, or Theon would have seen him. There must ALWAYS be a stark in winterfell. Look to the crypts.

Balon = not to mention Euron shows up literally out of no where just days after Balon dies, after being in exile for what, 9 years?

Knight of the Laughing Tree = I LOVE your theory on Lyanna here.

Baelish = no sir, Baelish fucks you

I agree the targaryens’ will indeed end up back in power, if for no other reason than history tends to repeat itself

Red Priests = between Melisandre, Thoros, and Victarions red priest, I think Melisandre is the weakest in pure skill ( I understand shes stronger at the wall than normal)

---------- - ---------------------- --------------------- -------------

also, heres a crackpot idea..

2 horns.

one (Euron's) controls dragons (fire)
one (Sam's) wakes giants and can bring down the wall (ice)

could these two horns actually play the song "A Song of Ice and Fire"
Old 09-09-2012, 11:43 PM
EQtrader EQtrader is offline

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not sure I understood one sentence in this thread
Old 09-10-2012, 02:07 PM
Sirken Sirken is offline
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Originally Posted by Littlegyno 9.0 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
He's basically making this shit up as he goes.
if you are referring to GRRM, i completely agree with you. i think he's starting to lose his mind.

Originally Posted by EQtrader [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
not sure I understood one sentence in this thread
then read the books [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Old 09-10-2012, 07:09 PM
EQtrader EQtrader is offline

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still dont understand anything in this post and didnt read, but Ill give it a A+ for well thought up and design and layout and post has great substance whatever its about.
Old 09-10-2012, 09:29 PM
Sirken Sirken is offline
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Originally Posted by EQtrader [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
not sure I understood one sentence in this thread
Originally Posted by EQtrader [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
still dont understand anything in this post and didnt read, but Ill give it a A+ for well thought up and design and layout and post has great substance whatever its about.
all you need to know is that George RR Martin is an asshole.
Old 09-11-2012, 03:39 PM
Hagglebaron Hagglebaron is offline

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Why did that fat fuck extend the planned 3 novels to 7. By book 5 he's real just dicking around, introducing a bunch of characters and plots no one gives two shits about. Where the hell are the others, and why is Dany still being a pussy taking her sweet time over in essos.
Old 09-11-2012, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Sirken [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
i believe he was kicked in the head by a horse? by the end of book 5, Dany has just ridden Drogon to the dothraki sea, where she comes across a khalasar(sp?). the khal was one of drogo's blood riders.

new chars.. you dont like Aegon and Jon Connington? :P
Haha well Aegon is an enjoyable Pov character, and Jon as well to a lesser extent imo. I just really want to see the second war for the dawn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.], and the lands of always winter, the prologue thingy from A Game of Thrones was what got me hooked. I love the others and the history surrounding them, what little we have gotten and see of them anyways.

I used to be pumped to see Dany fulfill her potential and storm westeros with her dragons but after 4 books of her doing fuck all, I've ceased to care.
Old 09-12-2012, 12:47 AM
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i know the feeling with Dany.

GRRM has at least said there will not be any new PoV characters in book 6. so what we've seen is what we get. a big entitled "Winds of Winter" should at least scratch your itch for more stuff north of the wall.

hes released a few chapters, a theon, a tyrion, and a victarion (forgive the spelling on those last two names)

but honestly, i do not feel like hes even trying to wrap things up. which worries me into thinking we might get a really really shitty quick ending as he tries to put a pretty pink bow on it.
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